Author Topic: Gail  (Read 16438 times)

Offline smsd

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« on: August 16, 2011, 12:53:02 AM »
I had a reading back in February with Gail. She said in August I would be looking at cars. I really didnt believe that because I didnt want to buy a car this year. My car is started acting up last week and is on its last leg, so I will be buying a car in the next couple of days.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Gail
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 10:29:48 AM »
Gail had gotten some stuff right for me too, just not the biggie. She saw me in a wedding dress the first time she read for me. And described the man in the vision. It fit the man that never contacts me, lol. But as readings went on she also said she felt pain in joints, especially the elbow. Well, not long after that my elbows were so sore with arthritis or something that they hurt constantly. She also saw him living northwest of me, which he was, but she didnt know that. And she also saw him on a plane flying in my direction, he did but he didnt come to see me, only some other friends and his daughters. I do believe these people can see some things, but Im at a point of thinking that they cant see the final outcome, only little tidbits of information and they assume from there.
Im giving up on the big prediction. If it happens, then it happens, but I think I have to focus on me now and put this man in my past. It been too long.
But I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope your big predictions DO happen.

Offline smsd

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Re: Gail
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 01:16:20 AM »
True...minor predictions seem to happen..never the big stuff..

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Gail
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 01:06:11 PM »

She said saw a 3rd party with my ex and that he's thinking of having a face to face convo with me but he's stuck and going to end up with this girl. She said this is a girl from his past and something about him currently having a child or him being married before that makes it difficult or something

Well neither of them have children, neither of them have been married (well he hasn't) and he met her on lol! Not from his past at all..when I told her this she still said "well, I think that this girl will take the focus from you and make it hard for him to move on. And there will be a baby soon." He's 22..of course people have children young but him? He'd be the last person to do that unless the girl got preggo because she wasn't taking BC &they weren't using protection. But for him to just to say HEY  I want a baby, not like him. he's not even financially stable to want a child and if he's still the same man I fell in love with, then he would want that for his family.

Wasn't impressed. Not because it was negative outcome but because she only got the 3rd party right. A waste of money!

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Gail
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 01:48:59 PM »
LLL - CALL FOR A REFUND!!! they will put your $$ right back into your account. SORRY she didn't work. UGH

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Gail
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 01:55:48 PM »
Yes LLL, you have less than 72 hours to get a refund....but only one refund reading a month.  I guess Gail is another extreme...either she's super accurate, or super wrong.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Gail
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 02:31:36 PM »
I got a refund from Gabriella a wk ago :( It's okay though. Now I know not to read with Gail anymore lol

Another thing I thought about, if he's so stuck and she's taking the focus off me, why does he want to have a face to face convo? Kinda weird...and another reason why I didn't believe what she said.

Its weird how people who don't see a positive outcome barely get anything right with me.(except 1, outside psychic though and it wasn't negative really) They might get 1 thing right but majority of it is all wrong! I wonder what that means....

Offline lightme

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Re: Gail
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2011, 05:08:54 PM »
Gail had gotten some stuff right for me too, just not the biggie. She saw me in a wedding dress the first time she read for me. And described the man in the vision. It fit the man that never contacts me, lol. But as readings went on she also said she felt pain in joints, especially the elbow. Well, not long after that my elbows were so sore with arthritis or something that they hurt constantly. She also saw him living northwest of me, which he was, but she didnt know that. And she also saw him on a plane flying in my direction, he did but he didnt come to see me, only some other friends and his daughters. I do believe these people can see some things, but Im at a point of thinking that they cant see the final outcome, only little tidbits of information and they assume from there.
Im giving up on the big prediction. If it happens, then it happens, but I think I have to focus on me now and put this man in my past. It been too long.
But I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope your big predictions DO happen.

hi 4everhopeful, have you ever spoken to Uli before? has any psychic ever tell  you he is not coming back? i had psychics who told me we are done.

