Author Topic: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish  (Read 20265 times)

Offline njlady

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2018, 11:25:55 PM »
Seriously?  She can't stand Obama and loves Trump. Do you know how many people agree with this? 

I personally voted for Obama twice and then for Hillary but I was not at all surprised when I woke up on the 9th and Trump had won the election.

I'm not a fan of BLM protests either.  They are disorganized.  Its members have varying agendas and like many groups, some members are violent.  They aren't the SCLC.

Everyone who knows me would be rolling their eyes if were called a bigot. Pay your bills, pay your taxes, don't let your dog shit on my lawn and I don't care what color you are or who you are sleeping with.

Lipstick Alley is full of bigots, but it's the flip side of the traditional coin.  I die laughing at the Jane Doe Alley threads when I have to take the train in to work.  Those are pretty good.

I've never called her and I doubt I ever will, but the only difference between her and a lot of people you have read with or do business with is that you have seen her twitter account.
You’re missing the point entirely, plenty of problem have conservative views but don’t deny what happened in Charlottesville last year was executed by Neo Nazis. People chanting “Jews will not replace us” and one of them even drove through a crowd in rage, injuring countless people and killing a woman for protesting their racist ideologies. I respect everyone’s right to have differing views but someone blatantly denying those actions and comparing it to people protesting police brutality is messed up. Especially when that person pretends to be a spiritual leader of sorts. It’s also not crazy of me to post it when she puts it on a twitter account that also advertises her services

You are really twisting her conversations.  She just one of the hundreds of millions of people in America who exercised her right to free speech and discussed her opinion on the internet. 

The "one of them" that you are talking about, the driver of the car, is schizophrenic. He's also been treated for bipolar disorder and was on anti-psychotic medication. He wasn't a member of any group.  The Justice Department carried out a year long investigation.  Just a guy with mental health issues and a Hitler fascination.  Those are actual facts.  There was no "in a rage".  The detective said he "appeared to be in shock" and cried when he found out he killed someone.  I have no idea how that was actually a surprise moment, but the detective says it was.

I take it from this moment forward, you are going to scour the internet for the Facebook, Twitter, whatever account for every single person you receive a good or service from to make absolutely certain that they and none of their employees has done nothing less than marched for BLM or else you are just blowing PC smoke.

I stopped wasting my time on this forum a long time ago because it really is frequented by a lot of very miserable people like yourself. The men and women who you saw marching out there and inciting violence are in fact part of group, called the alt right, if you'd like to know what they believe, and who was leading them feel free to google the likes of Jason Kessler. I'm fine doing business with people who have differ views than I, but when someone pots these types of things on a public twitter and facebook account they routinely refer their clients to (one of which was myself at the time) I see nothing wrong with sharing my findings.  Also, I'm not twisting anything because in case you cannot read, all i did was share a link where someone posted tweets she sent out HERSELF. This has been really cute though. It was nice talking to you.

Funny, because I'm one of the most positive people around.  I don't promote destructive or addictive behavior and always want the best for people. I'm so awful, wanting people to be happy and healthy, moving forward in life and not in emotional and spiritual pain!   

Yes, you did twist things.  Your summary is full of factual errors, so saying that "all you did was share a link" while telling me I "missed the point" is just  :o

I get my news from sources other than Facebook, Twitter and Google, so I'll pass on your kind offer to school me.   My particular interest in this case is the fact that political views are not mentioned in Shepard-Byrd and I'm really wondering how they are going to prove what motivated his actions.

You can share all you like.  You can boycott her all you like.  That's your choice. 

You can also choose to realize that not everyone gets worked up over random Twitter accounts.
  I don’t get my information from random twitter accounts, I actually happen to have a degree in journalism, so I’m aware of what sources are valid and which are not, so you can keep your holier than thou, attitude. All I did was post a link that also showed her thoughts and opinions, many of which are founded on falsehoods such as accusing a parkland shooting survivor of not really being there on the day of the shooting. Although she has the right to express her personal views, there is nothing underhanded or crazy about me sharing it when she also openly advertises her services on the same account. After many have described their very negative experiences with her, I thought it would be good to share my findings as they are an indication of her beliefs and feelings. You may be one of the more “positive” ones but that’s not really saying much. I hope you find a sense of identity and self importance outside of this raggedy forum and quit calling Hope dealers, like I did a long time ago. Anyways after this is posted you are blocked so please don’t bother responding.

