Author Topic: They were all wrong  (Read 69467 times)

Offline lightme

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2011, 08:55:02 PM »
NC is no contact.

that's right. they had already put disclaimer that they are just for entertainment , we have no ground at all to argue.

i understand your frustration, i also wish some real psychics could give me some answers. perhaps we are too screwed up with our breakups, we are too sad, angry and upset to think straight. we are like drowning, so we grab at anything to try to stay afloat. we will even grab at straws, and then we still sink, but will we blame the straws?

from experience, psychics do have the ability to pick up on the situation, but i am not sure about the predicting part. will not bank on that. 

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2011, 09:27:16 PM »
I agree 100% Vanyct!

Offline Elaan

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2011, 09:54:42 PM »
Just because someone doesn't contact you in a while doesn't really mean they don't love you and never will...people are weird! I've not contacted someone because of my pride or I felt that the response will be negative so I just said whatever and didn't say anything. is it possible a ex feels that way? OF COURSE! Guys and some girls (I have a few friends) hate rejection so they rather say "f it" then put themselves out there and see what happens.
We don't know what's going on in these peoples minds....


I completely agree.  Contact has nothing to do with love.  We all love our SOs, but some of us don't contact them for very significant reasons.  That doesn't mean we don't love them with our whole hearts.  Life is complicated.  Some things in life can't be worked out in 3 months, maybe it takes a year, maybe 2 but it will be worked out way or another.  The Universe will make sure of it.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2011, 10:28:38 PM »
YUP! Agreed!

Offline lightme

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2011, 11:28:55 PM »
if your significant other had dumped you and then never contact you , you still think your ex still loves you? wow, this is new to me.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2011, 11:36:28 PM »
Well my ex didn't dump me so I can't comment on that sorry.

Maybe if my ex dumped me I'd feel that there was no future but that's ONLY if he didn't contact me at least a month after...if he's tried to contact me, had friends contact,stalked my fb etc then yes I'd think WE MIGHT have a future...because if he's doing all that then theres something going on because if someone is done with you,they wouldn't be doing all that..well i wouldn't lol

I don't really get the impression those who have mentioned they haven't received contact from their ex, didn't have their ex break things off then not contact them..or maybe I'm reading things wrong. To me it seems as if the ex stayed in the picture off and on or put ideas in the persons head that things aren't over.

Offline lightme

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2011, 11:58:27 PM »
yup, i got you. i am in this kinda situation too, and he had contacted me etc etc so i think we are not done yet. but if he stop contacting me for lets say 3 months, i think i would conclude to myself that it is over, no matter what the psychics had said. and then i would also conclude to myself that all the psychics are scams, at least they can't predict the future.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2011, 12:47:45 AM »
Yea I feel ya!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2011, 03:18:08 AM »
A few things I've taken away from my own situation that I probably would had never learned any other way is:

1. Don't be afraid of commitment. If someone is good for you and you feel they are, keep them around. Don't push them away because your scared of committing to them. I never thought of myself as a commitment phobe but maybe I am. Weird since my parents have been married for 24 years lol so I saw commitment everyday from birth until now hahaa! I think my college days had to do with my non-commitment though...I never committed to anybody,just had maybe I just didn't know how too....but then again I never met anybody worth committing too....

2. Communication is always key. I use to get so mad at my ex and just shut off or I'd tell him "take care" LOL! I didn't want to deal with the foolery...but  now I wish I would had sat him down and told him " Hey, this is what I don't like and this is what I do like....lets compromise. I'll work on what you dont like and vise versa"...instead I ran...which could also do with #1.

3. If you feel something isn't right, make the decision to change it asap! When I broke up with my ex, I consulted with my bff and she told me wait it out....wait until finals are over (I was graduating and was already stressed about that)...I listened to her...and my ex was already dating after I finally broke down and reached out to him. And you know what he told me? "I wish you would had said something earlier..." That has and will haunt me...Should had went with my first mind instead of listening to someone else.

Overall, I learned alot about's been a hard 8 months...last time I went through something so draining and emotional was when my friend passed away 4 years ago..only difference is in this situation I became depressed. I dont think I've ever cried as much in my life as I did these last 8 months and Ive always been's a Virgo thing lol!! Sometimes when I'm eating,watching tv, or even waking up in the morning; my heart hurts because I miss him so much and I hate myself everyday for letting this man and this opportunity slip through my hands. But as DeeJay on CP said I can't think of him or us the same. We both have grown and so I need to imagine him as the man he's grown to be/going to be than the man he was. & that will be the way for things to work out and manifest quicker. (We'll see how that works lol).

I appreciate yall who have been there through my thread and posts...with your advice and what not. It means alot! I hope it all works out for each one of us in one day or another! :)

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2011, 04:18:38 AM »
OMG LLL what you have said is soooo true in so many ways. I never thought of myself as a commitment phobe either but after getting out of a bad marriage I was PETRIFIED. And I see this even now, I would happily welcome HIM back but I imagine someone else and I am already pushing them away and I may not have even met them yet!!!

