Author Topic: THE END  (Read 205643 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #75 on: May 10, 2019, 08:20:05 AM »
Oh Sparkle. It sounds like you're standing strong, keeping your head up high. You've always struck me as someone solid and grounded. May not be of much solace for now, but all will be OK and what you said to POI was so true. Sending you big virtual (((hugs)))

Thanks gg!

Offline hope36

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« Reply #76 on: May 10, 2019, 01:56:19 PM »
All, I ended the situationship with my POI today. It honestly was unexpected. I didn’t plan to do this.
But it happened in a natural way. He finally came to see me after 5 weeks and after discussing different topics he wanted to have sex. I said it wasn’t going to happen. He said he thought we were on the same page and I looked him in the eye and said my page has turned. I’m ready for something more and it doesn’t have to be with you. You are free to do what you like as its your life. Basically we ended cordially. He wants to be free and I want to be caught. And we both respect each other’s wishes.

Good luck Sparkle!! Am glad it ended cordially and not in a nasty way, and you kept your head!!
Much love xoxoxox!!!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #77 on: May 10, 2019, 02:06:19 PM »
All, I ended the situationship with my POI today. It honestly was unexpected. I didn’t plan to do this.
But it happened in a natural way. He finally came to see me after 5 weeks and after discussing different topics he wanted to have sex. I said it wasn’t going to happen. He said he thought we were on the same page and I looked him in the eye and said my page has turned. I’m ready for something more and it doesn’t have to be with you. You are free to do what you like as its your life. Basically we ended cordially. He wants to be free and I want to be caught. And we both respect each other’s wishes.

Good luck Sparkle!! Am glad it ended cordially and not in a nasty way, and you kept your head!!
Much love xoxoxox!!!

Thanks hope!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 02:35:55 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #78 on: May 10, 2019, 02:18:06 PM »
All, I ended the situationship with my POI today. It honestly was unexpected. I didn’t plan to do this.
But it happened in a natural way. He finally came to see me after 5 weeks and after discussing different topics he wanted to have sex. I said it wasn’t going to happen. He said he thought we were on the same page and I looked him in the eye and said my page has turned. I’m ready for something more and it doesn’t have to be with you. You are free to do what you like as its your life. Basically we ended cordially. He wants to be free and I want to be caught. And we both respect each other’s wishes.

I'm sorry things didn't work out with the new one. But, good for you girl! You did the right thing and looked out for yourself! So many of us would have kept going with that situation hoping for it to turn into something more and putting up with things we aren't happy about for a long period of time. I probably would've cause I have issues with boundary setting. I'm proud of you! You inspire me!

Offline sawthelight

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« Reply #79 on: May 10, 2019, 02:27:39 PM »
All, I ended the situationship with my POI today. It honestly was unexpected. I didn’t plan to do this.
But it happened in a natural way. He finally came to see me after 5 weeks and after discussing different topics he wanted to have sex. I said it wasn’t going to happen. He said he thought we were on the same page and I looked him in the eye and said my page has turned. I’m ready for something more and it doesn’t have to be with you. You are free to do what you like as its your life. Basically we ended cordially. He wants to be free and I want to be caught. And we both respect each other’s wishes.

I'm sorry things didn't work out with the new one. But, good for you girl! You did the right thing and looked out for yourself! So many of us would have kept going with that situation hoping for it to turn into something more and putting up with things we aren't happy about for a long period of time. I probably would've cause I have issues with boundary setting. I'm proud of you! You inspire me!

i agree, good luck Sparkle..sorry to hear the disappointing news, but I think you did the right thing!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #80 on: May 10, 2019, 02:34:08 PM »
All, I ended the situationship with my POI today. It honestly was unexpected. I didn’t plan to do this.
But it happened in a natural way. He finally came to see me after 5 weeks and after discussing different topics he wanted to have sex. I said it wasn’t going to happen. He said he thought we were on the same page and I looked him in the eye and said my page has turned. I’m ready for something more and it doesn’t have to be with you. You are free to do what you like as its your life. Basically we ended cordially. He wants to be free and I want to be caught. And we both respect each other’s wishes.

