Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True

Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC

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--- Quote from: Cranberry88 on September 21, 2018, 08:27:40 PM ---ive always have specific questions for Qoc, have anyone tried asking her general questions where she picks up things randomly

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I dont think she likes general questions.


--- Quote from: scarlora on September 21, 2018, 09:23:39 PM ---
--- Quote from: Cranberry88 on September 21, 2018, 08:27:40 PM ---ive always have specific questions for Qoc, have anyone tried asking her general questions where she picks up things randomly

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I dont think she likes general questions.

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I've always asked her "What's coming up between me and "such n such" and she has given me no issues and has been accurate.
This is what I mean by general - not just a general reading


--- Quote from: FlutterShy on September 21, 2018, 11:01:46 PM ---I’ve only read with QoC on this list... and I thought she was older Russian lady? Are you sure she Jamaican - cause she Jamaican me crazy 😝 ... but yeah refuse to read with her again

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LOL I wonder if you read with the right Queen of Cups!

Yes she is Jamaican/West Indian - dialects are totally different than Russian for sure! HAHA

LOVE this list....  QoC is my very favorite still!  I have not read with Cookie as her list is just TOOO Long!  I long QoC demeanor personally!  You're spot on with Yona - I liked her but she was very vague with me - but did admit that she has to read with ppl a few times for accuracy, so i liked her honesty!   I did not like Kisha at all!  She seemed to just be making things up it was very odd to me!  And kinda changed on me a bit?  Almost like well heres your future OH but it can be changed if you do this?   Was weird! 

I liked QofC18's reading she gave me this month, and so far it's been really accurate. Even picked up on a third party.


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