Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Nevaeh

she's good but....

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Nevaeh is good. She tells you detailed astrological information as well as soul mate and empathic readings. Whe did say my sm would leave his gf in July and that didn't happen. So Idk.

For some reason she looks interesting to me but I've never called.

Sounds like you didn't get the best reading.............

no the reading was excellent, she just got the timing wrong

i read with her briefly once.....timing was definitely wrong but she might be a pretty good empath.

Shoe Gal:
I agree wtih CSK; she is a good empath and provided valuable insights into sm's feelings (when I spoke with her in Jan) but she predicted a Vday that never came to pass (not only did we not see each other for Vday but what Nevaeh said so confidently he would do, didn't happen obviously!)
She also took up a few of my minutes to tell me that she lives in Beverly Hills, reads for Leonardo Dicaprio and others in the entertainment business.  Hmmm???


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