I won’t attempt to speak to what happened with candienut’s call or anyone else’s experience but for me, for the convo went (almost word for word anyway):
Can I get your name and birthday, not year just day and month?
Sure it’s ——
Okay and is there something you’re calling about in particular?
Yes I’d like to ask about a relationship between me and a man named —-
Okay can I have his birthday?
Yes it’s —-
Okay. Now if I told you the phrase “on a break” would that make sense to you?
Which was the exact last words I texted my POI.
So I don’t know for me that validated a lot.
I just told her yes it absolutely did. And after that she went into a lot of specifics and details about the situation that I don’t have word for word but I know she couldn’t have known without a gift
As for predictions we’ll see but for me my experience was definitely very good with relationship reading. I don’t think she could have guessed or assumed the exact phase I said and had been mulling over and over in my mind like that. Just my experience for what it’s worth.