This. All of this!
I haven't posted on here in a while which feels good because oddly enough, I felt like I was slightly addicted to this specific forum in terms of always wanting to know about a psychic on Keen, people's reviews and whether or not I should give them a try.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I've spent
thousands of dollars on Keen within the last year. I don't know the exact amount and I don't want to know because it will make me sick but I know that it was easily in the thousands. That's money that I won't get back and I'm more mad at myself than anything. Nobody forced me to get readings, I willingly put money on my account and I willingly reached out to new readers for reassurance.
And guess what?
My situation and POI that I kept on calling and chatting about is exactly the same as it was months ago!
I kept focusing and focusing on an outcome that was said to me. "It will get better in April," and "Come June, you two will have a MAJOR breakthrough," and the ever popular, "They like you so much, but they're scared!"
I deactivated my old Keen account and it was the best decision that I've made. I did create a new one just to speak with an empath (Judi and I know she's hit or miss with a lot of people, but she was solid with me) when I was at a low point again, but this time I limit myself to only getting one reading with her every few months - if that. Times like today I logged in on Keen, saw that she was available for scheduling calls and I said to myself, "I don't have a need to speak with Judi today." This might seem small but coming from someone where about 10 months ago, I was talking to a psychic on Keen easily every other day, it's a huge step in the right direction.
I think I'm going to deactivate my new account as well. Like I said, I only use it for Judi but I'm at the point where I don't want or need any readings. I don't think it's healthy on your energy, your mental health and of course, your wallet.
TL; DR - I became addicted to psychic readings on Keen and I can't exactly remember when my addiction stopped but I'm so glad that I was able to break free of it. I know you can't control 100% of everything that happens in your life but take it from someone that wishes they could get their time, energy and money back, it's not worth it.