Author Topic: THE END  (Read 205334 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #345 on: March 11, 2020, 11:54:11 PM »
lol who knows!

On the Next Episode of the Sparkle Show…


Disclaimer: If you want to read any interesting story, read on lol. I ask for no judgments. I also request no advice here as many of you know Im a pretty strong person and Ill be ok in this situation. Im simply reporting details as they align with predictions.

Im spooked because literally everything all of the things my readers have predicted about this guy predicted has come to pass regardless of the fact that he is married. Its like every single thing predicted is happening…and ITS SPOOKING ME OUT.  For starters, in Kisha’s last reading on 1/27 she describes 2 different energies - where one is the married man who will flirt with me but will go no where and he would not pursue, and another that is a new energy coming up very soon (in a month or so from the reading) that will be someone who would pursue me in a relationship - but literally described the SAME GUY. I even confirmed with her if it was truly a different guy because the description of him was the SAME. Dark WAVY HAIR, works in IT and works WITH ME, etc. She said NOPE NOT THE SAME GUY.

Well Im here to tell you, as of 2/25 - everything completely CHANGED. This guy who was reluctant to pursue me and definitely tried to refrain for pursuing me…has totally FLIPPED and started to PURSUE me. Its like KISHA SAW 2 Energies that are the SAME GUY. Because BOTH are correct. Click here to see exactly what she said —>,3540.msg108658.html#msg108658

 Where we were once not talking every day - we are now talking daily. Cookie mentioned “you guys could grow deeper into each other., He has a lot of feelings for you. You could start to communicate through email or text and he could say good morning or good evening.” I said yes we communicate through email because we work together. Cookie said “no no I mean outside of work, you could communicate more outside of work”

THIS ALL HAPPENED, but NOT IN THE WAY YOU THINK. I GOT SICK ON 2/27. This is where the change happened. Once he knew I was sick, he literally checked on me EVERY SINGLE DAY several times a day to make sure I was ok. And from there it morphed into us communicating everyday about other things.

The most recent thing that happened was what Cookie said word for word  in my 1/26 reading “And its been women, its been women that have wanted him, but it doesn’t look like he has ever been attentive to any of them like he has been with you” Its a lot of women around there that have found him attractive, he is more or less like you - there was something about you, but he knew it was something about you - he would go home and sit in his chair and think about you and didn’t understand why”

Fast forward to about 4 days ago - we had another long conversation and not only did he confess his feelings for me but in that same conversation he said that “Ive had women who have tried to approach me, even here in the workplace, sometimes even temps or contractors and I didnt entertain them. Im the type of guy that doesn’t do that, I never have even before I was married - you know, mess with random women. So I asked, “Why me?” He said - “ Its the connection. There isn’t a way to explain it. When we met up for happy hour back in January I just knew there was something there. There is something about you that makes me want to help you in anything that you do and support you, I feel like I really care about you. I don’t see you out of my life (he says my name) and repeats this 3 times. And..and I even feel like I could fall in LOVE with you…Im serious.  This isnt about sex for me, I want to just enjoy getting to know you. So what do the psychics say next about us? I hope they don’t see us going our separate ways I don’t want you to go anywhere. I feel like if I can help you with anything, I will.”

So Yeah guys - yeah this was like a no BS moment here. Like Cookie predicted last December (if you look at my past posts) she said DUDE COULD FALL IN LOVE WITH ME. And so did Barbara…so when he said those words I WAS SPOOOOOKED.

He asks “Whats next” based on the predictions - I even told him Cookie said he would fall in love with me. He wasn’t even scared about that. He said “I am a grown man and I own up to my decisions”.

SO WHATS NEXT? I was scared to even tell him because it had to with him and his wife!
SO BASED ON about 5-6 readers, THEY ALL SAW SEPARATION AND DIVORCE and that he would GO THROUGH GRIEF from MARCH - MAY. They said there is discord and fighting going on in the marriage and would not last (they ALL said this on their own automatically). They even said he didnt love his wife - yes even Cookie said this. Specifically, 1) That he was unhappy in his marriage 2) His wife was causing him grief and when I told him about both - he basically said NONE of that is happening.

The following readers said divorce/separation - divorce wouldn’t be anytime soon, but the separation would be: Cookie, Matilda, Uma, Barbara, River, Delores, Indio, Tajah

So to him right now things are good in his marriage. Readers have even picked up that he doesn’t love his wife, and he confirmed that he does.