Oh I'm sure, lol.  That's why you made so many factual errors. 

Assume much about me?  How is it you are able to read minds?  Would you mind sharing your secret?  What is it that I do for a living?   

Get back to everyone when you do a full political screening of every person you call before you put her on blast ... but I doubt you will.  You mustered up some outrage because it was convenient.  If she gave you a great reading with a bunch of predictions that happened, you would have kept your mouth shut from now until the end of time and kept calling her.  You wanted some PC pats on the back.   

Do you often believe that you can give other adults lame instructions that you think they are going to follow?

Offline njlady

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2018, 11:27:46 PM »
Wow. I can't believe I totally missed this thread when it was first posted. Yeah, it would bother me knowing an adviser was an alt-right supporter. There's no way I could take any advice they give seriously when they have extremist views like that.

But do you quiz all your readers on their politics first?

Hers are just out in the open.


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2018, 12:06:04 AM »
Wow. I can't believe I totally missed this thread when it was first posted. Yeah, it would bother me knowing an adviser was an alt-right supporter. There's no way I could take any advice they give seriously when they have extremist views like that.

But do you quiz all your readers on their politics first?

Hers are just out in the open.
Some may be smart enough to not post them on accounts where they also advertise their businesses. If it’s out in the open, I’m doing nothing wrong by reposting it and if someone chooses not to use her services because of it, then I’m sure she’s fine with that since she’s chosen to post her views to the public.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2018, 12:25:03 AM »
Wow. I can't believe I totally missed this thread when it was first posted. Yeah, it would bother me knowing an adviser was an alt-right supporter. There's no way I could take any advice they give seriously when they have extremist views like that.

But do you quiz all your readers on their politics first?

Hers are just out in the open.

She's not the first right wing nut job I've avoided as a reader. There's a few other tinfoil hat wearers that I've written off as well.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 02:36:40 AM by Sooshi »

Offline njlady

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2018, 12:41:06 AM »
Wow. I can't believe I totally missed this thread when it was first posted. Yeah, it would bother me knowing an adviser was an alt-right supporter. There's no way I could take any advice they give seriously when they have extremist views like that.

But do you quiz all your readers on their politics first?

Hers are just out in the open.
Some may be smart enough to not post them on accounts where they also advertise their businesses. If it’s out in the open, I’m doing nothing wrong by reposting it and if someone chooses not to use her services because of it, then I’m sure she’s fine with that since she’s chosen to post her views to the public.

She has had an open and active public Twitter account for years and you have now taken it upon yourself to advertise it for her.  Got it.

Good job!


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2018, 01:44:11 AM »
Wow. I can't believe I totally missed this thread when it was first posted. Yeah, it would bother me knowing an adviser was an alt-right supporter. There's no way I could take any advice they give seriously when they have extremist views like that.

But do you quiz all your readers on their politics first?
Hers are just out in the open.
Some may be smart enough to not post them on accounts where they also advertise their businesses. If it’s out in the open, I’m doing nothing wrong by reposting it and if someone chooses not to use her services because of it, then I’m sure she’s fine with that since she’s chosen to post her views to the public.

She has had an open and active public Twitter account for years and you have now taken it upon yourself to advertise it for her.  Got it.

Good job!
You’re on my ignore list, so don’t bother responding.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 01:49:45 AM by ScorpioRising221 »

Offline dascallie

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2018, 02:09:02 PM »
FIRST, ADMITTEDLY, I'm responding to your post out of full context, because lord knows trying to weave my way back through the layers of replies would require more time that I have, but I'm curious about one thing---since it was hammered here, and I continue to be amazed when i see such militant rhetoric.

What on earth is all this political railing doing on this psychic discussion forum?

