Author Topic: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)  (Read 18699 times)

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« on: October 12, 2018, 11:33:07 AM »
I finally found Nicky Spiritual, (Spiritual Love Song),formerly of Keen. Nicky is the most insightful and loving and accurate psychic advisor that I had ever come across, and, as many of you know, he was one of the top advisors on Keen. But, to my dismay, Nicky and Keen parted ways in May of this year, and I and other clients on Keen were going crazy trying to find him. Apparently, Keen banned Nicky from Keen because they thought that he gave a suicidal client his personal phone
number in case of an emergency, and, apparently, this broke one of Keen's rules about psychic advisors giving out personal information to clients, and I guess that Keen would not work things out with Nicky on this issue, but, I finally found Nicky again, and he is offering readings on Facebook, and his name on Facebook is, Nicky Krieger (Nicky Spiritual), and I am so happy to find him again.

Nicky gave me the most amazing reading when I found him again, and I am so happy to find this extraordinarily gifted psychic that is so fully of love again. I felt so sad and lost when Nicky disappeared from Keen, and I am so excited and happy to find him again. So, for any of you that are looking to find Nicky again, he is now offering readings on Facebook.  I am so happy to find this truly loving and spiritual and gifted psychic again. And if anyone is looking for Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song), he is now on Facebook, and his name is Nicky Krieger (Nicky Spiritual).

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2018, 03:18:32 AM »
Thanks for letting us know how to find you Nicky and for explaining why you’re not on Keen anymore. I think most, like me will pass on taking you up on this because psychics disguising themselves as clients is never something well received here. Also never heard of you to begin with. Good luck though.

Offline psychicaddict22

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2018, 03:40:25 AM »
Thanks for letting us know how to find you Nicky and for explaining why you’re not on Keen anymore. I think most, like me will pass on taking you up on this because psychics disguising themselves as clients is never something well received here. Also never heard of you to begin with. Good luck though.

Lmao, so obvious it is the reader! I have never heard of this person either. But good call catching him out like this!

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2018, 08:50:17 PM »
Thanks for letting us know how to find you Nicky and for explaining why you’re not on Keen anymore. I think most, like me will pass on taking you up on this because psychics disguising themselves as clients is never something well received here. Also never heard of you to begin with. Good luck though.

Lmao, so obvious it is the reader! I have never heard of this person either. But good call catching him out like this!

Thanks. These readers promoting themselves are so stupidly obvious about it.

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2018, 02:26:41 AM »
Gushing over the top review - I feel like I just got slimed.

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2018, 04:19:52 PM »
I am not Nicky Spiritual. And how can those that made the negative comments to my post make such snap judgements of me and Nicky, when they do not know me or him. The people who made the above comments to my post are acting like employees of Keen that are trolling my post, for Keen does not want the competition of a superior psychic reader competing with their less than adequate psychic readers on Keen. And before you make such snap  judgements of me or Nicky, you should should substantiate your claims. Where is your proof? You most certainly do not know me, and you obviously do not know Nicky. And it is the mark of simple minds to make such snap judgements and conclusions without proof.

I am simply letting people know my experience with such a superior psychic, something Keen is in short supply of nowdays. I know other good and successful psychic readers on Keen that have been dealt with the way Nicky has been dealt with on Keen. Every time a psychic reader is good and successful and popular on Keen, Keen always gets rid of them. I feel that Keen is threatened by its most successful and popular psychic advisors, for Keen is afraid that its successful and popular psychic advisors will go on their own and take clients away from Keen. So Keen will try to destroy the careers of the good psychic advisors on Keen because they are afraid of the psychic advisors going on their own and giving Keen competition. And as a result of this practice of Keen doing this to its its most successful psychic advisors, this leaves Keen with  psychic advisors that are the very worst of the worst. I am going to post more names of very good and successful psychic advisors that were dealt with the way Nicky was dealt with at Keen, and Keen got rid of these good psychic advisors because Keen was afraid of these psychic advisors going on their own and taking their clients with them. This is a big problem with Keen, and it is brought the quality of the present psychic advisors on Keen down to having very low quality psychic advisors. Keen is going down the tubes, and the reason for this is because of such practices.

