Author Topic: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)  (Read 20129 times)

Offline jas

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2018, 05:13:02 PM »
Fidget said it all ::thumbs up::

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2018, 05:24:11 PM »

I truly only wanted to help Nicky. And I am saddened very deeply to think that in so trying to help Nicky that I may have hurt him.

I saw Nicky so happy and fulfilled when he was a successful advisor on Keen. I always knew that he was a very gifted psychic, for I have known Nicky for a long time. But when I saw Nicky join Keen as a psychic advisor, and I saw that in the first week on Keen that he rose and zoomed to one of the top advisors on Keen, and I saw him maintain this top position for all of the time and he was with Keen, I was so happy for him. He gave that job all that he had,  and he sometimes worked ten to fifteen hours a day and seven days a week. This is how much in demand that Nicky was on Keen. And this is how dedicated that Nicky was to his clients on Keen. And for the first time in Nicky's life he was happy and  very successful with a job. And I remember the day before Keen got rid of Nicky that Nicky was worried that something was up with Keen, and the next day when Keen got rid of him, I remember how destroyed that Nicky was. He did not deserve this, and he had worked so hard, and he was so dedicated to Keen and so dedicated to his clients. And I remember how Nicky desperately and practically begged Keen to work things out with him, for he most certainly had not planned on stealing clients from Keen, like they had accused him of doing. But Keen callously would not work out anything with Nicky, after Nicky dedicated three years of hard work and dedicated his life to his clients and dedicated his life to Keen. It was so sad. Then I saw how Nicky was completely destroyed by the unfair actions of Keen, and I have seen how Nicky worked so hard to try to build up his life and career again after what Keen had done to him. And Nicky had to start over completely again because of what Keen had done to him. And all of this was so unnecessary, for Nicky was very dedicated to Keen. Whomever was involved in all of this at Keen made a very big mistake with Nicky, for he was one of the best psychic advisors on Keen, and he would have not went on his own and have stolen clients from Keen, for he was happy with his arrangement with Keen at the time.

Regardless of everything, Nicky is building his life back up again. And he is becoming a very popular psychic on his own. Keen made a huge mistake with Nicky, and I just wanted people to know the truth about Nicky and everything. I did not mean to hurt Nicky. I only wanted to help him.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 05:37:38 PM by LoverofLigbt »

Offline 852712

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2018, 09:04:22 PM »
So I decided to give him a try. I’m not sure how to feel. He is very generous with his time and phone conversations. He gave two predictions last month that should pass this week. However I feel he is too positive. He does talk in around around ways and does repeat himself in different wordings, however since he is generous with wording I do not mind.I am really unsure what to think of him. I will update you on if he predictions pass. If you have read him please pm me so we can compare the readings or experiences.

Offline 852712

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2018, 09:26:13 PM »
He gave me the exact same date actually -.-

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2018, 12:11:11 PM »
Here we go, the trolls coming out trolling Nicky and me. Nicole, and 852162, it is obvious that you two are trolling this forum, and I is obvious that you are trolling my post. And it is obvious that you are trolling Nicky. And it is very obvious that you are associated with Keen.

Jas, Nicky just about had me convinced to erase this post, for he did not want me to upset anyone. But now since the trolls are coming out, I am going to stand up and fight them. And I am ready for battle. You people are obviously trolling for Keen. It is so obvious.

I ready to battle all of you Keen trolls. Bring it on. i will not any of you get by with this.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 04:40:49 PM by LoverofLigbt »

Offline jas

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2018, 02:38:54 PM »
Julie - step away from the keyboard.  You are doing more harm than good.  Take a look at any thread on this board and you will see there isn't a single review of any psychic that doesn't have negative reviews; it's just the way it is.  People leave reviews - that is the reason for the forum.  Reviews sting and can be harsh.

I thought this was Nicky when I first read the post but after going to his Facebook page - as instructed by Julie - I found a post with this bizarre woman trying to stir up trouble.  Followed her page and it became obvious she is the poster in this thread.  The problem is the style of writing - it is over the top and repeats the same point over and over and over  - far too repetitive.  The poster also claims to have a college degree but this writing style is so immature that I find it hard to believe.  A professor would have torn this apart. The writer uses vocabulary and punctuation well but doesn't seem to be able to come to a point without overstating. Which, again, brings me back to not believing a word that has been written. 

I was going to read with Nicky to see if he was any good or not, but now with Nicole stating that the writing style is the same, I am going to pass because there are just too many questions about who this really is - is it Nicky or is it, Julie.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2018, 02:50:19 PM »
This whole thread is ridiculous, but like a trainwreck, I can't help but look. I don't know how anyone would spend money on Nicky after this hot mess. As an FYI, and for what it's worth, if you are going to read with anyone on Facebook, create a blank profile. It will put your mind at ease if there's nothing available for the reader to get leads. That goes for any reader on any social platform. And for the love of God, don't use your real name.