More to the point, why must we be slathered with more predictable, bitter, knee-jerk left wing propaganda wherever we go?

But since it is happening---my Rant begins>>>(please stop reading now if you can't bear a contrary, fed-up and far too long perspective--and YES I'm pissed off).

Do those that actually spew this stuff (blah blah blah, white men are all evil, Charlottesville was neonazis, Antifa are caring enlightened soul warriors lololololol---woof woof--blah blah, only black lives matter, no one else's lives do or you're a racist blah blah blah, Republicans are the spawns of Satan, blah blah, cisgenders are LBGTQ bigot neanderthals woof woof).

Do these miserable, enraged, manipulated, negative, self-cannibalizing leftist human wrecking balls actually ever consider doing some SCHOLASTIC, AGNOSTIC ('agnostic' is defined as 'not preferring a particular system' by the way) due diligence? Or are they content being dumb, fed by opportunistic power forces, puppets?


Do they not understand they are only *repeating* puppets weaponized and used by DISHONEST POWER BROKERS (who DO NOT--I REPEAT--DO NOT GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT THEM--THAT THEY ARE PUPPETS THAT WILL ULTIMATELY BE USED AND DISCARDED if the radical left achieves it's goal of shattering and remaking this country to a centrally-controlled one by socialist elites--READ HISTORY TO WHERE *THAT* PREDICTABLY LEADS, IF YOU DARE---

Look around!
Clue: "While socialism professes to be for the common good, and for universal benefit, it has been embraced by groups and governing systems which seek power and control over the individual, versus freedom and liberty, and is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people around the world".

Harvard stats:
"U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths; China: 65 million deaths; Vietnam: 1 million deaths; North Korea: 2 million deaths; Cambodia: 2 million deaths: Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths; Latin America: 150,000 deaths; Africa: 1.7 million deaths; Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths; The international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000 deaths… The total approaches 100 million people killed. "

"Human nature is not waiting to be remolded like wax into a new human form and content. Human beings seem generally not be hardwired to be selfless eunuchs. Thus, self-interest ( as an encoded survival instinct) always rises to the surface in people’s conduct, and in order for it be ethically denied, there must be political force to keep repressing it and constantly extinguishing it."

"In communist economies of the twentieth century-- the state’s central planning agencies determined who would be educated for what skills or expertise, where they would be employed and the work they would do.
Since the state educated you, assigned you work and served as your only employer in that job, the state also determined where you would live; not only in what city, town or village, but what apartment in which government owned residential building would be made your abode.
Recreational facilities, places for rest and vacations, the types of consumer goods to be produced and distributed where and for whom, these, too, were all centrally determined by the socialist planning agencies following the orders of the dictatorship of the proletariat."
Hip, trendy advocates of central controlling fail to grasp they are actually suspending their free will and God-given INTELLIGENT BRAINS TO USE CRITICAL REASONING when they rile themselves up into foaming-mouth pit bulls to disrupt and destroy the very foundations that have formed the most miraculous, though imperfect, nation on the planet.

They are abdicating their role as co-creators WITH God in their life and decisions, for good or bad. FREE WILL. They are abdicating their SPIRITUAL CONTRACT BY PLACING OTHER HUMANS OVER THEM IN SOCIALIST IDEALS AS THEIR GOD.

Listen, you enraged cupcakes, Earth is NOT Heaven or Utopia-- it is a LEARNING place and learning evolve comes from friction which generates ENERGY, like the flint striking against the rock--friction is necessary to create energy--energy drives the platform for LIFE --this is Creation IN MOTION dammit!
In the process of Creation, soul lessons are learned, because we are both flesh and spirit.
This is by design!

The pipe dream fed to the naive by leftist power brokers of a frozen, perfect plateau of STASIS--some stupidly imagined all-harmonious, all rainbows, all light and love with everyone exactly treated in Disney-style beauty and pure equality CANNOT exist in the continuously creating ENGINE of a 3D CARBON-BASED PHYSICAL organic system!

It is CANDY being used to abduct what should be logical minds.

