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Best person on psychic source?

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I just had an email that I have $65 in my psychic source account so i guess i might as well use it -- LOVE feedback who everyone loves or has had luck with on there?

Eliza for empath

Ricky for prediction (but he is very expensive)

Maybe Vincent too?

Thank you I tried Eliza... She picked up on a lot of stuff... Her predictions were 2 to 3 weeks.  She seemed pretty on with all past/present stuff.  I will see if her predictions happen and come back:) 

I have always confirmed eliza’s Readings. Today I asked her about something about my poi, and after 2 minutes my PoI texted me saying exactly what Eliza said. He texted another tonight confirming everything she said.

i spoke to over 30 people on PS over the year and a half and only Roxanne & bridgette blew me away and had stuff come to pass. which turned me into a believer

also joseph was amazing and predicted lots for me but sadly he passed away


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