Author Topic: I know the hate  (Read 7063 times)

Offline Tjk197901

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I know the hate
« on: May 14, 2024, 07:03:11 PM »
I know everyone here hates California Psychics, and I do as well, yet I am wondering if anyone has read with Mattie or Uli lately? I have been on a bad binge and these are usually the only two I speak with. My last reading with Mattie wasn’t anywhere near as good as usual. It’s probably my fault as I am reading barely, if a month apart. I know to many readings quickly screw up energy and such. So basically just curious as if anyone has tried them lately. Uli is always the same for me and solid always Mattie just threw me for a loop. Not saying she changed anything just not the same Mattie I am used to. I know many of us have read with her a long time ago but just curious as of any new readings I guess. Please help as this is getting very very expensive on y part. I was doing sooooo good and fell off the wagon hardcore. Thanks everyone any help is appreciated. I also have a reading with Yona coming up the 2nd of June so curious as what you think of her as well as I have never read with her. I’m ready for the good, bad and the ugly. Thanks again.

Offline sleepyeyes

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2024, 07:25:03 PM »
I read with Mattie for the first time in late January. I haven’t spoken with her since considering I wanted to give things time to play out. She said there would be contact with my POI and said I would see him in person, and described the nature of our hang out and what we would be doing. She told me his ex had distracted him, but that it felt as though the ex lives out of state and that it wouldn’t work out. Two months later, I learn that the “ex” he was currently speaking with was moving across the country for school. And now, as we speak, she lives out of state and across the country. She told me to not worry about the ex and that the ex had another man around her.

Now, when she first read with me, she was reading it in present tense (“ex lives out of state”) when the ex actually had yet to move. She had given me a timeline for contact, but that timeline came and went. And I think it’s because things didn’t start shifting until after that timeline. The ex didn’t make that move until a month after Matties predicted timeline for contact. So if I were to have contact with my POi, I am assuming it would be a lot later. And I’m sure the ex will meet another man given some time, also. So I’m just trying to not pay attention to any of it and let it play out how it may.

In that same reading, Mattie said she felt another man around me who still considers me an option. She said this man would ramp things up between us around March or April. And that it feels like it’s because I’m not giving this man any attention. I knew who she was speaking of and that’s exactly what happened. In mid March, this guy started pursuing me hard, telling me he wanted another shot with me, etc., and he’s been hovering around my bubble since. So that’s a hit.

I also spoke to Yona early Feb and she said the same thing as Mattie. She said I would have contact with my poi, and that we would meet in person, just like Mattie said. Only thing is Mattie said she felt things would pick up where they left off and that things would naturally develop whereas Yona said she didn’t see it going anywhere (although she did throw in “at least not right now”) because he moves rather slow and that he follows the beat of his own drum. To be fair, Mattie also said to just go with the flow and enjoy my time with him, which could be her advice to me about him moving rather slow. Who knows.

Also, some things that Yona predicted have come to fruition that are completely unrelated to my poi, so that’s pretty cool.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2024, 05:40:51 AM by sleepyeyes »

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2024, 08:12:09 PM »
Awesome! That’s impressive. Sadly there appears to be so much hate on this site at times, which I understand that. We have all spent an exorbitant amount of money, pain and heartache. I say that as I rarely hear the good,that has happened, unfortunately we hear the “didn’t work or totally wrong” if you understand what I am saying. She’s been very good for me or seems to be as I have had some minor hits. She talks so fast it’s hard for me to take notes but I get the most important parts. She has never ever changed what she sees other than timing, and as we all know timing is impossible and she admits that. She always sees the same thing but my last read she was just a little off it seemed to me. Again I KNOW I am reading to close together. I have one more reading with Uli this week and then I am limiting my acct so I can’t call so much. I am curious to read with Yona as I never had. I only speak with Mattie and Uli as they give me the most information and seem to be able to see the current situations. So thanks so much for your valuable insight, it’s much appreciated

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2024, 04:06:20 PM »
I know everyone here hates California Psychics, and I do as well, yet I am wondering if anyone has read with Mattie or Uli lately? I have been on a bad binge and these are usually the only two I speak with. My last reading with Mattie wasn’t anywhere near as good as usual. It’s probably my fault as I am reading barely, if a month apart. I know to many readings quickly screw up energy and such. So basically just curious as if anyone has tried them lately. Uli is always the same for me and solid always Mattie just threw me for a loop. Not saying she changed anything just not the same Mattie I am used to. I know many of us have read with her a long time ago but just curious as of any new readings I guess. Please help as this is getting very very expensive on y part. I was doing sooooo good and fell off the wagon hardcore. Thanks everyone any help is appreciated. I also have a reading with Yona coming up the 2nd of June so curious as what you think of her as well as I have never read with her. I’m ready for the good, bad and the ugly. Thanks again.

I read with Mattie two years ago for around half hour I think… based on reviews here.. nothing came to pass.. I don’t really remember the reading anymore.. nothing useful so it was a waste of money.. no cc predictions came to pass whatsoever.. the whole California psychics didn’t work out for me.. too much money spent.. I am super glad I am out of that phase/impulse/ heartbreak.jusg thinking of the money I spent on it...

Offline piccolapixie

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2024, 07:55:49 AM »
I struggled with her readings too, prediction wise.  She was completely wrong about the home we ended up buying although she did say "on the other side" which we bought "on the other side of the mountain".  Yona on the other hand pin pointed characteristics, how many houses we would view before choosing (i only counted this after we bought the house) and that some things about the house would make me feel as though it was meant to be mine.  I choose Yona hands down.

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2024, 06:08:06 PM »
Now that I have finally transcribed the whole reading it’s better then I thought. It’s just so hard to try and type the whole damn reading and listen. I should say that what she said “seems to make sense” as of now. I can’t say she’s wrong at all or even off as of yet. Time will tell. I’ve had 3 readings from her so far this year and she doesn’t waiver, times haven’t even really changed or if so not by enough to say so. She’s got a gift that is for certain. I read with Yona on June 2nd and am hopeful to see what she picks up as well. I guess only time will tell and truthfully I don’t think we’re supposed to know the future. Bits and pieces maybe yes but not the whole future. Thanks for your feedback and I’ll post after I speak with Yona. I believe we can record her calls, or so she says on her site? Just be so much easier than trying to type the whole thing out. As you know Mattie speaks very very quickly and it’s a pain to try and type it all out

Offline Luckystar

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2024, 03:56:10 AM »
Reminder for new people. California Psychics is a waste of your money. Even the ones who genuinely have a gift will give you false hope. Please stay away. I wish i could have all of my money back.

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2024, 04:00:41 AM »
I agree with luckystar and they ask you put put per minute credit for 10 mins which is fairly high $$ to spend right away. Not worth it. Most was fairy tale readers and if they picked up on miniscule details and $$ not worth it .

Offline nursemarie9551

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2024, 04:24:38 AM »
Agreed. Four years later & out thousands of dollars.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: I know the hate
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2024, 03:13:22 PM »
Finally have reached a point of agreement. I canceled my account with CP, read with nearly every damn reader and while some got some crazy accurate predictions it was never what I was calling about. I mostly just called about an ex and both the negative and positive readers were all wrong in their predictions. While all of the positive readers nailed the present details proving their gifts, I finally decided just to ask my ex what his intentions were and he ended things for good. Definitely not the fairytale marriage ending that the top rated psychics predicted. The negative readers would just say nope not happening without any proof to back up their psychic ability and predictions (with the exception of Arja who provided a detailed emotional reason as to why that seemed to fit). Now I can finally move on with my life and not rely on a future that doesn’t exist