Author Topic: THE END  (Read 195470 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #360 on: March 13, 2020, 02:34:27 PM »
Yeah I went to the grocery store today and its as if this is Armageddon. I mean the shelves were all empty

Yep it seems like its like that everywhere - its creepy

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #361 on: April 07, 2020, 05:11:36 PM »

Hey peeps, its me Sparkle.

Just coming back for an update since its been almost a month since my last post.

Since then, my job has me working from home - and since my POI also works for the same company, he has been working from home as well. We have still been communicating every day - but of course, I haven’t seen him since then  (only through video chat) due to his situation lol. But for the most part - we have a friendship just as most predicted. Nothing can go beyond that at this point - and Im fine with that.

So just to update, the few readers that saw me meeting a new guy in March (only Kisha, Delores and Matilda) were clearly WRONG (as Ive been staying at home this entire time and not dating anyone on a dating app - way too scared for that) - however, it wasn’t a new guy, it was the SAME guy, my POI. I knew it would be him because when I asked both about the description of the new guy, they basically described him smh. Its funny how he seemed to appear as “new” maybe because in March is when he really changed and became consistent and shared his feelings for me.

Overall - Cookie saw this period from March-May where he was still around and we would be communicating - had no idea why she said it like this but I see now - the damn VIRUS lol

Here is what she said:


“It looks like you're still going to be around and  he is probably going to probably share more things with you about his situation. And he doesn't really look like he's happy. He does a lot of pretending like he's happy.<--Based on my last post, I wonder....he was telling me things were all good it also shows that there's something financially that possibly could keep him there. But what I saw is I saw another woman but it looks like he's got to end something. He looks like he has to end something

and whatever he's going through in that marriage, he just doesn't look like he's happy.

He thinks about you all the time is just that he more or less is in a situation that he doesn't necessarily want to be in it. But something financially could be keeping him in it.

what I see it still will be friendship and it still looks like you and him are talking. But he's got stuff that he looks like he has to iron out. And he has to get rid of her…you know her name? You're gonna find out her name. But they have went through some challenges. And it looks like he's put up with a lot of stuff. And for some reason he stayed in it. But something is going on financially. That it just looks like he's unhappy about. So is not over. doesn't show that is necessarily over between you and him. Cuz you and him look like you still gonna be talking

What I see it is you could find out that there's somebody else, and he's coming out of something. He's got to separate himself. Well, what it is, is he probably wants to come out of it. But he's got to look for a way to do it.

I don't believe that he's in love. I believe that when he met you ….you kind of gave him life. And so what is going to be is, it's going to be a friendship that has a romantic interest. And he starts to probably start to share more and more things with you. And it looks like [the situation] is harder on him then it is you …and you might not be able, you might say What? But it looks like it's harder on him. Because he looks like he wants something with you. The timing just isn't right right now.

So therefore, that's why it's a friendship. It's gonna be more or less a friendship that has a romantic interest or whatever.

So therefore, it could get kind of conflicted between February and May. You are going up and down and you're wondering …<—This is happening (because I don’t believe this stuff and wonder how in the world could these predictions happen)

The other thing is, I believe You're gonna disappoint Ricky. Why? Because you're going, either you're gonna stick it out with him being married, and you're gonna be patient until you find out the story because he's gonna become jealous of you talking to other people, cuz its other people pursuing you.

I told you I said he's he's trying to end something with somebody else.


Then you go through March April and May, he's still around. But you notice that he doesn't look as upbeat. He looks sad or depressed. And the reason he looks sad or depressed could be something that is going on in his house where he lives at…

So in February and March going into May, like right now he looks really talkative but you could go through a period March to May where he gets quiet. He looks like he's going through something and it looks like you're asking him is he okay… <— We both ask each other are we ok…he is going through this damn virus situation and told me he hates being at home (I mean that’s like all of us)

He is not going to leave the situation for you if he leaves, it will be either she gets fed up or he gets fed up. But he if he leaves, it's children involved. He's thinking of things. He's analyzing things financially.

he's not staying together because he's probably in love. It's something more that's probably going on with someone and it probably has to do with the children.

You gotta put the caution button on and because it looks like he's, he appears to be going through something. He's gonna be making some changes. He looks like he's going to be making some changes in his life.”

So in the meantime, in my boredom, I have read with a few others - and to my surprise 1) A lot of readers are very consistent in their predictions (since Jan) and 2) A lot of them are saying the exact same things. Usually in my experience when that happens, (just my experience) SOME FORM of the prediction happens, but sometimes not in the way you think. So these predictions have been very specific, but honestly unbelievable.  The other thing is, Im not “hoping” for these predictions to come true - im pretty much level headed - if it does it does, if it doesn’t oh well.

