Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others

Feeling nervous, anxious before a reading

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--- Quote from: Lady_C on August 24, 2018, 08:22:05 PM ---I'm very anxious when it comes to telephone readings which is why I've only had two. Even though both were positive, I cannot cope with the anxiety it brings. I'm more relaxed with emailing readings and online chat to a degree.

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Yes, me too. For a while I didn't get phone readings and even now I rarely do. I can barely ask my question because I am so anxious.


--- Quote from: Lady_C on August 24, 2018, 08:22:05 PM ---I'm very anxious when it comes to telephone readings which is why I've only had two. Even though both were positive, I cannot cope with the anxiety it brings. I'm more relaxed with emailing readings and online chat to a degree.

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I agree and always choose chat if I can, also some readers work better on chat not sure why that is

I get anxious about reading with someone new. I also feel anxious when waiting to connect with QOC because I never know what mood she will be in, which is why my readings with her are far and few.

QOC? Not sure what that is  :-[


--- Quote from: JonesCDee on August 27, 2018, 03:20:26 AM ---QOC? Not sure what that is  :-[

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Queen of Cups :)


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