And it is fire-hosed into these minds 24/7-- in rich, emotional media and cultural sights, sounds and relentless emotionalism. It is packaged as HIP and flattering to weak vanities that THIS is the ENLIGHTENED WAY, THESE ARE THE TRULY ADVANCED SPECIAL ONES.

Ok-- take it up with God, the CREATOR. Take it up with Mother Nature, eh?

If these furious cupcakes are so ENLIGHTENED, why not debate the merits of 15 billion years of creative evolution trajectory with GOD, mere human?

Or continue to believe opportunistic and ignorant left wing celebrities, political extremists and corrupted power brokers that must SHRED this miracle of a country in order to boost themselves into power--the only country that has placed GOD above humans in our founding documents--pure genius that attempted to constitutionally ensure that no HUMAN should act as GOD in subverting "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" over any other HUMAN.
We all know the racial and gender biases of the era, BUT we must give credit to our tremendous strides in recognizing the sanctity of all of God's children TODAY...and also give ourselves the forgiveness of our checkered history in getting there. We are half animal/flesh but our souls try to keep us awake!
Our founders achieved instituting a belief that was a mighty task, never seen before on Planet Earth--the precious value of each individual--as a shard of the divine--God's "child".

Socialism, if not initially,  inevitably trends to Godlessness....because God is inevitably competitive--because God knows you are unique to your eyelashes--but with the efficient control of socialism by humans, people MUST stripped of individualism--flattened into a homogenized mass for easier, more efficient and manageable control.

Treating the naive as "unique snowflakes" is only a manipulation to have them reject the essential building blocks of our world--once it is deconstructed, it can be brought to moldable putty to serve the Controllers, who cannot abide--or certainly not control-- the messy realm and spectrum of God's Creation majesty.

This is why it is imperative that you and I are stripped of faith in God--atheism is very hip today--that we are stripped of faith in traditional family, in committed monogamy, in patriotism--WE MUST HAVE ONLY ONE GOD---GOVERNMENT--centralized control by leftist planners/controllers--FASCIST, (YES TODAY'S LEFT ARE THE REAL FASCISTS IN CANDY CLOTHING).

SciFi is always prophetic--these are the independent, far thinkers that get it. 1984, Brave New World, HG Wells' The Time Machine ( boy are we ever acting like the pleasure-indulged, stupid Elio, groomed and cultivated to be consumed by the cannibalistic Morlocks that control their manufactured world). Hunger Games anyone?

​Getting back to 'Earth'.

WE are low vibe here for now, and for a reason---BECAUSE WE HAVE MUCH TO LEARN! The organic Earth must churn, clash, crash, evolve, devolve, lighten, darken, beautify, destroy and harmonize---IT IS DESIGNED TO RUN the SPECTRUM!

Those deceptive powerful voices that constantly push, prod and propagandize you to villify anyone not of their militant power-grabbing agenda are USING you against your BEST INTERESTS.

Until we are suitably enlightened so that we can authentically raise our vibration as a planet--properly, without corrupt manipulation to serve globalist human ambitions that must socialize in order to achieve their financial and geopolitical world control, we must embrace the school ( our tumultuous exhausted Earth) and try to always seek our "better selves" in our choices of free will--we must understand there are indeed forces of good and of bad--of creation and of destruction--it's the grinding wheel of reality generation, it's the school in motion.


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2018, 02:36:40 PM »
FIRST, ADMITTEDLY, I'm responding to your post out of full context, because lord knows trying to weave my way back through the layers of replies would require more time that I have, but I'm curious about one thing---since it was hammered here, and I continue to be amazed when i see such militant rhetoric.

What on earth is all this political railing doing on this psychic discussion forum?

More to the point, why must we be slathered with more predictable, bitter, knee-jerk left wing propaganda wherever we go?

But since it is happening---my Rant begins>>>(please stop reading now if you can't bear a contrary, fed-up and far too long perspective--and YES I'm pissed off).