I just wanted to notify everyone who misses Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song) on Keen that Nicky is now on Facebook. He has a page in which he offers of his services, and his page on Facebook is titled, Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song). And on his personal Facebook page he is Nicky Krieger (Nicky Spiritual). Nicky is one of the best psychic advisors that has ever read me. And he is one of the most kind and spiritual people have ever known. And for the ones that made the negative comments above about me and Nicky, please do not make snap judgements of people you do not know. This forum is not for you to use to troll those that make positive comments about psychic advisors that they like and have had good experiences with.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 01:59:46 AM by LoverofLigbt »

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2018, 12:49:26 PM »
Wow - so you have an inside line on ALL OF THE WONDERFUL PSYCHICS that were kicked off of Keen.  ::scratching my head::  how does one obtain such information?? 

I am sorry, but you write two posts of here and you want to come in here and tell us (who have been on here for quite some time) how the board is supposed to operate??

It is fine to leave a review but this was just over the top.  Perhaps that is just your writing style.  You might be more believable if you posted about other experiences and other psychics on Keen.

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2018, 01:45:45 PM »

You sure seem adament about proving me wrong. It makes me wonder what your motivations are for trying to do this. It is becoming obvious to me that you are associated with Keen, either as an employee of Keen or as a psychic advisor for Keen. And, as such, you are the one who is "slimming" me and others in this forum with your agenda, and it is obvious that you have an agenda against me and Nicky. Do you not have better things to do with your time than to troll my post on The Psychic Reviews forum? And your agenda is becoming more and more obvious. You obviously are associated with Keen in some way. And I suspect that you are an employee of Keen that trolls this forum looking to make anyone who speaks truthfully about Keen look bad or look like a fraud. You are the phony and fraud that uses disingenuous tactics to disrespect and discredit people on this forum that give an honest evaluation of Keen and that give an honest evaluation of a superior psychic like Nicky that was treated unfairly by Keen. And your fallacies in logical reasoning are rampant. You launch unprovoked ad hominem attacks on people that disagree with you, and you beg the question and use strawman arguments and use red herrings against people. You not only slime people with your agenda and manipulative techniques, but you assume that we are too ignorant and uneducated to figure our your slimy tactics and slimy agenda. And I, for one, am appalled by your agenda and techniques.

I know what I know about other former psychics from Keen, for I have talked to many of them, and I have had readings from many of them. And they gave me the same story about how they were treated unfairly by Keen as Nicky was. And I will post their names on this forum when they give me their permission to do so. Apparently, new management took over Keen several months ago after AT&T bought Keen, and as a result of the poor management of the new management of Keen, the new management have alieniated a lot of good psychic advisors and clients of Keen. And, by the way, Jas, I have talked to many  former clients of Keen, some who have been with Keen for up to fifteen years, that became very unhappy and dissatisfied with Keen and left Keen in the past few months after new management took over Keen. And, again, I will substantiate my claims and post the names of the former dissatisfied clients of Keen for you when these former clients of Keen give me their permission to do so, just like I will post the names for you of the former and superior psychic advisors that were alieniated by Keen like Nicky was.

Morever, Jas, for your information Nicky and a lot of the former and superior psychic advisors on Keen who were screwed over by Keen are starting their own online psychic site, with their own 1-800 numbers and chat and video, and articles, and such, and I will keep you and others notified when this comes about. People deserve to have this choice beyond the present psychic sites that are run by Corporate America that really does not care about their psychic advisors or clients. With respect to Keen and the former and superior psychic advisors like Nicky that Keen alieniated, Keen unwittingly created this new avenue with their unfair, and selfish, and cruel, and heartless practices, and the former psychic advisors and former clients that Keen alieniated most certainly did not go gently into the night and take things laying down. And I most certainly will be one of the first clients of this new psychic service. For I am very dissatisfied with the practices of the corporate controlled, online psychic sites like Keen.

