Okay...so they were Cookie (Keen), and CP - Tyler, Tara, Ciarra, Jordan and Mattie ***
*** Yes, Mattie was the most disappointing of them all because she is the best psychic for me so far (not 100%, but most predictions are pending still), she predicted some very specific scenarios that came to pass (not love related though). I am going to think that she just had an "off" day or something...there were some red flags though...because at first I told her I think you are connecting to a different ex (she asked if he had disappeared out of the blue...this one didn't but someone else did), then she said "okay lets make sure we're only connecting to Kevin (name changed)" then she said "I think I've got him, because I see that 4-5 years lack of contact" (I told her we havent talked for 4-5 years in the beginning). Then she started to say all these commitment phobic things about him that aren't true, and she started to say that "I'm sorry I can't read you today, you seem very blocked". Why didn't she tell me that in the beginning? How am I blocked, if you are getting all these messages and only mentioned how blocked I am when I told you that you're wrong? I wanted to try her one more time because she has been so right fo r me before, so I gave her his date of birth, then she started saying some things that were so generic (like "he's changed, hes a better person now" that I'd have no way of knowing if they're right and remember, at this point I pretty much told her our entire history)
Even near the end of the reading she STILL said "unfortunately I don't him as your happily ever after" and then quickly changed to "well, forunately for you I guess"
AND...she asked me why don't I respond to him, what's the harm in that? Then I told her how hes a f**king stalker and psychopath and she said "oh okay, follow your instinct them. If you dont want to talk to him thats your instinct telling you not to"
It was a mess...a hot mess....if enough people are interested I can post the transcript of this reading, maybe y'all can help me figure out if shes got her red flags or it was just a connection issue.
THIS!!!!! ALL OF THIS!!!! I read with her 3 times in total. The first time was freaking amazing!! I knew she was connected. The second, seemed good but definitely NOT like the first, and third time, holy shit, I should’ve gotten ALLLLL my money back because ALL of that shit you mentioned, with the exception of being blocked, happened and it was completely different than the first reading. She was picking up TWO different (other) people and I had told her no, you’re completely wrong. And when I tried to tell her I was disappointed and confused because the reading wasn’t about who I was calling about, she said “you have to understand how I work. I tell you what my guides tell me. I don’t tell them what to do, they tell me”.... well, I called about X, not Y and Z so your guides should know that