Author Topic: September 2018 Monthly General Reading for Earth Signs  (Read 1882 times)

Offline OpenDiaryTarot

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September 2018 Monthly General Reading for Earth Signs
« on: August 22, 2018, 04:27:17 PM »
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn

This is your general reading for the month of September 2018. Since this is a general reading it may or may not resonate with some of you. If you ever want a personal reading just for you, you can visit my site and I will be happy to help you the best way I can ((HUGS))

   September for you is all about self -recovery. Lately you have been feeling like you are under an attack mentally.  You continue to let things bottle up inside that it’s affecting the way you feel and the way you comprehend things in your daily life. Things have not been going right for you lately and you may feel like everyone is out to get you right now but I need you to know: NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT YOU, NO ONE IS OUT TO GET YOU. NO ONE IS EVEN THINKING ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT. SO STOP!! This energy you have is really on you and it is really all in your head. You have the ability to change how things go for you. You are the only one that can be responsible for how things can go for you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go heal yourself. 

Offline dfalcone1

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Re: September 2018 Monthly General Reading for Earth Signs
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2018, 05:26:41 AM »
How come these are still up? Clearly you're violating the terms of this site. I can't stand unreasonable soliciticaiton from people who pretend to be helping rather than trying to get you to traffic over to there sites.