Do those that actually spew this stuff (blah blah blah, white men are all evil, Charlottesville was neonazis, Antifa are caring enlightened soul warriors lololololol---woof woof--blah blah, only black lives matter, no one else's lives do or you're a racist blah blah blah, Republicans are the spawns of Satan, blah blah, cisgenders are LBGTQ bigot neanderthals woof woof).

Do these miserable, enraged, manipulated, negative, self-cannibalizing leftist human wrecking balls actually ever consider doing some SCHOLASTIC, AGNOSTIC ('agnostic' is defined as 'not preferring a particular system' by the way) due diligence? Or are they content being dumb, fed by opportunistic power forces, puppets?


Do they not understand they are only *repeating* puppets weaponized and used by DISHONEST POWER BROKERS (who DO NOT--I REPEAT--DO NOT GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT THEM--THAT THEY ARE PUPPETS THAT WILL ULTIMATELY BE USED AND DISCARDED if the radical left achieves it's goal of shattering and remaking this country to a centrally-controlled one by socialist elites--READ HISTORY TO WHERE *THAT* PREDICTABLY LEADS, IF YOU DARE---

Look around!
Clue: "While socialism professes to be for the common good, and for universal benefit, it has been embraced by groups and governing systems which seek power and control over the individual, versus freedom and liberty, and is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people around the world".

Harvard stats:
"U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths; China: 65 million deaths; Vietnam: 1 million deaths; North Korea: 2 million deaths; Cambodia: 2 million deaths: Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths; Latin America: 150,000 deaths; Africa: 1.7 million deaths; Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths; The international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000 deaths… The total approaches 100 million people killed. "

"Human nature is not waiting to be remolded like wax into a new human form and content. Human beings seem generally not be hardwired to be selfless eunuchs. Thus, self-interest ( as an encoded survival instinct) always rises to the surface in people’s conduct, and in order for it be ethically denied, there must be political force to keep repressing it and constantly extinguishing it."

"In communist economies of the twentieth century-- the state’s central planning agencies determined who would be educated for what skills or expertise, where they would be employed and the work they would do.
Since the state educated you, assigned you work and served as your only employer in that job, the state also determined where you would live; not only in what city, town or village, but what apartment in which government owned residential building would be made your abode.
Recreational facilities, places for rest and vacations, the types of consumer goods to be produced and distributed where and for whom, these, too, were all centrally determined by the socialist planning agencies following the orders of the dictatorship of the proletariat."
Hip, trendy advocates of central controlling fail to grasp they are actually suspending their free will and God-given INTELLIGENT BRAINS TO USE CRITICAL REASONING when they rile themselves up into foaming-mouth pit bulls to disrupt and destroy the very foundations that have formed the most miraculous, though imperfect, nation on the planet.

They are abdicating their role as co-creators WITH God in their life and decisions, for good or bad. FREE WILL. They are abdicating their SPIRITUAL CONTRACT BY PLACING OTHER HUMANS OVER THEM IN SOCIALIST IDEALS AS THEIR GOD.

Listen, you enraged cupcakes, Earth is NOT Heaven or Utopia-- it is a LEARNING place and learning evolve comes from friction which generates ENERGY, like the flint striking against the rock--friction is necessary to create energy--energy drives the platform for LIFE --this is Creation IN MOTION dammit!
In the process of Creation, soul lessons are learned, because we are both flesh and spirit.
This is by design!

The pipe dream fed to the naive by leftist power brokers of a frozen, perfect plateau of STASIS--some stupidly imagined all-harmonious, all rainbows, all light and love with everyone exactly treated in Disney-style beauty and pure equality CANNOT exist in the continuously creating ENGINE of a 3D CARBON-BASED PHYSICAL organic system!

It is CANDY being used to abduct what should be logical minds.

And it is fire-hosed into these minds 24/7-- in rich, emotional media and cultural sights, sounds and relentless emotionalism. It is packaged as HIP and flattering to weak vanities that THIS is the ENLIGHTENED WAY, THESE ARE THE TRULY ADVANCED SPECIAL ONES.

Ok-- take it up with God, the CREATOR. Take it up with Mother Nature, eh?