I'm sorry things didn't work out with the new one. But, good for you girl! You did the right thing and looked out for yourself! So many of us would have kept going with that situation hoping for it to turn into something more and putting up with things we aren't happy about for a long period of time. I probably would've cause I have issues with boundary setting. I'm proud of you! You inspire me!

i agree, good luck Sparkle..sorry to hear the disappointing news, but I think you did the right thing!


Offline sawthelight

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« Reply #81 on: May 10, 2019, 02:37:38 PM »
setting boundaries is so important.  I am often too much of a "giver" and people can take advantage, even if they don't realize they are doing it.  You always have to think "is this enough for me" and if it isn't, then walk.  Just my mindset these days lol.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #82 on: May 10, 2019, 03:45:09 PM »
setting boundaries is so important.  I am often too much of a "giver" and people can take advantage, even if they don't realize they are doing it.  You always have to think "is this enough for me" and if it isn't, then walk.  Just my mindset these days lol.

So true Sawthelight soooo true

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #83 on: May 31, 2019, 02:12:41 PM »
@bstalling - Welp you were RIGHT! LOL this DID happen with someone else (my newer POI), in true Yona fashion

I will say Yona was probably seeing someone else and mistaking him for the current POI. Its probably something that will happen years later.

I agree that it could be someone else, BUT nah. I think she is just wrong in this instance (first time for her to be completely wrong with me but its ok).

When I tell you the POI she describes is so specific to the guy in question (i.e. legal situation with BM, stress due to his business, etc) she’s seeing him, but its just wrong lol.

Also my cards move pretty fast....the legal situation with him is happening this year (I know I wont be dealing with him a year later dealing that child support situation sheesh)

well let me add this tidbit - this is a repeated prediction from January with more detail. There is a clip that states “he will tell you a lie or excuse, its not malicious, but DO NOT challenge him on it”. IN my most recent reading in April, the cards said the SAME THING - it said the lie was not malicious and it could actually be a surprise because - thats what ppl do when they are keeping a surprise (is what Yona said). But again the cards warned me to NOT challenge it until I see him face to face.

But I understand bstalling, if I saw someone post this I’d say the same thing, but there is no way this same type of scenario with the specificity would happen with someone else who is going through a legal situation with their BM, owns a business, etc etc - if it was a bit of a vague prediction I’d be open to it being someone else, but NAH lol

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #84 on: June 01, 2019, 08:27:34 AM »
Soooo....I thought I'd continue to update this thread with my story.

This original thread is about POI#1.
Since then POI#4 has come into play.

I am updating this thread as POI#1 is still active and clearly does not want to stop communication with me LOL. Ive read mostly lately on POI#4, and asked about POI#1 at the end (of Cookie's call only)

Basically my current readings with Cookie, Mattie, Venus and Indio ALL align - they all say POI#4 is very interested in me and wants to continue. Which is nice because I think there is substance there.

The following readers predicted POI#4 - Leanne Halyburton (Oct 2018), Delores (Dec 2018), Mattie, Cookie (she didnt see him specifically but rather described bits and pieces of him)

DELORES from CP was the ONLY reader who specifically told me my POI would be a Different Race then me. She said it several times and stated this person was not White or Black.

They ALL told me POI#2 wouldnt last and would be short term - and he WAS - like literally after the first week he was gone, but communicated up to 4 weeks and havent seen him since.

This situation alllll goes back to what Mattie originally saw -
She told me about new guys coming in (POI#2, 3 & 4) and but there would be 1 guy (POI#4) that would be a contender ...and basically it would just be 2 guys that will try to stake their claim (POI#1 and POI#4. She said when this new guy comes in POI#1 is going to try to come back.)

WELL I just got off the phone with Cookie and she just said the same thing!! Mattie said "it's going to get quite interesting" and that is what Cookie said too. She said I will be confused between both and will have to make a choice, all the while ANOTHER guy will be coming in.
Lord, I'm tired! I just want 1 GUY LOL. Cookie got allll graphic OMG she said yeah I will have an interesting summer.

