Author Topic: Who got it right for me  (Read 7358 times)

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Who got it right for me
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:29:22 AM »
I don't always like to post specifics about my readings, just who was and was not accurate. I mostly get general readings or readings about work and finances. It is rare I ask about my personal life or any POI, but I do ask about that occasionally. My ex of 4 years and I have an odd relationship. We do not dislike each other. We are not blocked on each others social media or phones. We also are not friends, but we do communicate occasionally, but we have not communicated in over 8 months until recently. A few readers saw him attempting to come back and try to give things one more chance. I personally did not believe that would happen since he has not initiated any type of reconciliation or even in person meetings since late 2016. That changed 3 days ago. I received several paragraph long texts wanting to discuss the past and move forward. It was a shock, so I am just now going over my notes since the holiday week did not permit me doing so sooner.

Here is who got it right:

Kisha - she said in an 11 he would want more. She told me he would reach out and want to talk about us and the past. She was right in both the timing and him wanting to come back.

Yona - she saw him as the Page of Swords as what defined him and his personality and she saw the 2 of cups which she said indicated a possible reconciliation. She did not give an exact time frame but said it would be within the next year and that was in Jan of 2018.

Micah - he said my ex would reach out in the Fall or winter months and want to explain his side of the story. He also said I may be caught off guard when I got the contact, and I was.

Prophet Rose - she said someone from my past would want to come back into my life before the holidays and to trust what he said.

I may update as I continue going over my notes, but those 4 were the most accurate as of where I am in my notes.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Who got it right for me
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2018, 04:19:10 AM »
Nice ! You looking to get back together with him too, or you just seeing how this plays out?

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Who got it right for me
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2018, 09:44:20 PM »
Doing better than I am- I have not had ONE accurate reading. To me, they are all scams until proven wrong.

So why bother calling ?

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Who got it right for me
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2018, 04:53:42 AM »
That is SO awesome! Congratulationsssss!!!!! (That is, if that's something you were wanting lol). Your testimonial is proof that just because something doesn't happen in our timing, doesn't mean it never will even when it seems it never will. Please keep us posted!!!!!!

