Author Topic: My thoughts on CP and other psychic websites  (Read 8889 times)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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My thoughts on CP and other psychic websites
« on: September 07, 2011, 05:11:05 PM »
Hello all

I hope this finds everyone on the forum well. Some of you may remember my posts from 4 months ago or so. I was also a huge believer is CP and PS, spent thousands of dollars on readings, and was only told positive information regarding my ex coming back and wanting to be in a relationship. I've read with every single "top" reader on CP and PS, including Uli, Jacqueline, Miriam, Casey, Ricky, Moira, Therese, etc... all of them. I was obsessed. Every single time I heard a reader got something right, or an individual on this board recommended a psychic - I would call and get a reading immediately. From March until June I spent countless hours, dollars, and energy focused towards these predictions and them manifesting.

Let me just say - readers are great for current feelings, empath stuff, past stuff, etc - but nobody, not ONE of these top readers, got anything correct in regard to future. Every single one of them were completely wrong about their future predictions. I know timeline is difficult to hold any reader to - but I am in my situation with my ex boyfriend, we speak to one another, we even see each other, and the guy definitely does not want to be back in a relationship with me. He isn't "coming forward" to reconcile as they all said (no later than August - including Uli). I know there are others who are on this board - who read it from time to time and used to post, who have not had anything come true in regard to their relationships.

My advice on psychics is to use this as a tool on current and past situations. Predictions, as Wikipedia says, "Outside the rigorous context of science, prediction is often confused with informed guess or opinion". That's exactly what they are. Guesses and opinions. Psychics may have the ability to see the past and current energy, but finding a psychic who can actually predict the future is, in my experience, near impossible - especially with romantic relationships. Sometimes psychics get flashes of things that may actually happen, but being able to predict all hours of the day, for every reader that calls in, cannot be possible.

Please - save your money. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, wish that I had. Find a local reader that works for you. I see a couple who have been correct for me - but things still change. Some people may have luck with psychics and with CP and PS. I know they do because I've read the testimonials. However, some of us are also in denial when things are clearly in front of our face and use the psychics in order to pacify our feelings. I am not aiming this at anyone in particular, but I did the same thing. "Oh, this top level psychic, and this top level psychic, and this top level psychics said it - so it must be coming true." "Their timelines are just off." "So and so had it come true so this must be the psychic who gets relationship stuff right and they said my ex was coming back... so...". It's a vicious cycle of denial and it's put into place to keep us spending money. They are human beings, who are empathic, and probably prefer to make people feel good. I wouldn't want to have to give people bad news all day long - especially if I was sensitive to energy.

Lastly, intution is in all of us. Buy a deck of tarot cards. Buy a pendulum. Learn candle magic. All of the answers to our future and what we want is available to all of us. Go with your gut. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck... if your ex isn't calling, isn't writing, won't answer your texts, isn't with you.... it shouldn't take a psychic to tell you what's going on. Take a yoga or meditation class. Sign up for an online dating website. Participate in charity events. Move your energy around a little. Work on yourself. Life will unfold the way it is supposed to, and the stagnancy of sitting in your house spending money to call psychics who tell you things that seem impossible is not healthy. I know it isn't because I did it. I was you.

Just keep moving forward.


Offline Bridgee

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Re: My thoughts on CP and other psychic websites
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 05:21:15 PM »
Hi Liz:  Very well said.  Sometimes when my funds are low and I am having trouble paying my bills I think of the tons of $$ I spent talking to "psychics" who did not get one thing right for me and how I wish I had all that money now and what I could be doing with it instead.  I can only think of one psychic I spoke to that was jaw droppingly accurate and I cannot find her anymore :(

Thank you for expressing your feelings - there is a lot of truth in what you said.


Offline cocoapple

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Re: My thoughts on CP and other psychic websites
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 06:18:35 PM »

Predictions, as Wikipedia says, "Outside the rigorous context of science, prediction is often confused with informed guess or opinion".

Yep, that's exactly it.  Notice how some of the psychics asks 'when was the last time you had contact with him/her?' and based on the info you give them they induces a happy prediction with a near timeframe whereas when you say you haven't talk to ex in ages they will tell you 'he loves you, just doesn't know what to do, his heart and mind are not working together' and gives you a bunch of BS excuses and since we were weak and vulnerable, we all ate it up like candy. 

Liz, EVERYTHING you wrote in your post is exactly what's going on with my situation.  Same time frame too....i've been with this forum from the weeks working up to the break up in May and here we are 4 months later.  I also read with the same psychics you mentioned.  I am speaking with my ex and just as Liz says, 'he's not coming around in August'  or Fall, or Autumn...whatever the heck version you guys were given.  Truth and reality is what's in front of us.  It just takes a while for the fog to lift up.  I just had wished i realized sooner rather than later....when my wallet is almost empty.

This isn't about timing's the big picture and seeing the reality. 

Offline toknow

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Re: My thoughts on CP and other psychic websites
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2011, 06:48:24 PM »
EXTREMELY well said Liz!!! Thanks for sharing your story.  I'd like to share a little of mine here too.

I've been getting readings for over 10 years. I started with local readers and then found the online thing too. I truly do not even want to know how much I've spent on Keen, California Psychics, etc.  I think most our stories are the same - we're calling about someone who is no longer in our life the way we want them to be.  We call numerous psychics, maybe on numerous sites.  We get hope when we hear what we want, we discard the readers who tell us what we don't want to hear. We keep calling back, timelines get pushed back, etc.

I now realize I was addicted to the hope they gave me.  False hope.  This hope was keeping me stuck in the first stage of grief we all experience over a breakup -denial.   I finally called back a couple of the psychics who hadn't told me what I wanted to hear - ones whose predictions pretty much mirrored what was my obvious reality -he hadn't come back.  They gave me much needed insight into what had happened and why, info I wasn't getting from him because he basically just did a disappearing act.  They gave me the closure I sorely needed in order to heal.  It took awhile, but I did heal.  Several years later, my financial situation hasn't healed yet tho! 

I still use psychics today, a lot less frequently though. I'm just fascinated by what they do, how they do it.  I never really call for future predictions. I call for clarity around current happenings in my life. Sometimes they throw out predictions, I'll  jot them down. I don't get too attached to predictions happening though.  I've found that most real  psychics are almost 100% on the past and current stuff - on their good days. They, like us, have good days and off days.  I believe the future is not cast in stone.  We can create it. Everyone around us can create it. Most honest and real psychics will tell you their predictions are based on what they currently see going on in your life, and that things can change.

There is a really cool Gloria Steinem quote on a very cool website I've found:

“The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day.” -Gloria Steinem

The website is   It was set up by a woman who has been where we've  been too.  She's written a book about her  experience -her addiction as she calls it.  There is also a support group.  I encourage anyone who feels like their life has narrowed down to very little other than work and obsessively calling psychics, or whose financial situations are suffering as a result of calling psychics,  to check it out.