Author Topic: Yona success stories?  (Read 9059 times)

Offline scarlora

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2018, 04:45:18 PM »
She brought it up in general.

Also said I’d meet this man “before the end of the year”.

We’ll see, it’s Novemeber. This could be a prediction that happens yeeeaaarrrssss out

Right, and then, wouldn't you meet a husband eventually anyway? 

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2018, 08:31:53 PM »
She brought it up in general.

Also said I’d meet this man “before the end of the year”.

We’ll see, it’s Novemeber. This could be a prediction that happens yeeeaaarrrssss out

Right, and then, wouldn't you meet a husband eventually anyway?

This. Give enough time the prediction will happen. I feel people make her prediction fit where they can. Especially when she general reader she will make general prediction and your mind fill the blanks. It does not happen in the time frame but because general it happen eventually and so people claim she read years out when really I feel (and worry) she just not the best reader gets thing wrong and when thing happen at some point that can fit the prediction they count as it come to pass. I feel people just give her extra allowance when she wrong which kind of is off putting. Give enough time general prediction will happen. For example I hear people say she get eye color wrong. I do not think so I just think you run into some body with different eye color and try to make it fit in to prediction where you can. But who know. May be I wrong

She correctly predicted my now boyfriend into my life when I was dating someone else for months and a variety of small predictions that I couldn't have made fit (the now bf traveling and bringing me back a nice gift, an argument we had, etc). I have read with Yona since 2011 and I actually stopped for a couple years because I realized it wasn't what I "wanted" to know - like about an ex-bf at the time when she was more focused on work or I couldn't exactly figure out what she was talking about, and when I asked about someone in particular, she was usually wrong. I started reading with her again around a year and a half ago (3 full readings since then) and the first reading in August all happened by March. She was the only one to clearly tell me another man was coming into the picture and correctly describe my then POI pulling back twice. Next reading was in January and everything happened by September (although she was sure it was the guy I was already involved with she was reading on - when all predictions turned out to be the second man she predicted back in August that came into my life 6 weeks after the January reading), and then my last reading was about a month ago and it touched on recent past but things haven't happened yet that she has predicted. Anyway, all I am saying with Yona is that you need to just let the reading go. Listen to it again in about 3 - 6 months. I don't listen to anything with her involving the card suits or the eye colors and I'm not trying to make anything fit for the sake of the reading. I will also say, if she's right for you, there will be no question that it's the prediction when it happens. Surely, things can happen that also fit, say a financial Tower because that's life and we all take financial losses and gains, but it will fit within the sequence of events/predictions she provides more often than not. Hopefully this helps.

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2018, 09:28:44 PM »
Yes, same!

It sounds like she was detailed for you.

I tried asking her a question and then she deflected so I didn’t really get an explanation of the situation at all so we’ll see what happens lol

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2018, 02:39:26 AM »
Just stay out of my business and STOP asking people to prove their reading and specific predictions to you, People here are not 5years old to not know if a prediction for them have occurred or not; if you're not satisfied with your reading, it doe not mean everyone feels the same way.

I read with her in March this year.  She predicted someone I was connected to would be in touch and rekindle a past relationship.  Was not ready when I knew them previously but it was imminent. There was nobody I could think of but one person.

Turned out I hadn’t met them yet. Met them
In April and who she described was spot on.

How did she describe? That does sound like try to fit prediction to me. She specific predicted some body you already know who you have previous connection to. I editing this because I understand text can appear a certain way and I hope I am not come across as rude! I do not mean in a rude way!(:
I am just curious as to how similar the predicted person and the actual person turn out to be

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2018, 02:41:10 AM »
As it's been said many times before... some readers work for ppl... Not all readers work for everyone.  I think Yona has proven to be for many very successful and I am not sure it's fair to throw things out like telling ppl they are trying to fit a prediction.  When you have a reading there are details told that only you and the reader know and those are the things that tell you know the situation at hand.... 