AGAIN - HE SAID HE IS HAPPILY MARRIED, LOVES HIS WIFE and IS UNAWARE OF ANY ISSUES THAT WOULD CAUSE A SEPARATION/DIVORCE. I JUST PRETTY MUCH CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND CAUGHT HIM OFF GUARD. (Side note: now, Im sure some of you are skeptical about this and its healthy to be skeptical, Im not like totally gullible here - Im just being cautious. The only thing that is probably saving him at this moment that makes it seem like he is telling the truth about him never stepping out is the fact that literally no one saw him as a cheater - no one. Even when Cookie predicted him into my life almost 2 years ago - she said this guy “was very faithful”. These same readers would pick up my POI #1 and all his discretions and 3rd parties and lies …and literally - nothing with this guy. So we will see.)

So Wait - did you see that!  NO ISSUES IN THE MARRIAGE LOL. I told him I am so glad I am able to speak to you about this because #1, I would never want to wish that on you and #2, the readers could totally be wrong (predictively).  He said well - “You know men, we are dumb. We think that everything is going well, but maybe it isn’t. To me, arguments or whatever are normal parts of a relationship (which is true) but I see nothing that leads to that but again I could be blind. You never know. People change.” He then continued to say “you never know you never know” He then asked what specifically would be the reason for the break up…I said “NO ONE SPECIFICALLY SAID WHY” NO ONE.

SO THE FACT THAT I AM GETTING ANSWERS FROM THE HORSES MOUTH LEADS ME TO BELIEVE THEY ARE WRONG ABOUT THAT!! LIKE WOW.  Again, I never hoped that he would leave his wife or anything…BUT LOOK AT HOW THEY CAN SEND YOU DOWN THE WRONG ROAD. SMH. I WILL EAT MY WORDS if this happens While they have been right specifically about my involvement with him, I believe this prediction (for him - not for me) is WRONG.

HE asked, “What else?” I said - basically, it seems so far fetched, but they not only saw separation but US LIVING TOGETHER !!  lol. I said I don’t believe that. He continues to say “you never know, anything could happen”. I think that is just his deflection - I could hear it in his voice.
I did say - "So Lets get out of fairytale land, and talk about the real - like what would this look like - I mean I know you dont want me out of your life, and you could have feelings for me, but what in the world do you see that looking like? (Because hell for me Im going to keep dating like Im not getting caught up in this lol) - "He was like you never know, we'll see". I guess thats all you can really say I mean I dont expect a man to say Im going to completely uproot my life for this person I met like 5 months

The following readers mentioned us living together: Matilda, Indio, Tajah, River, Delores, Barbara. Matilda specifically saw him leaving and then going back.

Just a note - Im not getting readings solely on this guy. There is a new guy that was predicted for March so I wanted to get details on him (even though Kisha predicted the same dude) - but Matilda and Cookie mentioned this new guy…

I find this all fascinating based on what’s picked up and what is actually happening….

Stay tuned for the next Sparkle Show!

What season is The Sparkle Show on now? lol Is this the guy Cookie said you would marry? I know Cookie can read pretty far out.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #346 on: March 11, 2020, 11:56:22 PM »
LOVE following your story Sparkle:).

Thank you!

Offline kdspirited

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« Reply #347 on: March 12, 2020, 12:07:25 AM »

I'm just now checking these posts and wow lots of opinions!

Look, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I'm just sharing my story. I'm not going to comb through and respond to defend anything, because in the end, I can't change anyone's mind.

All I can say is, to those who enjoy reading how the predictions match the story - I'm glad to entertain.
To those who are annoyed and offended, you may keep scrolling (or you may respond, you can do whatever actually)

I understand I would most likely get this feedback and that's fine.

Yes it's a public forum, yes yes yes. I get it.

However, I'm not phased by any of the negative perceptions of my story...because its my truth.

I'm having a great day actually...hope you are too

One thing tho - I'm not sure where I actually pursued this guy...but hey if thats what it looks like maybe I didnt tell the story right lol

Sparkle glad you are having a good day hope you have many more. I would just say and then forever hold my peace is that there are a few people here on this forum who may have lived a few more seasons than you and I feel not everything they are saying is necessarily a criticism. Some of them may have seen this exact situation before and probably are concerned on how this all will end. Someone might get hurt and we are hoping its not you. Also this is experience based advise that may not necessarily resonate right now but will eventually. We are a community and I for one feel when we see situations that we can say a bit about we feel like we should. This comes from a place of love. You are an adult and free to do whatever but here is a bit of advise you dont have to pay a psychic to give you.

