Author Topic: Haven't had a psychic reading for a while  (Read 2580 times)

Offline Seeker23

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Haven't had a psychic reading for a while
« on: August 26, 2018, 07:34:27 AM »
I started in April due to emotional upset. I was given a lot of timelines that did not past and reached 4-5 months of one timeline given.

I tested out some and posed the question on one site that nothing has passed. Of course, the stock lines of "the person went in a different direction" came out. I laughed and said that figures.

Love life dead, uninteresting, sort of dislike my ex at this point. Even though, the hurt lingers sometimes.

I was given an "psychic impression"  that they will be cheated on in six months. If that happens. Well, I am not one to run to anymore. I seem to have to much anger towards and dealt with the sadness of everything.

  People may not understand this, but it wasn't a fling or just dating. Plans were surfacing of moving into together, etc by them. Then at a snap of a finger...BAM. It just happen like that. That is why it hit as hard as it did. One phone call from a person changed all plans. I almost ended up pregnant by this man!  He joked about it often. Heck, perhaps he was my last chance at having a baby. Who knows.

One psychic tried to tell me that someone else will enter my life and my options will be open.

Even my people at work felt sorry for me, at the time, and tried to tell me, "you do not know how true this that and the other is." And blown away with it and how quickly everything changed. A few people told me not to feel sorry if someone is going to pull something like that on me.

I lived my life before they entered. But what hurts me the most is how this had a devastating affect on my life in some ways, on my self esteem, on my motivation. I want to be positive, but once you get hit like that it sort of knocks you down.

Sometimes, I feel cursed in the love area. And often wonder when..I will find that right one.

From work, to lost of friendships with people I have known for many years. All as a result of the relationship.

Some did not care for them and I stood by due to my feelings. I do not know if I will ever speak to them, again. Which can be depressing.

It has been months of picking up the pieces with that dredged uncertainty everyone has-not knowing what the future brings.

Because of what happen and how nonchalant they were, I am leary of dating someone else and being put through the same thing. So, it is step by step.

I have yet to find anyone that gives a good reading about life in general. But I would like less false hope.

Do not get me wrong the false hope did get me through for a while. It does give people peace of mind, but you end up having to accept the reality that the hope you are given will never be true.

When I will fully heal? I do not know. Because when it "hits" me I still shed tears, sometimes feel anger.

If any changes with things. I will update.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 08:02:56 AM by Seeker23 »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Haven't had a psychic reading for a while
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2018, 03:43:00 PM »
I know exactly how you feel. I could have written this myself. It does get better after you stop the readings. The false hope that many give, just delays the grieving process. You have to grieve before you heal. Anyway, hugs to you.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Haven't had a psychic reading for a while
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2018, 03:47:37 PM »
I know exactly how you feel. I could have written this myself. It does get better after you stop the readings. The false hope that many give, just delays the grieving process. You have to grieve before you heal. Anyway, hugs to you.

EXACTLY!  great way to put it...I'm going through the grieving now as well..looking forward to getting past this and feeling better. 

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Haven't had a psychic reading for a while
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2018, 03:27:31 AM »
I know exactly how you feel. I could have written this myself. It does get better after you stop the readings. The false hope that many give, just delays the grieving process. You have to grieve before you heal. Anyway, hugs to you.

EXACTLY!  great way to put it...I'm going through the grieving now as well..looking forward to getting past this and feeling better.

I can see some healing taking place. It helps if you are around supportive people and begin to remove yourself from negativity.

I had to block and stop talking to a few people because they were busy stirring the pot and feeding off drama.  I had to block a couple people.

People that keep coming back to tell you things is more harmful than anything.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 03:30:20 AM by Seeker23 »