If you dont like a reader, than it's okay to voice that opinion (unless it's because that reader gave you a negative outcome and you are struggling with that.. but sometimes we dont connect!  I dont think it's fair to assume that if you didnt connect with Yona than everyone doesnt!  I definitely connected with Yona and I feel she is gifted and honest!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 02:47:28 AM by LAW1974 »

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2018, 03:01:10 AM »
I have read with Yona since 2014! I love Yona, I have lots of reading, her reading was very specific regarding my position & relationship

She specifically described my new role it happened 2 years later, she knew that I will be the only female on the team among 8 males, she also knew that my boss will be a male, that a female will be the one extending the offer, she knew that I will be rearranging  my finances within a brief period around that time and that there was no financial struggle , she knew this was a big job and what I will be doing. She accurate predicted when I will buy a home although, at the time of the prediction I was unemployed and I made a sarcastic remark to her, she has made big predictions on my love life as well.

Maybe you may say buying a home is a general prediction and at some point, most people will do so, but can you also tell me that as the only female working with 8 men is general? yes, a woman extending the offer is general and my boss being a male is 50% shot? she also told me I could work from home with this job, can you tell me most jobs allow employees to work from home?
I rest my case

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2018, 03:09:01 AM »
If you've noticed, I don't make comments or chip in, maybe you should just stop analyzing everything people write about readers and keep out of everyone's business, how many people have you have seen my bully? I think you're trying to prove every reader wrong because they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, people have the right to their privacy. How many times have members told you to stop poking holes in their reading, why do you need people to write out their specific prediction, you always come here to say how general every reader has been, maybe you should stop reading. This is the pot calling a kettle black. Classic passive aggressive behavior.
I rest my case

Just stay out of my business and STOP asking people to prove their reading and specific predictions to you, People here are not 5years old to not know if a prediction for them have occurred or not; if you're not satisfied with your reading, it doe not mean everyone feels the same way.

I read with her in March this year.  She predicted someone I was connected to would be in touch and rekindle a past relationship.  Was not ready when I knew them previously but it was imminent. There was nobody I could think of but one person.

Turned out I hadn’t met them yet. Met them
In April and who she described was spot on.

How did she describe? That does sound like try to fit prediction to me. She specific predicted some body you already know who you have previous connection to. I editing this because I understand text can appear a certain way and I hope I am not come across as rude! I do not mean in a rude way!(:
I am just curious as to how similar the predicted person and the actual person turn out to be

PREACH IT, tellmewhy!!!

you to. grow up. you 2 are some of the most hostile rude abusive and angry people i have ever seen on a forum. you butt in just to say preach it when ever some body speak rudely to me. you are both horrible people and you only post horrible rude thing. i have noticed before i even join the forum...  what the hell is wrong with you? why are you such unhappy and horribly rude person? i am getting really upset because you 2 are rude for no reason. put your big girl panties on and stop be such an asshole.

i am just over it. i am over you. you 2 are bully. you real are. you are unhappy people who have no thing better to do than to talk down and be hurtful to other. All i did was ask simple question. this is forum. i am ALLOWED TO DO THAT. grow the hell up.

i am fuckin done. look at how you behaving look how much of ass you are being. you are a horrible person. both of you. i do not deserve to be talk to like you talk to me.  do you even understand how your immature rudeness affect other? no. you clearly do not have empathy for other and compacity to be kind. this is NOT safe haven.

YOU 2 ARE BULLY. You do not deserve to be happy if you act this way. that is not ok. you really hurt me.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2018, 03:11:08 AM »
Just stay out of my business and STOP asking people to prove their reading and specific predictions to you, People here are not 5years old to not know if a prediction for them have occurred or not; if you're not satisfied with your reading, it doe not mean everyone feels the same way.

I read with her in March this year.  She predicted someone I was connected to would be in touch and rekindle a past relationship.  Was not ready when I knew them previously but it was imminent. There was nobody I could think of but one person.

Turned out I hadn’t met them yet. Met them
In April and who she described was spot on.

