Author Topic: Newbie with a story to share  (Read 15433 times)

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2011, 10:35:16 PM »
lightme, do you think the psychics are reading the energy that your sm has for this woman who won't let him go. It is possible, in my opinion.

What I am surprised why they do not pick it up as Fear, because that is what it should be if he is not emotionally invested in the other woman. I think you need to probe this fully, honestly. Unless he has sort of surrendered emotionally albeit at a unconscious level you should be on a path to extricate from this bizarre, and complex and must say unfortunate situation for you.

Therese supposed to be v good didn't even pick up onthe woman.
they always have good reason, she said it was becos he no longer love her.

nobody picked up on anything factual.

I won't be calling for the next few months. my confidence inpsychics is near zero.

if I have to tell the whole story to get prediction, I can do the job of a psychic.
didn't they claim they can tell the past and future?

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WOW! No one picked up on this...
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2011, 11:20:46 PM »
Last week, just when I was starting to seriously consider my new guy, I came back from lunch one day to find a brownie on my desk. 

My SM came by and said it was from him because I'm "cool and I deserve delicious treats."  Today, an Engineer that I had been working on a big project with came by to see me and asked me if I received the brownie he left me last week.  My jaw dropped.

I don't know why I am sitting at my desk in tears right now over a stupid lie about a stupid brownie, but my point in telling you all this is because I called Avalon, Raven, and Aries Intuition after this happened.  None of them told me that the brownie wasn't from him/that he lied about it, and Raven actually specifically said that this was his way of apologizing for the rude manner in which he had treated me just a couple days before.  While Avalon and Kisha did not address the brownie, they also didn't tell me that it wasn't from him.

If he lies about something stupid like a brownie, I can imagine all the other stuff he has lied about!  I wish that I wasn't as upset as I am right now, but at least I know that someone who is open and honest is interested in me now.  Thank GOD I didn't sit around waiting for more timeframes!!!! 

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2011, 12:01:04 AM »
I understand you perfectly  Synergy I am a 100% Libran I love Love, romance, roses and all the sweet romantic pink lining of being in a relationship. I live in a world of unicorns and rainbows when it comes to relationships. But boy having Saturn visiting was a tough tough lesson, I divorced, the next relationship did not pan out either. That was so painful! But also so much accomplished in career dept. I got a job I love and started my own business too! That's been going great. This Saturn transit is a bittersweet experience. But still I'm glad, I think I am finally who I really am! You better get all your learning now so next one in another 12 yrs won't be that hard.


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Re: Job 2010-2011/Libra
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2011, 01:22:31 AM »
I am wondering if any of you Libra's are have a tough time finding jobs or problems with jobs? I have not worked in about 2 years and SE said ii will hear something sometime this month and start in January. Avolon  also said i should hear something back from a company i once spoke to this month ,I really want to work but this year has been very rough for me and i would say i have been blessed to go and a few job interview but i always end up being the 2nd choice which is not cool. I hope that this new year would change everything. SE also said that in the worst case scenario, i would get a job in March and that's why i wanted to talk to Mary Occhino.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2011, 04:13:51 AM »
Right, sunandmoon. I wouldn't be upset if I hadn't specifically asked about the whole thing. Raven explained his actions and everything. She said the brownie was his way of apologizing without having to verbalize it. :(

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2011, 05:13:41 AM »
Wakeup call I am Libra and last 3 yeas was nothing but abundance and wealth (I spent some of it on psychics  ;D) I also went to school, opened my own business etc. On the other had it was disastrous in the love department. I hears Saturn is reaching last days of Libra sign so it might be you and that is why the stagnation with jobs, any way you could do some training or get more skills to have better chances? Saturn is usually helpful with that.