Both Venus and Cookie saw me going on trips with this guy (POI#4) but there would be delays due to his job - like both said the exact same thing. Which isnt surprising given his travel schedule. Mattie and Delores mentioned a trip with this guy as well.
Again, DELORES specifically told me that I would be going on a TRIP with this guy (the guy of a different race) in January! When I read with her in April she saw the trip AGAIN and saw me going in MAY - well Im going the first week of June.
Kisha saw me "building a relationship up with a guy" and we could go on a "weekend getaway or a short trip" - this is what we have planned. However, luckily Venus and Cookie warned me that there may be delays with it or a cancelling/rescheduling.

Both Cookie and Indio said that I will have issues with POI#4's communication due to his travel (which is already true).

She also said my POI#1 has been doing DRIVE BYs by my house!!! She did predict that he would do this a long time ago but she now told me he HAS. Of course I have noooo idea but he does have a habit of being "in the area" so Im not surprised (but he lives very close to me too so there is that).

I find it soooo interesting when all of my readers get the same stuff!! My track record with them means that it typically happens.

However, I dont have solid relationship predictions so I guess I'll just have fun dating (well even if I was given one, it would be hard to believe given the rate of how outcome predictions actually pan out)

In the end I have to give it to Cookie and Mattie  - but especially Mattie - regarding how this would go down with these 2 WOW.

My readers are pretty awesome for me. Yes they get some stuff wrong but overall they are pretty good - especially when they all say the same things

Offline Jeninmd2

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« Reply #85 on: June 01, 2019, 11:37:16 AM »
Soooo....I thought I'd continue to update this thread with my story.

This original thread is about POI#1.
Since then POI#4 has come into play.

I am updating this thread as POI#1 is still active and clearly does not want to stop communication with me LOL. Ive read mostly lately on POI#4, and asked about POI#1 at the end (of Cookie's call only)

Basically my current readings with Cookie, Mattie, Venus and Indio ALL align - they all say POI#4 is very interested in me and wants to continue. Which is nice because I think there is substance there.

The following readers predicted POI#4 - Leanne Halyburton (Oct 2018), Delores (Dec 2018), Mattie, Cookie (she didnt see him specifically but rather described bits and pieces of him)

DELORES from CP was the ONLY reader who specifically told me my POI would be a Different Race then me. She said it several times and stated this person was not White or Black.

They ALL told me POI#2 wouldnt last and would be short term - and he WAS - like literally after the first week he was gone, but communicated up to 4 weeks and havent seen him since.

This situation alllll goes back to what Mattie originally saw -
She told me about new guys coming in (POI#2, 3 & 4) and but there would be 1 guy (POI#4) that would be a contender ...and basically it would just be 2 guys that will try to stake their claim (POI#1 and POI#4. She said when this new guy comes in POI#1 is going to try to come back.)

WELL I just got off the phone with Cookie and she just said the same thing!! Mattie said "it's going to get quite interesting" and that is what Cookie said too. She said I will be confused between both and will have to make a choice, all the while ANOTHER guy will be coming in.
Lord, I'm tired! I just want 1 GUY LOL. Cookie got allll graphic OMG she said yeah I will have an interesting summer.

Both Venus and Cookie saw me going on trips with this guy (POI#4) but there would be delays due to his job - like both said the exact same thing. Which isnt surprising given his travel schedule. Mattie and Delores mentioned a trip with this guy as well.
Again, DELORES specifically told me that I would be going on a TRIP with this guy (the guy of a different race) in January! When I read with her in April she saw the trip AGAIN and saw me going in MAY - well Im going the first week of June.
Kisha saw me "building a relationship up with a guy" and we could go on a "weekend getaway or a short trip" - this is what we have planned. However, luckily Venus and Cookie warned me that there may be delays with it or a cancelling/rescheduling.

Both Cookie and Indio said that I will have issues with POI#4's communication due to his travel (which is already true).

She also said my POI#1 has been doing DRIVE BYs by my house!!! She did predict that he would do this a long time ago but she now told me he HAS. Of course I have noooo idea but he does have a habit of being "in the area" so Im not surprised (but he lives very close to me too so there is that).

I find it soooo interesting when all of my readers get the same stuff!! My track record with them means that it typically happens.

However, I dont have solid relationship predictions so I guess I'll just have fun dating (well even if I was given one, it would be hard to believe given the rate of how outcome predictions actually pan out)

In the end I have to give it to Cookie and Mattie  - but especially Mattie - regarding how this would go down with these 2 WOW.