Also the following readers told me he would share more about his situation, but presently he still has not mentioned his marriage, his wife or kids AT ALL. Its almost like they don’t exist lol. But recently I was told that he won’t say anything to me about it until whatever he is working on - on the side is DONE (keep reading as I reference his side business later). And apparently this conversation is in the next month or so - by MAY.

Here are the overall themes in all predictions for this guy - like its funny....they ALL bring this stuff up on THEIR OWN

Here are the themes of my readings:

Living with each other/Move/changes in his life -  HIGHLY DOUBT
- Matilda (Dec Reading)
- Indio (jan)
- Tajah (Jan)
- River (Jan)
- Uma (Jan)
- Tulsa (Mar)
- Delores (Jan) - kinda
- Venus (moving) - kinda
- Leanne- Kinda
- Twiggy (Apr)

LOVE/Deeper Connection
- Delores
- Kisha
- Cookie
-  Indio
- Barbara
- Celeste
- Tulsa
- River

May - celebration - related to his career path, money. In my earlier readings, before I met this guy, Cookie kept mentioning there is something he does on the side, he either owns a business or something. We have recently talked about some business venture, and noticed that he would make comments like he had done this before, or would make comments about supporting my idea financially or even mentioning “we need to get you a car” (I don’t own a car) but he has said this more than once (see what Barbara says randomly below).<-- I happen to google search him the other day and found out this man owns like 5 businesses lol
- River
- Cookie
- Indio
- Delores
- Venus
- Uma (5)
- Tajah

QOC - she specifically says...
"He is not confident about communication. Getting is getting ready to open up. Again I get like I'm dropping my gaurd. Opening up my heart and talking more about heart stuff with you. Okay, it says a lot of things are in the air and he is a little bit overwhelmed at the moment. In 3 months - the relationship gets better. There is something that he is working on - he is overwhelmed by a project that he has taken on by himself - like a goal. Once the goal is achieved the relationship benefits." <— WE all know QOC is a short term, current reader (that is where her accuracy shines). HOWEVER, I do know that she has predicted to longer term predictions for me that both came true 1) In 2016 Was with a guy I was out of contact with for 4 months and she said in 3 months I would hear from him and I did, 2) She said that in 2019, that in 3 months I would meet a guy that would want to pursue me, who I will connect with associated with my job - the reading was Oct and the attraction was confirmed in Jan - 3 months later.


"Past, present and future are merged together between the two of you. There's a celebration that the two of you are attending. You seem so happy. Just over the moon Happy He is talking a lot about Talking about what he, he is what he what he's expecting is some kind of a celebration. I think it has something to do more with his career than anything else. You meeting people that you haven't met met before that are attached to him. If someone's like coming from the dark into the light with him, you'll have a greater understanding why he is the way he is. After you meet two of these people, they're both males. This is like, I want to say it's April. He's anticipating some change that that's happening. It's in May, maybe June, but there's there's a change coming. He wants you to witness his his success or validate it becoming successful. I want to say everything that's emphasized for him is on his career path. This is something that's going to bring him. A lot of Well, and a lot of recognition."

"He will come into alot of money - April/May"

“There's a young man here that has quite a bit of money that you will be involved with.” “But I get a gentleman that has quite a bit of money.”
“yeah. Are you wanting a new car this year or changing cars? Okay, what somebody is buying a car. I don't know why get that new car.”

Separation/Divorce - 13 readers see this, they bring it up on their own which is so eery to me.
- Matilda
- Cookie
- Uma
- Barbara
- River
- Delores
- Indio
- Tajah
- Venus
- Twiggy
- Celeste
- Tulsa

However -  Kisha sees absolutely NONE of these details - not in the general and not even when I ask specifically lol. Which amazes me because in the general read, she keeps picking up a relationship with this guy (same description) and she sees it developing over the summer  - where it Is still hidden, but by the fall its a full on public relationship.

Also, remember she didnt see progression  or pursuing with this guy from the Jan reading and clearly he has pursued me. Whats funny is when I read with her at the begging of March, she now sees this guy as the SAME guy (vs a new guy that would pursue me in March) lol. And she sees this same guy, (after I specifically asked about him generally) she saw a deeper connection and progression, but doesn’t see any of the detailed predictions below, and doesn’t see anything dealing with separation, divorce or anything lol - she is literally the only one. The funny thing is, her negatives in the past have usually been right - but in this situation, not so much. She didnt see progression or pursuit, yet here we are. She didnt think it was the same guy that would pursue, yet here we are…

We shall see - Until next time!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 12:57:26 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #362 on: April 07, 2020, 11:48:11 PM »
I was just wondering today what was going on with you Sparkle and then you posted lol      Thank you for the update! 