Offline BP1990

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2011, 08:25:02 AM »
Yeah I agree about the brownie thing not being too much of a big deal but I see where both sides are coming from. I don't want to give the benefit of the doubt but I feel that psychics can pick up on a certain amount of things and if we build these high expectations and have this mentality that psychics should know everything and every detail then we are in for a big disappointment. I noticed that sometimes(though we don't want to) giving them a hint or a quick background can help them pick up on more details instead of them randomly picking it up and it doesn't mean you have to give your whole life story. Remember you are only speaking to this people for a certain amount of time so you can not know everything and some things are better left to figure out and learn on your own.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2011, 12:44:41 PM »
There was a psychic I called for over a year. I spoke to her multiple times a week. She recognized my voice after a couple of months so she was certainly connected to me and knew the situation well. I think she is wonderful to talk to. But she never picked up on the girl he actually had a r/s with (an affair at that) until *I* found out it was a fact. I had seen an xmas card in his apartment NYD and she said it was from someone that wanted to be with hm but the feelings weren't reciprocated. Fact is he was SLEEPING with her at that time. Now the other girl that was interested in him, I do believe that nothing ever happened between them physically but this girl that left a card - no doubt about it and for months. Yet only one or two random psychics ever picked up that he was with someone during that time and they were so off base on everything else that I discounted them.

This particular psychic has told me her predictions are within 2 years and she had predicted marriage for me etc. But she did always say my ex would come back and we'd be together. I do love talking to her as a great friend but I also am a little more skeptical these days on true psychic abilities.

I am believing more and more that we often get what we WANT to hear from them. Honestly if you look at many of our threads there is a definite pattern to what we are being told - down to timelines. I was already seeing that as I spent a year calling. As a set of timelines would pass, they would move out again to spring, fall etc. Didn't matter who I called. I'd love to talk to someone who used to work the lines and hear what they have to say as I'd bet they are coached about what to say generally. I'd bet 99% of us could do the same on a psychic line and there was someone on here who said recently they did just that. His mom would call me about her r/s and 9 times out of 10 I could tell  her what would happen in the next week based on my dealings with my ex and the months of talking to her about HER r/s. It wasn't rocket science.

I have spent THOUSANDS to find out answers and got nothing but a credit card that will take years to pay off now when I can least afford it. I have no idea how I am going to get through winter since my health insurance has increased over $200/mo in the past year on top of all that - I barely survived last winter and I'm not sure I can work any more than I do now.

Oh and did anyone see the video from CA a few days ago about real and fake psychics? Thought that was a little funny.

I am not trying to burst anyones bubble but this forum has been a lifesaver for me because it speaks the truth and understands both sides of the equation. If you want to wait for someone because a psychic says to, then do so. But waiting years when you see what is happening in front of your face isn't healthy - and I did just that (18 months).

Oh and Synergy - I have to comment again on the brownie. First I'm glad someone actually admitted to leaving it - that was a great gesture!  :)

But I know how you feel about the lie..... summer 2010 I had suggested my ex and I go rollerblading at a trail we both like. He replied "sorry can't, sold them!". Which I fully believed because he was thinking of moving and had gotten rid of a ton of stuff - some of which I helped him with.

Imagine my shock when I was in his place NYD and the damn skates were sitting right there in his closet. That was a complete slap in the face.

Of course I didn't care because he had just told me he loved me, missed me and wanted to make things better so I was on cloud 9 (in addition to him calling me to spend the day with me) but as the months went on I certainly thought about it. He could have just said he was tired or sore or anything that he normally did but nope, he sold them.

So yes it's a silly brownie but OTOH it's so much more.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 12:54:58 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2011, 01:11:07 PM »
Sunandmoon, I did see the video at CP and she stated that if you have to tell your psychic the scenario, then they arent psychic. Then you can read other blogs from some of the other psychics and they say that a little information helps them to tune in. Who knows? I really prefer the ones that dont need any input from me and Nina is one of the only ones that could ever tell me anything without info from me. I remember a few years ago, I called her so upset and by the time she got on the line all I could say was "I dont even know what to ask you". She started in and told me exactly what had been going on and how I was feeling and hit on some very specific stuff. But to date, none of her predictions have happened. Maybe its like some of us are thinking now, that I was so focused on everything that my energy caused a complete shift in how things were supposed to work out. Last time I talked to Nina was in August and she still stuck to her guns and was very confident of things coming together no matter how long it has been since any contact. Im really trying to just move on, but still think of him daily, just not with the same focus as before. Trying to open myself up to others but still at a point of just not wanting anyone else and dont feel that I can have the emotions for anyone else that I had for him. I still feel so stupid sometimes but then I tell myself that he was and is the stupid one for throwing us away like he did. How can any woman still love someone that walks away like that??????? But here I am doing that very thing. Beginning to think Im a lost cause, lol. But at least Im not calling psychics now. Its been a couple of months now. And the one that gave me several free email readings had to have the scenario before the reading then I emailed her a few nights ago about a completely different thing but didnt tell her anything except I had a falling out with a friend and could she tell me what it was about or if it would be smoothed over. She couldnt tell me what the fight was about or anything concerning that problem. So much for her psychic ability, lol. So I was right, she is simply a counselor. So Im back to not believing her predictions for me and SM. I so wish I had never tried psychics for love/relationship issues. But once you do, you seem to go back from time to time when you have had little things happen.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2011, 02:49:30 PM »
First off, you're not a lost cause - NONE of us are! I was where you are as well, for so long. And if I hadn't decided to take a chance on this new guy - which was HUGE as we work together - I'd still be there. I also still think of my ex even though I am very happy in my current r/s and couldn't imagine leaving the new guy for my ex. I have no idea how he managed to get under my skin the way he did.