Good Luck and I will still continue to read your stories as long as I am on here which I hope is not too long :-)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #348 on: March 12, 2020, 12:10:45 AM »

I'm just now checking these posts and wow lots of opinions!

Look, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I'm just sharing my story. I'm not going to comb through and respond to defend anything, because in the end, I can't change anyone's mind.

All I can say is, to those who enjoy reading how the predictions match the story - I'm glad to entertain.
To those who are annoyed and offended, you may keep scrolling (or you may respond, you can do whatever actually)

I understand I would most likely get this feedback and that's fine.

Yes it's a public forum, yes yes yes. I get it.

However, I'm not phased by any of the negative perceptions of my story...because its my truth.

I'm having a great day actually...hope you are too

One thing tho - I'm not sure where I actually pursued this guy...but hey if thats what it looks like maybe I didnt tell the story right lol

Sparkle glad you are having a good day hope you have many more. I would just say and then forever hold my peace is that there are a few people here on this forum who may have lived a few more seasons than you and I feel not everything they are saying is necessarily a criticism. Some of them may have seen this exact situation before and probably are concerned on how this all will end. Someone might get hurt and we are hoping its not you. Also this is experience based advise that may not necessarily resonate right now but will eventually. We are a community and I for one feel when we see situations that we can say a bit about we feel like we should. This comes from a place of love. You are an adult and free to do whatever but here is a bit of advise you dont have to pay a psychic to give you.

Good Luck and I will still continue to read your stories as long as I am on here which I hope is not too long :-)

Totally get it! And thank you!!

Thanks for everyone's feedback

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #349 on: March 12, 2020, 12:33:48 AM »

Our VP had a meeting with the IT Director a week ago and asked if he needed any additional FTEs or if he has someone to back him up if he is out. The IT Director recommended either me or my coworker to be his back up (because we report to his peer, which also reports to the same VP)

Now he really wanted me because he feels I’m a better communicator, I work with the business well (this is outside of personal), Im more detailed oriented than my coworker etc. Mind you, initially my manager approached him with my coworker to be his back up because the coworker knows the application that he uses - but that’s it. The IT Director basically said “Ill get back to you” lol. He really didnt want my corworker for the reasons above…so he was trying to figure out a diplomatic way to request me…. forward to this week - the IT Director has a follow up meeting with the VP yesterday and  GUESS WHAT ….the VP  ACTUALLY recommended ME to be the IT DIRECTOR’s back up ON HIS OWN. (My manager didnt even know this - I love my manager by the way so no shade) …He didn’t even have to request me (because he was thinking about a strategy to do so).

So that means I will be a back up to a DIRECTOR - meaning I’ll be his apprentice and he is teaching me EVERYTHING HE KNOWS!!!

The VP will communicate this to my manager TOMORROW...

Its kind of eery because both Cookie and Kisha saw that I would be approached with a PROMOTION before the end of this year...and based on the knowledge I get from HIM - it appears to be a perfect setup.

(And No I did not tell the IT Director about the foreseen Promotion) lol

Update - 3.12.20 - Manager was pleased to announce my assistance to the team...and the IT Director told me that he doesnt want me to be known only as his "back up" he wants me to be able to assist (assist meaning - I will have the autonomy to answer questions on his behalf or manage projects even when he is there) him even while he is in the office...basically meaning he doesnt want me to "wait" until he isnt there to be involved... I swear this is so cool.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 12:14:34 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #350 on: March 12, 2020, 05:24:09 AM »
Sparkle I always love your episodes and wish you the best!  I know how complicated life can be and you cannot help who you connect with on a soul level.   I do not think anything is by accident.  Good luck to you!!! Keep us posted as always.

Thank you so much!
Honestly this is the only way I can explain it....soul level...
I never thought I’d be in a situation like this....and what’s funny it’s more or less a good friendship if anything.

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #351 on: March 12, 2020, 10:34:47 PM »
Thank you Sparkle! I’m doing well kicking cancer’s ass!!!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #352 on: March 13, 2020, 12:08:14 AM »
Thank you Sparkle! I’m doing well kicking cancer’s ass!!!

