Author Topic: They were all wrong  (Read 70748 times)

Offline optx88

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They were all wrong
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:07:18 PM »
I hate to have to write this...but they all told me that there is no one...they all told me that he doesn't have the energy and his head is not in the place to be with anyone.  they all told me that he is going through struggles blah blah blah..well guess what?  he has a girlfriend!

Its funny...I read through the stuff on here and feedback on their website...and it is funny how they all say "do not call him" "let him come to you and he will" etc  " i see marriage" etc.

I was thinking over the past week..."why don't they want us to ever call them?"  Well now i know why....even funnier...I thought that I would give Gabriella a i called her sunday night and she told me that my spirit guides keep telling me to reach out to him...he so badly wants to reach out but doesn't think that he can and doesn't know how to after our last meet up blah blah blah and that i should reach out to him...

Well...see it is 2011...we are in the time where everything we really want to know is online...and somehow through facebook...I discovered he as a girlfriend...and stupid stupid me had sent him an email around noon today to just say hi and etc....something just didn't sit well with me and after goofing around on facebook i came across this lovely information which is just beyond devistating.

i am so mad that i put money into my account today  that was just so stupid of me...and i am even more mad that i believed him when we had dinner in what he said to me...i was such a fool...i knew when i drove away that was going to be the last time that i see him or that i speak to him....I am just the biggest stupid idiot in the world to have believed him and to have faith in these psychics...i believed perfect strangers because they knew how to tell a good story super fast  i had nothing but false hope from both him and from them.

save your money and heal your hearts and your spirits

i'm sorry that i am writing this...i'm crying my eyes out ...we all have the same story and I just wish we all had happy endings

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 08:32:31 PM »
I know exactly how you feel girl. But dont be hard on yourself for loving someone. And youre not stupid. If you are, then so am I. I know you feel foolish cause Ive been there too. But let me tell you something. I have discovered that these men will tell you anything they think you want to hear. Just like the psychics will tell you what you want to hear. I did have some things come true that I was told but never anything concerning the man in question. I am moving on and trying my best not to look back anymore. I am telling myself every day that he was the lucky one by having me and he is the stupid one for letting me go. And Im sure the man youre talking about is the stupid one for letting you go.
Please dont put yourself down. I know youre devastated right now, and you need to cry it out. There is a song by Rascal Flatts that I like to listen to when Im down. Im sure you have heard it. Cant remember the name of it but it tells you that you may bend til you break, but in the end you look up, wipe your hands, shake it off, then you stand. We all have to find the strength is us to shake it off and stand. Thats what Im doing now. Im shaking that man off of my shoulders at last and Im learning to stand straight and strong once again. And you will too.
Some of the girls here logged into the chat thing here last night. We accidentally all logged in at the same time and had a great chat. I hope you log in too in the evenings and maybe catch some of us here. Its great to chat with others in the same boat and gain strength to break our addiction to psychics and bad relationships. I hope we see you there.

Offline optx88

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 09:10:41 PM »

Trust me...I fall down all the time (espeically when I do my races) I always get up and shake it off and continue and deal with the injuries after the finish line...I always figure a way to finish the race...but this time...i have just been knocked down so hard and i can't seem to figure out how to get up.

I don't know what to think in regards to him anymore...I'm just disgusted.

But we all have the same stories in one way or another...and we all think our stories are going to end differently...Heal your selves.  Heal your heart and Heal your spirits.  Don't wait for the big picture and don't spend anymore time and money on psychics...we know between our gut and our heart...they are only going to tell us what we want to hear and what they think we need to hear.  The truth is right in front of us...we just need to figure out a way to see it...and to see it clearly.

I feel like a debbie downer right now...and i don't want to be.  I just don't know how to get back up.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 11:39:52 PM »
First of all, I am so sorry. This is horrible and I can't even imagine how you feel. But I do have something to add and everyone can disagree if they want.

I feel as though whoever you read with owes you an answer. I don't remember who you read with but I think it is with some of the CP "heavy hitters". Since you have money on the account, I think you are owed an answer. You can always call after the reading and get a refund (meaning back into your CP account).

I've heard when they can't see the other person it is because the connection is so weak that the 3rd party is insignificant. However, they should have seen it (in my opinion) and if he has her on can they miss that.

So on behalf of all of us, maybe you can call and get an answer and share with us who you've read with recently.

