Author Topic: Jess Stone  (Read 4723 times)

Offline jas

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Jess Stone
« on: December 06, 2017, 11:31:49 PM »
Can't find a thread on her so thought I would start one.  Read with her awhile back, not my cup of tea.  Now I am receiving emails from her (she is sending them out to anyone who has read with her) and boy she seems a bit angry with the world.  Just wondering if anyone has any feedback on her.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2017, 12:56:08 AM »
Post the emails from her.

Offline jas

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2017, 03:11:56 AM »
Here is the first one:

hru Paul's outside the body experience, as well as my own....I will be sharing information completely contrary to what has been told to humanity....over the months ahead...
WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON WITH HUMANITY???....The LIES we've been told....a new series of information i will be sharing of what i know, seen, and others as well....Beyond the Veil of Mass Illusion....
"I don't think this world is structured to know or care what the truth is. In fact, I believe that the truth is countered at every turn, and intentionally kept hidden by our base-level controllers and manipulators, who are the stewards of darkness. They wouldn't want us to have the knowledge that we hold claim to absolute freedom, which is accompanied by an enormous power, and true liberty. They would rather we looked down on ourselves as faulty, and defective, and in need of help and management by the 'enlightened ones'. And maybe we are all to willing to believe it.
This world is all about slavery and bondage, which begins in the spirit realm, where unaware humans aren't as savvy as our adversaries. In truth, as long as we strive to be kind, then we are perfectly imperfect, without the need of correction and management from our evil slave-masters with their 'perfecting of humans' "Illumination" scheme.
What you thought was your advocate, was your enemy, and a very cruel enemy at that. Moreover, the supreme being that I experienced and saw was nothing like what we're told.
God and your rulers are more powerful than you, so, do what your told, for your own good. If you don't do what God, or your rulers tell you, there will be consequences. If you rebel against God, or your rulers, you will be punished. God needs to correct you because history tells us that your kind are idiots and cause problems. Your rulers need to correct you because history tells us that your kind are idiots and cause problems. Believe in their religious story or you're evil. Believe in their patriotic story or you're evil.
The bottom line is, you are an absolute moron, born defective, and you are prone to incredible disaster unless you are tightly monitored, managed, and under the strictest of authority by someone who is smarter and more powerful than you. I guess we just ought to sit down and shut up, and be thankful that we're not in jail, or in hell. God was-all-like “OOPS!” when your kind was created.
Religion is infiltration for nationalistic programming under the guise of independent benevolence. Moreover, religion is a mechanism for stirring and capturing adoration for forces of darkness, thereby empowering the same. It is the biggest scam going and allows our slave masters the ability to program entire continents of peoples. The “church” is the initial dove through which the rulers become the lion. This is spiritual captivity and bondage through mass deception, all in the name of love, and care. This type of deception is just dripping with glee-inducing invisible foes from the spirit realm."
People lap-up this confusing garbage because they are desperate for answers due to their incredibly confusing circumstances of being a human: a) how did we get here; b) why are we here; c) what happens to us when we die?
People are taught to fear God which causes people to live in fear. When people are in fear they are easier to control. This world is all about having power over other people which is the very essence of evil."
The Paul Report...outside the body.
I concur as i have seen and dealt with and intuited this as well...Jess.

Offline jas

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2017, 03:13:13 AM »
Here is the 2nd email:

------ Original Message ------
From: Psychic Jess Stone
Sent: 12/5/2017
Subject: Tidbit on the false light....

Light was part of the Demiurge's(lower astral realm creators) system which includes the stolen light, thus it's a false light or most likely the wrong light to go toward when you die as it just puts you back into this prison system... the Gnostic texts do speak of "impure" light...It looks spectacular but it is still a copy. Maybe counterfeit light is a better term. The light that people go to is false light. It's just a matter of taking it further, to realize it's a copy of the pure divine Light from Source. The light we want is that one. That light is Divine Light compared to Counterfeit Light.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2017, 04:08:53 AM »
Whoa, this is way too deep for's all on another level.
I sort of get what she is saying and I agree with a lot of it, but when you keep going on and on about things like this, without starting with something valid and provable, you sound cra cra. js.

Offline daughterofcups - P

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2018, 06:27:14 PM »
what is this readers deal? everytime ive gone to her she gives me some super negative shit that i haven't heard from any major readers (leanne etc) and insists my POI is against monogamy and going to cheat on me.. it feels really random and i genuinely hope that isnt true. it doesn't seem super logical. second time shes told me this, but i feel like since i came to her with anxieties about trust and questioning things she took it from there and ran...  has anyone had this experience with her and it turned out she was wrong? or right?

Offline jas

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2018, 10:24:21 PM »
I forgot that I started this thread  :-\

Horntkick - you are correct, the emails were way to deep and written with anger.  I responded to the emails and asked if she was a Scientology.... boy did that get an ANGRY response from her. 

Daughterofcups - I had a couple of readings with her and they were both SUPER negative and completely WRONG.  She basically told me the same thing she told you.  It was a man I had been dating for a year.  We ended up dating for another four and a half years and to this day he is my best friend.  We didn't make but not because he was cheating.....I was the who kept going out with other men.

Offline daughterofcups - P

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Re: Jess Stone
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2018, 10:54:30 PM »
I forgot that I started this thread  :-\

Horntkick - you are correct, the emails were way to deep and written with anger.  I responded to the emails and asked if she was a Scientology.... boy did that get an ANGRY response from her. 

Daughterofcups - I had a couple of readings with her and they were both SUPER negative and completely WRONG.  She basically told me the same thing she told you.  It was a man I had been dating for a year.  We ended up dating for another four and a half years and to this day he is my best friend.  We didn't make but not because he was cheating.....I was the who kept going out with other men.

LOL sounds about right. it seems like her go-to line??? if she had some kind of basis or information about him that confirmed she understood who he was, maaayyyybe id consider believing her. unfortunately she off the bat was like "HE HATES MONOGAMY!! ITS NOT FOR HIM! HE'S LOOKING FOR A YOUNGER GIRL WHEN HE GOES OUT WITH FRIENDS OR AT WORK!!"

so 1) this guy is monogamy obsessed, pushed for it way before i was ready, demanded i be his girlfriend because he "needs labels", and hates watching couples on tv who cheat because it "makes him angry and sad", and when he hears about a guy cheating on a girl, he says stuff like "but i just don't get it, if you love someone and dont want anyone else, why would you cheat? just be single??? why would someone do that??" in the saddest, most innocent way i've ever heard. pfft guess he doesn't know what his other fellow males are capable of.
2) im 4/5 years younger than him, the youngest girl he's ever been with physically or dated, and openly says any younger "would be too weird" (we're in our 20's ok!)
3) he's unemployed, works from home- that we share together- and literally has been out of the house twice without me in the past month, he does not drink or go out, apart from the occassional hour meetup for tacos or ramen with his buds

i realize i make him seem kindof lame, but point being, jess stone- if you wanted to go after my poi for something, you chose the wrong avenue lol. not a great look.