Author Topic: Anyone Had Multiple Readers Tell The Same Exact Insights on a Present Situation?  (Read 19479 times)

Offline Lady_C

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@Lady_C you mean the 6 were accurate picking up current only? Overall was their outcome correct in your case or did it change over time?

Well if 6 psychics all said the same thing I'm more inclined to believe the majority. The outcome for my readings is pretty much the same ex will reach out but those are pending as he hasn't done yet. My situation might fall into the category of one of those that won't immediately pan out so I can't say if the outcome will happen, I also don't have time frames either. Like I said in another post I am moving on regardless but hope this helps you!!

You and I are in the exact same position I think!  Ex and I had horrible break up... He wont even talk to me - I might even be blocked from his phone (although QoC swears Im not) -- but he wont respond to me....  But everyone says give him time he'll come back.  Yona says end of the year. QoC just says hes not ready, EJ and Eliza say 2 to 3 weeks, I cant get through to Cookie.....But all of them were DEAD right on current and past situation with details! 

Im with you on possibly wanting to move on...
question for you -- why are you getting readings on whether hes coming back if you know you are moving on from him?  Is it for closure?  Im only asking bc I change my mind every day

I'm no longer getting readings on him, sometimes if someone asks a question on here I will answer them but my stance has changed. I even made a post about deleting my transcripts and moving on (check the vent section).

I can still respond to posts if I can offer some insight  or share my previous encounters with psychics in respect to what they have told me about my ex.

The last reading I had which was weeks ago was in line with what others have said which was he would reach out to me and that presently he is dating or at least around a female. A few have told me that so it's probably true, outcomes are sketchy which is why I wouldn't advise anyone to sit there and wait for their POI to return, keep yourself busy, date if you feel like it and if he/she returns deal with it however you see fit at the time.

Offline Tigerlily229

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i've had multiple people pick up on a third party, but say its his sister. when i do my own cards, i keep getting a mother like figure thats influencing my POI. This is true in my case. his sister is like a mother figure and has a bizarre hold/influence on him and his relationships.

Offline Sparkle002

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i've had multiple people pick up on a third party, but say its his sister. when i do my own cards, i keep getting a mother like figure thats influencing my POI. This is true in my case. his sister is like a mother figure and has a bizarre hold/influence on him and his relationships.

Thats pretty amazing.

Offline Sparkle002

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I want to get back to the point of this post ;) - I asked if there were multiple readers that picked up the same DETAILS on the PRESENT situation ...not outcomes because many outcomes can be the SAME (he will come back, marriage, he will leave is ex, blah blah).

I'm saying have multiple readers found details in your current situation you later found to be True? Maybe something you are not seeing.

For example, multiple readers are picking up a present situation that not only mentions a 3rd party, but describes in detail what that person looks like, that they had a kid, they live with your POI, he works alot, etc.

These readers have given SPECIFIC details on the PRESENT - described the 3rd party (skin tone, race, etc), the fact that he lives 15 mins from me, the kid and everything.

But they are also picking up things that I do not know. They all mention a second kid (LITERALLY ALL OF THEM) - I asked my POI and nope - he says he has a vasectomy. They all mention she is still at his house - and again my POI says she moved out....

So aside from the typical outcomes that readers give you - has anyone had MANY readers give you the same exact DETAILS on the PRESENT and found out those details that you did not know end up being true?

Master Enigma and Paul on Kasmaba and Sister Annette on Keen all said the same exact thing. word for word. for present.

Were they all correct?

Offline Dreamer23

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Tbh, I would trust POI and not the psychics. Unless you think POI is a liar in general. Psychics may have picked up stuff from the past.

Offline HornetKick

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he could be lying... did you ever go to his house? to see if kids are there or a woman? is this an online thing bc people lie about marriages its 2018. trust me ive been on dates and didnt know they were married until we were walking to the car.

Yep, I had a guy friend who went on a date and didn't know the girl was pregnant until he got to the restaurant (8 months pregnant to be exact).
You can't hide that shyte online forever.  Marriages and live in partners you can, at least for a while.