That's amazing!! I love it!
Sending positive vibes your way 🙌


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« Reply #353 on: March 13, 2020, 12:13:04 AM »
Sparkle I always love your episodes and wish you the best!  I know how complicated life can be and you cannot help who you connect with on a soul level.   I do not think anything is by accident.  Good luck to you!!! Keep us posted as always.

Thank you so much!
Honestly this is the only way I can explain it....soul level...
I never thought I’d be in a situation like this....and what’s funny it’s more or less a good friendship if anything.

good friends is my relationship with my soul connection!  it feels good to not have expectations!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #354 on: March 13, 2020, 12:18:32 AM »
Sparkle I always love your episodes and wish you the best!  I know how complicated life can be and you cannot help who you connect with on a soul level.   I do not think anything is by accident.  Good luck to you!!! Keep us posted as always.

Thank you so much!
Honestly this is the only way I can explain it....soul level...
I never thought I’d be in a situation like this....and what’s funny it’s more or less a good friendship if anything.

good friends is my relationship with my soul connection!  it feels good to not have expectations!

So true! - no expectations at all just a comfortable friendship.

Whats funny is that I know most ppl are concerned with it ending all bad and I just KNOW it won't. As I'm sure you can tell, Im a pretty strong person...and I know Ill eventually meet the guy Im supposed to be with - but wow what an amazing connection and Im happy that Ive met him ...truly a nice dude.

Offline LAW1974

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« Reply #355 on: March 13, 2020, 12:48:10 AM »

I'm just now checking these posts and wow lots of opinions!

Look, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I'm just sharing my story. I'm not going to comb through and respond to defend anything, because in the end, I can't change anyone's mind.

All I can say is, to those who enjoy reading how the predictions match the story - I'm glad to entertain.
To those who are annoyed and offended, you may keep scrolling (or you may respond, you can do whatever actually)

I understand I would most likely get this feedback and that's fine.

Yes it's a public forum, yes yes yes. I get it.

However, I'm not phased by any of the negative perceptions of my story...because its my truth.

I'm having a great day actually...hope you are too

One thing tho - I'm not sure where I actually pursued this guy...but hey if thats what it looks like maybe I didnt tell the story right lol

And the "Disclaimer"...oh boy lol...this was only because I am aware that people will have opinions since this topic is a bit taboo. Of course I didnt use a disclaimer on any other posts before this guy because I wasnt doing anything taboo...its just a simple as that. It was also to warn people if they didnt want to read something that went against their morals they could skip it - thats all

To walk in your shoes....  I am giving you kudos!  I dont know if you have read the 4 agreements!  I read it every year!  Its a tough book... And every year I make a resolution to work on just 1 of them!  You have life by the balls and I love it!  To not be phased by judgment and backlash is honestly amazing!  PROPS PROPS PROPS!!!!!!  And I am not judging anyone who posted either because I get it.... adultery is definitely something people have strong opinions about for good reason!  But as a neutral party I love that you are able to sit there and calmly respond with a decent amount of integrity:).

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #356 on: March 13, 2020, 01:39:01 AM »

I'm just now checking these posts and wow lots of opinions!

Look, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I'm just sharing my story. I'm not going to comb through and respond to defend anything, because in the end, I can't change anyone's mind.

All I can say is, to those who enjoy reading how the predictions match the story - I'm glad to entertain.
To those who are annoyed and offended, you may keep scrolling (or you may respond, you can do whatever actually)

I understand I would most likely get this feedback and that's fine.

Yes it's a public forum, yes yes yes. I get it.

However, I'm not phased by any of the negative perceptions of my story...because its my truth.

I'm having a great day actually...hope you are too

One thing tho - I'm not sure where I actually pursued this guy...but hey if thats what it looks like maybe I didnt tell the story right lol

And the "Disclaimer"...oh boy lol...this was only because I am aware that people will have opinions since this topic is a bit taboo. Of course I didnt use a disclaimer on any other posts before this guy because I wasnt doing anything taboo...its just a simple as that. It was also to warn people if they didnt want to read something that went against their morals they could skip it - thats all

To walk in your shoes....  I am giving you kudos!  I dont know if you have read the 4 agreements!  I read it every year!  Its a tough book... And every year I make a resolution to work on just 1 of them!  You have life by the balls and I love it!  To not be phased by judgment and backlash is honestly amazing!  PROPS PROPS PROPS!!!!!!  And I am not judging anyone who posted either because I get it.... adultery is definitely something people have strong opinions about for good reason!  But as a neutral party I love that you are able to sit there and calmly respond with a decent amount of integrity:).