If these furious cupcakes are so ENLIGHTENED, why not debate the merits of 15 billion years of creative evolution trajectory with GOD, mere human?

Or continue to believe opportunistic and ignorant left wing celebrities, political extremists and corrupted power brokers that must SHRED this miracle of a country in order to boost themselves into power--the only country that has placed GOD above humans in our founding documents--pure genius that attempted to constitutionally ensure that no HUMAN should act as GOD in subverting "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" over any other HUMAN.
We all know the racial and gender biases of the era, BUT we must give credit to our tremendous strides in recognizing the sanctity of all of God's children TODAY...and also give ourselves the forgiveness of our checkered history in getting there. We are half animal/flesh but our souls try to keep us awake!
Our founders achieved instituting a belief that was a mighty task, never seen before on Planet Earth--the precious value of each individual--as a shard of the divine--God's "child".

Socialism, if not initially,  inevitably trends to Godlessness....because God is inevitably competitive--because God knows you are unique to your eyelashes--but with the efficient control of socialism by humans, people MUST stripped of individualism--flattened into a homogenized mass for easier, more efficient and manageable control.

Treating the naive as "unique snowflakes" is only a manipulation to have them reject the essential building blocks of our world--once it is deconstructed, it can be brought to moldable putty to serve the Controllers, who cannot abide--or certainly not control-- the messy realm and spectrum of God's Creation majesty.

This is why it is imperative that you and I are stripped of faith in God--atheism is very hip today--that we are stripped of faith in traditional family, in committed monogamy, in patriotism--WE MUST HAVE ONLY ONE GOD---GOVERNMENT--centralized control by leftist planners/controllers--FASCIST, (YES TODAY'S LEFT ARE THE REAL FASCISTS IN CANDY CLOTHING).

SciFi is always prophetic--these are the independent, far thinkers that get it. 1984, Brave New World, HG Wells' The Time Machine ( boy are we ever acting like the pleasure-indulged, stupid Elio, groomed and cultivated to be consumed by the cannibalistic Morlocks that control their manufactured world). Hunger Games anyone?

​Getting back to 'Earth'.

WE are low vibe here for now, and for a reason---BECAUSE WE HAVE MUCH TO LEARN! The organic Earth must churn, clash, crash, evolve, devolve, lighten, darken, beautify, destroy and harmonize---IT IS DESIGNED TO RUN the SPECTRUM!

Those deceptive powerful voices that constantly push, prod and propagandize you to villify anyone not of their militant power-grabbing agenda are USING you against your BEST INTERESTS.

Until we are suitably enlightened so that we can authentically raise our vibration as a planet--properly, without corrupt manipulation to serve globalist human ambitions that must socialize in order to achieve their financial and geopolitical world control, we must embrace the school ( our tumultuous exhausted Earth) and try to always seek our "better selves" in our choices of free will--we must understand there are indeed forces of good and of bad--of creation and of destruction--it's the grinding wheel of reality generation, it's the school in motion.
I’m not at all interested in having a cnn round table discussion with you but to answer your question which could’ve been answered if you’d bother to read previous posts. I posted it because SHE posted it on her public accounts on which she also advertises her business. It’s on a psychic review forum because she has been discussed here and obviously has no problem with everyone knowing since she posts these views on her public accounts linked to her business.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2018, 02:40:55 PM »
Got it. cool.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2018, 02:42:49 PM »
Come on.


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2018, 03:15:25 PM »
For the record, I have no problem with conservatives. I respect everyone’s right to their opinion, there are plenty of people who hold conservatives views who are not bigots. However what I don’t respect or appreciate are bigoted views. It’s not a matter of left vs. right, it’s right or wrong. Someone siding with Neo nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us” and someone who drove through a crowd, injuring several and murdering one in the name of those views is wrong.

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2018, 04:20:42 PM »
Boy--I'm no neonazi! Whew! A million miles away from such an awful notion--

I'm a huge egalitarian! Too much of a marshmallow for my own good, far too often.
I believe in the sanctity of every precious soul--it's sacred to me, it's "God" made manifest.

