Author Topic: THE END  (Read 211082 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #390 on: April 22, 2020, 05:52:56 PM »
Hi Sparkle002!
Sorry to hijack your thread...But I was thinking about this earlier today -- I've had the opposite to you.
Last year I read with a bunch of Keen advisors and I'd say 90% of them said NO the my POI would never be the ONE...
6 months later -- This year -- most said that he's come around. So confusing...

After finding this forum -- which has helped so much -- I've read with most of the heavy-hitters and all except Stephanie Theresa said we'd have a future together -- Matilda, and EffieK said he's take too long to come around. I'm going crazy in my mind because I can't find anything in the forum that says that ST has been wrong in regards to big picture/outcomes. Everyone else has misses except her! That can't be possible.

I guess I'll have to wait and see....

Hey Bg! So confusing right!? Ugh yep the waiting game it sucks. Initially, I never found anyone that was good with big picture outcomes - but so far its been Cookie and Celeste for me that have more hits with overall outcomes than anyone else (as far as love goes)

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #391 on: April 22, 2020, 06:05:15 PM »
Sparkle, I read with Celeste! She saw positive outcome for my POI and I... almost most of the major readers did as well -- but I haven't had reading long enough to know my go-tos yet.... It's just that I can't find one miss for Stephanie Theresa... driving me crazy.

Your story should be a Hollywood movie! Or a Nerflix series. I'm hooked.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #392 on: April 22, 2020, 06:11:37 PM »
Sparkle, I read with Celeste! She saw positive outcome for my POI and I... almost most of the major readers did as well -- but I haven't had reading long enough to know my go-tos yet.... It's just that I can't find one miss for Stephanie Theresa... driving me crazy.

Your story should be a Hollywood movie! Or a Nerflix series. I'm hooked.

Haha thanks!
I understand the frustration lol

Hmm wonder what I would call the show - definitely Netflix series lol

Offline britbrat

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« Reply #393 on: April 22, 2020, 06:15:47 PM »
"The Microscope"

Hey there peeps!

I want to put this question out there - have you ever had a General Reading where readers predicted something years before it happened and it was positive,  then as the timeframe got closer and closer the prediction became more negative? Which end up happening? - the overarching predictions from the General Read, or the predictions made when you specifically called about the situation in the Current?

Simply put - I have General Readings that see a committed relationship the POI - descriptions and all are spot on. These general readings pick up this person for at least 2 years. The closer I got to meeting this person the readings become more detailed and still remained positive. HOWEVER,

I then meet the person (descriptions match the general). When I finally had a reading on this said person that they predicted I would be in a committed relationship with - they no longer see a relationship with this person! LOL

So it seems like when they see someone farrrrrr out it looks alll good but when you get closer and closer and put a microscope on it, the more detailed the predictions get and the more FLAWS are seen and eventually they say - oh no I dont see a relationship with this person smh.

I'm interested in specifically if this has happened to anyone to see if 1) The overarching general read was correct vs the 2) Specifics now that the prediction presented itself. This could be in career as well - A reader sees and amazing job for you 1 year out only to find while the prediction came true, you got the job, but now they are predicting that the job isnt going to be AMAZING and they start predicting all negative stuff lol. Did it end up actually being postiive as an overal outcome and they only predicted the negative stuff in the present? Just wondering if general reads show the overall outcome vs being "in it" they pick up details at that moment.


This is my situation right now. Ill say Matilda, Kisha and Cookie (especially Cookie) all saw me being in a committed long term relationship with a specific guy and clearly when I met him (he matched not only the timeframe, the looks and the connection) Cookie straight up says she doesnt see committed relationship in recent readings. Im like WTF well yeah Cookie because the dude is married! LOL. Not one reader saw this dude being married upon connecting with him other than Barbara on Keen.

Anyway - Im not looking to be with this guy, as a matter of fact we are friends. We do have a connection but I would be so surprised if it morphed into anything they originally predicted in their General Reads. Why do I call about him? Because Im bored AF and! Im curious how the hell this would play out. Im not "in love" with this dude (cant see how I would be - yep they all predicted we would be in love lol) but Im just like - what in the world are these folks talking about!?
Mind you, I havent had reads in years where I was told I would be in a committed relationship - they all pretty much kept it real with me and didnt spin me a fairytale - so Id be a bit surprised if this was the case with my team.

