Author Topic: THE END  (Read 206457 times)

Offline Jenjen

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« Reply #435 on: June 06, 2020, 01:12:12 AM »
On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

"House of Mirrors"

Hey Peeps! Is me - Sparkle!

Its been a while so I thought I would update

Nothing new between the POI and I (yet) - But Ive had some really interesting predictions lately that are supposed to happen soon (within the month) …so I may have something juicy to update by then.

Ive been reading with my go-to readers and a few new readers as well --- all have pretty much the same themes I have been posting for a while.

However, there are so many possibilities and outcomes Ive been given its confusing!

Just like in a House of Mirrors, you can see potential views or different views depending on where you are standing. Depending on which mirror you look at, it all comes down to YOU and your choice on what you want to do (or see) - if you believe in free will. Based on the recent reading from Cookie I had today, and hearing about what is coming up - its a pretty daunting choice on which path I choose with this situation. Because like Cookie said “You have a choice, its up to you”

So many different outcomes:
- Not in a Committed Relationship, but otherwise a relationship/affair
- I will walk away from him (none of these predictions show that he walks away from me)
- Separation/Divorce (on his side)
- Marriage (on our side in 2-5 years) - (I honestly think this is a different person), Proposal in the fall after a trip in Sept/Oct
- Moving in together in a place he gets
- Moving into my place
- Living with me Time to time

See how all over this stuff is? I dont even ask for outcomes in any of my readings but this is mainly what different readers have been picking up...I have absolutely no direction or idea where this will go because right now Im in a good space and a gray space where this is just a friendship between us...

All readers specifically said all these things will happen starting June and through the next 6 months (December) (However Ive had reads out to 2-5 years) (Kisha specifically didnt see ANY of these details in her general read, yet there are alot of details readers pick up)

Until then, based on a combination of readings - here is what looks to be a potential soap opera coming up:

1. Getting Closer/Deeper Connection/Love with POI - he could fall in love with me
2. Jealousy/Possessiveness (on his side)
3. A Trip
4. People finding out about us at work (we work together)
5. Pregnancy (me)
6. POI 1 making a return

The other choice is to not deal with him at all, and POOF all these predictions are immediately wrong lol.

Until Next Time…

Thanks to @midwesternsun for the title and reference!!

As always love the update sparkle. Quick question though you said Kisha has not seen any of these predictions in her read. What does she see for your love life? Does this guy even come up in her readings or does she talk about someone similar?

Kisha has been predicting this same guy since 4/2019. He came up in EVERY LAST READING.
She just saw it being a committed relationship thats it!

Didnt see details about him being married, him possibly moving, separating let alone him divorcing, as well as major changes in his career - I mean she missed A BUNCH of details from what other readers see (that align with the reality I am aware of). She even thought she saw another guy and it was the SAME guy - same description timeframe everything. SMH

She just does not see the dern details, let alone him divorcing. I told her Ive read with others and they all see this divorce (not necessarily soon) but she said maybe those readers can see further out than what she can see...

Here are threads (from this post) with Detailed predictions from Kisha about this guy - ALL SHE SAW WAS A SERIOUS COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP THASSIT! LOL,3540.msg108658.html#msg108658,3540.210.html

Ive had a more recent reading - In March - where she recognizes this person as the same person and basically said this person is going to pursue me for a relationship period - she did pick up that he was attached with a family in this reading, but she didnt see that as an obstacle for him lol. He is going to want to be with me period lol

Omg! This forum is my new TV series...updates ...this forum and popcorn is my happy place.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #436 on: June 07, 2020, 02:54:24 AM »

First I'd like to thank you all for the love and support to my show! Unfortunately, it has come to an abrupt end.

I’m writing this as probably my last post to this story. I say this because I am ending the romantic connection with my POI at work. Ive noticed over the past 3 months, there has been a dwindling of the romantic connection - yet he contacts me every single day. However, its just been mostly friendly, and a little flirty but not much. But thats not the reason. So after what happened today, I am totally done with him and my attraction for him has waned. So any predictions these readers have seen about anything about him coming forward with his feelings towards me (in a romantic way) or any significant progression I cannot see happening now, and even if it did happen, I AM ALL THE WAY TURNED OFF.