From this point onward, Jas, I will keep more active on this forum, and I owe this to you. For your unfair and biased comments and agendas and falaectious assumptions has stimulated me to be very active on on this forum from now on. And there will be many more posts and comments from me in the future. And I am very excited about informing people of the new online psychic site that Nicky and the other former and superior psychic advisors on Keen will launch soon. It will be nice to have a choice other than a corporate controlled psychic service like Keen, and I will make  sure that I inform everyone about this new psychic service when it is launched

« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 02:14:29 PM by LoverofLigbt »

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2018, 09:46:33 PM »
Whew.....did that wear you out writing it, because it certainly wore me out reading it. 

Offline psychicaddict22

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2018, 12:04:02 AM »
As a long time lurker and new poster it is always obvious when someone is a reader posting on their behalf but pretending to be a client. Long glowing reviews of said reader in flowery language and then should anyone dare say a word, they are accused of being another reader, or in this case Keen themselves. If Keen was so bad and Nicky was so great, then why did he not leave and create his own site long ago? Many others have done so themselves. If he was such an asset as are others who have been removed, why would Keen, a company in the business of making money, let these amazing people go when it would be in their best interest to keep them and the income they brought in? And now Keen corporate is on here posing as Jas just to defame Nicky? Suuuuureeeeee... dude you got busted just let it go and move on, your stupid game didn't work. Go put the effort you put into this into creating your "amazing platform" for ousted Keen readers and allow those of us who really are clients the ability to read real reviews to find actual readers to connect with.

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2018, 12:14:00 AM »
Well said 22  ;)

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2018, 07:11:39 PM »
Addict and Jas,

You two obviously have not been reading my above posts. It is like you two are ganging up on me and giving me a bad time for my honest review of a very good psychic. And I cannot help but wonder what your motivations are for doing this.

It does not take a genius to figure what is happening at the corporate run, online psychic sites like Keen. These are corporate run, online psychic sites that are run by MBA's and attorneys, and their main goal is to make a profit at all costs. And they want to monopolize the the online psychic market, and the psychic advisors and clients of these sites are victimized in the process.

As Nicky and other former successful psychic advisors on Keen have told me, these corporate run, online psychic sites take half of the gross income that their psychic advisors bring in. And these corporate run, online psychic sites are always concerned that their most successful psychic advisors will "steal" clients from them. This is why the number one rule of the corporate run, online psychic sites like Keen is that they do not want the clients or the psychic advisors on these sites to know the real names of each other. For, again, they do not want the clients on these corporate run, online psychic sites to have the freedom of choice to have the option of ordering the services of the superior advisors beyond the unreasonable and astronomical high rates that these corporate run, online psychic sites like Keen charge. And when a psychic advisor on the corporate run, online psychic sites like Keen become too successful, Keen watches them like a hawk, and they will ban these advisors for minor infractions, for, again, the main concern of these corporate run, online psychic sites like Keen have with their most successful psychic advisors is that these successful psychic advisors will go on their own and "steal" clients from them. And what this practice does is effectively leave these corporate run, online psychic sites with subpar and poor psychic advisors that clients pay unreasonable and astronomical rates for. But, the practices of Keen and the other corporate run, online psychic services that try to monopolize the online psychic market is backfiring on them. For some people like Nicky and the other good psychic advisors that were screwed over by the corporate run, online psychic sites do not take such unfair practices laying down, and when they are screwed over and forced to go on their own, they do not let the corporate run, online psychic sites like Keen that want to monopolize the online psychic market force them out of the profession that they love and were called by spirit to do. So they go on their own and give people a better choice than being ripped off by the corporate run, online psychic sites that rip-off their psychic advisors and clients all in the name of the millions of dollars in profit that these corporate run, online psychic sites make each year.

By the way, Addict and Jas, my name is Julie. And I can prove this to you by sending you my personal email address, if you want me to. And by the way,  Addict and Jas, it is a terrible thing to see people with closed and narrow minds like you two have. I know who I am, no matter what you think.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 07:54:18 PM by LoverofLigbt »

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2018, 08:05:43 PM »
I can say, without question or reservation, that Nicky is the best psychic that I have ever had read me, and I have had many psychics read me. And Nicky's predictions are always spot on and come true.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 08:11:05 PM by LoverofLigbt »

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2018, 10:58:42 PM »
Awh, Julie.....former Keen psychic. I believe you went by the name Spiritual Love Song??