I read an email from a r/s expert who also works with others (not psychics) and they said the highest chance of an ex coming back was in something like 6 weeks! I held on for 18 months when he drew further and further away in the last 9. I used every little excuse in the book for him - and while they were probably right (the excuses), it doesn't excuse the fact that this man believed in US enough to insert himself in my marriage and then over a year after my divorce decided we were done and forgot to tell me about it. How could a man who could be so bold as to cause public scenes and get upset when I wouldn't be affectionate in public be such a wimp when it mattered? There is really no excuse for that. I read into every nuance, every time he gave me something, called me, emailed me, liked a pic on facebook. That all meant he cared. Did he? If he really did he would have made more effort I think.

I think so much of what the psychics give us is common sense. A high percentage of callers are calling about a r/s and a failed one at that. And I know when I first started to call I was so upset I wouldn't even be able to speak, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Then we start calling for an "update in our situation". I even learned how to word things so it didn't sound as if we had just broken up, I was looking for info on a man I am interested in. 9 times out of 10 they saw us a soul mates, he thinks about me, he cares about me, he has money worries, people are influencing him. All true. But how true is all that for everyone else when you really think about it?  :(

Offline Synergy

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2011, 04:36:54 PM »

Just as sunandmoon said... we've all been there, and you are not a lost cause!!

I was with my SM for 7 months (on and off, he was never consistent), and I've been waiting for him for 6 months.  It embarasses me that I've been living this way.  I'd be waiting for payday just so I could go on psychic rampages and get all the false hope I could take. 

There are two readers on Keen who I kept calling because they kept feeding me a fairytale.  Both of them claimed my guy was my Twin Flame and that we were going to get back together because so many twin flames are uniting in this lifetime.  They made all these promises.  It was ridiculous. 

This man isn't my Twin Flame.  He isn't anything.  Do I believe that I had a soul connection with him?  Yes.  Does that mean he's going to come back?  No. 


I relate to your story so much.  The thing with the skates is classic!  It almost sounds like we're talking about the same guy because he would always lie about little things.  Even though I knew he wasn't honest, I still kept running back.

I understand that these readers can't see every little detail, but if they're only reading my energy or picking up on my desires, then why call???  I know what I think, want, and feel.  I don't need to pay someone to tell me that!  It makes me question everything I've been told by them. 

ALL of these CP readers said I'd be in a long term committed relationship with my guy (timeframes are shown if they have not passed): Nina (2012 timeframe, but previous prediction did not pass), Jaqueline (nothing has happened), Jean (saw marriage, no short term prediction given), Vicki Joy (2012 timeframe), Lucrecia (didn't happen), William (Dec. 2011, did get a professional prediction correct), Meryl (Oct. prediction did not happen), Venus (2012 timeframe), Yvonne (2012 timeframe), Ginger (very sweet woman, but it hasn't happened), Angel, Heidi (got a prediction wrong), Alison, and Leah.  Those are just the ones I remember!  I wouldn't even be able to list all of the Keen readers!!

None of them have been right!  I would really be surprised if all of a sudden in February (which so many readers have called out as our reconciliation month) he would just waltz right back in to tell me he's ready.  He's an emotionally stunted 45 (almost 46) year old man who got himself a motorcycle, lives in a bachelor pad, and focuses solely on himself!  He'd have to have a lobotomy to change so drastically!  I can't say I have no hope because deep down I do still have some hope, but I can't live a lie anymore!  He's not coming back.  Not today, not tomorrow, and not in February.  AND if somehow a miracle happens and he does come back, I don't think I even want him.