Basically we got into an issue with work the other day - albeit a small issue, the way he handled it showed me how he lacked any empathy and was a complete insolent asshole. While I did know the guy was a bit of a prick early on when I met him (including with people at work), he was very nice to me because of his attraction for me. I knew that that would eventually wear off though and I told him it would early on. And here we are. I don’t care wether this was an issue or work or not, how he handled the situation was so fucked up, I am 100% sure if there was an issue outside of work, he would handle it the same way.

So all in all - this guy that was predicted for the last 2 years was a complete fluke. Yet readers continue to keep telling me he has a romantic attraction for me and he will come forward and do this and that and whatever and even some big affair or whatever. Like its not happening. Nor do I care for it to happen. I wasn’t too deeply attached emotionally.

All the readers saw me happy and content with my love life and career this summer - specifically June and July but I am much more frustrated and depressed than ever. Not over this guy, but just stating how it is for me right now - nothing is happening really.

While a lot of the predictions are supposed to come up very soon - the end of this month and July is supposed to be significant - I DO NOT SEE IT HAPPENING. It would take an act of God to change my mind and even if he did so, I still don’t like how he handles things, its not attractive.

The only reader who saw this frustration with him was Cookie, but she didnt see it until my most recent reading in May. She did warn me had had a temper, and was possessive and jealous. I now realize that when she says possessive and jealous it doesnt mean that that person are those 2 things - it means that they could be argumentative - and maybe with you and it could be about anything. Not sure why she picks it up this way, but she has been warning me for months about this, but at the same time saw all the things (nice and romantic things) that would happen. But now I am seeing more of how he is acting.

But in that same reading, she saw him spending the night, me getting pregnant, us progressing and going on a trip, him telling me he loves me etc.
Her readings align with most others - however, I really think this is a DIFFERENT DUDE they are seeing. Even though he has mentioned he could fall in love with me and mentioned going on a trip before, I think that I changed the timeline and direction of the upcoming predictions because - NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.

All I know is, if in some weird way any of this happens, I will totally believe in PRE DESTINY (right now I lean more to free will, but dont negate pre-destiny)

So the only readers that mentioned I would/could possibly walk away are:

-Barbara4846 (2nd reading)

“I get an ex around you emotionally. He does care about you still. He's from the past. Y'all had difficulties with, I get something ….you will make some changes in June.” <—  I changed emotionally. He is still in the present, but emotionally/romantically - thats what is in the past.

“You've turned your back on a gentleman that has been married. Somebody you haven't heard from in a while, and you carry burdens over this guy. “ <- Amazed she picked this up

“It says you turn your back on love with him.”

“So when he comes back, he might tell you, he loves you wants to be with you wants to work things out. But that's up to you. You kind of turn your back a little bit on it. Maybe you don't trust them, or whatever. You feel foolish about it. “

“Okay, sometime around July, this gentleman comes back in your life for something. So  he comes back, all of a sudden, you'll think about it to balance that with him.”

“Somebody's going to go through a divorce that you're going to hear about in two months.  (This would be July)“

“But he does come back. He does love you.”

“What happens in the next three or four months…It will change your life”

-Washington (CP)

"Well he really cares for you and somebody is going to walk away. I don't know if it's him walking away from his marriage or you walking away from both because it's like things are gonna go on to the next level....he wants more of you" There are big surprises come your birthday. I get you and I'm having serious conversations about where you're heading, but eventually, I see you walking away"

My birthday is June 17th - again doubt that will happen.

That’s all folks!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 12:40:32 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline HornetKick

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« Reply #437 on: June 07, 2020, 03:01:44 AM »
Have you discussed what he did with him and the way he handled it?

Life isn't all of one thing; it's a balance of free well and destiny.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #438 on: June 07, 2020, 03:10:22 AM »
Have you discussed what he did with him and the way he handled it?

Life isn't all of one thing; it's a balance of free well and destiny.