My readers are pretty awesome for me. Yes they get some stuff wrong but overall they are pretty good - especially when they all say the same things

Hey Sparkle!  I love reading your updates lol! If you don't mind, I have a quick question for you since I have read with Indio and Venus once or twice, and have never read with Mattie or Cookie but am considering do you phrase questions about these guys that you are asking these readers?  Like, are you asking "What is coming up between me and (insert names of POIs here)?", or just "What is coming up for me in my love life (with no names given)?", or are you asking about a specific situation?  For instance, I read with both Venus and Indio recently about my POI because he was acting distant, but I actually told them that situation - my question basically was "My POI is being distant lately - what's going on and what will happen?".  I know for Yona and Kisha they work best with more generalized statements and I stick to that, but I guess I am wondering if I might get the best results using a more generalized question with pretty much ALL readers?  You seem to have really good luck with some of the same psychics I am trying, so just thought I would ask.... :)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #86 on: June 01, 2019, 03:59:15 PM »
@ Jenin

Hey! Yep I say "what's coming up between me and my POI, or what's coming up in my love life" those are the only two questions I ask lol.

IMO I think you are doing it the right way with the readers listed. I definitely think only certain readers are good with general/open ended questions, and others are better with specifics. And the way you asked the readers listed here is PERFECT! (to get the best accuracy)

Offline Jeninmd2

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« Reply #87 on: June 01, 2019, 09:48:11 PM »
@ Jenin

Hey! Yep I say "what's coming up between me and my POI, or what's coming up in my love life" those are the only two questions I ask lol.

IMO I think you are doing it the right way with the readers listed. I definitely think only certain readers are good with general/open ended questions, and others are better with specifics. And the way you asked the readers listed here is PERFECT! (to get the best accuracy)

Awesome, thanks Sparkle!!

Offline SomethingBetter

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« Reply #88 on: June 02, 2019, 01:51:22 AM »
Soooo....I thought I'd continue to update this thread with my story.

This original thread is about POI#1.
Since then POI#4 has come into play.

I am updating this thread as POI#1 is still active and clearly does not want to stop communication with me LOL. Ive read mostly lately on POI#4, and asked about POI#1 at the end (of Cookie's call only)

Basically my current readings with Cookie, Mattie, Venus and Indio ALL align - they all say POI#4 is very interested in me and wants to continue. Which is nice because I think there is substance there.

The following readers predicted POI#4 - Leanne Halyburton (Oct 2018), Delores (Dec 2018), Mattie, Cookie (she didnt see him specifically but rather described bits and pieces of him)

DELORES from CP was the ONLY reader who specifically told me my POI would be a Different Race then me. She said it several times and stated this person was not White or Black.

They ALL told me POI#2 wouldnt last and would be short term - and he WAS - like literally after the first week he was gone, but communicated up to 4 weeks and havent seen him since.

This situation alllll goes back to what Mattie originally saw -
She told me about new guys coming in (POI#2, 3 & 4) and but there would be 1 guy (POI#4) that would be a contender ...and basically it would just be 2 guys that will try to stake their claim (POI#1 and POI#4. She said when this new guy comes in POI#1 is going to try to come back.)

WELL I just got off the phone with Cookie and she just said the same thing!! Mattie said "it's going to get quite interesting" and that is what Cookie said too. She said I will be confused between both and will have to make a choice, all the while ANOTHER guy will be coming in.
Lord, I'm tired! I just want 1 GUY LOL. Cookie got allll graphic OMG she said yeah I will have an interesting summer.

Both Venus and Cookie saw me going on trips with this guy (POI#4) but there would be delays due to his job - like both said the exact same thing. Which isnt surprising given his travel schedule. Mattie and Delores mentioned a trip with this guy as well.
Again, DELORES specifically told me that I would be going on a TRIP with this guy (the guy of a different race) in January! When I read with her in April she saw the trip AGAIN and saw me going in MAY - well Im going the first week of June.
Kisha saw me "building a relationship up with a guy" and we could go on a "weekend getaway or a short trip" - this is what we have planned. However, luckily Venus and Cookie warned me that there may be delays with it or a cancelling/rescheduling.

Both Cookie and Indio said that I will have issues with POI#4's communication due to his travel (which is already true).