Offline Sparkle002

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I want to get back to the point of this post ;) - I asked if there were multiple readers that picked up the same DETAILS on the PRESENT situation ...not outcomes because many outcomes can be the SAME (he will come back, marriage, he will leave is ex, blah blah).

I'm saying have multiple readers found details in your current situation you later found to be True? Maybe something you are not seeing.

For example, multiple readers are picking up a present situation that not only mentions a 3rd party, but describes in detail what that person looks like, that they had a kid, they live with your POI, he works alot, etc.

These readers have given SPECIFIC details on the PRESENT - described the 3rd party (skin tone, race, etc), the fact that he lives 15 mins from me, the kid and everything.

But they are also picking up things that I do not know. They all mention a second kid (LITERALLY ALL OF THEM) - I asked my POI and nope - he says he has a vasectomy. They all mention she is still at his house - and again my POI says she moved out....

So aside from the typical outcomes that readers give you - has anyone had MANY readers give you the same exact DETAILS on the PRESENT and found out those details that you did not know end up being true?

he could be lying... did you ever go to his house? to see if kids are there or a woman? is this an online thing bc people lie about marriages its 2018. trust me ive been on dates and didnt know they were married until we were walking to the car.

Didnt want to get into the details of this situation here - just wanted to focus more or less on the readers ....but no...this is Totally not an online thing - met the guy the old fashioned way - in person months ago. Ive been to his house - but it was only to stop by. He told me when we met the BM was still living there, but then 3 months later he told me she moved out. I know who she is and the one kid they do have (thats her only kid) via facebook (he knows I know of her page).

Ya I know people lie about marriages and have learned to adjust to the ways of new age dating. Anyone I meet outside of my circle (where my people would know there people) I AUTOMATICALLY do a BACKGROUND check. Im not playing games. This is an easy thing to do upfront before feelings get involved and Ill know if they are lying UP FRONT. Maybe when I was younger (Im late 30's) and was a dumb dumb, that shit would fly lol. But no the BM doesnt even have her last name changed, they are not married - verified all that.I did the background check before he told me she lived with him and he told me within the week we met.

But besides these details - I was focusing on what the readers have said as far as matching current situations ;)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2018, 07:20:36 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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Tbh, I would trust POI and not the psychics. Unless you think POI is a liar in general. Psychics may have picked up stuff from the past.

Thanks for your response  :)

Offline Sparkle002

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One thing I’ve learned from my own readings and from this forum is that tons of readers can tell you the same thing, but it doesn’t mean it will happen.

Yep thats what I was afraid of. I swear its so eerie how they all can make up the same exact things lol

Offline HornetKick

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One thing I’ve learned from my own readings and from this forum is that tons of readers can tell you the same thing, but it doesn’t mean it will happen.

I thought the same thing as well, but it doesn't mean it can't happen, because I had two readers once tell me the same things and it didn’t happen, so who knows?

I was told at least three times that I will be on my current job for a short time and I am only here because it was a pay check. It took me 7-8 months of ass kissing before I became permanent and going above and beyond. So with that being said, there was no way I was going to go out and look for another job, since I became permanent. Out of the readers I've consulted one said I would go out and apply for a new job and still I was thinking why would I do that? I even said the same thing to her. She told me I didn't have to take the opportunity, but I would get promoted faster if I did because it would take a lot longer on my current job. Another one said I would hear about the job word or mouth and that happened too. Well about a week ago a placement service reached out to me and said they had a job in mind with a reputable firm and he felt I was a good fit. He also said the placement would be permanent, not temp, like I've done for many moons.

But guess what??? I did apply and after they received my resume (which I was told during the interview it was impressive), they wanted to interview me as soon as possible. I figured I would just go hear what they had to say, but after the interview I told myself I wasn't going to take it. I would just stay where I was and all that. Well, the company countered that with 'what can they do to get me on board'. Stuff like this does not happen. The HR person even called me to talk to me about my reservations and after speaking to her, I was in. I decided to leave the present company because the better position is just an effing dream.

