Author Topic: When predictions don't happen  (Read 9643 times)

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2018, 04:35:45 PM »
98.9 of people are told their POI is coming back. They are confused, don't know what they want, commitment issues, Truth is very few do. I do believe in destiny, Karma and the such. Some psychics use that free will shit to cover themselves. 99.9 of psychics on those sites like keen are scammers. Empaths at best. They tell you want you want to hear. Ive had very few predictions come to pass, or can confirm things readers have told me. The best predictions I've ever gotten are from general readings. I been on this board for over 2 years and very rarely does a person post someone stepped up or came back.
It is harmful to a person to keep them holding on to something that is not going to happen and to boot take money for it. Not only is that person an emotional mess their finances are often damaged too.
Time and time again we here that psychics like Psychic Will and Yona were wrong. Not saying they are 100% right but they way they read they are not always talking about the person your calling about. As many have found out afterwards.
If you are new to this board... I suggest you go back and read the posts.

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2018, 09:50:24 PM »
98.9 of people are told their POI is coming back. They are confused, don't know what they want, commitment issues, Truth is very few do. I do believe in destiny, Karma and the such. Some psychics use that free will shit to cover themselves. 99.9 of psychics on those sites like keen are scammers. Empaths at best. They tell you want you want to hear. Ive had very few predictions come to pass, or can confirm things readers have told me. The best predictions I've ever gotten are from general readings. I been on this board for over 2 years and very rarely does a person post someone stepped up or came back.
It is harmful to a person to keep them holding on to something that is not going to happen and to boot take money for it. Not only is that person an emotional mess their finances are often damaged too.
Time and time again we here that psychics like Psychic Will and Yona were wrong. Not saying they are 100% right but they way they read they are not always talking about the person your calling about. As many have found out afterwards.
If you are new to this board... I suggest you go back and read the posts.

What a sensible post. I have to agree, the ex hardly does come back in most cases, or it is after you've moved on and don't want to know them anymore (typical! >:().

Like I mentioned in your thread about Will, he seemed honest, but he got my situation wrong. He told me that the man I was calling about wanted me, but didn't want to change his lifestyle. I had my reading about June time or end of May?
The issue is that Will was talking about very specific things about this ex and what he does and unless I meet someone who's exactly like this ex, he must have been wrong for me. I'm beginning to realise that this man doesn't care for me at all as it's been many months since contact and if you truly cared for someone, you'd have made contact way before. I PM'd you about this more privately, but like I said - I don't think Will sugar coats at all and tells you what you want to hear, he did call my ex a few names and told him he had to grow some balls and contact me.. I think that sometimes these readers misinterpret what they get and some see symbols thinking the ex is coming back when really they aren't and vice versa.

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2018, 12:36:31 PM »
When predictions don't happen, it is because the "psychic" was wrong. Period. Looking for any other reason to explain it is a very slippery slope. Readershave lots of excuses and they rarely admit they were wrong. It is too tempting to believe an excuse so you can keep that hope alive. Like maybe if there is some special reason the prediction didn't happen, you think maybe you can still change it or it will still work out somehow. The vast majority of predictions just don't pan out. The longer you put off accepting things as they are, the harder it will be when you finally have to, and the more time and money it will cost you.

Again - couldn't agree more. Predictions rarely happen and I do personally believe in free will because otherwise these preds would come through for us, and the amount of times I've planned to do something to change my mind last minute.
Until I see a psychic that predicts things that actually happens and not use the excuse "free will", I'll accept and believe in free will.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2018, 01:33:23 PM »
When predictions don't happen, it is because the "psychic" was wrong. Period. Looking for any other reason to explain it is a very slippery slope. Readershave lots of excuses and they rarely admit they were wrong. It is too tempting to believe an excuse so you can keep that hope alive. Like maybe if there is some special reason the prediction didn't happen, you think maybe you can still change it or it will still work out somehow. The vast majority of predictions just don't pan out. The longer you put off accepting things as they are, the harder it will be when you finally have to, and the more time and money it will cost you.


Offline psychic girls

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2018, 12:20:25 AM »
They lied or make up stuff 90 percent of the time when they do pick up something you don't even known if it true or not.

Offline Lady_C

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2018, 10:27:19 AM »
When predictions don't happen, it is because the "psychic" was wrong. Period. Looking for any other reason to explain it is a very slippery slope. Readershave lots of excuses and they rarely admit they were wrong. It is too tempting to believe an excuse so you can keep that hope alive. Like maybe if there is some special reason the prediction didn't happen, you think maybe you can still change it or it will still work out somehow. The vast majority of predictions just don't pan out. The longer you put off accepting things as they are, the harder it will be when you finally have to, and the more time and money it will cost you.

Agreed! That's why I don't really put a lot of emphasis on future predictions but I know many do. A lot of people change their course of direction or put their life on hold for future predictions. I don't think psychics are good with future predictions so it's best to take what they say with a pinch of salt. If it pans out bonus, if not fine at least you're not too heavily disappointed and didn't halt your life because of what a psychic said.

Offline Reviewer07

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Re: When predictions don't happen
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2018, 11:34:45 AM »
When predictions don't happen, it is because the "psychic" was wrong. Period. Looking for any other reason to explain it is a very slippery slope. Readershave lots of excuses and they rarely admit they were wrong. It is too tempting to believe an excuse so you can keep that hope alive. Like maybe if there is some special reason the prediction didn't happen, you think maybe you can still change it or it will still work out somehow. The vast majority of predictions just don't pan out. The longer you put off accepting things as they are, the harder it will be when you finally have to, and the more time and money it will cost you.

totally agree that if predictions don’t happen the psychic is wrong, if things don’t happen in the time frame given or thereabouts they are wrong. For example if they say your house will sell in May and it doesn’t,  the psychic was wrong and if it happens to sell 3 months later well it was going to sell eventually.... so that prediction cannot be counted in favour of the psychic.