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Best person on psychic source?
Ricky was a JOKE for me, completely wrong. Vincent totally made things up, that of course never happened, after he spent time telling me that he's moving to my town (which I really don't care about). Eliza is the only good one over there.
--- Quote from: simsim on October 13, 2018, 05:55:36 AM ---i spoke to over 30 people on PS over the year and a half and only Roxanne & bridgette blew me away and had stuff come to pass. which turned me into a believer
also joseph was amazing and predicted lots for me but sadly he passed away
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Joseph passed away?!? Waaaah!!! Yeah he was a good reader. Very in tune. I don’t like his style of reading but definitely gifted.
--- Quote from: alphabetsoup on October 13, 2018, 07:46:43 AM ---Ricky was a JOKE for me, completely wrong. Vincent totally made things up, that of course never happened, after he spent time telling me that he's moving to my town (which I really don't care about). Eliza is the only good one over there.
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I don’t think Ricky is a joke in my experience. I asked Ricky when and where can I find a new job. He said he is surprise I have not found it yet but I will go through an interview for department 1. But I will get hired in department 2. I went to an interview for a company and applied for position 1, but another department lost just 2 employees so they asked if I will be willing to consider to take position 2 right there while interviewing. But.. he didn’t see that I will hate the company (they’re so unethical) and will jump ship after 3 weeks.
Vincent is not too bad either in my experience. I was asking about an ex poi. He said “forget about him, I see another guy coming, his name is ___”. I laughed because it’s another ex’s name. Well fast forward, my new Poi name is exactly what Vincent said. :)
Has Eliza’s predictions panned our for anyone?
She usually don’t give out a prediction. But when she does, it happens for me.
Last October I called her because I was planning to confront an ex poi. She said, oh he will XYZ. So I was like.. why would he XYZ?! She said because something about abc. Well the night went down the way she said. The ex poi XYZ because of ABC. Lol sorry I don’t want to give details.
Last may I called her and asked if ex poi will reconcile (when a lot of readers say, March, may, June, July, August, in 3, in 6, in Aquarius, in Capricorn etc etc). She said, he will but not as soon as you think. He did contact me in end of September. Which way off than the other readers said.
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