Best of luck - I'm so sorry - all of this SUCKS
big hugs

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 03:39:54 AM »
I feel your pain :((

Offline smsd

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 05:30:47 AM »
Reminds me a couple of years ago when I got readings from Keen..Celeste anc a few other top rated psychics on that site said me and this guy would be together. Actually, I would have a choice between these two guys..guess what.. they both had girlfriends and eventually married them...there i was waiting around like an idiot for a couple of years because some psychics told me we would be together.. then I'm dumb enough to spend $11K on CP, nothing to show for it..when will I ever learn..

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2011, 10:07:27 AM »
I know sometimes we get really depressed and lose hope, but girlfriends come and go, boyfriends too.  Soul mates are forever.  There's a cute movie out now you can all see: Crazy, Stupid, Love.

I just saw it and it reminded me of myself a lot and all of you guys too. 

Offline vanyct

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2011, 12:56:13 PM »
I'm so sorry this happened and I don't want to give you false hopes, but is there any chance that this girlfriend is something that is very short term, or maybe even not even true?  I know that I have friends who will joke around sometimes and change their relationship status.  Or they do get a girlfriend, change their status and one week later it's over. 

I've never read with CP, only PS and more recently with a psychic from psychic access, so I can't really comment on their accuracy.  But from reading everyone's posts lately I am really starting to doubt psychic "abilities" However, I would like to hold on to the little hope I have left and hope that maybe they are just having an off day, and their predictions are going to eventually come true.  But if these people know that what they are saying may not be true and are making money by feeding us false hopes and possibly ruining our relationships with other people, they are the worst kind of scum in the world.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2011, 05:20:41 PM »
I agree with Vanyct. I know psychic ability does exist but I doubt that all of these people on the psychic lines are that gifted. I am doubtful now because of my readings telling me there would be contact from the man in question but the timelines keep getting pushed back. Im at a point of thinking that he doesnt care if Im dead or alive. And I have even told the ones that I read with at CP that I do not want false hope. I only want the truth. I have even asked for advice on how to rid myself of this pain and the memories and to just move on. But what do they say?????? "Oh but he is coming back" Yeah right. If he thought of me as much as they say he does he would have called or texted or emailed or something by now. You dont have feelings for someone as strong as they say his are for me and just ignore that person and never attempt any kind of contact. Im trying my best to move on and put him in my past. But the memories are there everyday. Its so hard to forget someone that you loved so unconditionally and gave your heart to. Its horrible. And even after 3 years, I cant open myself up to anyone else cause if I do, then they walk away and Im left feeling useless once more. Ive had it with the dating thing. Im honestly beginning to think its not worth it at all and like Vanyct, the psychics are scum and the cruelest people on earth to tell us so many lies. All for the almighty dollar.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2011, 06:29:01 PM »
4ever: I understand you! I'm scared to open up myself to other ppl because I feel that I'm still vulnerable and don't want to be in the same situation I was with my instead I close myself off which has been a struggle for the dude I'm kinda dating now. I decided this time, Im going to try and be more open and let it flow and not be so snippy with him.

As far as your ex contacting you if he really had those strong feelings, that's how I feel!! If he really loves and cares about me then why is he not contacting even check in and say hi. I mean sure he might be scared to say anything because he doesn't know how I'll react or if I"ll even say anything at all...sure he may be wanting to get his ish together before reaching out to me....but I don't know how likely that is...maybe he just doesnt care and I'm fooling myself. I've been feeling this way for a while and even though others say my ex might had told me he moved on to save face, I still feel like I've fooled myself this whole time with psyhics. I believe some have the ability but most don't. & I'm sure the ones who are scamming us will be going to hell with gasoline panties on :))

Feel better!

Offline vanyct

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2011, 07:27:43 PM »
Greengrlx made the comment that the psychics tell us not to contact our exes, let them contact us.  Most psychics have told me this, don't contact him, he will contact you.  Sometimes they were correct but most of the time they weren't.  They said not to contact him because I am making things too easy for him, he needs to miss me, he may feel like I am pressuring him and scare him away, blah blah.  Maybe we are told not to contact them because if we do, then we are going to find out the truth and that they've been feeding us lies.  At the time that I am being told why I shouldn't call, text, email etc. all of the reasons they are giving me sound so valid, but going back and analyzing my readings and then comparing it to others I feel like they made a complete fool out of me.

I wonder if when they hang up the phone they are laughing at me saying talk to you in again in a few days SUCKER. 

