Author Topic: Advice to new users:  (Read 6376 times)

Offline Hillcam

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Advice to new users:
« on: November 06, 2018, 04:21:01 AM »
Let’s start with a bit of a disclaimer, I know I’m no veteran here. These are just my two cents for the new users that are looking for everyone’s recommended readers.

It’s been said here countless times, one reader may work for me and not for you. When I stumbled upon the forum I was ecstatic. I thought having reviews for the “psychics” I’d been calling for years would save me SO. MUCH. MONEY.

After noticing the majority of my favorites had less than favorable reviews, I started calling others that had the better reputations of the bunch. I can’t even tell you how many I’ve tried since finding the psychic reviews. When it comes to those of you that are looking for recommendations, it’s easier said than done, but don’t spend every last penny trying everyone else’s tried and true. It’ll leave you broke and more than likely confused and heartbroken.

I was hoping this forum would help me spend less money than before, and after going down the list of the fan favorites and spending a lot of money... I’m finally at that point. I owe a lot to the users here for helping to (somewhat) kick this addiction. But PLEASE, don’t break yourself while trying to find answers from these readers, even the best don’t have all of them.

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2018, 06:35:59 AM »
Let’s start with a bit of a disclaimer, I know I’m no veteran here. These are just my two cents for the new users that are looking for everyone’s recommended readers.

It’s been said here countless times, one reader may work for me and not for you. When I stumbled upon the forum I was ecstatic. I thought having reviews for the “psychics” I’d been calling for years would save me SO. MUCH. MONEY.

After noticing the majority of my favorites had less than favorable reviews, I started calling others that had the better reputations of the bunch. I can’t even tell you how many I’ve tried since finding the psychic reviews. When it comes to those of you that are looking for recommendations, it’s easier said than done, but don’t spend every last penny trying everyone else’s tried and true. It’ll leave you broke and more than likely confused and heartbroken.

I was hoping this forum would help me spend less money than before, and after going down the list of the fan favorites and spending a lot of money... I’m finally at that point. I owe a lot to the users here for helping to (somewhat) kick this addiction. But PLEASE, don’t break yourself while trying to find answers from these readers, even the best don’t have all of them.

Very true. I hundred percent agree. I am so glad I found this forum last year and it helped me weigh my psychic choices carefully. thanks to all the users here who have shared their experiences.

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2018, 11:52:59 PM »
Thank you!!! Cookie was the absolute worst for me, but the ones who have been right time and again are either never mentioned or got bashed here. I stick with who worked for me now.

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2018, 12:29:07 AM »
I agree Cookie never worked for me. She knew my bday but thats about it. Nothing else panned out

Offline njlady

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2018, 01:08:06 AM »
Don't assume that because you are calling a psychic line that you are speaking with an actual psychic or with someone who has had development.

Don't start calling people because other people liked them.  Wait and see how things worked out.  I keep a list of people I would like to try someday.  I've crossed almost everyone off without trying them because I've seen how it panned out for others.  A few I've gone ahead and tried because whatever and I've almost always regretted it.  Save your $$$ and wait. 

Don't call someone back again right away because you liked them.  They aren't crack and you don't need a fix.  They will still be there in a couple of months.  Wait for things to pan out or a major change before you call again.  This also helps prevent OMGItsHerAgain syndrome, where an untrained reader will regurgitate the last reading or where a reader simply has nothing new to say.   

Don't try and mislead a psychic.  If they are real and connect, they will give you a validation (something you know to be true).  That's all you need to be concerned about.  If you don't feel comfortable with them, don't have them read for you. 

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2018, 01:26:21 AM »
Don't assume that because you are calling a psychic line that you are speaking with an actual psychic or with someone who has had development.

Don't start calling people because other people liked them.  Wait and see how things worked out.  I keep a list of people I would like to try someday.  I've crossed almost everyone off without trying them because I've seen how it panned out for others.  A few I've gone ahead and tried because whatever and I've almost always regretted it.  Save your $$$ and wait. 