In the general reads from as far back as 2 years ago, and the last general being in Dec of 2019 (when I didnt know who he was) - They saw me having a solid relationship by the summer, in love and in a committed relationship. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE lol

The onllly exception is that - Its someone else! Maybe someone completely diff than the description of this current guy - BUT for this prediction to be right by July - Id have to have met this person already (they said stable relationship by the summer, not just starting). Id be surprised to meeting a new guy under these quarantine conditions because I go no where and dont do online dating because Im a bit scarred from what happened with my last online dating situation.

A slew of other readers currently see this as well  (when I ask specifically about him) - so predictions from these

Just a vent for the day - more or less on the readers, not my situation - me and him are good. 8)

This is why I believe most of them are better at reading people we are in contact with. My friend was always told she would marry her poi and she eventually did. She had readings that said they would not be together and would pinpoint the reason why. During the times the relationship was off some of those same readers saw them getting back together and they would. I think this is why Anne is so inconsistent. She is a accurate reader, but she is best at short term. It's possible that you will end up with your poi, but it's not time and they are only seeing what is happening now that you have met?

My current poi is actually my ex-husband. He was mentioned in a few general readings, but oddly never mentioned that he was from my past. I never asked about him in any reading so I don't know what they would have told me about us if I would have asked a specific question. But several predictions have unfolded and he is the man mentioned. I have not had any readings about him since things changed and I don't think I want to ask anyone about us yet. It will be interesting to see what they tell me about our relationship. Have you read with Anne?

Hey BritBrat! I havent read with Anne (unless you are referring to Ann - as Queen of Cups on Keen, then yes lol)
Hmm interesting - I was thinking the same thing that they are seeing the now and projecting from that...
So Im assuming when you had readings you had general reads since you havent asked a specific question about him and in the end - those predictions unfolded and it actually was him! Ha happened to me too.

So if we are talking about QOC (Ann) - she does go off current energy which explains the changing in predictions with her - which makes sense but can be frustrating. Basically In my last reading (about a Month ago) - She straight up said without any questions  - "He is going to get a divorce, he is working on some project that is going to benefit him and will benefit your relationship and you will move forward" she saw this 3 months from that time. The thing is anytime she made a 3 month prediction like that for me (only twice) IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I explained this in my previous threads lol. And her reading is super similar to other readers Ive read with - except Kisha lol. Like everrryone is seeing divorce which is so suprising to me yet Kisha sees that there arent any major issues in their relationship but that wont stop his pursuit with me - she did see some issues that started about 4 months ago with them where he feels a bit disconnected - but thats really it - (which matches what he is telling me in real life - who knows whats really happening tho)

I get what you're saying about reading on people we are in contact with - however when I think of "contact" typically people are calling about someone they already know and havent had contact in a while - that I can see skew predictions. But this situation was a person whom I never met or knew of until 2 years later - and when I tell you these general reads were so specific may as well have been like I already knew him! And whats funny EVEN when I met him, I didnt know it was him!! He was MIXED with Dark wavy hair and ALL and STILL didnt recognize him lol...which brings me to what Im about to resond to @Freefinally about - Changing Energies...and how that can change predictions...

I was referring to her. I always put the e on her name lol. With QoC18 her first reading is usually spot on and what ends up happening. She has me totally confused if I try to call back with more questions. Do you think him developing a closer relationship with you may cause some issues for him and his wife? Especially if he develops feelings for you. Did any of your readers mention why he would divorce?

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #394 on: April 22, 2020, 06:23:06 PM »
"The Microscope"

Hey there peeps!

I want to put this question out there - have you ever had a General Reading where readers predicted something years before it happened and it was positive,  then as the timeframe got closer and closer the prediction became more negative? Which end up happening? - the overarching predictions from the General Read, or the predictions made when you specifically called about the situation in the Current?

Simply put - I have General Readings that see a committed relationship the POI - descriptions and all are spot on. These general readings pick up this person for at least 2 years. The closer I got to meeting this person the readings become more detailed and still remained positive. HOWEVER,

I then meet the person (descriptions match the general). When I finally had a reading on this said person that they predicted I would be in a committed relationship with - they no longer see a relationship with this person! LOL

So it seems like when they see someone farrrrrr out it looks alll good but when you get closer and closer and put a microscope on it, the more detailed the predictions get and the more FLAWS are seen and eventually they say - oh no I dont see a relationship with this person smh.

I'm interested in specifically if this has happened to anyone to see if 1) The overarching general read was correct vs the 2) Specifics now that the prediction presented itself. This could be in career as well - A reader sees and amazing job for you 1 year out only to find while the prediction came true, you got the job, but now they are predicting that the job isnt going to be AMAZING and they start predicting all negative stuff lol. Did it end up actually being postiive as an overal outcome and they only predicted the negative stuff in the present? Just wondering if general reads show the overall outcome vs being "in it" they pick up details at that moment.