Mine had a LISTENING problem at times, ie he heard what he wanted to hear so that didn't help the communication. But I was so burnt I tuned him out at times. I think I may have had a clue what was happening if I hadn't. I really regret that but I'm not sure I could have changed it based on the circumstances.

Whatever happens this is a life lesson for all of us - let's make sure we at least learn what we need to!


Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2011, 04:24:35 AM »
Yes lets hope we do all learn :)  ;D

Offline optx88

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2011, 10:58:40 PM »
Hi!  Sorry...I have been in a sad place.  I've been crying on and off for the past few days.  I'm still so mad about what I found out.  She is just not his type at all...and that bothers me even more.  I just need to stop looking up stuff and checking to see what's going on (which is nothing) because I am just torturing myself.

Thank you all for your support.  I really do appreciate it and it has helped.

4ever:  I too had some things come true in regards to my ex.  Basically all the little things did come true…but I am in one time frame and working towards another…and now with this “girlfriend” I just don’t see “the big picture” coming true.

“I know you’re devastated right now, and you need to cry it out. There is a song by Rascal Flatts that I like to listen to when Im down. Im sure you have heard it. Can’t remember the name of it but it tells you that you may bend til you break, but in the end you look up, wipe your hands, shake it off, then you stand. We all have to find the strength is us to shake it off and stand.”

This does explain it all…because that is who I am…but right now…I feel like I am kind of stuck on the ground and I just can’t seem to figure out how to get up…I’m sure this will pass…hopefully lol.

PT:  I will definitely break things down and I was one step ahead of you…yes…I contacted Seha and Nina (who have been the most accurate) and I needed to tell them they were wrong.

 My readers lately have been: Jean, Kinsey, Seha, Nina

After our dinner:
They all said that he is struggling with stuff…everyday stuff…he knows how he feels about me, but doesn’t know how to express them (Nina says his tongue becomes paralyzed when he has to express his feelings).  I gave him a lot to think about and I shook him up a bit. 
Jean, Seha, and Nina all saw him coming around towards the end of July – Nina said end of July into beginning of August.
Kinsey gave a time frame of end of Sept.
Anasela gave a time frame of Autumn
No one picked up on another woman.

I decided to try Phoebe…She brought something up that no one picked up…at first I was confused and thought that she was talking about him being in a relationship now…but she said it was a past relationship that was done (and she was very correct in the years and info that she gave – I never talked to anyone on CP about this) She gave a time frame of September – of a reach out and then it we would take it slow and test the waters.

I had a reading with Seha 2 weeks ago in regards to him and an issue that I was having with a friend.  She hit the nail on the head in regards to my friend without giving her any info on her…she just answered the question and then some…and she told me that there was no one in his life…and she gave me a time frame of October.  He would reach out with an email…small talk…to test the waters.
I felt so confident with what they said.  I saw it all to be possible.

Now…I am not so sure.  Afte I sent my ex the “Hello How are you” email…2 ½ hours later I followed it up with “please disregard my previous email thank you”  I just do not think he is going to reach out after that.  It is not my personality to do that.  This was Wednesday and today is Saturday and I haven’t heard a thing from him.

I will be unsubscribing to CP.  I just can’t do it anymore.

I had 2 final readings with Nina and Seha because they have been the most accurate with me and I am debating if I should have one with Jean.
I will break it down in 2 posts.

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2011, 11:21:57 PM »
Nina:  I spoke to her Thursday and all I said was “I last spoke to you about 2 months ago and I was wondering if you can give me an update on what is going on with my ex?”

Nina:  “I am going to work with his energy today and right off the bat I will tell you that there is no one else.  There is not another woman.  So there is no need for you to have those worries. I see a battle between head and heart with him.  He keeps suppressing his feelings for you and they keep coming back up. Is he the Hockey guy?”

Me: yes he is

N: “your time frame has already come and gone.  The two of you should have been together already. The delay is due to him  sometimes you need a negative in order to get a positive result.  Right now there is a negative going on with him but I am not sure what it is.  He is not making good decisions with his head.  But you…your energy is negative.  You will not believe anything that I tell you today.  You have thrown in the towel and you do not think that you will hear from him , see him, or think any of this will come to pass.  You reached out to him within the last day or two?

M: Yes

N: an email?  A light hearted email?

M: yes

N: he has not yet responded, but he will.  Give him a few days.  But when he responds…so do you.  You don’t want to respond to his emails…if you don’t…that will be a mistake.  You will be surprised by what he has to say.  You won’t believe what he has to say and he understands and recognizes he now has to work harder and he will.  He was at a stand still and it seems like out of no where he gets slapped in the face with something and wakes up and aggressively moves forward with you.   You won’t believe me…but I see this starting to happen towards the end of this month going into September.