Don't call someone back again right away because you liked them.  They aren't crack and you don't need a fix.  They will still be there in a couple of months.  Wait for things to pan out or a major change before you call again.  This also helps prevent OMGItsHerAgain syndrome, where an untrained reader will regurgitate the last reading or where a reader simply has nothing new to say.   

Don't try and mislead a psychic.  If they are real and connect, they will give you a validation (something you know to be true).  That's all you need to be concerned about.  If you don't feel comfortable with them, don't have them read for you.

Well said.  I totally agree. I waa just saying to myself today Mattie is a hot topic here now but couple months ago it was someone else...shes probably good but i try to stay away from who trending. My favs are almost never mentioned here and those few times i tried some trending advisors i regretted it and got a refund because the reading was b.s. cookies line is 100 + ppl and she hardly answers msgs. I tried here based on reviews here and when the outcome was not wat she predicted i messaged her, she answered pretty fast and with a attitude saying things that made no sense lol you will kno who u connect with and who cares if they are not popular.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2018, 02:09:02 AM »
I would like to add.

1.Expect to be dissapointed in the abilities of these readers for the most part. It seems like its possible for them to have the right answers, but they ultimately fail you.

2. Let time pass before getting another read. Our brains trick us into thinking that A, B, C is supposed to happen in 1, 2, 3. Life runs in an odd circle and often out of order. What you think should happen in the spring may happen in winter...of 2021. Don't count on these readers timing at all.

3. Ive had the best experiences with general readings and no real desire to have specific questions answered.

4. Check yourself about why you are calling. Are you really calling about predictions or do you want to hear everything will work out when it likely wont?

5. Consider therapy or life management skills. So many people prescribe themselves psychic sessions when they would be better off at handling the practicalities of life in a far healthier way.

6. Remember that these are strangers on the internet that are in it for the money primarily, even gifted ones. Respect that fact and don't take them too seriously to where you are going broke trying to talk to them. They are not your friends.

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2018, 02:56:28 AM »
Don't assume that because you are calling a psychic line that you are speaking with an actual psychic or with someone who has had development.

Don't start calling people because other people liked them.  Wait and see how things worked out.  I keep a list of people I would like to try someday.  I've crossed almost everyone off without trying them because I've seen how it panned out for others.  A few I've gone ahead and tried because whatever and I've almost always regretted it.  Save your $$$ and wait. 

Don't call someone back again right away because you liked them.  They aren't crack and you don't need a fix.  They will still be there in a couple of months.  Wait for things to pan out or a major change before you call again.  This also helps prevent OMGItsHerAgain syndrome, where an untrained reader will regurgitate the last reading or where a reader simply has nothing new to say.   

Don't try and mislead a psychic.  If they are real and connect, they will give you a validation (something you know to be true).  That's all you need to be concerned about.  If you don't feel comfortable with them, don't have them read for you.

Yes yes! So often here someone will write “so and so seemed to pick up the current accurately. I’ll update when possible.” And their predictions hardly ever come to pass! Always wait for the updates before spending your money.

I can’t even begin to describe how many times I’d call someone and they’d tell me the SAME things, maybe not verbatim, but essentially the same reading but I was so delusional and wrapped up in my emotions that I didn’t notice.

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2018, 03:04:48 AM »
I would like to add.

1.Expect to be dissapointed in the abilities of these readers for the most part. It seems like its possible for them to have the right answers, but they ultimately fail you.

2. Let time pass before getting another read. Our brains trick us into thinking that A, B, C is supposed to happen in 1, 2, 3. Life runs in an odd circle and often out of order. What you think should happen in the spring may happen in winter...of 2021. Don't count on these readers timing at all.

3. Ive had the best experiences with general readings and no real desire to have specific questions answered.

4. Check yourself about why you are calling. Are you really calling about predictions or do you want to hear everything will work out when it likely wont?

5. Consider therapy or life management skills. So many people prescribe themselves psychic sessions when they would be better off at handling the practicalities of life in a far healthier way.

6. Remember that these are strangers on the internet that are in it for the money primarily, even gifted ones. Respect that fact and don't take them too seriously to where you are going broke trying to talk to them. They are not your friends.