Please know that this doesn't mean I don't think any of your ex's are not coming back.  I hope and pray for everyone here that these readers are accurate.  I'm just saying that I am angry and frustrated with myself because I've been spending money on false hope. 

I have a wonderful man in my life who respects me.  He treats me the way I deserve to be treated.  He doesn't lie about stupid brownies.  He isn't "busy" if I need help with something or if I want him to join me at an event.  I didn't have to call psychics to know how he feels about me... he actually tells me.  I can't settle for the meaningless attention my SM gives me.  That's nothing in comparison. 

I wish I could say that I'm never calling a reader again, but that's not true.  I haven't called in a few days, and I'm starting to get the itch, especially with my SM's brownie lie, BUT my new guy is keeping me busy and I think I can hold on just a bit more. He's the one who deserves my attention.  :)


If your ex doesn't come back, please don't lose hope because there are good people out there who are willing to give us love, affection, and attention.  It will happen. 

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2011, 09:35:59 PM »
I have a wonderful man in my life who respects me.  He treats me the way I deserve to be treated.  He doesn't lie about stupid brownies.  He isn't "busy" if I need help with something or if I want him to join me at an event.  I didn't have to call psychics to know how he feels about me... he actually tells me.  I can't settle for the meaningless attention my SM gives me.  That's nothing in comparison. 


If your ex doesn't come back, please don't lose hope because there are good people out there who are willing to give us love, affection, and attention.  It will happen.

YES!!!! First paragraph - absolutely - this is exactly where I ended up. Someone who WANTS to spend time with me, who absolutely adores me, has actually put things to do at MY house on HIS todo list and asks for nothing in return. Yes, I used to get this same treatment from my ex but something happened to change him. (I had to laugh at the age - mine turned 40 this past spring so I'm thinking midlife crisis for both?  ;)  ). The best part about the new guy is that he's actually secure about my feelings towards him and he doesn't text bomb me or HAVE to be with me. It's a much healthier r/s and maybe I needed to go through what I did to see that. I was able to show him a picture of me and another male friend at an event where we were holding our hands raised about our heads for the cameras and got nothing but a simple "who was that again?" as he hasn't met too many of my friends.

There ARE good people out there. Not long ago I didn't believe that either but it's true.  :)


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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2011, 12:35:17 AM »
LIBRA, thank you for your responses.  well i want a go get my MBA but i don't want to accrue more debt. i want the company i work for to pay for it. well i hope things change since i am on tier 4 of unemployment.

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2011, 06:33:57 PM »
I didn't know where to post this because it's just something I want to share and get off my chest, so I'm adding it to this thread.

Anyways, today is my work holiday party.  I am attending with Chance, and my ex will see us together.  I am really nervous.  Not because I'm afraid of ruining things with my ex... I honestly don't want him back, but because I know he can be a real jerk, and I'm worried he'll say something off color or will just try to make me feel bad (even though I have nothing to feel bad about, he's the one who dropped me like a hot potato). 

I am really excited to attend this event with Chance, and I know he'll make me feel like a princess, but I don't want it to be ruined by the idiot.  I'm not going to call any readers today, so I wanted to let it all out here.  Haha.  I should be so happy with this new man, and really I am, but there's always some way that my ex creeps in and causes me some form of anxiety. 

You all have been so supportive and helpful during this whole personal crisis, so thank you for just letting me vent right now!  My friends don't want to hear about my ex anymore because they think I should be over it, and sometimes I don't know who to talk to because I just feel crazy. 

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Re: Newbie with a story to share
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2011, 06:55:30 PM »
Hi Synergy! I hope that you have fun at the party today!

I wouldn't worry too much about the ex, because it's your night to enjoy and have fun. He can be miserable if he chooses to, and if he does say something rude or try to make you feel bad, then it's just going to make him look like a fool in front of everyone attending. People will look at him like this lol :o

Maybe just give Chance the heads up if he doesn't know about the ex already? He seems like a really good guy who would be understanding about the entire situation no matter what.

Don't feel crazy; I don't talk to my friends about my ex either because they don't want to hear it. They also think I should have moved on long ago. I just wish it were that easy!

