Author Topic: x  (Read 17960 times)

Offline aquagirl

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« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2018, 02:43:10 AM »
I don't understand what they gain from telling on you? its frankly very childish. There is nothing wrong with questioning your reading or the accuracy of it, I personally don't feel you were rude, or said anything inappropriate.  I also don't see anything you said to be offended by.  You did state if i remember correctly that you were basically giving her the benefit of the doubt.

I think most humans in general don't like to be wrong, or questioned, psychic or not.  Being disappointed is natural.  I don't know, i tend to see things much differently than most people in general lol. I think she over reacted.

Offline Sooshi

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« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2018, 01:25:59 PM »
Sometimes a reader will experience a sudden uptick or drop in the number of calls they get, which will alert them to check for new reviews.

Offline njlady

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« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2018, 02:07:00 PM »

@Njlady - Yes it is speculation, but not a wild one as it has happened several times in the forum before where a member went behind everyones back to tell the reader about the negative review...if my memory serves me right, one reader on Keen by the name of diarmuid even went so far as to post a long ass post here addressing negative reviewers blaming them for not being grateful of "psychics advice", while being defensive about the negative review without ever addressing the points in it.

Mattie could've googled herself, but i literally JUST posted the transcript...are you saying that she googles herself like everyday?

I have no idea what she does or does not do with her time, but your accusation would have required me to have been sitting around for two years waiting for you to post a negative review about "me".

Seriously, WTF?  In your mind, that is reasonable or likely?

No wonder things aren't working out for you.

This is always the thing that people resort to when attacking another forum member. Who says things arent working out for me? I don't call about a POI that doesn't want me, the POI I used to call about came back into my life when I didn't want him anymore. I only call about business questions which is also coming along nicely.

If your "things arent working out for me" comment refers to me not feeling safe in this world as a woman due to the sexual abuse I have experienced in my early 20s, then shame on you.

And I have no idea what your other comments have to do with what I posted. You clearly can't read. All I said was that it is unlikely it was Mattie who googled herself because if it did, it would mean that she does that like everyday/every two days since I posted the transcript literally 1-2 days ago.

Stop playing victim with me.  I really don't care what you experienced and maybe dragging that into your everyday conversations earns you bonus points and works as a way to get out of providing an actual answer with other people but it's not going to work with me.  We all have our crosses to bear.  That's yours. You have no idea if mine are 100 times worse than yours. My issue is what you randomly accused me of and the assumptions you are making. 

You are the one who announced that I bet it was you that told Mattie. Let me ask you AGAIN.  Perhaps I was not clear enough the first time. On what basis did you come up with that?  WITH ME PERSONALLY.  Some random story about someone else does not cut it. 
You make grand statements with nothing to back it with. Mattie could have Googled herself once in 15 years and found your post.  Timing is everything.  There are 100 ways she could have found out.                                           

Offline njlady

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« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2018, 04:28:42 PM »

@Njlady - Yes it is speculation, but not a wild one as it has happened several times in the forum before where a member went behind everyones back to tell the reader about the negative review...if my memory serves me right, one reader on Keen by the name of diarmuid even went so far as to post a long ass post here addressing negative reviewers blaming them for not being grateful of "psychics advice", while being defensive about the negative review without ever addressing the points in it.

Mattie could've googled herself, but i literally JUST posted the transcript...are you saying that she googles herself like everyday?

I have no idea what she does or does not do with her time, but your accusation would have required me to have been sitting around for two years waiting for you to post a negative review about "me".

Seriously, WTF?  In your mind, that is reasonable or likely?

No wonder things aren't working out for you.

This is always the thing that people resort to when attacking another forum member. Who says things arent working out for me? I don't call about a POI that doesn't want me, the POI I used to call about came back into my life when I didn't want him anymore. I only call about business questions which is also coming along nicely.

If your "things arent working out for me" comment refers to me not feeling safe in this world as a woman due to the sexual abuse I have experienced in my early 20s, then shame on you.

And I have no idea what your other comments have to do with what I posted. You clearly can't read. All I said was that it is unlikely it was Mattie who googled herself because if it did, it would mean that she does that like everyday/every two days since I posted the transcript literally 1-2 days ago.

Stop playing victim with me.  I really don't care what you experienced and maybe dragging that into your everyday conversations earns you bonus points and works as a way to get out of providing an actual answer with other people but it's not going to work with me.  We all have our crosses to bear.  That's yours. You have no idea if mine are 100 times worse than yours. My issue is what you randomly accused me of and the assumptions you are making. 