This is my situation right now. Ill say Matilda, Kisha and Cookie (especially Cookie) all saw me being in a committed long term relationship with a specific guy and clearly when I met him (he matched not only the timeframe, the looks and the connection) Cookie straight up says she doesnt see committed relationship in recent readings. Im like WTF well yeah Cookie because the dude is married! LOL. Not one reader saw this dude being married upon connecting with him other than Barbara on Keen.

Anyway - Im not looking to be with this guy, as a matter of fact we are friends. We do have a connection but I would be so surprised if it morphed into anything they originally predicted in their General Reads. Why do I call about him? Because Im bored AF and! Im curious how the hell this would play out. Im not "in love" with this dude (cant see how I would be - yep they all predicted we would be in love lol) but Im just like - what in the world are these folks talking about!?
Mind you, I havent had reads in years where I was told I would be in a committed relationship - they all pretty much kept it real with me and didnt spin me a fairytale - so Id be a bit surprised if this was the case with my team.

In the general reads from as far back as 2 years ago, and the last general being in Dec of 2019 (when I didnt know who he was) - They saw me having a solid relationship by the summer, in love and in a committed relationship. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE lol

The onllly exception is that - Its someone else! Maybe someone completely diff than the description of this current guy - BUT for this prediction to be right by July - Id have to have met this person already (they said stable relationship by the summer, not just starting). Id be surprised to meeting a new guy under these quarantine conditions because I go no where and dont do online dating because Im a bit scarred from what happened with my last online dating situation.

A slew of other readers currently see this as well  (when I ask specifically about him) - so predictions from these

Just a vent for the day - more or less on the readers, not my situation - me and him are good. 8)

This is why I believe most of them are better at reading people we are in contact with. My friend was always told she would marry her poi and she eventually did. She had readings that said they would not be together and would pinpoint the reason why. During the times the relationship was off some of those same readers saw them getting back together and they would. I think this is why Anne is so inconsistent. She is a accurate reader, but she is best at short term. It's possible that you will end up with your poi, but it's not time and they are only seeing what is happening now that you have met?

My current poi is actually my ex-husband. He was mentioned in a few general readings, but oddly never mentioned that he was from my past. I never asked about him in any reading so I don't know what they would have told me about us if I would have asked a specific question. But several predictions have unfolded and he is the man mentioned. I have not had any readings about him since things changed and I don't think I want to ask anyone about us yet. It will be interesting to see what they tell me about our relationship. Have you read with Anne?

Hey BritBrat! I havent read with Anne (unless you are referring to Ann - as Queen of Cups on Keen, then yes lol)
Hmm interesting - I was thinking the same thing that they are seeing the now and projecting from that...
So Im assuming when you had readings you had general reads since you havent asked a specific question about him and in the end - those predictions unfolded and it actually was him! Ha happened to me too.

So if we are talking about QOC (Ann) - she does go off current energy which explains the changing in predictions with her - which makes sense but can be frustrating. Basically In my last reading (about a Month ago) - She straight up said without any questions  - "He is going to get a divorce, he is working on some project that is going to benefit him and will benefit your relationship and you will move forward" she saw this 3 months from that time. The thing is anytime she made a 3 month prediction like that for me (only twice) IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I explained this in my previous threads lol. And her reading is super similar to other readers Ive read with - except Kisha lol. Like everrryone is seeing divorce which is so suprising to me yet Kisha sees that there arent any major issues in their relationship but that wont stop his pursuit with me - she did see some issues that started about 4 months ago with them where he feels a bit disconnected - but thats really it - (which matches what he is telling me in real life - who knows whats really happening tho)

I get what you're saying about reading on people we are in contact with - however when I think of "contact" typically people are calling about someone they already know and havent had contact in a while - that I can see skew predictions. But this situation was a person whom I never met or knew of until 2 years later - and when I tell you these general reads were so specific may as well have been like I already knew him! And whats funny EVEN when I met him, I didnt know it was him!! He was MIXED with Dark wavy hair and ALL and STILL didnt recognize him lol...which brings me to what Im about to resond to @Freefinally about - Changing Energies...and how that can change predictions...

I was referring to her. I always put the e on her name lol. With QoC18 her first reading is usually spot on and what ends up happening. She has me totally confused if I try to call back with more questions. Do you think him developing a closer relationship with you may cause some issues for him and his wife? Especially if he develops feelings for you. Did any of your readers mention why he would divorce?