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #363 on: April 08, 2020, 01:45:49 AM »
hey! @Crystal1211 - Ive read with Yona before... the last time in April 2019. Havent read with her since. Just a note - nothing about this current situation was brought up in any of her past readings lol as most of everything from all my readings have already come to pass (my cards move quick). I dont read with her anymore because I was tired of trying to interpret the Fortune Teller speak so Ive just read with readers who are also accurate and can speak in plain language so I dont have to decipher stuff. ;)

Offline Freefinally

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« Reply #364 on: April 08, 2020, 04:43:53 AM »
I have a random question...I’ve been debating about reading with Matilda....if I do does she call me even though she’s in Australia or does she do the reading on a different platform like skype?

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #365 on: April 08, 2020, 04:56:02 AM »
I have a random question...I’ve been debating about reading with Matilda....if I do does she call me even though she’s in Australia or does she do the reading on a different platform like skype?

She’ll call you on any phone number you give

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #366 on: April 16, 2020, 08:34:52 PM »

I'm new to this forum -- and I can't thank you guys enough for sharing your stories.... It has helped me soooo much.

All the stories resonate with mine in some form or another. And it's been an absolute godsend to my sanity these days.
Sparkle002 I can't wait to hear the continuation of your story... I love how nonchalant about outcomes you are and I can't wait to get to this point as well. Really enjoy all the details of your posts!

I'm still learning how to search and read through all the forums/stories, and I having a great time learning about all your experiences. And now my psychic addiction has transferred to reading YOUR stories. I guess deep down, whilst reading your posts,  I'm trying to figure out if the outcomes predicted will transpire. 

Thank you all....!!! :)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #367 on: April 17, 2020, 05:02:10 PM »
Hi Welcome to the board!

Thanks so much for your feedback  :)

Hopefully I continue to help others as to how readers pick up, see and interpret things

As you can see sometimes readers are not as explicit or predict things in the way we think it will lol


I'm new to this forum -- and I can't thank you guys enough for sharing your stories.... It has helped me soooo much.

All the stories resonate with mine in some form or another. And it's been an absolute godsend to my sanity these days.
Sparkle002 I can't wait to hear the continuation of your story... I love how nonchalant about outcomes you are and I can't wait to get to this point as well. Really enjoy all the details of your posts!

I'm still learning how to search and read through all the forums/stories, and I having a great time learning about all your experiences. And now my psychic addiction has transferred to reading YOUR stories. I guess deep down, whilst reading your posts,  I'm trying to figure out if the outcomes predicted will transpire.

Thank you all....!!! :)

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #368 on: April 17, 2020, 06:57:34 PM »
Hey Sparkle! I hope you’re doing well. Any new updates? Have you had any readings during this pandemic and if so has it affected your readings?

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #369 on: April 19, 2020, 12:11:22 AM »
Hey Sparkle! I hope you’re doing well. Any new updates? Have you had any readings during this pandemic and if so has it affected your readings?

Hey Piggynose! Im pretty good - hope you are doing good as well!

Yep I sure had a few readings during this pandemic initially out of boredom, but then there was a shift that recently happened in my POIs energy so I called about that. However, this shift was something that was also predicted and expected, so I just wanted to know when it would be over.

So yeah - the following readers saw a "pull back, an emotional block, him going quiet, etc" from the end of March - April and all see him getting better by May.
These readers picked it up way before or by February: Cookie, Indio, Tajah, Venus, Celeste, Matilda and Kisha.
These readers picked it up while im currently in it: Twiggy, Washington, Tulsa

Now he hasnt disappeared he communicates with me every day - however its mainly through text vs phone call unless its a call associated with work. He seems very anxious and agitated when I do talk to him though (not at me lol) again who knows whats going on at home and I also know he is a person that typically is on the go - so I know thats getting to him and hell the fact that we cant see each other. He has told me he missed me a few times.

So basically what Cookie predicted in Jan and Feb is happening NOW:


"So therefore, it could get kind of conflicted between February and May. You are going up and down and you're wondering"


Then you go through March April and May, he's still around. But you notice that he doesn't look as upbeat. He looks sad or depressed. And the reason he looks sad or depressed could be something that is going on in his house where he lives at…

Yeah so the communication hasnt been as flirtly as it was...I even asked if he was pulling back and he said he def was not...and picked up some of the flirting again lately...

I dont know its whatever. Im not worried or hoping anything out of this situation it is what it is. I will say when the flirting and phone calls slowed down I was a bit disappointed only because Im single and I liked the attention so yeah.

But everyone's predicting by May (literally everyone) is seeing him come back around - basically when this quarantine is over.
I know a huge part of this has to do with this quarantine - and who knows if there is discord in his home.