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2018, 03:00:06 PM »
All good points Fidget.  I wanted to give "him" the benefit of the doubt and a fair shake, but this whole thread makes me steer clear.  If this really isn't Nicky then this chick has done a lot of damage. 

Ditto on the "train wreck".  This is great entertainment  ;D

Offline 852712

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2018, 04:26:53 PM »
I can promise you I am no keen troll....  I saw Nicky on here so I figured I would give him a try. He said some things that made me question his ability so I paid attention to this thread. Altering noting what Nicole put I messaged her.... both her and I received the same reading for our love life and they would contact us Nov 7th..... There is a lot of scammers and con artist who pose to be psychics and to with hurt people. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and trying to ask him about all of this.

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2018, 05:30:11 PM »

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2018, 06:09:24 PM »

I had suspicious about you from the start. And I see now what technique you used to try to lead into a troll attack against me and Nicky. You started out making it look like you had a reading and a good experience with Nicky, then you and 852712 went on a personal attack of Nicky. It is obvious that you and 852712 know each other, and it is obvious that you and 852712 set up your troll attack against me and Nicky. Give me a break. This is so obvious what you and 852712 are up to. And you and this person are probably the same person.

You started out by saying that Nicky give you a two hour reading for only ten dollars, which is very unbelievable. Nicky has people waiting for readings from him weeks in advance, and, as such, why would he waste his valuable time by spending two hours with you for only ten dollars? And even if he did this, what type of person would you be for taking advantage of Nicky's kindness like this? And what makes this even worse is after a two hour reading for only ten dollars, which is BS to begin with, but if this is true, what type of person takes advantage of another person like this and then tries to destroy them behind their back? And what type of person expects a psychic to give an exact date for something? This is being quite unfair with the psychic, and even though I have known Nicky to come up with the exact dates for things, still this is very unfair to expect the psychic to come up with an exact date for anything. Psychics can read energies and other things, but it is expecting way too much to expect a psychic to come up with an exact date, even though some psychics like Nicky can do this. But psychics can usually give you general timelines, and anyone that expects an exact date from a psychic is being very selfish and unfair with the psychic. But, anyway, all of a sudden after your original comment 852712 then comes up with the exact date that you came up with, and this person said that Nicky gave the exact date that you were given in their reading. Come on now, this is so blaringly obvious that this is a setup in a bunch of BS. And you actually expect people to believe this?  Your troll attack of me and Nicky is much more insidious than Jas's troll attack is, for your technique is to set someone up with a feeble good comment at first, only to use this as leverage to try to invalidate and destroy people with the content of the original comment, and your first comment was BS in the first place. Then you will enlist the help of another person with your troll attack, which is more in likely you, and you will play it like you are the poor, innocent victim, when, in fact, you are the victimizer. But what you do not know is that your technique and your intentions are blaringly obvious. And you have been exposed.

You people are some of the worst trolls that I have ever seen. And the more you try to troll me and Nicky troll my post, the more obvious you people become. I do not have to spend a lot of time showing how you people are trolls, for your very comments expose the trolls that you are. And it is obvious that you, Nicole, that you are indeed a troll. And your technique is blaringly obvious. I will stand up to and expose you all. But everyone of you, especially you Nicole, are revealing that you are trolls from what you post.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 06:23:03 PM by LoverofLigbt »

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2018, 06:15:49 PM »
Can y’all maybe take this spat to PMs?

Offline flora0250

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2018, 06:26:58 PM »
Can y’all maybe take this spat to PMs?

Yes. Please for the love of ... whatever. Please. Please.

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2018, 06:32:19 PM »
Nicole, you are exposed, and like Jas and others, you do not like being exposed. You people are the worst trolls that I have ever seen. And, by the way, if you read Nicky's profile, you would know that he set boundries with people always expecting continual free readings from him.

Journalmuse, I would be more than glad to take this to PM. But as long as these people troll and attack me and Nicky publicly, I will respond publicly.

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2018, 06:35:28 PM »
All I ever did on this thread was give my good experience with an excellent psychic. And then everyone started trolling and attacking me publicly. If I am attacked publicly, I have a right to defend and take up for myself publicly.

When I make my original post about Nicky, I forgot about it. Then all of these emails started showing up in my inbox from The Psychic Reviews, and when I checked out these emails and followed the link to the website, I saw all of the troll attacks. And I had to take up for myself and Nicky
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 06:42:09 PM by LoverofLigbt »