How did she describe? That does sound like try to fit prediction to me. She specific predicted some body you already know who you have previous connection to. I editing this because I understand text can appear a certain way and I hope I am not come across as rude! I do not mean in a rude way!(:
I am just curious as to how similar the predicted person and the actual person turn out to be

I agree. Im not sure how anyone can prove predictions happen - to you. Only they will know.

For example I recently had a prediction this summer where she told me an ex would come back and we would have a slight argument and we wouldnt agree on something because he was expecting something from me in a specific way. WELL it turns out even though my EX came back,  it wasnt him I had the situation with, it was a guy I dated for a very short time and we went a month without speaking (because I wasnt interested) and he was the one who came back with the argument EXACTLY as she described. She specifically told me it wasnt this guy because she said he had already been identified in the cards. NOPE it WAS HIM. She only saw him as an EX because I didnt deal with him anymore because I wasnt interested - but we were never in a relationship.

Here is a bit of advice about YONA: THE SITUATIONS/SCENARIOS ALWAYS COME TRUE - just not the people you think. So in this case the way things play out (specifically) happen but sometimes not with the person, the eye color, etc is wrong. BUT USUALLY THE PERSONALITY is RIGHT. SO I dont everrrrrrrr try to stick to the person or what that person looks like. Listen to what they ACT like she describes. Listen to their circumstances she describes. If that stuff doesnt fit with your POI, then its someone else. Sometimes she describes 2 of the same people in one reading!!! One guy came up as an "idiot" and the other came up as "Mr Conceited" BOTH are the same guy LOL.

Recently she predicted that I would have to step up and take responsibility for an event that a woman is arranging because she has to go away, she said I WOULD NOT do it....well - it came true this week - it was related to work. Yona thought it was a party or a dinner - a place where people were meant to socialize. Well people socialize during training as well. This was the big event that was being arranged. This woman was a coworker and we were arranging a training that she was conducting. She got pulled of that client and had to go to a different client and I HAD to take her place. I had no choice. She pulled the 5 of Cups for me - although she felt like I wouldnt do it - she misinterpreted that I just didnt want to do it (because Im new and I wanted to watch) But I have no problem stepping up to the plate. (Kisha made the same prediction by the way lol but she didnt know if I was gonna do it or not).

She also predicted that I would get a call from the "idiot" (my POI) - and said I would specifically say he was an idiot and I would get an explanation from him and he is putting his point across, because something has riled me up - and there is a bit of a difference of opinion and he is trying to prove himself - but I say that's stupid or you're an IDIOT. WELL it happened just as she said, however I never said he was an IDIOT outloud. I DID think he was stupid in thinking I would believe some story he told me
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 03:15:41 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2018, 03:50:50 AM »
I have read with Yona since 2014! I love Yona, I have lots of reading, her reading was very specific regarding my position & relationship

She specifically described my new role it happened 2 years later, she knew that I will be the only female on the team among 8 males, she also knew that my boss will be a male, that a female will be the one extending the offer, she knew that I will be rearranging  my finances within a brief period around that time and that there was no financial struggle , she knew this was a big job and what I will be doing. She accurate predicted when I will buy a home although, at the time of the prediction I was unemployed and I made a sarcastic remark to her, she has made big predictions on my love life as well.

Maybe you may say buying a home is a general prediction and at some point, most people will do so, but can you also tell me that as the only female working with 8 men is general? yes, a woman extending the offer is general and my boss being a male is 50% shot? she also told me I could work from home with this job, can you tell me most jobs allow employees to work from home?
I rest my case

I love this! Yes with general readings there are certain things (if too general) that could potentially and eventually happen (marriage, buying a house, marrying a guy with brown eyes LOL) - but when she gives those specifics like above on how it all goes down..... THATSsss what Im talkn about - thats a PREDICTION. I've noticed the way she describes the prediction and the scenarios surrounding it is what differentiates it from being a typical thing that just happens.

For example, she can predict you getting a house - BUT it is the way she predicts it - look at the scenario and how it came to pass - (for example "It says here that you are obtain a house through a means without money, its not your money. Maybe its gifted to you." Well it turns out someone may have passed away and you were in that persons WILL and it was given to you...stuff like that..