Agreed! Especially #6. I remember one time one of my favorites blocked me and I was crushed. I’m hindsight, I’m sure she was tired of telling me all the same stuff. Now I realize, she was never my friend...and even though I was paying for her time, I’m sure telling me the same lines over and over was infuriating.

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2018, 01:57:01 PM »
Yep. It's something we all do, using a reader that's been raved about to us. Every reader I've been recommended so far by people I've been underwhelmed by (apart from Aries Intuition, who was decent). Talking of Aries, because there are so many comments on here saying how she validated well but nothing came true, it automatically puts a panic alarm in my brain and that's when people on here begin to panic and call other readers up. It's one huge slippery slope.

Also, because there is free will and rarely do predictions come through (when involving other people), I just don't see the point of readings, because you're spending money to ask for a gamble on if the ex will come back. Timescales extend, excuses made, before you know it - your ex is happily married. When I get over my calling addiction, I'll never use readings apart from what I was brought up to use them for - speaking to mediums who bring in deceased loved ones, because there's no point in having readings if the future can change constantly. You wouldn't place a bet in a bettings shop if the scenario/bet was constantly changing, as you know you'd never win.

Rarely do things pan out the way a reader sees them, and when people write "they were right, but years out with another person" - is that good enough? Most of the time, it's so generic. Sometimes readers predict things and they do happen to be out with timings, but on the same person, which isn't their fault. They aren't God, and there's no sense of timing in the spirit world. I struggle to understand though readers mixing up energies. I believe our energies all are different like we are as people. They rarely rarely mix up your grandparents or your deceased Father for your Uncle. Almost all mediums are able to distinguish which family member in the spirit world is which. So they'll pick up your grandparent on Mother's side or Father's side. They can pick up on a "Mother" or "Father" energy. Why do they mix up someone who you are closely connected to now, with someone else way down the line? Some people might think I have unrealistic expectations of readers, but I disagree. Readers claim to be "psychic", so should be able to pick these things up. In Yona's case I can understand why she mixes people up and gets things slightly differed because she is not psychic, and is solely a fortune teller. I've seen a medium in person who trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and she got everything spot on about an ex (which was negative). No mix ups, no "happened, but years out with another person". I think truly gifted mediums can read individual energies with no mix ups.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2018, 03:17:01 PM »
Star - sorry for picking your post apart - but I respectfully disagree on just a few things ;)

Yep. It's something we all do, using a reader that's been raved about to us. Every reader I've been recommended so far by people I've been underwhelmed by (apart from Aries Intuition, who was decent). Talking of Aries, because there are so many comments on here saying how she validated well but nothing came true, it automatically puts a panic alarm in my brain and that's when people on here begin to panic and call other readers up. It's one huge slippery slope.

Also, because there is free will and rarely do predictions come through (when involving other people)<--I get this is a general statement but actually most of my predictions have come true (eerily) - but typically the ones I have seen that havent (at least what Ive seen on this board) had to do with a POI. Some predictions come true - its usually the "outcome" that typically doesnt. Also not everyone believes in free will - I believe in both free-will and pre-destiny., I just don't see the point of readings, because you're spending money to ask for a gamble on if the ex will come back.<--I get ya, but not everyone is calling about an ex. I did at one time. Now I was calling about someone new. The point of readings for me is basically a couple things - 1) To get entertained, and 2) I did use it to calm anxiety (not the best use but Im being honest) Timescales extend, excuses made, before you know it - your ex is happily married. When I get over my calling addiction, I'll never use readings apart from what I was brought up to use them for - speaking to mediums who bring in deceased loved ones, because there's no point in having readings if the future can change constantly.<-- This is definitely your belief - and you are entitled to that and I respect that! BUT I believe in pre-destiny as well. And I surely dont want to speak to dead people (dead loved ones rather. Well now if they speak to me than I have no choice lol). I dont think that psychic skills should be limited to just that when there are actual things that have happened through the clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. You wouldn't place a bet in a bettings shop if the scenario/bet was constantly changing, as you know you'd never win.

