Author Topic: x  (Read 17959 times)


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« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2018, 06:18:27 PM » from this forum told Mattie about this post. I called her again wanting to see if I could get a better connection this time and also to ask her about a business related question, she told me to get a different reader and rudely hung up on me.

I am never posting any more reviews on this forum again. Crazy diehard fans.

Offline bstalling

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« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2018, 06:20:58 PM » from this forum told Mattie about this post. I called her again wanting to see if I could get a better connection this time and also to ask her about a business related question, she told me to get a different reader and rudely hung up on me.

I am never posting any more reviews on this forum again. Crazy diehard fans.

That fast?! Yeah, I was a bit scared that you posted it. There are some decent people on here...but then again, this is a public forum. I dont get why anyone would talk about some other persons reading to her.
Also, its possible that any reader we talk about on here lurks the board.

Offline njlady

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« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2018, 06:34:32 PM »

I agree. This is not just connection error. This is assumption in psychic or flat out lying and we should know so we can be cautious

Or at very least message the people who are interested in knowing so you can help them out?

No, when you are calling "by the minute" someone isn't going to delve deep into the situation and get your whole life.  They are going to make assumptions because 999 out of the last 1,000 calls were about an ex/a guy/romance.  If it isn't, it helps to state it up front. It's the hear hooves, it's horses approach.  This presumes you are talking to an actual psychic to begin with.

There is a difference between feeding and clarifying. 



Offline njlady

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« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2018, 06:36:28 PM » from this forum told Mattie about this post. I called her again wanting to see if I could get a better connection this time and also to ask her about a business related question, she told me to get a different reader and rudely hung up on me.

I am never posting any more reviews on this forum again. Crazy diehard fans.

That fast?! Yeah, I was a bit scared that you posted it. There are some decent people on here...but then again, this is a public forum. I dont get why anyone would talk about some other persons reading to her.
Also, its possible that any reader we talk about on here lurks the board.

She actually SAID someone told her?  Or are you assuming this?

Psychics have Google too.

Offline njlady

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« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2018, 06:49:57 PM »
I had an ex contact me recently, this is not a "POI" ex as I want nothing to do with him, he is an effing stalker, psychopath and sexually abused me. The only reason that I called about him is to ask about his INTENTIONS of contact (after 5 years of not talking) and whether or not I can feel safe.

Psychics can't pick up shit.

What do his intentions matter?  He's a "psychopath" and he "sexually abused" you per your own words.  In what possible scenario would you think they are noble and good?  What part of you could possibly think something good would come from talking with or meeting up with this person?  He is clearly looking for a victim.

This isn't a "psychics can't pick up shit" matter.  It's about you being able to think for yourself and immediately recognizing when something isn't in your best interests.

Who said I wanted to meet up with him? I am actually in the process of researching on how to sue him for sexual abuse. I just wanted to know if I should be worried about my safety, if I need to take precautions to change my phone number, etc. I bet it was you that told Mattie.

People judge, judge and judge when they dont even know the situation. I never even said anything bad about Mattie, I said many many times that she has been the best reader for me so far. I only posted the transcript to get insight and because people asked me to.

What I think is that your judgment is severely clouded, and now with your remark about you basically believing I "told Mattie"???  Seriously?  What possible motivation could I have?  How would that even work?  That's crazy talk.

Call CP and ask if you can mail in an apology or have one passed on.  If I were her, I would be upset too.  She told you she wasn't connecting.

Offline bstalling

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« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2018, 09:48:37 PM »
I agree, when it dosent start off well and the psycic says "hey, I'm not doing well with this"..I think we should accept that. When you as a customer want to stay on and glean what you can from her, she has to oblige and try her best. The best she can do will likely not be very good tho.

However, I don't believe this spiel about "being blocked". That to me just means that the psychic can't tune in to whatever you are inquiring about. To say, "you are blocked" is a cop out. It is their job to read. She did say she is not in control of the information she gets and its more of a "hearing what comes to me" instead of actively looking for specific information. That is important information. And it explains why her random predictions/insights were accurate for me. I think she is only gifted in that way.

To play devil advocate she did say it only after got some info wrong not at beginnig the call. So it could be excuse. When I listen to my tape of her it was very generic and I filled in rest when she ask question. She might honest just be good cold reader. Who even know at this point.

And to candienut I am so sorry I did not think me ask that would cause this to happen I did not even think about that I am so so sorry

This board is considered a bit of a safe haven. Its not right to discuss other peoples readings directly to the psychic, its considered a breech of trust. Would you want someone else discussing personal details you shared in confidence with that other person? I know you are anxious, but please step back for a few days and see how people interact on this board before resuming discussion. You are starting to annoy a few people on here.