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2018, 08:52:06 PM »
In October 2017, Yona said that the guy i was dating is a decent guy just not very committed. That we will stop talking. But he will reach out again and test the waters. In October 2017, the ex poi and I got into a very bad fight. And we stopped talking. Fast forward to September 2018 he reached out again asking to see each other to “catch up”. Fast forward to last night, he asked again if we can see each other.

In October 2017, same reading as above, Yona said I will meet a guy and his career will change over summer.  it will take a long time of talking before we meet. That I will see him in a office space or residential white building with 3 floors.. It wil take a trip for us to develop. And that I will question where is this headed. And that he will go on a trip but it’s not overnight.  I met this foreigner in online dating. He was doing his masters and he just finished and he needs to find out if he’s staying in US or return to his country. When we just met he said he is looking for work in US. It took 2 months before we met each other. He lives in a white 3 floor residential apartment where I picked him up. After 2 weeks of knowing each other we went on a trip and things developed from there. I found out he is moving back to his country and I asked him where is this heading? He flew back to his country and is planning to stay there.

In August 2018, Yona saw those 2 guys mentioned above. But she was very specific with the 2nd one. Someone who works in law with contracts. Who feels pain in his back down to his knee due to a sports injury. The 2nd guy is a lawyer that works as a transactional lawyer creating contracts for debt and equity. He played tennis when he was younger and was ranked in his country until he had an injury. Last March 2018, his pain was so bad from his back down to his knee that he had an MRI.

Yona has a few more predictions from August 2018 that has not manifested yet. So.. will not read with her anytime soon 😬

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2018, 09:17:42 PM »
My first Yona prediction came true today.....

Yona described me and a man with dark hair and dark eyes in a fight, this will happen before I get POI's communication.  Well my ex husband (im pretty sure this is who she was describing) and I have been fighting for 2 days now over custody.  She felt that it woudl be soon (I believe my reading was 2 weeks ago)

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2018, 10:00:10 PM »
In October 2017, Yona said that the guy i was dating is a decent guy just not very committed. That we will stop talking. But he will reach out again and test the waters. In October 2017, the ex poi and I got into a very bad fight. And we stopped talking. Fast forward to September 2018 he reached out again asking to see each other to “catch up”. Fast forward to last night, he asked again if we can see each other.

In October 2017, same reading as above, Yona said I will meet a guy and his career will change over summer.  it will take a long time of talking before we meet. That I will see him in a office space or residential white building with 3 floors.. It wil take a trip for us to develop. And that I will question where is this headed. And that he will go on a trip but it’s not overnight.  I met this foreigner in online dating. He was doing his masters and he just finished and he needs to find out if he’s staying in US or return to his country. When we just met he said he is looking for work in US. It took 2 months before we met each other. He lives in a white 3 floor residential apartment where I picked him up. After 2 weeks of knowing each other we went on a trip and things developed from there. I found out he is moving back to his country and I asked him where is this heading? He flew back to his country and is planning to stay there.

In August 2018, Yona saw those 2 guys mentioned above. But she was very specific with the 2nd one. Someone who works in law with contracts. Who feels pain in his back down to his knee due to a sports injury. The 2nd guy is a lawyer that works as a transactional lawyer creating contracts for debt and equity. He played tennis when he was younger and was ranked in his country until he had an injury. Last March 2018, his pain was so bad from his back down to his knee that he had an MRI.

Yona has a few more predictions from August 2018 that has not manifested yet. So.. will not read with her anytime soon 😬

UMMM wow

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Re: Yona success stories?
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2018, 10:06:57 PM »
My first Yona prediction came true today.....

Yona described me and a man with dark hair and dark eyes in a fight, this will happen before I get POI's communication.  Well my ex husband (im pretty sure this is who she was describing) and I have been fighting for 2 days now over custody.  She felt that it woudl be soon (I believe my reading was 2 weeks ago)

Good luck with your custody case, hope all goes well.