Rarely do things pan out the way a reader sees them, and when people write "they were right, but years out with another person" - is that good enough?<-- I think so. It was a prediction. The scenario played out. It may not be with the current person, but what happened happened. Most of the time, it's so generic. <--Sometimes readers predict things and they do happen to be out with timings, but on the same person, which isn't their fault. They aren't God, and there's no sense of timing in the spirit world. I struggle to understand though readers mixing up energies. I believe our energies all are different like we are as people. They rarely rarely mix up your grandparents or your deceased Father for your Uncle. Almost all mediums are able to distinguish which family member in the spirit world is which. So they'll pick up your grandparent on Mother's side or Father's side. They can pick up on a "Mother" or "Father" energy. Why do they mix up someone who you are closely connected to now, with someone else way down the line? Some people might think I have unrealistic expectations of readers, but I disagree. Readers claim to be "psychic", so should be able to pick these things up. In Yona's case I can understand why she mixes people up and gets things slightly differed because she is not psychic, and is solely a fortune teller<-- I want to know what the difference is between a fortune teller and psychic. Fortune tellers often have a negative connotation - for people who only see the future - where psychics can give you more than just the future - maybe insights that will help you on your life path (this is typically what Yona does). I've seen a medium in person who trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and she got everything spot on about an ex (which was negative). No mix ups, no "happened, but years out with another person". I think truly gifted mediums can read individual energies with no mix ups.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 03:19:40 PM by Sparkle002 »

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2018, 03:20:18 PM »
Star - sorry for picking your post apart - but I respectfully disagree on just a few things ;)

Yep. It's something we all do, using a reader that's been raved about to us. Every reader I've been recommended so far by people I've been underwhelmed by (apart from Aries Intuition, who was decent). Talking of Aries, because there are so many comments on here saying how she validated well but nothing came true, it automatically puts a panic alarm in my brain and that's when people on here begin to panic and call other readers up. It's one huge slippery slope.

Also, because there is free will and rarely do predictions come through (when involving other people)<--I get this is a general statement but actually most of my predictions have come true (eerily) - but typically the ones I have seen that havent (at least what Ive seen on this board) had to do with a POI. Some predictions come true - its usually the "outcome" that typically doesnt. Also not everyone believes in free will - I believe in both free-will and pre-destiny., I just don't see the point of readings, because you're spending money to ask for a gamble on if the ex will come back.<--I get ya, but not everyone is calling about an ex. I did at one time. Now I was calling about someone new. The point of readings for me is basically a couple things - 1) To get entertained, and 2) I did use it to calm anxiety (not the best use but Im being honest) Timescales extend, excuses made, before you know it - your ex is happily married. When I get over my calling addiction, I'll never use readings apart from what I was brought up to use them for - speaking to mediums who bring in deceased loved ones, because there's no point in having readings if the future can change constantly.<-- This is definitely your belief - and you are entitled to that and I respect that! BUT I believe in pre-destiny as well. And I surely dont want to speak to dead people (dead loved ones rather. Well now if they speak to me than I have no choice lol). I dont think that psychic skills should be limited to just that when there are actual things that have happened through the clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. You wouldn't place a bet in a bettings shop if the scenario/bet was constantly changing, as you know you'd never win.

Rarely do things pan out the way a reader sees them, and when people write "they were right, but years out with another person" - is that good enough?<-- I think so. It was a prediction. The scenario played out. It may not be with the current person, but what happened happened. Most of the time, it's so generic. <--Sometimes readers predict things and they do happen to be out with timings, but on the same person, which isn't their fault. They aren't God, and there's no sense of timing in the spirit world. I struggle to understand though readers mixing up energies. I believe our energies all are different like we are as people. They rarely rarely mix up your grandparents or your deceased Father for your Uncle. Almost all mediums are able to distinguish which family member in the spirit world is which. So they'll pick up your grandparent on Mother's side or Father's side. They can pick up on a "Mother" or "Father" energy. Why do they mix up someone who you are closely connected to now, with someone else way down the line? Some people might think I have unrealistic expectations of readers, but I disagree. Readers claim to be "psychic", so should be able to pick these things up. In Yona's case I can understand why she mixes people up and gets things slightly differed because she is not psychic, and is solely a fortune teller<-- I want to know what the difference is between a fortune teller and psychic. Fortune tellers often have a negative connotation - for people who only see the future - where psychics can give you more than just the future - maybe insights that will help you on your life path (this is typically what Yona does). I've seen a medium in person who trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and she got everything spot on about an ex (which was negative). No mix ups, no "happened, but years out with another person". I think truly gifted mediums can read individual energies with no mix ups.