Offline bstalling

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« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2018, 10:04:23 PM »
I agree, when it dosent start off well and the psycic says "hey, I'm not doing well with this"..I think we should accept that. When you as a customer want to stay on and glean what you can from her, she has to oblige and try her best. The best she can do will likely not be very good tho.

However, I don't believe this spiel about "being blocked". That to me just means that the psychic can't tune in to whatever you are inquiring about. To say, "you are blocked" is a cop out. It is their job to read. She did say she is not in control of the information she gets and its more of a "hearing what comes to me" instead of actively looking for specific information. That is important information. And it explains why her random predictions/insights were accurate for me. I think she is only gifted in that way.

To play devil advocate she did say it only after got some info wrong not at beginnig the call. So it could be excuse. When I listen to my tape of her it was very generic and I filled in rest when she ask question. She might honest just be good cold reader. Who even know at this point.

And to candienut I am so sorry I did not think me ask that would cause this to happen I did not even think about that I am so so sorry

This board is considered a bit of a safe haven. Its not right to discuss other peoples readings directly to the psychic, its considered a breech of trust. Would you want someone else discussing personal details you shared in confidence with that other person? I know you are anxious, but please step back for a few days and see how people interact on this board before resuming discussion. You are starting to annoy a few people on here.

What? I just apologized. And who am I annoying? What am I doing? That kind of post does not make me feel like it's safe haven.

Its just helpful advice. It would be obvious to most posters on here that you dont ask readers about other peoples stuff. You would know if you kind of surveyed the board for a bit more. You are new here...just take it a little slower.


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« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2018, 10:07:28 PM »
I think Pokes was apologizing for asking me to post the transcript, not that she told Mattie about this..and no worries Pokes, not your fault.

@Njlady - Yes it is speculation, but not a wild one as it has happened several times in the forum before where a member went behind everyones back to tell the reader about the negative review...if my memory serves me right, one reader on Keen by the name of diarmuid even went so far as to post a long ass post here addressing negative reviewers blaming them for not being grateful of "psychics advice", while being defensive about the negative review without ever addressing the points in it.

Mattie could've googled herself, but i literally JUST posted the transcript...are you saying that she googles herself like everyday?

Offline bstalling

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« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2018, 10:12:48 PM »
OK, my mistake.Sorry Pokes.

Candiednut, there was a suspect post on her thread. I personally think its a fake review. Its possible that she or her associates lurk on this board.

Offline marciamia

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« Reply #39 on: November 05, 2018, 10:13:37 PM »
All I ask was to post who was the person who was wrong or being fake. I never ask about a transcript or any thing personal

All you do is ask “who is accurate for you?” “any updates?” “what were they wrong about?” “were they right about anything?” There’s a search function at the top of this forum. Stop posting the same crap and just search!!! You’re gonna blow it for a lot of us who have their shit under control if you don’t quit what you’re doing.

Offline njlady

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« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2018, 01:33:16 AM »

@Njlady - Yes it is speculation, but not a wild one as it has happened several times in the forum before where a member went behind everyones back to tell the reader about the negative review...if my memory serves me right, one reader on Keen by the name of diarmuid even went so far as to post a long ass post here addressing negative reviewers blaming them for not being grateful of "psychics advice", while being defensive about the negative review without ever addressing the points in it.

Mattie could've googled herself, but i literally JUST posted the transcript...are you saying that she googles herself like everyday?

I have no idea what she does or does not do with her time, but your accusation would have required me to have been sitting around for two years waiting for you to post a negative review about "me".

Seriously, WTF?  In your mind, that is reasonable or likely?

No wonder things aren't working out for you.

Offline aquagirl

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« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2018, 02:04:27 AM » from this forum told Mattie about this post. I called her again wanting to see if I could get a better connection this time and also to ask her about a business related question, she told me to get a different reader and rudely hung up on me.

I am never posting any more reviews on this forum again. Crazy diehard fans.

Wait what? are you kidding me? And this is why people hesitate to share their experiences and which psychic it was with. I'm sorry this happened to you.  So then the reviews here end up being no better than the ones on sites that everyone claims to be rigged with only good ones. If people can't be open about discussing their experiences without being "reported" then what's the point of this forum?

But also, she could be a member of this forum as well and just easily log on silently and searched her name.  Or one of her friends stalking the website for her. That is another possibility, I'm more hopeful that is the case vs it being a member, because if its the latter, then that's pretty shitty :/

Offline user5942

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« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2018, 02:34:01 AM »
Why would you chat with Mattie instead of speaking to her on the phone? She’s $13 a minute...


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« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2018, 02:34:55 AM »
Why would you chat with Mattie instead of speaking to her on the phone? She’s $13 a minute...

I addressed this already. I talked to her on the phone.

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« Reply #44 on: November 06, 2018, 02:36:35 AM »
I saw “transcript” in the message above and I was seriously concerned