Author Topic: Third Party in readings  (Read 13761 times)

Offline Spaceship29

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2018, 03:28:44 AM »
I have had readings pick up a third party.  But ALL say it is over and they both know it is over.  Nothing majorly negative about her but many psychics say that he bores  him and he knows he is bored.

I also have several psychics tell me they have best friend energy but not lover or in love energy and he is trying his hardest to make it work but inevitably it will not because of the dynamic.

that's different

idk in my instances though. it's later to be confirmed to be true, except the whole black magic stuff. lol

Offline Lady_C

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2018, 10:21:00 AM »
Do they all say the person is manipulative?


anybody ever get a reading where the reader picked up on a third party and said something different?

In reference to the current POI I had a small number of psychics that I can think of say there's a third party around, describing her as quiet with good chemistry and they spend a lot of time together because they are loved up but in the same breathe they all read my overall situation so inaccurately I had to check in with my trusted psychics who counteracted what they said which made more sense as why the likelihood of this happening right now is very slim.

There was another time where I was talking to this guy casually where we were contemplating dating and I discovered some pictures of him with a girl on Instagram. My go to psychic described her girl as toxic, drama queen who loves to start arguments and it wouldn't last. within 3 months they were finished me and the POI stopped speaking for a short while BUT resumed contact and he told me his now ex was negative, stubborn always picking fights and very high maintenance so my trusted psychic was correct.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2018, 12:31:16 AM »
Do they all say the person is manipulative?


anybody ever get a reading where the reader picked up on a third party and said something different?

In reference to the current POI I had a small number of psychics that I can think of say there's a third party around, describing her as quiet with good chemistry and they spend a lot of time together because they are loved up but in the same breathe they all read my overall situation so inaccurately I had to check in with my trusted psychics who counteracted what they said which made more sense as why the likelihood of this happening right now is very slim.

There was another time where I was talking to this guy casually where we were contemplating dating and I discovered some pictures of him with a girl on Instagram. My go to psychic described her girl as toxic, drama queen who loves to start arguments and it wouldn't last. within 3 months they were finished me and the POI stopped speaking for a short while BUT resumed contact and he told me his now ex was negative, stubborn always picking fights and very high maintenance so my trusted psychic was correct.

I have recieved manipulative many times. One psychic did mention a third party without me saying anything and said it is a lady from his past.

She was accurate in that or good guess on her part. I asked what was going on.

I am still overcoming the embarrassment the situation has caused me and he had caused me. It comes off as cruel.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2018, 12:52:19 AM »
Do they all say the person is manipulative?


anybody ever get a reading where the reader picked up on a third party and said something different?

In reference to the current POI I had a small number of psychics that I can think of say there's a third party around, describing her as quiet with good chemistry and they spend a lot of time together because they are loved up but in the same breathe they all read my overall situation so inaccurately I had to check in with my trusted psychics who counteracted what they said which made more sense as why the likelihood of this happening right now is very slim.

There was another time where I was talking to this guy casually where we were contemplating dating and I discovered some pictures of him with a girl on Instagram. My go to psychic described her girl as toxic, drama queen who loves to start arguments and it wouldn't last. within 3 months they were finished me and the POI stopped speaking for a short while BUT resumed contact and he told me his now ex was negative, stubborn always picking fights and very high maintenance so my trusted psychic was correct.
Which one is your trusted psychic? You can pm me if you'd prefer.

Offline lovelacetito

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2018, 07:38:42 AM »
Do they all say the person is manipulative?


anybody ever get a reading where the reader picked up on a third party and said something different?

In reference to the current POI I had a small number of psychics that I can think of say there's a third party around, describing her as quiet with good chemistry and they spend a lot of time together because they are loved up but in the same breathe they all read my overall situation so inaccurately I had to check in with my trusted psychics who counteracted what they said which made more sense as why the likelihood of this happening right now is very slim.

There was another time where I was talking to this guy casually where we were contemplating dating and I discovered some pictures of him with a girl on Instagram. My go to psychic described her girl as toxic, drama queen who loves to start arguments and it wouldn't last. within 3 months they were finished me and the POI stopped speaking for a short while BUT resumed contact and he told me his now ex was negative, stubborn always picking fights and very high maintenance so my trusted psychic was correct.

I have recieved manipulative many times. One psychic did mention a third party without me saying anything and said it is a lady from his past.

She was accurate in that or good guess on her part. I asked what was going on.

I am still overcoming the embarrassment the situation has caused me and he had caused me. It comes off as cruel.

Who is ur trusted psychic pls ? Pm me too

Offline star1

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2018, 07:03:53 AM »
3rd party doesnt always mean another person.... it can be a "married" to a job, past relationships bagagge. Just to throw that out there.

That is very true, I've had that happen to me recently. The reader starts off asking who the other woman is, then they say it's baggage from the past relationship with her.

Offline star1

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2018, 07:08:26 AM »
3rd party doesnt always mean another person.... it can be a "married" to a job, past relationships bagagge. Just to throw that out there.

That is very true, I've had that happen to me recently. The reader starts off asking who the other woman is, then they say it's baggage from the past relationship with her.

exactly!!!! they dont tell you that at first i learned that bc i started doing tarot myself and reading to that i definitely learned the hard way..... it could just be them not fully letting go of an ex lol

Aghh. Readings can be so complicated!

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2018, 09:32:02 PM »
3rd party doesnt always mean another person.... it can be a "married" to a job, past relationships bagagge. Just to throw that out there.