That's fair enough. That's your experience and belief. If there is destiny, all of these exes would come back one way or another, or most things would come to pass. Everyone's is different and I haven't had a thing come to pass.

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2018, 03:26:57 PM »
Star - sorry for picking your post apart - but I respectfully disagree on just a few things ;)

Yep. It's something we all do, using a reader that's been raved about to us. Every reader I've been recommended so far by people I've been underwhelmed by (apart from Aries Intuition, who was decent). Talking of Aries, because there are so many comments on here saying how she validated well but nothing came true, it automatically puts a panic alarm in my brain and that's when people on here begin to panic and call other readers up. It's one huge slippery slope.

Also, because there is free will and rarely do predictions come through (when involving other people)<--I get this is a general statement but actually most of my predictions have come true (eerily) - but typically the ones I have seen that havent (at least what Ive seen on this board) had to do with a POI. Some predictions come true - its usually the "outcome" that typically doesnt. Also not everyone believes in free will - I believe in both free-will and pre-destiny., I just don't see the point of readings, because you're spending money to ask for a gamble on if the ex will come back.<--I get ya, but not everyone is calling about an ex. I did at one time. Now I was calling about someone new. The point of readings for me is basically a couple things - 1) To get entertained, and 2) I did use it to calm anxiety (not the best use but Im being honest) Timescales extend, excuses made, before you know it - your ex is happily married. When I get over my calling addiction, I'll never use readings apart from what I was brought up to use them for - speaking to mediums who bring in deceased loved ones, because there's no point in having readings if the future can change constantly.<-- This is definitely your belief - and you are entitled to that and I respect that! BUT I believe in pre-destiny as well. And I surely dont want to speak to dead people (dead loved ones rather. Well now if they speak to me than I have no choice lol). I dont think that psychic skills should be limited to just that when there are actual things that have happened through the clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. You wouldn't place a bet in a bettings shop if the scenario/bet was constantly changing, as you know you'd never win.

Rarely do things pan out the way a reader sees them, and when people write "they were right, but years out with another person" - is that good enough?<-- I think so. It was a prediction. The scenario played out. It may not be with the current person, but what happened happened. Most of the time, it's so generic. <--Sometimes readers predict things and they do happen to be out with timings, but on the same person, which isn't their fault. They aren't God, and there's no sense of timing in the spirit world. I struggle to understand though readers mixing up energies. I believe our energies all are different like we are as people. They rarely rarely mix up your grandparents or your deceased Father for your Uncle. Almost all mediums are able to distinguish which family member in the spirit world is which. So they'll pick up your grandparent on Mother's side or Father's side. They can pick up on a "Mother" or "Father" energy. Why do they mix up someone who you are closely connected to now, with someone else way down the line? Some people might think I have unrealistic expectations of readers, but I disagree. Readers claim to be "psychic", so should be able to pick these things up. In Yona's case I can understand why she mixes people up and gets things slightly differed because she is not psychic, and is solely a fortune teller<-- I want to know what the difference is between a fortune teller and psychic. Fortune tellers often have a negative connotation - for people who only see the future - where psychics can give you more than just the future - maybe insights that will help you on your life path (this is typically what Yona does). I've seen a medium in person who trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and she got everything spot on about an ex (which was negative). No mix ups, no "happened, but years out with another person". I think truly gifted mediums can read individual energies with no mix ups.

That's fair enough. That's your experience and belief. If there is destiny, all of these exes would come back one way or another, or most things would come to pass. Everyone's is different and I haven't had a thing come to pass.