Yep we went back and forth all day and he basically said he wasn’t going to apologize (I didn’t even ask) and just the way he handled everything just showed that he disregarded my feelings and pushed his “authority” on me and i wasn’t having it. He was being a prick and I don’t want to deal with someone like that at all on a romantic level

Offline kdspirited

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« Reply #439 on: June 07, 2020, 05:18:05 AM »
Sparkle for what its worth I think you made the right call here. How a guy handles people and situations at work are a huge reflection of how he handles situations in his personal life. If cookie saw you two coming together and having babies did she is despite this argument or did she see it instead of this argument? I am anti cookie right now because she asked me to schedule an appointment with her after cutting our conversation short and is now not accepting them. I do feel she picks up things strongly in the now and predictions do not take into consideration free will.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #440 on: June 07, 2020, 06:05:45 AM »
Sparkle for what its worth I think you made the right call here. How a guy handles people and situations at work are a huge reflection of how he handles situations in his personal life. If cookie saw you two coming together and having babies did she is despite this argument or did she see it instead of this argument? I am anti cookie right now because she asked me to schedule an appointment with her after cutting our conversation short and is now not accepting them. I do feel she picks up things strongly in the now and predictions do not take into consideration free will.

Thanks kdspirited!

Yes no one saw the argument - she just saw that I would be irritated at him though - so with that irritation, she did see all of the other stuff despite it. However, I'm not sure if its all the same guy as I've known her to mix up ppl so I dont know.  With the pregnancy - I think she only sees that when she sees unprotected sex lol. I doubt Im having babies - I dont wany any lol

Totally feel you about being anti cookie - I have my waves and days on how I feel about her - like a love/hate relationship
For me, most of her predictions have happened regardless of free will! which is crazy because she believes in free will.

Offline Esse

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« Reply #441 on: June 07, 2020, 06:52:53 AM »
That sucks :-( but way to go you by knowing your value and worth and by making the call that you're done you might be opening the door to someone new there are still a few weeks to go before the end of July and online dating might be an option again if your city is out of lockdown or soon to be.  There could be a whole new series of the Sparkle show coming up :-)

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #442 on: June 07, 2020, 04:13:18 PM »
I’m sorry that happened Sparkle. I have completely given up on psychics. I wish that we could all find that love that we are all searching for. Keep your head up. Just remember that there can’t be any sunrises without sunsets.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #443 on: June 08, 2020, 12:38:39 AM »
That sucks :-( but way to go you by knowing your value and worth and by making the call that you're done you might be opening the door to someone new there are still a few weeks to go before the end of July and online dating might be an option again if your city is out of lockdown or soon to be.  There could be a whole new series of the Sparkle show coming up :-)

Thank you! I think there will be a new series for sure! lol
Ive totally given up on online dating tho so lets see whatever happens happens. Im tired lol
City it pretty much out of lockdown - and Ive been kind of inching back out so we will see

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #444 on: June 08, 2020, 12:39:43 AM »
I’m sorry that happened Sparkle. I have completely given up on psychics. I wish that we could all find that love that we are all searching for. Keep your head up. Just remember that there can’t be any sunrises without sunsets.

Hey P! I totally feel you. I want to give up too. Imagine having readers tell you for 2 years this is the guy, and he appears and matches everything that they say only to find out he is married and is a complete prick. SMH. I give up.

Offline Smiley1

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« Reply #445 on: June 08, 2020, 12:49:33 AM »
I’m sorry that happened Sparkle. I have completely given up on psychics. I wish that we could all find that love that we are all searching for. Keep your head up. Just remember that there can’t be any sunrises without sunsets.

Hey P! I totally feel you. I want to give up too. Imagine having readers tell you for 2 years this is the guy, and he appears and matches everything that they say only to find out he is married and is a complete prick. SMH. I give up.

I had readers predict a man for two years.  He came in. We had a short romance then he left again and I was angry.  Then another man came in, matching the description much more and it turned out the first was a red herring.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #446 on: June 08, 2020, 01:21:43 AM »
I’m sorry that happened Sparkle. I have completely given up on psychics. I wish that we could all find that love that we are all searching for. Keep your head up. Just remember that there can’t be any sunrises without sunsets.

