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Talking to psychics....good or bad?

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I read some comments on some other threads how a few people said that they wish they never started talking to psychics. It made me feel sad because I think I feel that way too at times. It sort of played with my mind, even though at times I thought that talking to psychics made everything better.

I voted it's been a lifesaver, only because they gave me hope during some really dark times.  Not that they were right, but they gave me enough hope to keep going.  It honestly really helped my anxiety more than counseling.  I'm referring to the ones that actually talked to me, can't stand the ones that just pull cards and expect the reading to be over in 3 minutes. 

what's odd is that I received specific signs from my "spirit guides" when I asked if something would happen and I kept seeing those signs.  I now believe that was just God or whatever trying to calm me down rather than affirm my question. 


--- Quote from: scarlora on August 23, 2018, 01:52:09 PM ---I voted it's been a lifesaver, only because they gave me hope during some really dark times.  Not that they were right, but they gave me enough hope to keep going.  It honestly really helped my anxiety more than counseling.  I'm referring to the ones that actually talked to me, can't stand the ones that just pull cards and expect the reading to be over in 3 minutes. 

what's odd is that I received specific signs from my "spirit guides" when I asked if something would happen and I kept seeing those signs.  I now believe that was just God or whatever trying to calm me down rather than affirm my question.

--- End quote ---

i agree with scarloa. i never relied on psychics for predictions really. it was more so to reaffirm what i felt inside or for guidance in situations. there have been times where i was really in my head or a dark place and talking to them really put things into perspective and calmed me down.

My response is ... good and bad. It depends a lot on how you use them and also who you are talking to.

I first spoke to a psychic about 20+ years ago, in person. For nearly 2 decades I would speak to psychics on and off -- always in person-- and overall say that was an almost entirely positive experience. In there I met only a couple who were fake and that was obvious right away. The others helped me through difficult times and helped me evolve and grow as a person, as well as navigate some challenging relationships. The thing then was, I was asking Q's of a more spiritual nature, like what do I need to learn in this situation? or what is in my highest interest here? I was also getting in depth and occasional readings... usually 1 hour appointments.

Where things turned sour for me is connected to when I discovered pay-per-minute psychics. That coincided with me going through a bit of a relationship crisis and living in a really remote place where I was quite isolated... bad combination. Before I knew it I was calling all sorts of people and asking totally different types of questions (more the what is he thinking? and will he call? type). I now know that a lot of those people I called were not particularly ethical.

I recently spoke to one of the in-person psychics I met years ago and keep in touch with -- someone with a true gift and very high ethics. She told me she used to do pay-per-minute but didn't like it because she got a lot of panicky clients and it was stressful for both client and reader to get info in just a few minutes. Plus, she said, the conversations were different. She called them more 'low vibration energetically'. I asked what she meant and she said she got a lot of people wanting to spy on someone, for example, as opposed to allowing spirit to tell them what was in their highest interest in the situation.... Super interesting conversation.

So, to sum up, I think:
Good when you are allowing spirit to give the info you need in that moment to grow (and that does include allowing hope at times I think)
Bad when it becomes an addiction and you are stuck in that low vibration cycle

Hi Doubleoh8, I agree very much with what you said.

I think also things started to get bad for me when I found out about - the only site I use, I don't want to go on others, and I became addicted to figuring out what POI is thinking. And it got me into this weird loop and bingeing on that site.

But before that the first psychics I went to, she helped me a lot spiritually, got me to be really positive and strong in my life. She never gave me predictions about what POI is thinking or when he might contact me. She told me to just be positive and believe in our connection and if things are meant to be they will happen. And that helped me a lot for a few years.

Then I started to get inpatient and I sought other psychic advice. I spoke to a medium and she told me about POI's private life which really made me upset, he was dating and stuff. Maybe I wasn't supposed to know that information, but since then I started to keep on talking to other psychics and I became untrustworthy and addicted. Not good. I also went to a renown psychic medium this year, very expensive, great reviews on yelp, and he gave me a negative reading, put his own spin on it, told me some harsh words and it destroyed me for a few days. It was terrible.

I agree that the good psychics they help you be on a good path in your life, they support you and advise you for your highest good. They are also human so they may not know everything and also you are supposed to go through life lessons so they may not tell you everything that will happen because you are not supposed to know.


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