Funny enough the ex that I was pining over for 4 years came back. I let him go 2 years ago, blocked him from everything and there he was - he popped up randomly in my email (forgot to block that part!).

I think readers say exes come back because they typically do! But almost NEVER in the way we want/wanted.

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2018, 03:30:13 PM »
Star - sorry for picking your post apart - but I respectfully disagree on just a few things ;)

Yep. It's something we all do, using a reader that's been raved about to us. Every reader I've been recommended so far by people I've been underwhelmed by (apart from Aries Intuition, who was decent). Talking of Aries, because there are so many comments on here saying how she validated well but nothing came true, it automatically puts a panic alarm in my brain and that's when people on here begin to panic and call other readers up. It's one huge slippery slope.

Also, because there is free will and rarely do predictions come through (when involving other people)<--I get this is a general statement but actually most of my predictions have come true (eerily) - but typically the ones I have seen that havent (at least what Ive seen on this board) had to do with a POI. Some predictions come true - its usually the "outcome" that typically doesnt. Also not everyone believes in free will - I believe in both free-will and pre-destiny., I just don't see the point of readings, because you're spending money to ask for a gamble on if the ex will come back.<--I get ya, but not everyone is calling about an ex. I did at one time. Now I was calling about someone new. The point of readings for me is basically a couple things - 1) To get entertained, and 2) I did use it to calm anxiety (not the best use but Im being honest) Timescales extend, excuses made, before you know it - your ex is happily married. When I get over my calling addiction, I'll never use readings apart from what I was brought up to use them for - speaking to mediums who bring in deceased loved ones, because there's no point in having readings if the future can change constantly.<-- This is definitely your belief - and you are entitled to that and I respect that! BUT I believe in pre-destiny as well. And I surely dont want to speak to dead people (dead loved ones rather. Well now if they speak to me than I have no choice lol). I dont think that psychic skills should be limited to just that when there are actual things that have happened through the clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. You wouldn't place a bet in a bettings shop if the scenario/bet was constantly changing, as you know you'd never win.

Rarely do things pan out the way a reader sees them, and when people write "they were right, but years out with another person" - is that good enough?<-- I think so. It was a prediction. The scenario played out. It may not be with the current person, but what happened happened. Most of the time, it's so generic. <--Sometimes readers predict things and they do happen to be out with timings, but on the same person, which isn't their fault. They aren't God, and there's no sense of timing in the spirit world. I struggle to understand though readers mixing up energies. I believe our energies all are different like we are as people. They rarely rarely mix up your grandparents or your deceased Father for your Uncle. Almost all mediums are able to distinguish which family member in the spirit world is which. So they'll pick up your grandparent on Mother's side or Father's side. They can pick up on a "Mother" or "Father" energy. Why do they mix up someone who you are closely connected to now, with someone else way down the line? Some people might think I have unrealistic expectations of readers, but I disagree. Readers claim to be "psychic", so should be able to pick these things up. In Yona's case I can understand why she mixes people up and gets things slightly differed because she is not psychic, and is solely a fortune teller<-- I want to know what the difference is between a fortune teller and psychic. Fortune tellers often have a negative connotation - for people who only see the future - where psychics can give you more than just the future - maybe insights that will help you on your life path (this is typically what Yona does). I've seen a medium in person who trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and she got everything spot on about an ex (which was negative). No mix ups, no "happened, but years out with another person". I think truly gifted mediums can read individual energies with no mix ups.

That's fair enough. That's your experience and belief. If there is destiny, all of these exes would come back one way or another, or most things would come to pass. Everyone's is different and I haven't had a thing come to pass.

Funny enough the ex that I was pining over for 4 years came back. I let him go 2 years ago, blocked him from everything and there he was - he popped up randomly in my email (forgot to block that part!).

I think readers say exes come back because they typically do! But almost NEVER in the way we want/wanted.

In my experience, I've never had an ex come back apart from guys who keep trying to get into bed with you and think that they can charm you, so contact you once in a blue moon, or guys you were seeing but nothing serious. The serious ones - nada. You seem to be one of the lucky ones on here who has predictions come to pass, and if I were in your shoes, I'd probably also believe in pre-destined events.