Lol no worries!

They all say the divorce has nothing to do with me - literally all of them.
Just issues that have already been going on - well no major issues other than they say he is disconnected from her - like growing apart. Some see quarrels etc but that’s normal in a relationship. Cookie just says he isn’t happy and is just over it. Well he told me he was fine so IDK lol.
He has been with her for 15yrs tho.

Cookie specifically said if/when he gets a divorce it wouldn’t be because of me it would be because either he gets fed up or she gets fed up - she said it just like that

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #395 on: April 22, 2020, 06:28:48 PM »
My two cents -- I was married for 18 years -- and we did grow apart. It happens more often than not these days. My marriage ended about 5 years ago. It was a very hard decision but ultimately the best. If He decides to separate -- it will be hard. Just be ready to support him:)


Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #396 on: April 22, 2020, 06:52:51 PM »
My two cents -- I was married for 18 years -- and we did grow apart. It happens more often than not these days. My marriage ended about 5 years ago. It was a very hard decision but ultimately the best. If He decides to separate -- it will be hard. Just be ready to support him:)

Thank you for sharing that!
As his friend, I definitely will  ;)

Offline Esse

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« Reply #397 on: April 22, 2020, 10:24:26 PM »
Any plans to read with Yona again? just to confuse things :-)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #398 on: April 23, 2020, 12:32:33 AM »
Any plans to read with Yona again? just to confuse things :-)

Haha it crossed my mind - like once lol

Funny I used to be the Yona whisperer and came up with the Yona-isms...
But I honestly dont think so. I was tired of trying to interpret things and try to figure out the people she was talking about only to realize it was someone else months later. Luckily for me most of her readings passed for me in 3 months with a few stragglers about a year later - but most of the significant stuff happened in that 3 months - this was after my initial read. In my first read in 2016, I didnt meet the guy she predicted until 2 years later lol.

While she has been damn near 99% accurate for me, I just cant.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #399 on: April 23, 2020, 01:02:44 AM »
"The Microscope"

Hey there peeps!

I want to put this question out there - have you ever had a General Reading where readers predicted something years before it happened and it was positive,  then as the timeframe got closer and closer the prediction became more negative? Which end up happening? - the overarching predictions from the General Read, or the predictions made when you specifically called about the situation in the Current?

Simply put - I have General Readings that see a committed relationship the POI - descriptions and all are spot on. These general readings pick up this person for at least 2 years. The closer I got to meeting this person the readings become more detailed and still remained positive. HOWEVER,

I then meet the person (descriptions match the general). When I finally had a reading on this said person that they predicted I would be in a committed relationship with - they no longer see a relationship with this person! LOL

So it seems like when they see someone farrrrrr out it looks alll good but when you get closer and closer and put a microscope on it, the more detailed the predictions get and the more FLAWS are seen and eventually they say - oh no I dont see a relationship with this person smh.

I'm interested in specifically if this has happened to anyone to see if 1) The overarching general read was correct vs the 2) Specifics now that the prediction presented itself. This could be in career as well - A reader sees and amazing job for you 1 year out only to find while the prediction came true, you got the job, but now they are predicting that the job isnt going to be AMAZING and they start predicting all negative stuff lol. Did it end up actually being postiive as an overal outcome and they only predicted the negative stuff in the present? Just wondering if general reads show the overall outcome vs being "in it" they pick up details at that moment.


This is my situation right now. Ill say Matilda, Kisha and Cookie (especially Cookie) all saw me being in a committed long term relationship with a specific guy and clearly when I met him (he matched not only the timeframe, the looks and the connection) Cookie straight up says she doesnt see committed relationship in recent readings. Im like WTF well yeah Cookie because the dude is married! LOL. Not one reader saw this dude being married upon connecting with him other than Barbara on Keen.

Anyway - Im not looking to be with this guy, as a matter of fact we are friends. We do have a connection but I would be so surprised if it morphed into anything they originally predicted in their General Reads. Why do I call about him? Because Im bored AF and! Im curious how the hell this would play out. Im not "in love" with this dude (cant see how I would be - yep they all predicted we would be in love lol) but Im just like - what in the world are these folks talking about!?
Mind you, I havent had reads in years where I was told I would be in a committed relationship - they all pretty much kept it real with me and didnt spin me a fairytale - so Id be a bit surprised if this was the case with my team.

