Author Topic: Understanding a Spread  (Read 3639 times)

Offline Deedee123

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Understanding a Spread
« on: October 15, 2018, 10:42:07 PM »
Hey everyone, I had a reading with Leanne and in regards to a move, I got 3 cards - The fool, the wheel of fortune, and ten of wands. Can anyone interpret this for me? She sort of did but the reading was really all over the place and was hard for me to follow.

Thank you!

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Understanding a Spread
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2018, 10:59:11 PM »
Not the greatest card combination to get.  :-\  Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. While the wheel indicates fate is playing a role in this move, I'd advise to look at your plans more carefully. Ten of wands is the card of being over burdened. You're risking taking on more than you can comfortably bear.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Understanding a Spread
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2018, 11:12:50 PM »
She says
"The fool represents a fresh start, new beginning or new adventure, followed by the wheel which is life moving on, those two cards together make logical sense, don’t they? The ten of wands represents that actually the next 12 months should be bringing you opportunities to be taking steps forward, but in a series of stepping stones.”

She says the move is “making the next part of my plan easier, it’s not part of a whim. You won’t sit on the decision for ages, it comes about in a fairly shortish space of time.”
« Last Edit: October 15, 2018, 11:27:00 PM by Deedee123 »

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Understanding a Spread
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2018, 03:09:11 AM »
She says
"The fool represents a fresh start, new beginning or new adventure, followed by the wheel which is life moving on, those two cards together make logical sense, don’t they? The ten of wands represents that actually the next 12 months should be bringing you opportunities to be taking steps forward, but in a series of stepping stones.”

She says the move is “making the next part of my plan easier, it’s not part of a whim. You won’t sit on the decision for ages, it comes about in a fairly shortish space of time.”

I agree with you here, the fool is a fresh start, new beginning, going optimistically into the future without thinking about whats ahead, living in the moment, it can also be going with the flow of life with no exceptions, just seeing where things lead.  The wheel of fortune for me is about fate, it means your luck is about to change, in the upright position it's a positive change and a welcomed one. With the ten of wands, yes it can be a feeling of being over burdened, but it also means biting off more than you can chew, but it also speaks of determination, if you look at the person in the picture, he doesn't look like he's going to give up too easily, there is a commitment here to finish the task, the road isn't an easy one, but if you don't give up you will succeed.
This new path won't be an easy one, but if you don't give up and persevere you will be rewarded greatly for it. And i agree because this is wands, it's not going to take as long as one may think, wands are the fastest movers in the tarot suites.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Understanding a Spread
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2018, 03:26:03 AM »
Thanks all!

Another thing she pointed out with this move is that it seems to be right in line with the bigger picture and in line with what life thinks is the best path for me even if I don’t know what that is right now. So we will see how this all goes about with the next coming months.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Understanding a Spread
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2018, 10:55:26 PM »
Hey everyone, I had a reading with Leanne and in regards to a move, I got 3 cards - The fool, the wheel of fortune, and ten of wands. Can anyone interpret this for me? She sort of did but the reading was really all over the place and was hard for me to follow.

Thank you!

A move as in moving to a new home? You can read these cards very literally...the fool starts a journey. Wheel of fortune is a road trip. 10 of wands is carrying boxes, moving your stuff.

10s relate to the wheel of fortune which is about destiny. It is meant to be. Things coming full circle (also signified by the fool which is 0). Endings, new beginnings. The cycle of life. 

The fool and 10 of wands have very opposite meanings. The fool is unburdened, carefree, irresponsible. 10 of wands has a heavy load, but it also generally means being successful. It means being conscientious, having a lot of responsibility. It could mean that a carefree aspect of your life is ending but you grow a lot as a result of the change.

But when you look closer, there is an important similarity between the fool and 10 of wands. Both are taking steps forward, but unaware of what is right in front of them. Both can both be a bit self-absorbed, for different reasons. One is blissfully unaware and ignores advice, while the other is blinded by being too aware of everything and thinks they have to do it all themselves. The advice here is to have caution, use foresight, make your plans very carefully and above all ask for help if you need it. Consider any advice very carefully, don't ignore it.

Don't allow yourself to become swamped by things to do. The fool reminds you to have fun, and don't worry too much. 10 of wands says, but be responsible, be an adult, get things done...but don't burn yourself out. This polarity might be exacerbated by the move, so you feel conflicted between having a lot to do and and wanting to just escape and do something fun.

10 of wands shows being more established in life, so it may mean that this move will lead to something permanent or long-lasting. Also, the numbers add up to a 2 (0+1+0+1+0) so some sort of partnership may come up as a result. Or the 2 may be another reminder not to rely only on yourself.

Thank you! Yes, a move as in to a new place. She picks up on me talking with someone about moving in with them in a previous reading. She stated this move with someone would be really fun and good for me. I then purchased a one question reading a month later andI asked her to elaborate on the situation of moving. I should’ve  specified my question when asking her about the situation because more or less I wanted to know about the guy and I, not particularly the move I guess.