Hey P! I totally feel you. I want to give up too. Imagine having readers tell you for 2 years this is the guy, and he appears and matches everything that they say only to find out he is married and is a complete prick. SMH. I give up.

I had readers predict a man for two years.  He came in. We had a short romance then he left again and I was angry.  Then another man came in, matching the description much more and it turned out the first was a red herring.

It sucks! Ive had readers tell me new guys that would come in but never made a big deal of it and never brought them up for an extended period of time! They would come in and then we parted ways. But why - like 13 readers picked up same dude same description timeframe fit and all over a period of 2 years - and he is friggn married and has a bad attitude. Like the WORST.

Funny Matilda told me he could be a red herring (Ive never heard of that term before and she explained it) - this was back in Jan when I found out he was married. She predicted (along with other readers) that there would be a new guy in March. She (and other readers) used the same details in describing the same guy as before - turned out it was the SAME GUY smh. I was really excited thinking it could be a new guy who was actually single - NOPE fooled again.

They are all now predicting this military guy so clearly this one is a diff guy. I dont know.
I dont know what the heck they are seeing as they see this going on with me and him (the married guy) for the next 12 months...smh :o

Offline Jenjen

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« Reply #447 on: June 08, 2020, 01:58:23 AM »

First I'd like to thank you all for the love and support to my show! Unfortunately, it has come to an abrupt end.

I’m writing this as probably my last post to this story. I say this because I am ending the romantic connection with my POI at work. Ive noticed over the past 3 months, there has been a dwindling of the romantic connection - yet he contacts me every single day. However, its just been mostly friendly, and a little flirty but not much. But thats not the reason. So after what happened today, I am totally done with him and my attraction for him has waned. So any predictions these readers have seen about anything about him coming forward with his feelings towards me (in a romantic way) or any significant progression I cannot see happening now, and even if it did happen, I AM ALL THE WAY TURNED OFF.

Basically we got into an issue with work the other day - albeit a small issue, the way he handled it showed me how he lacked any empathy and was a complete insolent asshole. While I did know the guy was a bit of a prick early on when I met him (including with people at work), he was very nice to me because of his attraction for me. I knew that that would eventually wear off though and I told him it would early on. And here we are. I don’t care wether this was an issue or work or not, how he handled the situation was so fucked up, I am 100% sure if there was an issue outside of work, he would handle it the same way.

So all in all - this guy that was predicted for the last 2 years was a complete fluke. Yet readers continue to keep telling me he has a romantic attraction for me and he will come forward and do this and that and whatever and even some big affair or whatever. Like its not happening. Nor do I care for it to happen. I wasn’t too deeply attached emotionally.

All the readers saw me happy and content with my love life and career this summer - specifically June and July but I am much more frustrated and depressed than ever. Not over this guy, but just stating how it is for me right now - nothing is happening really.

While a lot of the predictions are supposed to come up very soon - the end of this month and July is supposed to be significant - I DO NOT SEE IT HAPPENING. It would take an act of God to change my mind and even if he did so, I still don’t like how he handles things, its not attractive.

The only reader who saw this frustration with him was Cookie, but she didnt see it until my most recent reading in May. She did warn me had had a temper, and was possessive and jealous. I now realize that when she says possessive and jealous it doesnt mean that that person are those 2 things - it means that they could be argumentative - and maybe with you and it could be about anything. Not sure why she picks it up this way, but she has been warning me for months about this, but at the same time saw all the things (nice and romantic things) that would happen. But now I am seeing more of how he is acting.

But in that same reading, she saw him spending the night, me getting pregnant, us progressing and going on a trip, him telling me he loves me etc.
Her readings align with most others - however, I really think this is a DIFFERENT DUDE they are seeing. Even though he has mentioned he could fall in love with me and mentioned going on a trip before, I think that I changed the timeline and direction of the upcoming predictions because - NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.

All I know is, if in some weird way any of this happens, I will totally believe in PRE DESTINY (right now I lean more to free will, but dont negate pre-destiny)

So the only readers that mentioned I would/could possibly walk away are:

-Barbara4846 (2nd reading)

“I get an ex around you emotionally. He does care about you still. He's from the past. Y'all had difficulties with, I get something ….you will make some changes in June.” <—  I changed emotionally. He is still in the present, but emotionally/romantically - thats what is in the past.