You are the one who announced that I bet it was you that told Mattie. Let me ask you AGAIN.  Perhaps I was not clear enough the first time. On what basis did you come up with that?  WITH ME PERSONALLY.  Some random story about someone else does not cut it. 
You make grand statements with nothing to back it with. Mattie could have Googled herself once in 15 years and found your post.  Timing is everything.  There are 100 ways she could have found out.                                           

I did not bring it up to play victim nor do I talk about it in "everyday conversation", it came up as a result of this topic - you seem to make a lot of assumptions about me for someone who doesnt like people making assumptions.

I assumed it was you because you were/are with hostile with me and if I recall from previous "arguments" of yours with other members it seems you are a psychic fanatic/defender. Not too much of a stretch to assume, but yes, it is just an assumption (isn't everything on this forum an assumption? we don't know 100% if what anyone posts is true, for all you know I could be Mattie). But people assume based on logic and common sense and probabilities, which you clearly dont possess.

"Grand statements"? Just a logical statement really. What are the chances that she googles herself once in 15 years and just happens to stumble upon my post 1 day after I posted it?

"To avoid providing an actual answer" - now you're just straight up lying, I addressed everything in your previous post.

Also, maybe look into your triggers regarding people being "the victim" - why does that bother you so much? Perhaps you havent made peace with the victim aspect of yourself.


More assumptions?  Where do I say I'm a victim?  I said we all have our crosses to bear and you have no idea if mine are 100 times worse than yours.  There isn't a single word in there about me being a victim of anything.

You didn't address a damn thing.

I'm the first person to step up and tell people to get off the psychic wheel, take responsibility for themselves and deal with their life rather than calling psychic lines repeatedly, caution people about how many fakes there are on those lines and to not confuse random people they have called that may or may not have some degree of a gift with actual psychics because very few of those work on phone lines.  Oh and providing reviews for those that, from experience, I believe are actually real.  Sorry if you confuse that with being a "psychic defender".

I accidentally got my answer though.  You're butt hurt about something that never crossed my mind again because I don't stockpile comments in my head.  I agree or disagree and move on.  I don't take x is great / no she's not and hold it to my heart and fester. 

Keep making those assumptions though ... you're batting 0 so far.  When Keen starts hiring again, you'd be a shoe-in.


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« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2018, 04:51:59 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

Offline star1

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« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2018, 04:56:31 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

I don't understand how these readers mix up energies. Surely every energy is unique, like we are as humans?

Offline aquagirl

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« Reply #51 on: November 07, 2018, 07:13:27 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

I don't understand how these readers mix up energies. Surely every energy is unique, like we are as humans?

Many times they are reading the person's energy through your energy. because that is how it's linked. So if you've similar feelings about both of them or thoughts, or engagement, it's possible. I personally have never had that happen to me.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« Reply #52 on: November 07, 2018, 07:18:47 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

I don't understand how these readers mix up energies. Surely every energy is unique, like we are as humans?

Many times they are reading the person's energy through your energy. because that is how it's linked. So if you've similar feelings about both of them or thoughts, or engagement, it's possible. I personally have never had that happen to me.

Ya, this has happened to me countless times.

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« Reply #53 on: November 07, 2018, 07:28:49 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

I don't understand how these readers mix up energies. Surely every energy is unique, like we are as humans?

Many times they are reading the person's energy through your energy. because that is how it's linked. So if you've similar feelings about both of them or thoughts, or engagement, it's possible. I personally have never had that happen to me.

Thanks for explaining.

Offline bstalling

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« Reply #54 on: November 07, 2018, 09:12:17 PM »
Correct. Unskilled readers dont realize this though.

Offline aquagirl

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« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2018, 04:04:04 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

I don't understand how these readers mix up energies. Surely every energy is unique, like we are as humans?

Many times they are reading the person's energy through your energy. because that is how it's linked. So if you've similar feelings about both of them or thoughts, or engagement, it's possible. I personally have never had that happen to me.

Wouldnt that be inaccurate info though? Because what you perceive to be the truth may not always be the truth, its just your thoughts/feelings about the person.

Yes. I think it happens a lot. I also had times where they did tune in to the other person's energy really well, but they picked up on what that person perceived to be the truth, instead of the actual truth about a situation (which I was able to confirm later.) Like as an example if a guy was convinvced you are cheating on him, a reader could pick up on it and believe it's true even though you never did anything like that. There are so many ways they can mix things up. I used to think either they were real or fake, not ten thousand things in between.