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Re: Gail
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2011, 05:27:52 PM »
The ones that have told me that the two of us are not going to be together have said because I will give up on him and that is not true bc I dont believe in moving on I am pretty stuborn and I dont give up period

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Gail
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2011, 09:56:03 PM »
Hi lightme, Yes I read with Uli once almost two years ago. She described my ex and our relationship perfectly. She told me he would reconnect and asked if he had a new pickup. I told her no he didnt but I knew he wanted one when he was in one place and not being sent from one state or country to another every couple of years. She said she saw him coming back in a new truck. Lots of other stuff hit home that she said. But he didnt come back. Its been two years since Ive talked to him. Im through thinking that he ever will. Of course, Ive been told by almost all of them that it wont happen until I am over him, I guess that pulling my energy back thing that they speak of. I just know Im tired of wasting time and money and being miserable, so Im not anymore.
There were a few that told me no, but like someone else here, those never seemed to hit on anything correctly, not the present or past.
I had a reading with Nina about a month ago, I hadnt read with her for over a year. She still sticks to her original prediction and has told me so many times to not settle. Well, Im not settling but I am moving on. But she did get one prediction right this last time. She suddenly in the middle of the reading switched to my finances. Told me I hadnt been doing very well in the saving department, but that she saw that changing in the next few months and I would be able to put back a little something. Well, I think shes right. I will be saving a bundle because CP isnt going to get it. Its gonna buy me a new thick extra soft mattress cover and there will be plenty left over to stash away a little each month. I think instead of calling psychics, Im gonna put the amount I would spend on a reading into an account each time I get the urge to call. Then by next year I will have enough for a vacation or maybe a down payment on a new car.
Im sure I will call from time to time but not every week like I have been doing. There were some days that I was so upset I would call twice a day or 3 or 4 times a week. That is not necessary if we are getting good readings. I know most of them always told me to save my money and just be patient and go on with my life. Thats what Im gonna do now. It took me a long time to let go, but I am letting go now.
But I do plan to still come here to see the updates and if anything does ever happen for me, you guys will be some of the first to know. Thanks for the support and updates that you guys give.

Offline lightme

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Re: Gail
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2011, 10:32:56 PM »
4everhopeful, i read your early posts again. i must say your experience and story with the psychics are very discouraging for me to read. i start to wonder, maybe the psychics could really sense the currect happenings, proven by the fact they could really tell us what is going on without us saying anything. however, they may give the same predictions to everyone. afterall, out of ALL there WILL be a percentage of people with the ex coming back, hence we see the positive feedbacks.

that means even if my guy does come back, it doesn't mean the psychics are accurate, because they say the same big prediction to everyone. i will send you a pm. 

Offline cj

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Re: Gail
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2011, 10:41:57 PM »
lightme theyre just pretty much all wrong. lol. People choose what they want to believe and its usually the things that make a person feel good. Also just bc someone has gotten something right for you doesnt mean they will for the next person. IDK anyone who has had any of the big predictions come to pass...and we've all been here on  the forum since it started a year ago.

Bah humbug.

Seriously dont waste your $.  :o
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 10:58:51 PM by cj »

Offline lightme

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Re: Gail
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2011, 10:51:03 PM »
yep, i start to think so too. i think it is ok to call for empathy, for not for prediction.

even if big prediction come true, it is just law of probability. 

Offline cj

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Re: Gail
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2011, 10:59:17 PM »
yes call for how they feel but pred are a waste of time.

Offline cj

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Re: Gail
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2011, 11:25:22 PM »
They cannot really tell someone what a person will do. They go by what a person feels, which is why people are only getting half predictions. A person who feels connected to you may very well try to contact you but how do you explain the situation with 4ever where they are telling her her ex still loves her but he doesnt contact her. Sometimes even though a person feels connected with you they still may not act on it. And thats prevalently because they dont want to. I refuse to keep believing that a person can love someone else and continue to intentionally hurt them. Thats not love. And these psychics try to give excuses for them but that is just to look good in our eyes. And to those who has exs that are with someone else and these psychics keep saying "but theyre not in love with them and they love you" ok so why arent they with you. wth. You cannot really go by what psy say Im sorry. And I know so many people who stay in tumultuous relationships for a very long time. That means nothing to me. How are they with the person who makes them unhappy and turning their backs on the ones who do. Im sorry but that makes no sense to me. I guess its true the most addictive relationships are the ones that are volatile.

Just a heads up. Dont put all your eggs on psychic baskets.