Let's not muddy the terminology we use on here. When I ask about a third party, I want to know about a third person in the situation, not baggage or whatever else is convenient for the reader to come up with.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2018, 09:53:44 PM »
then you should ask is he seeing/interested/sexual with someone else besides you currently.... 3rd party is a open-ended answer.

It's really not. Third party refers to another human being. Not nebulous ideas like "emotional baggage". 

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2018, 10:34:54 PM »
I'm not confused in the least, the definition is pretty clear cut.


third par·ty
ˈˌTHər(d) ˈpärdē
1. Someone who may be indirectly involved but is not a principal party to an arrangement, contract, deal, lawsuit, or transaction.

A reader who can't tell if there's actually another person interfering in a relationship or if someone is just hung up on their past is a pretty shitty reader.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 10:52:15 PM by Sooshi »

Offline moonstar

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2018, 02:47:42 PM »
Do they all say the person is manipulative?


anybody ever get a reading where the reader picked up on a third party and said something different?

In reference to the current POI I had a small number of psychics that I can think of say there's a third party around, describing her as quiet with good chemistry and they spend a lot of time together because they are loved up but in the same breathe they all read my overall situation so inaccurately I had to check in with my trusted psychics who counteracted what they said which made more sense as why the likelihood of this happening right now is very slim.

There was another time where I was talking to this guy casually where we were contemplating dating and I discovered some pictures of him with a girl on Instagram. My go to psychic described her girl as toxic, drama queen who loves to start arguments and it wouldn't last. within 3 months they were finished me and the POI stopped speaking for a short while BUT resumed contact and he told me his now ex was negative, stubborn always picking fights and very high maintenance so my trusted psychic was correct.

Hi Lady_C who is your trusted psychic? You can PM me if you want. thanks!

Offline Kate

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2018, 01:24:58 AM »
you have to be careful with "3rd party" some psychics say that for you to come back to ask more questions...

The only psychics that picked up a third party with my POI that I was not in contact with last year for a long time.. and eventually reconnected with him and found out he was dating.. were...

Cookie - 100% accurate.. with who he was dating, seeing, significant women in his life..and how things would pan out between us... so so damn good.

Lady P sensed someone else but thought it could be an ex she was seeing (wrong.. but not totally inaccurate)

Sweethearts tarot saw someone else in the cards and warned me he may be with someone else when we reconnected.. she was good last year on the current..

QoC - didn't read with her much last year before I connected with him again, but on one of the very few short reads I had with her, she said he had other female energy around him

Everyone else.. everyone.. numerous readers.. Advisor N, Lotus, Zadalia, Keisha, everyone on BSD and anyone with a marginally good reputation on Keen who have picked up third parties before for others on this forum -  I read with so many I (thankfully completely out of that cycle now and will never go back) - didn't see it..

Although I should say, that Advisor N has been pretty accurate on other stuff that different empaths didn't pick up.. 

Reconnecting with him and finding out how wrong 99.9999% of psychics had been on current and future broke my cycle of readings, leaving me with no more than 3 psychics now who I turn to now when I need advice as I have found their advice to be so very accurate and useful. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2018, 12:19:33 PM »
My random thought on 3rd parties - if you are not in a committed relationship with the POI, most likely there is always a 3rd party (like 90%) of the time. Most men aren’t just by themselves.. In a relationship, the likelihood of a 3rd party is 50/50 specifically if you feel like you have to call readers.

I don’t know but I always follow the rule of 3, usually when I meet a new guy - I assume he is already talking to at least 3 women in some capacity. I mean if you are single, you should be dating (if you want to of course) the presence of a 3rd party is very likely. I know this is a big assumption, but I’ve found that I’m almost always right lol

Offline marciamia

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2018, 12:30:28 PM »
you have to be careful with "3rd party" some psychics say that for you to come back to ask more questions...

The only psychics that picked up a third party with my POI that I was not in contact with last year for a long time.. and eventually reconnected with him and found out he was dating.. were...

Cookie - 100% accurate.. with who he was dating, seeing, significant women in his life..and how things would pan out between us... so so damn good.

Lady P sensed someone else but thought it could be an ex she was seeing (wrong.. but not totally inaccurate)

Sweethearts tarot saw someone else in the cards and warned me he may be with someone else when we reconnected.. she was good last year on the current..

QoC - didn't read with her much last year before I connected with him again, but on one of the very few short reads I had with her, she said he had other female energy around him

Everyone else.. everyone.. numerous readers.. Advisor N, Lotus, Zadalia, Keisha, everyone on BSD and anyone with a marginally good reputation on Keen who have picked up third parties before for others on this forum -  I read with so many I (thankfully completely out of that cycle now and will never go back) - didn't see it..

Although I should say, that Advisor N has been pretty accurate on other stuff that different empaths didn't pick up.. 

Reconnecting with him and finding out how wrong 99.9999% of psychics had been on current and future broke my cycle of readings, leaving me with no more than 3 psychics now who I turn to now when I need advice as I have found their advice to be so very accurate and useful.

i didnt say all would be wrong but you do have to keep it in mind some say 3rd party to make people come back more.....

Some nut job on Bitwine tried to do that to me and I knew like one million percent that it was wrong  >:(  omg I was furious!!! Lol

Offline Spaceship29

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Re: Third Party in readings
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2018, 01:32:54 PM »
Usually they actually mean a person and will distinguish if they are busy at work or will actually say they have hang ups about a past lover

When I get third party in readings they actually mean a person and goes on to describe this person. Some have been right and I later found out their description was true