But I do expect honest, informed opinions from others in how we cooperatively live-- in a way that honors us all, supports our differences and allows us all to manifest our gifts and potential.

It's pretty clear that "creation" must be variegated by design--or it's not 'creative"--which is why we are not all of the exact stripe--(do you see just one, beige, medium-sized, dog species out there ?) we are different in attributes, talents, looks, aptitudes, creation must have the variety--but because we are transcendent souls as well, we are EQUAL and precious in our sacred soulfulness in bringing special, indispensable impact in our billions of unique ways--AKA, the world would NOT the same without anyone of us.

In the physical, material world, because we are alpha-driven animals also--there are many, many agendas afloat--and they are NOT about enlightenment, they are about POWER. (propagandizing the people--oldest thing in the world, must be looked out for--especially nowadays with the vast immediate reach of digital media!)

Bottom line, it's clear to me there are fascist underpinnings on both sides--starting with the politically correct thought police we should all be concerned about!

Use YOUR miraculous brain, be suspicious of anyone that gives you grief for asking logical questions!

I consider myself a pragmatic altruist--but definitely grounded in natural ecosystems, observable human nature, real science, real history, real information--it's our best hope of being independent thinkers, especially in an era where media is too busy building their own celebrity brands to do comprehensive, well researched, fair reporting.

Always trust your own instincts and your God-given common sense--don't rely on anyone to 'soundbite' it for you--God gave you an incredible mind--and you are his co-creator, every day!


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2018, 05:28:16 PM »
Boy--I'm no neonazi! Whew! A million miles away from such an awful notion--

I'm a huge egalitarian! Too much of a marshmallow for my own good, far too often.
I believe in the sanctity of every precious soul--it's sacred to me, it's "God" made manifest.

But I do expect honest, informed opinions from others in how we cooperatively live-- in a way that honors us all, supports our differences and allows us all to manifest our gifts and potential.

It's pretty clear that "creation" must be variegated by design--or it's not 'creative"--which is why we are not all of the exact stripe--(do you see just one, beige, medium-sized, dog species out there ?) we are different in attributes, talents, looks, aptitudes, creation must have the variety--but because we are transcendent souls as well, we are EQUAL and precious in our sacred soulfulness in bringing special, indispensable impact in our billions of unique ways--AKA, the world would NOT the same without anyone of us.

In the physical, material world, because we are alpha-driven animals also--there are many, many agendas afloat--and they are NOT about enlightenment, they are about POWER. (propagandizing the people--oldest thing in the world, must be looked out for--especially nowadays with the vast immediate reach of digital media!)

Bottom line, it's clear to me there are fascist underpinnings on both sides--starting with the politically correct thought police we should all be concerned about!

Use YOUR miraculous brain, be suspicious of anyone that gives you grief for asking logical questions!

I consider myself a pragmatic altruist--but definitely grounded in natural ecosystems, observable human nature, real science, real history, real information--it's our best hope of being independent thinkers, especially in an era where media is too busy building their own celebrity brands to do comprehensive, well researched, fair reporting.

Always trust your own instincts and your God-given common sense--don't rely on anyone to 'soundbite' it for you--God gave you an incredible mind--and you are his co-creator, every day!
look pumpkin. I’ve made it abundantly clear I’m not interested in having a cnn round table discussion with you, so all that text is pointless. Also, since you obviously lack reading skills, I never called YOU a neo nazi. If you read the previous posts you’d see wher she defended the new nazis in Charlottesville last year. Unless you are trish herself, I wasn’t talking about you.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2018, 05:34:48 PM »
Be nice.


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2018, 05:46:31 PM »
She posted because Angelic Visions did not treat her well when she was upset to quote her original post. To go looking for hate is only more hate.
this person made this account for the sole purpose to defend Trish and has sent me private messages that drop hints she may be Trish herself. Of all the people we discuss on this forum, why are you going so hard for her? You say you’ve been a client for 15 years and you two are “friends” but I’ve never had to pay any of my friends to speak to me. Can’t think of anyone who solely provides me a service that I’d take all that time out of my day to defend.

