Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Psychic Access

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Well I spoke to Jessica tonight.  My issues are business related - not relationship.  I loved the way she read.  The random details she gives, the way she recaps by email everything.  The details were so unusual and specific that it will be very interesting to see how this pans out.  It was radically different than any reading I have ever had before.  Kind of wild.  We’ll see!  She was the ONLY one who told me a deal I am fairly confident is dead is not going to ever revitalize and I have every instinct she or right and everyone else is wrong.  So that was intriguing.

bump on jessica or jacklyn

I spent a LOT of money on this site, especially back in 2017-2021. Majority of the readers on there have zero gift. Isadora, Esther, Shelly, Angelic Heights all gave me a fairytale and were wrong, although Angelic Heights got a few things right at first... it went downhill from there... the others were just full of shait.  Shani was also very much wrong on 80% of predictions. She has raving reviews but that clearly means nothing. Satya was often right for me (more often than not, she has gotten the bigger picture right) but also wrong on many important things (totally off on one former POI, but very right on like 4/5 others.. usually correct on jobs but was incorrect on a very important housing situation) and she gets offended when you tell her she got something wrong. Has a gift though.. The owner of the site is quite .. rude at times.. there are more posts on this. although my last two interactions with him were OK and he was nice, so maybe he heard the feedback and worked on himself?
I spent maybe 12-15k on this page alone... was it worth it? Nope... I have learnt my lesson.

I would advise anyone spending $10k or more a year on psychics to put the money in investments, or use it to buy a house.

Maybe the investment will grow into life changing money.

Calling psychics isn't going to result into anything that is life changing.

These psychics are just working the psychic phone lines to pay their bills.

They don't have the answers we're looking for.

That's from my own experience.


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