M: when he received my email what was he thinking?

N: he was happy to hear from you, but very surprised to hear from you. He didn’t think he would.

M:  a lil while later I sent him a 2nd email…what was he thinking?

N: he doesn’t understand and he is very confused.  He doesn’t know why you did that?  What did you say in the 2nd email?

M: disregard my previous email. Thank you

N: why would you do that?

M: because he has a girlfriend.

N: are you assuming that? Because you didn’t hear that from him. He never responded to your email and there isn’t another woman that comes through. 

M: I saw it on facebook and she said “my awesome boyfriend”

N: he can’t believe everything you read on those sites.  People write things sometimes and it is not what it really is.  I am telling you…I do not see another girl  I keep seeing you and him long term marriage…that has never changed with you two.  Absolutely nothing is coming up in regards to another woman.  I just don’t think this is of any relevance and will not change your outcome.  I think she is making it more than what it is.  Do not get hung up on this…she does not come up in his energy.

I ended the conversation basically saying that I just don’t believe any of this.  I wish I could…but it just doesn’t seem possible.  8 weeks without hearing from him is not a good sign and if there wasn’t anything going on with him and her and if she was making more out of it, then he would put a stop to it and delete her comment from him art page. (I’m not friends with him on his own page and it is super private so I can’t see anything  :-\ )

I really do want to believe what she says....and her and Seha are basically saying the same as my friends....but i just don't see it.  He would have

Offline optx88

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2011, 11:51:36 PM »
My reading with Seha:
M:  Just wanted to see if there are any updates since we spoke 2 weeks ago in regards to my ex

S: I am picking up a lot of conflict.  Conflict within himself.  Wow this has really changed since last we spoke.  He feels guilty…he feels like he let you down…he feels like he is going to lose you…”what did I do”   wow…he is just has so much conflict within himself…this is so strange…your time frame has changed…it’s moved up…but its going like in a wave.  I see that you will hear from him any day into maybe a few weeks…maybe a month or into the 2nd…hhhmmm…this is so strange.
He isn’t ready to commit to you…he isn’t ready for you…but he just feels so guilty…I just keep getting feelings of he let you down and doesn’t know if he lost you…he doesn’t know what to do.

M: I sent him an email yesterday.  What was he thinking?

S: he was pleasantly surprised to hear from you.

M: when he received the email…did he have intentions of responding?

S: Yes  his initial reaction was to respond…but then he stopped and he is not sure what to do.  He seems very confused.

M: I sent him a 2nd email 2.5 hrs later…what was he thinking?

S: he is really confused.  He doesn’t understand why you sent it.

M:  will he respond?

S: yes…but not for a few days…he just doesn’t know what to say.  What did the  2nd email say?

M: please disregard my email thank you

S: well that explains his confusion.  Why would you say that?

M: because he has a GF

S: no he doesn’t   another woman is not coming up…hang on and I will check again…no…nothing is coming up…there is no other woman.  What is making you think that?  He didn’t tell you

M: facebook

S: I’m telling you nothing is coming up…if this girl mattered one bit to him…it would come up.  I think she is making it more than what it is.  Right now she is significant to you because you saw it…but she really isn’t significant at all.  I’m telling you this isn’t anything and that is why she is not coming up.  Do you have a name and dob

M: yes (gave it to her)

S:  oh…honey…this is not what you think…it is not even what she thinks…she is really making more of it than what it is.  She is hopeful  but she is all over the place she is hopeful  but yet uncertain  she is hopeful but she looks .  this again isn’t anything and right now it is only signifant to you and you need to put it out of your mind.  This is pretty recent and as fast as it went in is as fast as it will go out.  Again…she is making it more than what it is.

M: does he know why I sent the 2nd email?

S: no…not yet…but he will put it together soon enough.  This explains the conflict and stuff.  You really do not have a thing to worry about.  Be patient and work on you.  He will be back and like I always said…I see the 2 of you together in a relationship and I see marriage.

I ended this call too with I just don’t see it and I just don’t’ think you are correct.  I do not think he will reach out if there is someone else… no matter what her relevance is and I just can’t do this anymore…and she keeps insisting she is right. 

I don’t know…i really like Seha...any thoughts or advise?  Do I believe them or doubth them?  They are both saying the same exact things that my friends are saying  :-\

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: They were all wrong
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2011, 12:06:26 AM »
:(( Greengrl I feel your pain! It's hard to know who to believe and who not to believe. I've been dealing with that for a while. Maybe try and go with your gut feeling? If your friends know more about your ex and this so called relationship then maybe believe what they are saying...this is a hard one...I wish I could give some sound advice on this situation. But regardless, stay as strong but cry as much as you need! I still cry and it's been 7 months lol. Sometimes it makes me feel a little better when I get it all out especially because I keep a smile on my face so much that all the sadness gets pint up inside. Hopefully none of it is what it seems and Nina and Seha are saying what's REALLY going to happen :)