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Re: Advice to new users:
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2018, 04:41:47 PM »
Star - sorry for picking your post apart - but I respectfully disagree on just a few things ;)

Yep. It's something we all do, using a reader that's been raved about to us. Every reader I've been recommended so far by people I've been underwhelmed by (apart from Aries Intuition, who was decent). Talking of Aries, because there are so many comments on here saying how she validated well but nothing came true, it automatically puts a panic alarm in my brain and that's when people on here begin to panic and call other readers up. It's one huge slippery slope.

Also, because there is free will and rarely do predictions come through (when involving other people)<--I get this is a general statement but actually most of my predictions have come true (eerily) - but typically the ones I have seen that havent (at least what Ive seen on this board) had to do with a POI. Some predictions come true - its usually the "outcome" that typically doesnt. Also not everyone believes in free will - I believe in both free-will and pre-destiny., I just don't see the point of readings, because you're spending money to ask for a gamble on if the ex will come back.<--I get ya, but not everyone is calling about an ex. I did at one time. Now I was calling about someone new. The point of readings for me is basically a couple things - 1) To get entertained, and 2) I did use it to calm anxiety (not the best use but Im being honest) Timescales extend, excuses made, before you know it - your ex is happily married. When I get over my calling addiction, I'll never use readings apart from what I was brought up to use them for - speaking to mediums who bring in deceased loved ones, because there's no point in having readings if the future can change constantly.<-- This is definitely your belief - and you are entitled to that and I respect that! BUT I believe in pre-destiny as well. And I surely dont want to speak to dead people (dead loved ones rather. Well now if they speak to me than I have no choice lol). I dont think that psychic skills should be limited to just that when there are actual things that have happened through the clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. You wouldn't place a bet in a bettings shop if the scenario/bet was constantly changing, as you know you'd never win.

Rarely do things pan out the way a reader sees them, and when people write "they were right, but years out with another person" - is that good enough?<-- I think so. It was a prediction. The scenario played out. It may not be with the current person, but what happened happened. Most of the time, it's so generic. <--Sometimes readers predict things and they do happen to be out with timings, but on the same person, which isn't their fault. They aren't God, and there's no sense of timing in the spirit world. I struggle to understand though readers mixing up energies. I believe our energies all are different like we are as people. They rarely rarely mix up your grandparents or your deceased Father for your Uncle. Almost all mediums are able to distinguish which family member in the spirit world is which. So they'll pick up your grandparent on Mother's side or Father's side. They can pick up on a "Mother" or "Father" energy. Why do they mix up someone who you are closely connected to now, with someone else way down the line? Some people might think I have unrealistic expectations of readers, but I disagree. Readers claim to be "psychic", so should be able to pick these things up. In Yona's case I can understand why she mixes people up and gets things slightly differed because she is not psychic, and is solely a fortune teller<-- I want to know what the difference is between a fortune teller and psychic. Fortune tellers often have a negative connotation - for people who only see the future - where psychics can give you more than just the future - maybe insights that will help you on your life path (this is typically what Yona does). I've seen a medium in person who trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and she got everything spot on about an ex (which was negative). No mix ups, no "happened, but years out with another person". I think truly gifted mediums can read individual energies with no mix ups.

That's fair enough. That's your experience and belief. If there is destiny, all of these exes would come back one way or another, or most things would come to pass. Everyone's is different and I haven't had a thing come to pass.

Funny enough the ex that I was pining over for 4 years came back. I let him go 2 years ago, blocked him from everything and there he was - he popped up randomly in my email (forgot to block that part!).

I think readers say exes come back because they typically do! But almost NEVER in the way we want/wanted.

In my experience, I've never had an ex come back apart from guys who keep trying to get into bed with you and think that they can charm you, so contact you once in a blue moon, or guys you were seeing but nothing serious. The serious ones - nada. You seem to be one of the lucky ones on here who has predictions come to pass, and if I were in your shoes, I'd probably also believe in pre-destined events.

I've also never had an ex come back, whether I wanted them to or not.  Just annoying guys who cant take no for an answer.