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2011, 08:00:17 PM »
Thats exactly how I feel anymh a little while ago. I spoke with Danni. After she let me know that he is with someone, which I already knew. She started to tell me how to move on as this is what I asked her, just how do I get past this man. I started to cry of course and told her how betrayed I felt by him and by CP for all of the psychics to tell me for 3 yrs that he would be back in my life at some point and how he still loved me. Of course she said they were picking up on the karmic connection that we have because its so strong and she understood why they had all seen him coming back. Well, he didnt come back, nor did he call to check on me or anything. Then she had the nerve to say yes he does love you. I told her that didnt make any sense to me at all. How could he love me and never want to talk to me or try to make things better for me since I do know that he knows how bad he hurt me. Of course she said he wasnt brave enough to face it. DUH!!!!! Thats a no brainer. They all kept telling me to keep positive thoughts and dont think negatively. Okay then, this is my positive thought for the day. I positively hope he chokes on the rice the little Phillipino girl feeds him. I dont mean to be racial or anything but it chaps my butt that he would act like such a patriot then hook up with someone from another country. All he ever talked about was loving this country and his home state and all that kind of crap. I also positively hope she cleans out his bank account and leaves him penniless after him going the distance that he did to make money. He doesnt deserve happiness after going around acting the way he has acted in his lifetime. Im sorry if I sound mean and cruel but I hope he winds up hurting just the way Ive hurt for the last 3 yrs. I didnt deserve the treatment he dished out after loving him so much. GRRRRRRRR!!!! Im so mad right now I could bite nails.
By the way, Danni told me to sign up at and she saw a new man coming in about 9 weeks. Went as far as to promise. Ok, we will see what kind of man comes in after 9 weeks. I signed up, now the waiting will start. Will let you guys know how it goes. But I have a feeling that it will be another prediction up in smoke.

Offline lightme

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2011, 08:08:54 PM »
i personally do not think that psychics asked us not to contact the ex so as not to let us find out the truth. i "studied" a lot about NC, ( nothing to do with psychics), NC really makes sense and gives you the best chance in patching. if NC doesn't work, nothing will. is very simple, if you ex loves you for real, would he/she not contact you? if our ex don't contact us for a long time say 3 months, the answer is loud and clear. even if the psychic still tell us they would come back, we should be smart enough to conclude things for ourselves.

let's not vent our frustrations on the psychics. just like what the PS advertises, take them as a form of entertainment.   

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2011, 08:21:13 PM »
4ever: I feel your anger! You're not being mean, you're just simply saying what it is! I said a few harsh things about my ex to others and to him lol. It is what it is! Sometimes it feels better to get it out there regardless if it's to the person, out loud to yourself or to others. I too wish my ex gets the karma that is so desperately waiting for him so he can see how I felt :) Even though apart of me thinks he might have an idea how I felt/feel since I DID break up with him and left him high and dry..only difference is I didn't start dating someone else soon after AND I went back to him telling him that I was sorry and this whole situation taught me alot about myself,him and our relationship.

 I signed up for and I didn't really meet anybody, either I wasn't interested or they played games so it didn't work to well for me but I hope it does for you! I also used another dating website where I met the guy I'm sorta dating now on..if you want to know what that is shoot me a message! At any rate, GOOD LUCK!!!! I hope you find someone amazing :)!

LightMe: Hmmmm.... why shouldn't  we vent our frustrations? Maybe the psychics should have some ethics and integrity and if they are real tell us the truth. I rather hear from 3 psychics back to back, he's not coming back than only 1 say it and every1 else says "of course!" Just because someone doesn't contact you in a while doesn't really mean they don't love you and never will...people are weird! I've not contacted someone because of my pride or I felt that the response will be negative so I just said whatever and didn't say anything. is it possible a ex feels that way? OF COURSE! Guys and some girls (I have a few friends) hate rejection so they rather say "f it" then put themselves out there and see what happens.
We don't know what's going on in these peoples minds....

Offline vanyct

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2011, 08:30:51 PM »
LightMe: What is NC? 
As far as the disclaimer that "This service is for Entertainment Purposes Only" that's a load of bologna, that's something they put on their site to protect themselves from clients who they have robbed of thousands of dollars by feeding them fairy tales that aren't true. 
Honestly, when we are calling these "psychics" are we doing it because we are board and want to be entertained.  If I wanted entertainment I'll go watch a movie, it will be much cheaper than paying 7 dollars a minute to speak with someone who is making a fool out of me. 
As I write these posts I get even more angry thinking of all the money I have wasted to "entertain" myself