Nicky very well might be a good psychic and you probably are a client of his, however, your story of "finding him again" doesn't hold water.  YOU knew where he was all along.  You were a "Reader" on Keen so to come on to this site and pretend to be something other than a former Keen employee is, in your words so disingenuous.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 01:04:41 AM by jas »

Offline LoverofLigbt

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Re: Nicky Spiritual (Spiritual Love Song)
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2018, 05:53:11 AM »

I never worked on Keen as  psychic. You are very delusional about me. And not only do you make unsubstantiated claims about me that you most certainly cannot prove, but you seem to be targeting me, when all I was doing was giving a good rating about an excellent psychic on my post. And I cannot help but wonder what your motivations are for doing this. You obviously do not know me or Nicky. And I wounder if you are delusional or crazy for making all of these obviously insane claims against me when you do not know me at all, and I wonder if you are actually an employee or a psychic advisor for Keen that is jealous of Nicky and trying to make him and me look bad. But the fact of the matter is that you obviously are targeting me and Nicky, and I cannot help but wonder what your motivations are for doing this. But you are revealing a lot about who and what you are by your constant attacks on me and Nicky. And if anything, you are making yourself look bad in the process, instead of making me or Nicky look bad.

What is very suspicious to me with you and the other trolls on my post is that you guys claimed that you have never heard of Nicky, and Nicky was indeed one of the top readers on Keen in more than one category on Keen; everyone knows this. And now you are claiming that I was a reader on Keen, and I have never worked for Keen. So there is something up with you being so disingenuous. Either you are really delusional, or you are an employee of Keen trying to slander me and Nicky on this forum. You are acting very suspicious. And you and others are trying to troll my post and discredit my honest appraisal of an excellent psychic by trying to do character assaninations of me and Nicky. And I cannot help but wonder what your motivations are for doing this.

If you are indeed an employee on Keen, you should know that you are setting Keen up for a slander lawsuit with your unsubstantiated allegations against me. All I was doing on my post was giving my honest opinions and telling about my good experience with a truly superior psychic. And you have attacked me with unsubstantiated claims all along the way. I am being trolled by you and others on this forum, and I strongly suspect that your and others motivations for doing this is that you are employees of Keen.

I wrote Nicky on Facebook about all of this. And he told me not to worry about it. For he said that he is doing very well on his own as a psychic advisor. And he said that he has great plans for the future with his psychic business. And he also told me that Keen actually did him a favor by getting rid of him, for he said that he is much happier being independent and on his own now. He said that the ultimate irony of all of this is that he never planned on going on his own and that he had planned to stay with Keen long term, for he loved the hundreds of repeat clients that he had on Keen. And he said that when Keen betrayed him that they also betrayed his hundreds of repeat clients, and he felt bad that Keen did this to his clients, and he hoped that some of his clients can find him again one day. But he said that Keen actually did him a favor with their unfair actions against him without realizing it, for he said that he is very happy that he is on his own now and that he does not have to put up with the unfair rules of Keen anymore. He also said that someone in Keen made a huge mistake with him and others, but he said that he is not worried about it anymore, for he said that he is happy being on his own now. Even though Nicky says that it is all water under the bridge with him and Keen and that he is not worried about Keen anymore, I will still stand up for him. And I will stand up for myself.

Jas, it is becoming more and more obvious to me and other people in this forum what you are up to and what your and other people's motivations are for trolling my post. You are revealing who and what you are, and it is not a pretty sight. And if you and the other people that are trolling my post are employees for Keen, which I highly suspect that you are, you are not only making yourselves look bad with your trolling and disingenuous behaviors, but all of you are most certainly making Keen look bad to the users of this forum. You are being very obvious to everyone with what you are doing on my post. And the more that you and other employees of Keen try to make me or Nicky look bad, the more you make yourselves and Keen look bad as a result.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 07:30:51 AM by LoverofLigbt »

