Author Topic: My Experience with Keen  (Read 6155 times)

Offline Cc2019

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My Experience with Keen
« on: October 27, 2018, 11:27:22 PM »
Hi everyone,
Im new to this board, but have been using Keen for 3 years now, reading with multiple readers! For background, im an Epidemiologist and therefore thrive on research ( I know, very nerdy) thus I searched reviews for each reader before I had finally read with them. I wanted to share my experience with you to a) gather your thoughts and b) share my thoughts and personal experiences.

*to note, many of the advisers that I have read with have not worked for me. I do not in any way suggest that they are not talented or gifted, but in my reflection of Keen experiences, I want to be honest with others about what has manifested. I also do take into consideration that none of the readers are ever 100% accurate and that sometimes timelines are pushed off. Therefore, im not one to immediate write off a reader because of a random contact date, but more of a consistency with wrong information.

1) Jade8928 - Admittedly, I have spoken to Jade WAY more than I ever should have. Jade is probably one of the sweetest and patient readers on Keen. She has good intentions and is kind. However, as sad as it makes me to say, aside from VERY random contact predictions, about 90% of her predictions never manifested.. Every time I would call ( and in hindsight, I probably should have stopped, she kept re-iterating the same predictions. She told me that one of my POI's had liked me and was going to step forward about dating me, and in reality the exact opposite happened.. he DID step forward, but to tell me that he doesnt have feelings for me in that way)

2) Sincerity - I really love Sincerity. Sincerity is very popular on the board and the first time I read with her picked up on my POI handing me an unexpected handwritten letter which seemed bizarre for him to do, but lo and behold about 2 weeks later he showed up with a card thanking for me what I do for him. Sincerity hasnt entirely been 100% right with predictions but she does channel well and better than Judi or Zadalia in my opinion and things she has said have actually been corroborated by my POI

3) Judis Inner Light - This review is tough. Judi has so many reviews and Ive read with her twice now but the thing is, there is  very minimal opportunity to ever validate what she says. She also used the wrong name for me when chanelling my POI. She didnt pick up that we had met online, and her ego and heart scripts were really general " I miss her, im not ready"....  Judi is kind, but i think we could all personalize her channeling and interpret it as something our significant others would say..

4) Zadalia - Zadalia, in my opinion, is the coolest reader on Keen. Shes so chill, easy to talk to, and it really feels like youre catching up with a friend. Zadalia had picked up initially on some very specific detail about my POI (his insecurities, his taste in women), but then after a while, it became more of a friend-to-friend talk, and i sadly couldnt afford to keep calling. I still check in with her periodically just because I love her and she remains one of my fav.

5) Aries Intuition - This review confuses me the most. Keisha has over 100 pages of reviews on this board and I was so eager to read with her (note that I read with her on her personal site). Keisha didnt really wow me. She made several predictions that havent happened yet, although are set to begin occurring soon, but nothing she said was really that significant. I like her as a reader though, and would probably call back

6) Queenofcups18 - Anne is the real deal when it comes to picking up the present. She has warned me about events that were happening in the present so many times (many of them were things I didnt want to believe) but always appear to be reality. When Anne tells you something is going on, shes mostly always right. Her predictions however have mostly been wrong, especially predictions that are further out. But I would honestly say that shes super gifted and does not waste your time.

7) JourneyRyan - I couldnt find any threads on him. Im still unclear of my thoughts on this reader. His predictions are pending. Any one read with him?

8) San Francisco Medium Virginia - Virginia, in my opinion, has been freakishly accurate. The first time I call her, before I could ask my questions, she said "youre calling about a guy named xx" and she mentioned my POI. I was like, "are you an investigator".. My POI's name is not common, and is very ethnic so there is NO WAY that she could have known!! The second time, I called about someone else and she said "is there a xx, that lives far away".. Again, she nailed it.. It actually scared me a bit! But... then Virginia started to slip. She doesnt go much further after the introduction and she hung up on me. Not rudely, but like, "ok youre time is done, goodbye".
So I cant say that I get much out of the readings, but I think shes interesting : )

9) Stephanies Guided Tarot - Stephanie is a friend. Shes really good for me at reading tarot and has guided me through many situations. I read with her through her site often and shes always there for me. Her predictions are 50/50 but I trust her.

10)Micah's predictions - I discovered Micah through Aries' personal site. Micah picked up on all of my POI's completely on his own. He then started describing their physical appearances and personalities. He was, by far, the most impressive reader.
He accurately picked up a "3" around my work, and two days after the reading I discovered a promotion coming in 3 months. Micah is seriously gifted. He even picked up about my weight loss, which he really couldnt have known.

11) LadyP - I read with her once. Nothing manifested.

Curious to know what you all think!!!
Thanks a bunch

Offline Hillcam

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Re: My Experience with Keen
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 11:55:45 PM »
Nothing JourneyRyan predicted ever came to pass for me.

In regard to Kisha, I was left underwhelmed when I read with her over the phone. After purchasing an email reading with her earlier this month I can say that the clarity in the email reading compared to the phone reading is exponential and that some of her predictions and notes have already started manifesting.

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Re: My Experience with Keen
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2018, 04:11:56 PM »
This is why I'm not sure if a psychic can tell a person feeling or not. I never seen a psychic that said your POI not into you anymore. They always seem to give stock line like he afraid, he not ready, too busy at his career ect.

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Re: My Experience with Keen
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2018, 05:22:26 PM »
Psychic girl - I can't say that is my experience.  Until a few weeks ago I had been dating someone for almost one year and they told me he was really into me but that I was the one who would lose interest.  They were correct.  I find a few useful psychics on Keen but it took a long time to find the ones that work for me.

Offline Cc2019

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Re: My Experience with Keen
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2018, 08:15:56 PM »
Thanks everyone !

Definitely Virginia could be interesting. She’s hung up the phone on me multiple times

Wondering if anyone has had predictions manifest from the list of readers?

I also forgot about Lady Jenna and Marie Anna - both with predictions pending i