“You've turned your back on a gentleman that has been married. Somebody you haven't heard from in a while, and you carry burdens over this guy. “ <- Amazed she picked this up

“It says you turn your back on love with him.”

“So when he comes back, he might tell you, he loves you wants to be with you wants to work things out. But that's up to you. You kind of turn your back a little bit on it. Maybe you don't trust them, or whatever. You feel foolish about it. “

“Okay, sometime around July, this gentleman comes back in your life for something. So  he comes back, all of a sudden, you'll think about it to balance that with him.”

“Somebody's going to go through a divorce that you're going to hear about in two months.  (This would be July)“

“But he does come back. He does love you.”

“What happens in the next three or four months…It will change your life”

-Washington (CP)

"Well he really cares for you and somebody is going to walk away. I don't know if it's him walking away from his marriage or you walking away from both because it's like things are gonna go on to the next level....he wants more of you" There are big surprises come your birthday. I get you and I'm having serious conversations about where you're heading, but eventually, I see you walking away"

My birthday is June 17th - again doubt that will happen.

That’s all folks!

I have read so much of your story and felt the sizzle inside my brokenness! My life is the crazy story..but there is you. The wonderful you who obviously very caring, extremely brave... I have gain much from your post. Did I mention destiny is tinted by free will. I think.
Thx for the share.

Offline HornetKick

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« Reply #448 on: June 08, 2020, 02:49:01 AM »
It sucks! Ive had readers tell me new guys that would come in but never made a big deal of it and never brought them up for an extended period of time! They would come in and then we parted ways. But why - like 13 readers picked up same dude same description timeframe fit and all over a period of 2 years - and he is friggn married and has a bad attitude. Like the WORST.

Funny Matilda told me he could be a red herring (Ive never heard of that term before and she explained it) - this was back in Jan when I found out he was married. She predicted (along with other readers) that there would be a new guy in March. She (and other readers) used the same details in describing the same guy as before - turned out it was the SAME GUY smh. I was really excited thinking it could be a new guy who was actually single - NOPE fooled again.

They are all now predicting this military guy so clearly this one is a diff guy. I dont know.
I dont know what the heck they are seeing as they see this going on with me and him (the married guy) for the next 12 months...smh :o
I'm curious how did she explain the red herring. This term is usually for films, books, not real life scenarios. That is what doesn't make any sense.

Readers predict new guys coming in on a regular basis and sometimes all it could mean is that there is a new guy on your UPS route, dropping off your packages. Readers don't necessarily see the significance of said person, which is just annoying as F!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #449 on: June 08, 2020, 03:24:31 AM »
It sucks! Ive had readers tell me new guys that would come in but never made a big deal of it and never brought them up for an extended period of time! They would come in and then we parted ways. But why - like 13 readers picked up same dude same description timeframe fit and all over a period of 2 years - and he is friggn married and has a bad attitude. Like the WORST.

Funny Matilda told me he could be a red herring (Ive never heard of that term before and she explained it) - this was back in Jan when I found out he was married. She predicted (along with other readers) that there would be a new guy in March. She (and other readers) used the same details in describing the same guy as before - turned out it was the SAME GUY smh. I was really excited thinking it could be a new guy who was actually single - NOPE fooled again.

They are all now predicting this military guy so clearly this one is a diff guy. I dont know.
I dont know what the heck they are seeing as they see this going on with me and him (the married guy) for the next 12 months...smh :o
I'm curious how did she explain the red herring. This term is usually for films, books, not real life scenarios. That is what doesn't make any sense.

Readers predict new guys coming in on a regular basis and sometimes all it could mean is that there is a new guy on your UPS route, dropping off your packages. Readers don't necessarily see the significance of said person, which is just annoying as F!

I think its like a guy who is not the real guy predicted? I think thats what she meant. It seems to be a form of slang from Australia - meaning like you thought it was the real thing but it is a fake