I just had a reading with Will and he is, BAR NONE, the best I've ever read with. BLOWN AWAY.
I want to say this to those that criticize his ability to command higher rates:
It's a free economy-- because he is super good, he has gained a following and is charging what the market will bear. I have no problem that he is positioning himself as a 'premium brand'. Because his talent is PREMIUM, not run of the mill--and people WANT what he is selling, because he is THAT good.
It doesn't make him "all about the money", it doesn't make him an asshole. It makes him successful in his business! Imagine that!
Just as star athletes command superior pay, or as successful celebrities drive higher ticket sales, their piece of the action ($$$) soars. His gift drives COMMERCE.
That's the free market at work. This isn't socialism (thank God)--where good, bad, medium, fantastic or horrible all carry the same price. Talk about flattening us all into dull mediocrity--destroying individuality, creativity, and standout talent.
The pure simple truth is--Will's ability is heads and shoulders above the standard issue psychics that represent 90% of the ones mentioned here.
And he's in strong DEMAND.
In my experience, it was worth every penny of my investment in speaking to him.
But if you choose not to patronize him, that's your absolute right as a consumer--just like it is your right to shop at Dollar Tree or Neimans or whatever makes sense for your budget. But don't attack him personally!
He's running a business merchandising his talent like some lucky singers, actors, artists or musicians do--based on their TALENT.
Will isn't a charity. He isn't your clergyman. He's isn't your parent---or your psychiatrist/MD (some of the top ones charge $400/$500 dollars for 45 min by the way)--but you can always talk to a therapist or psychologist (not a degreed MD) for about $80-$120 per hour --or a friend for free.
Go to Will for something else.
Anyway, he's running a business built on on a very rare talent that very few have.
The good news is we all have the freedom as to where we spend our money.
It also helps discipline me in how often I will reach to him, (maybe twice a year) ---especially after I've experienced the 24k gold quality of his ability.
So, as to his reading... he gave me validation on the big fat things and the less conspicuous subtleties, in detail, SOLID. Astoundingly so.
He told me stuff that I DID NOT KNOW but gave information that provided the missing piece of the puzzle. The 'back story'...the behind the scenes look-in.
This man is an extraordinary talent --he's charming and has a very irreverent, wacky sense of humor. And I found him VERY relatable and very humble.
Predictions are in motion...some further out...will watch as things unfold... but I am delighted with my experience.