Also, everyone still sees him opening up about his situation (with the wife) but I still have heard nothing lol - so who knows

Nothing to exciting....YET lol

Offline HornetKick

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« Reply #370 on: April 19, 2020, 04:13:22 AM »
You read a lot of CP? I'm not getting a membership, but who are Twiggy and Washington? I don't recall seeing mention of those two by anyone.

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #371 on: April 19, 2020, 12:54:45 PM »
Hey Sparkle! I hope you’re doing well. Any new updates? Have you had any readings during this pandemic and if so has it affected your readings?

Hey Piggynose! Im pretty good - hope you are doing good as well!

Yep I sure had a few readings during this pandemic initially out of boredom, but then there was a shift that recently happened in my POIs energy so I called about that. However, this shift was something that was also predicted and expected, so I just wanted to know when it would be over.

So yeah - the following readers saw a "pull back, an emotional block, him going quiet, etc" from the end of March - April and all see him getting better by May.
These readers picked it up way before or by February: Cookie, Indio, Tajah, Venus, Celeste, Matilda and Kisha.
These readers picked it up while im currently in it: Twiggy, Washington, Tulsa

Now he hasnt disappeared he communicates with me every day - however its mainly through text vs phone call unless its a call associated with work. He seems very anxious and agitated when I do talk to him though (not at me lol) again who knows whats going on at home and I also know he is a person that typically is on the go - so I know thats getting to him and hell the fact that we cant see each other. He has told me he missed me a few times.

So basically what Cookie predicted in Jan and Feb is happening NOW:


"So therefore, it could get kind of conflicted between February and May. You are going up and down and you're wondering"


Then you go through March April and May, he's still around. But you notice that he doesn't look as upbeat. He looks sad or depressed. And the reason he looks sad or depressed could be something that is going on in his house where he lives at…

Yeah so the communication hasnt been as flirtly as it was...I even asked if he was pulling back and he said he def was not...and picked up some of the flirting again lately...

I dont know its whatever. Im not worried or hoping anything out of this situation it is what it is. I will say when the flirting and phone calls slowed down I was a bit disappointed only because Im single and I liked the attention so yeah.

But everyone's predicting by May (literally everyone) is seeing him come back around - basically when this quarantine is over.
I know a huge part of this has to do with this quarantine - and who knows if there is discord in his home.

Also, everyone still sees him opening up about his situation (with the wife) but I still have heard nothing lol - so who knows

Nothing to exciting....YET lol

Thanks for the update Sparkle! I think these are trying times for everyone so who knows what’s going on behind closed doors. Let’s hope we’re able to go back to normal sooner rather than later. It’ll be interesting to see what happens then. Keep us posted!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #372 on: April 19, 2020, 02:34:11 PM »
You read a lot of CP? I'm not getting a membership, but who are Twiggy and Washington? I don't recall seeing mention of those two by anyone.

Yep...I read with CP in waves. I use Cookie, Kisha, Matilda and Delores (CP) for overarching general reads and use CP (along with QOC from Keen) in the middle to fill in gaps. I typically use my team of readers to capture a situation (career or love)...and usually, they are pretty much in sync and fill in holes where another reader couldn't see. When this thread was created about my POI 1, I pretty much had a play by play in detail of what was going to happen and it happened just as they said (mind you no one ever promised a relationship with him, just progression).

So yeah I never mentioned Twiggy and Washington (and Uma) (havent seen them mentioned on the board either)...I just tried them this year and I find they are no fluff tell you like it is readers. Their predictions line up with everyone else's (including those that are not on this platform) so we will see. Tulsa is actually pretty darn good and I got a prediction or 2 from her already.

I know a lot of people dont like CP - but the following readers continue to work for me on there - Celeste, Indio, Tajah, Venus - I generally stick to these 4 as I have been using them for years. Have they gotten stuff wrong? Of course, but so has my heavy hitters (Kisha, Cookie, Matilda) - its just their percentage wrong is low and percentage right rates higher than the others.

Offline spiritualbinger

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« Reply #373 on: April 19, 2020, 03:08:49 PM »
Sparkle, it's funny you say that about CP. Of all the ones I’ve used (all of them lmao smh) CP is my favorite too with my best readers. Besides a few readers who have their own sites, I dabble on Keen only for Cookie, QoC (although I’m quitting her, I’m over her flip flops and mood swings), Barbara and most recently Katariina’s Readings (I reallllly like her. Predictions pending.).

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #374 on: April 19, 2020, 08:41:09 PM »
When you have readings with Dolores, Celeste, Indio and you ask for a general reading or you go straight to your question? Who from these 4 is best for big picture and outcomes? How many time do you spend...10 min...20 min...
TKS!!! :) :) :)