Exactly, it's not a phone line where spirit says xyz.  This also happens with people who have a mental illness or addiction. So if you poi is suffering from depression, say in the moment you are being read, the energy is that he's going to contact you today, because he really believes he's going to contact you. Then his depression hits and he ends up being fatalistic, he doesn't call you. The psychic isn't wrong, she picked up his intentions and thoughts in the moment.  I had this happen with a guy years ago, later found out that he had "thought a thousand times" to call me and never did.  It's hard to read or predict people who are mentally unstable, that can also be just going through a hard time where their mental state is erratic. If they use drugs or alcohol it's no different.  These types of people are very difficult to predict. This is why some are easier than others.

Candiednut:  if you have two men in your life that You have similar feelings for or energetic connections, the connections could get crossed.  I had a friend that was into two guys. She swore she was over the one, but when she was getting readings, everything would happen with . the opposite guy.  But even the psychic at the time would say be trying to read John but Allan's name would pop up instead, like almost forcing the other energy out. So the predictions for John happened with Allan instead and vice versa. She later admitted she wasn't over the one guy even though she thought she was at the time.  That is one extreme example. But this can happen.

This is also a reason psychics don't always pick up on Catfishers, because many of them believe the stories they are weaving, they are usually mentally ill themselves, and get caught up in the fantasy of things. So their intent maybe real in their minds and that is what the psychic picks up on.

Think about how many times you've had the intention of doing something, they you believed you were going to meet someone or call them and it either slipped your mind or something else came up that wasn't anticipated.  This is not different on the other person's end that is being read. So instead of today, they call two days from now, etc...   I hope i'm making sense lol

Offline star1

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« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2018, 04:18:19 PM »
Mattie's prediction came true, but for ANOTHER ex (the one I thought she was tuning into, not who I asked about). She said she felt contact in a "3", could be 3 more attempts or within 3 days, he contacted 3 days after her reading.

I don't understand how these readers mix up energies. Surely every energy is unique, like we are as humans?

Many times they are reading the person's energy through your energy. because that is how it's linked. So if you've similar feelings about both of them or thoughts, or engagement, it's possible. I personally have never had that happen to me.

Wouldnt that be inaccurate info though? Because what you perceive to be the truth may not always be the truth, its just your thoughts/feelings about the person.

Yes. I think it happens a lot. I also had times where they did tune in to the other person's energy really well, but they picked up on what that person perceived to be the truth, instead of the actual truth about a situation (which I was able to confirm later.) Like as an example if a guy was convinvced you are cheating on him, a reader could pick up on it and believe it's true even though you never did anything like that. There are so many ways they can mix things up. I used to think either they were real or fake, not ten thousand things in between.

Exactly, it's not a phone line where spirit says xyz.  This also happens with people who have a mental illness or addiction. So if you poi is suffering from depression, say in the moment you are being read, the energy is that he's going to contact you today, because he really believes he's going to contact you. Then his depression hits and he ends up being fatalistic, he doesn't call you. The psychic isn't wrong, she picked up his intentions and thoughts in the moment.  I had this happen with a guy years ago, later found out that he had "thought a thousand times" to call me and never did.  It's hard to read or predict people who are mentally unstable, that can also be just going through a hard time where their mental state is erratic. If they use drugs or alcohol it's no different.  These types of people are very difficult to predict. This is why some are easier than others.

Candiednut:  if you have two men in your life that You have similar feelings for or energetic connections, the connections could get crossed.  I had a friend that was into two guys. She swore she was over the one, but when she was getting readings, everything would happen with . the opposite guy.  But even the psychic at the time would say be trying to read John but Allan's name would pop up instead, like almost forcing the other energy out. So the predictions for John happened with Allan instead and vice versa. She later admitted she wasn't over the one guy even though she thought she was at the time.  That is one extreme example. But this can happen.

This is also a reason psychics don't always pick up on Catfishers, because many of them believe the stories they are weaving, they are usually mentally ill themselves, and get caught up in the fantasy of things. So their intent maybe real in their minds and that is what the psychic picks up on.

Think about how many times you've had the intention of doing something, they you believed you were going to meet someone or call them and it either slipped your mind or something else came up that wasn't anticipated.  This is not different on the other person's end that is being read. So instead of today, they call two days from now, etc...   I hope i'm making sense lol

Okay that's something you have said that I do believe. I think that's what going on in my situation. The guy is unstable and all over the place, so it can affect readings. Even readers over the phone have got really confused and spaced out, like struggling with him as they channel him.