Aw thank you!!! And I'll definitely look for that book! I need to keep myself occupied since it seems my city is going to shut down due to the "corona" lol

Offline LAW1974

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« Reply #357 on: March 13, 2020, 01:50:37 AM »

I'm just now checking these posts and wow lots of opinions!

Look, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I'm just sharing my story. I'm not going to comb through and respond to defend anything, because in the end, I can't change anyone's mind.

All I can say is, to those who enjoy reading how the predictions match the story - I'm glad to entertain.
To those who are annoyed and offended, you may keep scrolling (or you may respond, you can do whatever actually)

I understand I would most likely get this feedback and that's fine.

Yes it's a public forum, yes yes yes. I get it.

However, I'm not phased by any of the negative perceptions of my story...because its my truth.

I'm having a great day actually...hope you are too

One thing tho - I'm not sure where I actually pursued this guy...but hey if thats what it looks like maybe I didnt tell the story right lol

And the "Disclaimer"...oh boy lol...this was only because I am aware that people will have opinions since this topic is a bit taboo. Of course I didnt use a disclaimer on any other posts before this guy because I wasnt doing anything taboo...its just a simple as that. It was also to warn people if they didnt want to read something that went against their morals they could skip it - thats all

To walk in your shoes....  I am giving you kudos!  I dont know if you have read the 4 agreements!  I read it every year!  Its a tough book... And every year I make a resolution to work on just 1 of them!  You have life by the balls and I love it!  To not be phased by judgment and backlash is honestly amazing!  PROPS PROPS PROPS!!!!!!  And I am not judging anyone who posted either because I get it.... adultery is definitely something people have strong opinions about for good reason!  But as a neutral party I love that you are able to sit there and calmly respond with a decent amount of integrity:).

Aw thank you!!! And I'll definitely look for that book! I need to keep myself occupied since it seems my city is going to shut down due to the "corona" lol

GURL -- my kids school just shut down... I was like stock up on the vodka -- gonna be a long 3 weeks!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #358 on: March 13, 2020, 02:11:00 AM »

I'm just now checking these posts and wow lots of opinions!

Look, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I'm just sharing my story. I'm not going to comb through and respond to defend anything, because in the end, I can't change anyone's mind.

All I can say is, to those who enjoy reading how the predictions match the story - I'm glad to entertain.
To those who are annoyed and offended, you may keep scrolling (or you may respond, you can do whatever actually)

I understand I would most likely get this feedback and that's fine.

Yes it's a public forum, yes yes yes. I get it.

However, I'm not phased by any of the negative perceptions of my story...because its my truth.

I'm having a great day actually...hope you are too

One thing tho - I'm not sure where I actually pursued this guy...but hey if thats what it looks like maybe I didnt tell the story right lol

And the "Disclaimer"...oh boy lol...this was only because I am aware that people will have opinions since this topic is a bit taboo. Of course I didnt use a disclaimer on any other posts before this guy because I wasnt doing anything taboo...its just a simple as that. It was also to warn people if they didnt want to read something that went against their morals they could skip it - thats all

To walk in your shoes....  I am giving you kudos!  I dont know if you have read the 4 agreements!  I read it every year!  Its a tough book... And every year I make a resolution to work on just 1 of them!  You have life by the balls and I love it!  To not be phased by judgment and backlash is honestly amazing!  PROPS PROPS PROPS!!!!!!  And I am not judging anyone who posted either because I get it.... adultery is definitely something people have strong opinions about for good reason!  But as a neutral party I love that you are able to sit there and calmly respond with a decent amount of integrity:).

Aw thank you!!! And I'll definitely look for that book! I need to keep myself occupied since it seems my city is going to shut down due to the "corona" lol

GURL -- my kids school just shut down... I was like stock up on the vodka -- gonna be a long 3 weeks!

Yes!! *sips my Crown Royal Apple* Yes! lol

Offline kdspirited

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« Reply #359 on: March 13, 2020, 08:24:25 AM »
Yeah I went to the grocery store today and its as if this is Armageddon. I mean the shelves were all empty