She also said my POI#1 has been doing DRIVE BYs by my house!!! She did predict that he would do this a long time ago but she now told me he HAS. Of course I have noooo idea but he does have a habit of being "in the area" so Im not surprised (but he lives very close to me too so there is that).

I find it soooo interesting when all of my readers get the same stuff!! My track record with them means that it typically happens.

However, I dont have solid relationship predictions so I guess I'll just have fun dating (well even if I was given one, it would be hard to believe given the rate of how outcome predictions actually pan out)

In the end I have to give it to Cookie and Mattie  - but especially Mattie - regarding how this would go down with these 2 WOW.

My readers are pretty awesome for me. Yes they get some stuff wrong but overall they are pretty good - especially when they all say the same things

I love hearing about your successes, especially with readers I also enjoy. Like Cookie. I have no interest in reading with Mattie but I’m happy all of these readers were able to see this for you. Good luck!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #89 on: June 02, 2019, 02:22:39 AM »
Thank you!❤️

Soooo....I thought I'd continue to update this thread with my story.

This original thread is about POI#1.
Since then POI#4 has come into play.

I am updating this thread as POI#1 is still active and clearly does not want to stop communication with me LOL. Ive read mostly lately on POI#4, and asked about POI#1 at the end (of Cookie's call only)

Basically my current readings with Cookie, Mattie, Venus and Indio ALL align - they all say POI#4 is very interested in me and wants to continue. Which is nice because I think there is substance there.

The following readers predicted POI#4 - Leanne Halyburton (Oct 2018), Delores (Dec 2018), Mattie, Cookie (she didnt see him specifically but rather described bits and pieces of him)

DELORES from CP was the ONLY reader who specifically told me my POI would be a Different Race then me. She said it several times and stated this person was not White or Black.

They ALL told me POI#2 wouldnt last and would be short term - and he WAS - like literally after the first week he was gone, but communicated up to 4 weeks and havent seen him since.

This situation alllll goes back to what Mattie originally saw -
She told me about new guys coming in (POI#2, 3 & 4) and but there would be 1 guy (POI#4) that would be a contender ...and basically it would just be 2 guys that will try to stake their claim (POI#1 and POI#4. She said when this new guy comes in POI#1 is going to try to come back.)

WELL I just got off the phone with Cookie and she just said the same thing!! Mattie said "it's going to get quite interesting" and that is what Cookie said too. She said I will be confused between both and will have to make a choice, all the while ANOTHER guy will be coming in.
Lord, I'm tired! I just want 1 GUY LOL. Cookie got allll graphic OMG she said yeah I will have an interesting summer.

Both Venus and Cookie saw me going on trips with this guy (POI#4) but there would be delays due to his job - like both said the exact same thing. Which isnt surprising given his travel schedule. Mattie and Delores mentioned a trip with this guy as well.
Again, DELORES specifically told me that I would be going on a TRIP with this guy (the guy of a different race) in January! When I read with her in April she saw the trip AGAIN and saw me going in MAY - well Im going the first week of June.
Kisha saw me "building a relationship up with a guy" and we could go on a "weekend getaway or a short trip" - this is what we have planned. However, luckily Venus and Cookie warned me that there may be delays with it or a cancelling/rescheduling.

Both Cookie and Indio said that I will have issues with POI#4's communication due to his travel (which is already true).

She also said my POI#1 has been doing DRIVE BYs by my house!!! She did predict that he would do this a long time ago but she now told me he HAS. Of course I have noooo idea but he does have a habit of being "in the area" so Im not surprised (but he lives very close to me too so there is that).

I find it soooo interesting when all of my readers get the same stuff!! My track record with them means that it typically happens.

However, I dont have solid relationship predictions so I guess I'll just have fun dating (well even if I was given one, it would be hard to believe given the rate of how outcome predictions actually pan out)

In the end I have to give it to Cookie and Mattie  - but especially Mattie - regarding how this would go down with these 2 WOW.

My readers are pretty awesome for me. Yes they get some stuff wrong but overall they are pretty good - especially when they all say the same things

I love hearing about your successes, especially with readers I also enjoy. Like Cookie. I have no interest in reading with Mattie but I’m happy all of these readers were able to see this for you. Good luck!