In the general reads from as far back as 2 years ago, and the last general being in Dec of 2019 (when I didnt know who he was) - They saw me having a solid relationship by the summer, in love and in a committed relationship. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE lol

The onllly exception is that - Its someone else! Maybe someone completely diff than the description of this current guy - BUT for this prediction to be right by July - Id have to have met this person already (they said stable relationship by the summer, not just starting). Id be surprised to meeting a new guy under these quarantine conditions because I go no where and dont do online dating because Im a bit scarred from what happened with my last online dating situation.

A slew of other readers currently see this as well  (when I ask specifically about him) - so predictions from these

Just a vent for the day - more or less on the readers, not my situation - me and him are good. 8)

This is why I believe most of them are better at reading people we are in contact with. My friend was always told she would marry her poi and she eventually did. She had readings that said they would not be together and would pinpoint the reason why. During the times the relationship was off some of those same readers saw them getting back together and they would. I think this is why Anne is so inconsistent. She is a accurate reader, but she is best at short term. It's possible that you will end up with your poi, but it's not time and they are only seeing what is happening now that you have met?

My current poi is actually my ex-husband. He was mentioned in a few general readings, but oddly never mentioned that he was from my past. I never asked about him in any reading so I don't know what they would have told me about us if I would have asked a specific question. But several predictions have unfolded and he is the man mentioned. I have not had any readings about him since things changed and I don't think I want to ask anyone about us yet. It will be interesting to see what they tell me about our relationship. Have you read with Anne?

Hey BritBrat! I havent read with Anne (unless you are referring to Ann - as Queen of Cups on Keen, then yes lol)
Hmm interesting - I was thinking the same thing that they are seeing the now and projecting from that...
So Im assuming when you had readings you had general reads since you havent asked a specific question about him and in the end - those predictions unfolded and it actually was him! Ha happened to me too.

So if we are talking about QOC (Ann) - she does go off current energy which explains the changing in predictions with her - which makes sense but can be frustrating. Basically In my last reading (about a Month ago) - She straight up said without any questions  - "He is going to get a divorce, he is working on some project that is going to benefit him and will benefit your relationship and you will move forward" she saw this 3 months from that time. The thing is anytime she made a 3 month prediction like that for me (only twice) IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I explained this in my previous threads lol. And her reading is super similar to other readers Ive read with - except Kisha lol. Like everrryone is seeing divorce which is so suprising to me yet Kisha sees that there arent any major issues in their relationship but that wont stop his pursuit with me - she did see some issues that started about 4 months ago with them where he feels a bit disconnected - but thats really it - (which matches what he is telling me in real life - who knows whats really happening tho)

I get what you're saying about reading on people we are in contact with - however when I think of "contact" typically people are calling about someone they already know and havent had contact in a while - that I can see skew predictions. But this situation was a person whom I never met or knew of until 2 years later - and when I tell you these general reads were so specific may as well have been like I already knew him! And whats funny EVEN when I met him, I didnt know it was him!! He was MIXED with Dark wavy hair and ALL and STILL didnt recognize him lol...which brings me to what Im about to resond to @Freefinally about - Changing Energies...and how that can change predictions...

I was referring to her. I always put the e on her name lol. With QoC18 her first reading is usually spot on and what ends up happening. She has me totally confused if I try to call back with more questions. Do you think him developing a closer relationship with you may cause some issues for him and his wife? Especially if he develops feelings for you. Did any of your readers mention why he would divorce?

Lol no worries!

They all say the divorce has nothing to do with me - literally all of them.
Just issues that have already been going on - well no major issues other than they say he is disconnected from her - like growing apart. Some see quarrels etc but that’s normal in a relationship. Cookie just says he isn’t happy and is just over it. Well he told me he was fine so IDK lol.
He has been with her for 15yrs tho.

Cookie specifically said if/when he gets a divorce it wouldn’t be because of me it would be because either he gets fed up or she gets fed up - she said it just like that
In my experience general reads absolutely Trump's specific questions.

Thanks for your feedback!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #400 on: April 23, 2020, 04:38:38 AM »
“Changing Spaces”

Now I normally don’t post twice in one day about my story, but I felt compelled because I just had a reading with Venus. It wasn’t an emotional call it was more or less because I felt I needed to check in - with her.

Oddly enough she has maintained her predictions since January, a few calls in March and today.

Every single one of the readings she continues to see my POI changing where he lives.