Here are the readers who told me about the job. Keep in mind that all of them at some point, told me some wrong shit, but it was minor.

Sue Zelaya/FB on 6/30 although I didn't believe her because she told so many people the same crap. She said this job was just a paycheck and I will be here only a short time, but I thought she said within six months, so this was wrong.

Saturn Astrology/Keen on 9/1 and she saw a job opportunity in 8, but didn't know if it was 8 weeks or 8 months. If I work hard I can make the numbers fit, so I'm not sure about the 8. When I read with her, I had been employed 8 months on the current job, but this doesn't really help with anything.

Psychic Sandra/Bitwine on 9/15 and she specifically said: the spirits say that there are two opportunitys approaching. work and love. I asked her about work and I mentioned I just became permanent and she said:you will be there short term. She was completely wrong when she said it would be a different position with the same company, because it was an outside company.

Xeenz Gilbert/Bitwine on 1/28. Chalked her up to being wrong because she said in March of this year and that came and went. But she also said this job that you're in right now, is temporary, so she was right about that. She also said it was a job just for a paycheck; just a stepping stone for me and that I would have more growth with the other opportunity and would be promoted in 6-8 months. She also said “I can understand it doesnt make much practical sense but its all about the shift that you'd have. you know. not now not soon but sometime in march. She said March at least three times during the reading and that was very, very wrong. She even said the name of the company would start with R (after rereading my notes), which is wrong, but very, very close. It's the second letter and strongest consonant in the name of the company.

There are a few others who after rereading my notes, might have been getting the future mixed up with the present because of the way things played out and how things are with the current position. Overall, they were more wrong than right, so it isn’t worth mentioning any of them. I even read with that blind woman on Keen, Sister Annette, but I felt she was too pricey to just give me general stuff. She was sort of on the cusp with things, just not direct enough.

Offline sawthelight

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Xeena Gilbert is a fraud..I read with her thinking she was amazing but she actually had two accounts on BW (I noticed the second one has been deleted "manira")...I read with Manira last year regarding a former POI and gave her some info regarding the situation..etc.

A few months later, I read with Xeena and she tried to play it off like she was someone else and gave me this same information I had provided to "Manira" and I thought "wow, she's really on point and a good psychic"..only to find out she's the same reader that I had read with under a different name...SMH!  I even compared the Paypal names and yep!  Also, the same weird writing style. 

Total fraud.   

Offline marciamia

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Xeena Gilbert is a fraud..I read with her thinking she was amazing but she actually had two accounts on BW (I noticed the second one has been deleted "manira")...I read with Manira last year regarding a former POI and gave her some info regarding the situation..etc.

A few months later, I read with Xeena and she tried to play it off like she was someone else and gave me this same information I had provided to "Manira" and I thought "wow, she's really on point and a good psychic"..only to find out she's the same reader that I had read with under a different name...SMH!  I even compared the Paypal names and yep!  Also, the same weird writing style. 

Total fraud.

 ;D ;D  I remember reading with that one back in January and she couldn’t have been more of a fake who only gave me a partial refund when I confronted her so I wouldn’t leave feedback!!  So sick!! >:(

Offline sawthelight

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Xeena Gilbert is a fraud..I read with her thinking she was amazing but she actually had two accounts on BW (I noticed the second one has been deleted "manira")...I read with Manira last year regarding a former POI and gave her some info regarding the situation..etc.

A few months later, I read with Xeena and she tried to play it off like she was someone else and gave me this same information I had provided to "Manira" and I thought "wow, she's really on point and a good psychic"..only to find out she's the same reader that I had read with under a different name...SMH!  I even compared the Paypal names and yep!  Also, the same weird writing style. 

Total fraud.

 ;D ;D  I remember reading with that one back in January and she couldn’t have been more of a fake who only gave me a partial refund when I confronted her so I wouldn’t leave feedback!!  So sick!! >:(

I know, I actually recommended her on here, I retracted it, but sorry if that's what made you waste your $! :(

