Author Topic: and heres how i started with psychics  (Read 4142 times)

Offline misty

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and heres how i started with psychics
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:52:46 PM »
hey people.. im new here for now just going to use the display name misty till i can think of a better one.

I first started out with psychics through liveperson  I was hooked on liveperson for about 2 months till I found psychic source...and WOW i discovered so many scammers through a few days of research, most use the SAME script word for word for every client and if they can't remember you they will just use the same script and waste your minutes by telling you how they need time to "connect" .  I've spoken to about 6-8 I can think of and spent about 900. I felt so horrible after counting up the amount i spent, the amount i actually had sitting in my bank account which I could have spent on clothes or food, how i love food..

I browsed around CP but read the reviews here about how they don't post negative comments so never tried,

Keen seemed just like liveperson with not many differences in rates, yet read about how they share customer notes so skipped that too

Psychic Access and Hollywood Psychics don't seem that interesting enough to use. And yes I have noticed a few of the same psychics from PS on HP as well just with different names and a lot more cheaper.

Real happy i found PS. I'm pretty happy to notice how its been over 2 months and i HAVE not spent more than 200ish on psychic source only using the top advisors and one 4 star which i regret intensely

I really do plan on telling my story. The predictions I got are only a few days/weeks away. Not more then a month. I noticed how lots of you say that timeframes are always off.

I really wish there was some kind of poll or survey regarding how many months or weeks the predictions were off by.

Anywho.. i'll be lucky enough if even one of you read my intro here. I was really happy and felt some peace when I found this site with real people and real experiences. Reading comments on the psychics profiles get confusing and repetitive after a while.

Offline maryjane_suicide

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Re: and heres how i started with psychics
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 03:28:10 PM »
Hello Misty, I too am new and just added my intro. After reading many different sites and listening to psychics/empaths/intuitives on blogtalkradio it seems that timelines are very hard to predict because there is no real time in the spiritual world and that a psychic can only give you a timeframe based on the energy they are getting at the time of the reading.  Ellen Hartwell is so funny becuase she always tells you that she sucks at timeframes but she will give you one only if she gets one and that it is very approximate. But, if she does see it, it will happen, you just can't hold onto the timeframe.  Hope that helps a bit.


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Re: and heres how i started with psychics
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 03:30:05 PM »
Hi Misty,
I'm new here also. I've used Keen for a little while for about month. None of the predictions came true, so I stopped. I never used Hollywood Psychics, and doubt I ever will. I used Psychic Power Network PPN (so many scammers on there) But the brightside is that after going through a ton of them I found (2) that were 99% accurate & have used them every since. They are no longer on the network. I use Psychic Access and have (1) there that I use & Ive used California Psychics, but the predictions have either not happpened or a few others are 3 to 6 months out.

I've since vowed to read myself since I have visions & prophetic dreams. I write down my visions & interpret the meanings later.


Offline vanyct

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Re: and heres how i started with psychics
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 03:01:49 PM »
Hi Misty:
Do you mind sharing who at PS you have read with and in particular the top rated psychic who was awful?  I too was a PS junkie for a while and then I had some bad experiences with a few of their psychics so I kinda lost faith in what they were telling me.

Offline misty

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Re: and heres how i started with psychics
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2011, 06:25:43 PM »
hey maryjane_suicide, hey highlyfavored1

maryjane_suice, what you said about there being no real time in the spiritual world makes complete sense. I've read about Ellen Hartwell before but never really tried her. haven't read much about her and i'm quite skeptic about trying new psychics. Nice to know what she says does happen. I think i might try her. I've been calling into radio shows and talked to quite a few.At first I didnt know who to believe but I've been learning how to realize who I connect with and who i don't much easily now. Do you have any favorites on blogtalkradio?

& highlyfavored1, really amazed at how you can read yourself. you must save youself a fortune! I envy you lol.

sucks being on a student budget and yet i still give away most of what I have on them. This journey of finding the right psychics that I connect with is going to cost me a fortune if i don;t stop
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 06:45:10 PM by misty »