Now, in my earlier posts - several readers see this. I'm referencing Venus's predictions because they are much more specific than the others - and not all readers are on CP and some are tarot readers (for example QOC sees this as well) and some are no tools (like Venus herself and Tajah). I didn't think that this prediction would be possible as the place he lives is a house he owns - so in no way could I see him leaving his own house with his kids and wife. Not that any of these readers told me fairytales - they all literally see this man moving - without his family. I'm probably starting to believe that to some extent the move is happening because it keeps coming up.


Jan -
“ He's doesn’t feel so successful in his personal life. There are changes that he feels like. And that's part of this celebration too. I know there's a female that's going to resent the fact that she's not a part of this celebration. But part of it is because he's going to be able to create even more distance between them is someone that is changing like locations where he will live. He has a lot of changes coming on his personal life. He's just not emphasizing them, I think because it's, it's what he's planned. And he needs these things to happen on his in his career before he could actually make the changes in his personal life, that he wants to have a guide saying he's going to leave someone behind. She is not going to be very happy. He guide is not talking about you.”

Apr -
“ He just seems like keep thinking that things are about to change for him and he's just kind of waiting for the changes. Me: what kind of changes? Where He's going to live. I think it's talking about where he's going to live. Okay. This is someone that is just living in transition. Nothing is nothing stable. It's like he's expecting to he might have to, to almost like evacuated, leave at a moment's notice or change how he's living at a moment's notice. He just feels very unstable. It's like he doesn't want to let anyone in.”

I asked if he would have to evacuate due to a tornado or fire or something - and she said she didnt know.
Now, that I know that this move is “all of a sudden” then it seems like it may happen - I just don’t think he would actually move in with me though lol.

But she basically said his personal life is unstable - there are arguments, they aren’t loud and that he has tried the best of his ability to keep it together. But is pretty much fed up is and is ready to go. She said he would never mention what is going on to anyone as he does not want to put his marriage in a bad light nor does he want to make his wife look bad. She said he has done everything he could do - this is a really good guy. Delores and Kisha mentioned this too - he would neverrrr ever say anything in a negative light about his marriage - no one would ever know.

Its almost like Cookie was saying “And whatever is going on, it probably has to do with at home. He can start acting indifferent he could he could start sharing stuff with you about the things that he's going through and you find out how long they've been married and the things that he's went through and stuff like that”

Venus told me that he won’t tell me anything until it actually happens - Tulsa also said this word for word.

This sounds like it would happen between May-Jun (Venus said it isn’t any time soon, but others have alluded to this timeframe)

Again here are all the readers that mentioned this move or changes in his life - they all have brought this up on their own:

Living with each other/Move/changes in his life
- Matilda (Dec Reading)
- Indio (jan)
- Tajah (Jan)
- River (Jan)
- Uma (Jan)
- Tulsa (Mar)
- Delores (Jan) - kinda
- Venus (Jan/Apr)
- Leanne- Kinda
- Twiggy (Apr)

Until next time…

Offline HornetKick

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« Reply #401 on: April 23, 2020, 05:03:11 AM »
Are you recording your calls, because it's a lot of detail or you have a good memory.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #402 on: April 23, 2020, 05:26:43 AM »
Are you recording your calls, because it's a lot of detail or you have a good memory.

Oh yeah I record my calls. The app I use transcribes my calls as well lol
It’s called Otter


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« Reply #403 on: April 23, 2020, 03:28:00 PM »
Hi Sparkle- your story is wild in how accurate your readers pick things up!

I missed who said you'd move in together or live together.  Was this a long time ago prediction or more recent?

Your guy actually does sound like a good guy!!   I hope whatever you are looking for works out for you and its all in the best for everyone!!

good luck and love to hear back!

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« Reply #404 on: April 24, 2020, 01:54:07 AM »
Hi Sparkle- your story is wild in how accurate your readers pick things up!

I missed who said you'd move in together or live together.  Was this a long time ago prediction or more recent?

Your guy actually does sound like a good guy!!   I hope whatever you are looking for works out for you and its all in the best for everyone!!

good luck and love to hear back!

Hey thanks so much girl!

They were literally on the previous page of this post lol

But here they are :
Living with each other/Move/changes in his life by summer
- Matilda (Dec Reading)
- Indio (jan)
- Tajah (Jan)
- River (Jan)
- Uma (Jan)
- Tulsa (Mar)
- Delores (Jan)
- Venus (Jan/Apr)
- Leanne- (Oct 2018...she said summer 2020)
- Twiggy (Apr)

I cant see it happening but hey....maybe he does move due to evacuation ...but live with me? Nahhhhhh