Author Topic: I am Grateful for this site  (Read 3230 times)

Offline Spaceship29

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I am Grateful for this site
« on: August 20, 2018, 10:17:32 PM »
I've actually been ghost reading this site for a couple months now waiting for my account to be approved.

My story began in 2009 when I discovered online readings with live person (prior to them turning into kasamba)

Typical story as I've seen on here. a POI and I had issues and I wanted to know if we would be together or will we talk again. My first reading was from someone whose price was like $9.99 a min I think i talked for like 3 mins lol After that I went on to other readers. I know I began to binge and I guess you can say became addicted. I know I have spent a few grand on readings.  I am really afraid to log into these accounts and really calculate all the money spent. I did dabble in keen and Oranum.

Bitwine is now my current site of choice but im growing a bit weary.

One day earlier this year, something told me to search and I found this site. I really wanted to know if these readers are real or are they feeding me a script. it's like they all say the same thing regardless of the POI. One time I went to read with one I had become a regular to and I was actually over this POI. So I asked a general question like what do you see in my love life next? They said that well the POI will be coming back blah blah blah, I said I don't care. I'm over them. I want to know if there is someone new. It was like they wanted to revert me back to the previous POI who clearly didn't want anything to do with me or it wouldn't have dragged out this long.

They proceeded to accurately predict the next POI.

However it left doubt in my mind about that reader. They still contact me saying they sense things aren't right even when I was having a good time in my love life. I call it just shaking the money tree.

It just seems like same thing about not being able to express true feelings, my POI really love me despite them telling me otherwise, they are unhappy with a new person, the new person is evil or manipulative.. etc.

Just... I don't know.

What throws me off is they tend to get little stuff right at times. Not all the time. Like one time I got a read and I knew they were way off about the details, like saying my POI new fling was a criminal which i knew wasn't true this person had a really good career.  But they got the time frame right. It was so weird.

Well that's my story. I feel like I am in AA because this is a quiet addiction I have. No one knows except the last POI and it's only because we had gotten readings (separately) and she said something that one of the readers said so I show them. That reader was way off but again that one detail was on point. But even they don't know about the binges. I'm trying to stop but its like when I see something or something changes I just need to get a read. One time things were well and I just was curious.

Don't get me wrong though. Last year a couple of readers got things right about myself and the POI, time frames and when contact would happen. I've narrowed it down now and I think i got a grip.

Good day all

Offline wishes215

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Re: I am Grateful for this site
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2018, 05:22:53 AM »
so do you have your favorited on bitwine?

I've actually been ghost reading this site for a couple months now waiting for my account to be approved.

My story began in 2009 when I discovered online readings with live person (prior to them turning into kasamba)

Typical story as I've seen on here. a POI and I had issues and I wanted to know if we would be together or will we talk again. My first reading was from someone whose price was like $9.99 a min I think i talked for like 3 mins lol After that I went on to other readers. I know I began to binge and I guess you can say became addicted. I know I have spent a few grand on readings.  I am really afraid to log into these accounts and really calculate all the money spent. I did dabble in keen and Oranum.

Bitwine is now my current site of choice but im growing a bit weary.

One day earlier this year, something told me to search and I found this site. I really wanted to know if these readers are real or are they feeding me a script. it's like they all say the same thing regardless of the POI. One time I went to read with one I had become a regular to and I was actually over this POI. So I asked a general question like what do you see in my love life next? They said that well the POI will be coming back blah blah blah, I said I don't care. I'm over them. I want to know if there is someone new. It was like they wanted to revert me back to the previous POI who clearly didn't want anything to do with me or it wouldn't have dragged out this long.

They proceeded to accurately predict the next POI.

However it left doubt in my mind about that reader. They still contact me saying they sense things aren't right even when I was having a good time in my love life. I call it just shaking the money tree.

It just seems like same thing about not being able to express true feelings, my POI really love me despite them telling me otherwise, they are unhappy with a new person, the new person is evil or manipulative.. etc.

Just... I don't know.

What throws me off is they tend to get little stuff right at times. Not all the time. Like one time I got a read and I knew they were way off about the details, like saying my POI new fling was a criminal which i knew wasn't true this person had a really good career.  But they got the time frame right. It was so weird.

Well that's my story. I feel like I am in AA because this is a quiet addiction I have. No one knows except the last POI and it's only because we had gotten readings (separately) and she said something that one of the readers said so I show them. That reader was way off but again that one detail was on point. But even they don't know about the binges. I'm trying to stop but its like when I see something or something changes I just need to get a read. One time things were well and I just was curious.

Don't get me wrong though. Last year a couple of readers got things right about myself and the POI, time frames and when contact would happen. I've narrowed it down now and I think i got a grip.

Good day all

Offline Spaceship29

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Re: I am Grateful for this site
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2018, 01:23:35 PM »
so do you have your favorited on bitwine?

I've actually been ghost reading this site for a couple months now waiting for my account to be approved.

My story began in 2009 when I discovered online readings with live person (prior to them turning into kasamba)

Typical story as I've seen on here. a POI and I had issues and I wanted to know if we would be together or will we talk again. My first reading was from someone whose price was like $9.99 a min I think i talked for like 3 mins lol After that I went on to other readers. I know I began to binge and I guess you can say became addicted. I know I have spent a few grand on readings.  I am really afraid to log into these accounts and really calculate all the money spent. I did dabble in keen and Oranum.

Bitwine is now my current site of choice but im growing a bit weary.

One day earlier this year, something told me to search and I found this site. I really wanted to know if these readers are real or are they feeding me a script. it's like they all say the same thing regardless of the POI. One time I went to read with one I had become a regular to and I was actually over this POI. So I asked a general question like what do you see in my love life next? They said that well the POI will be coming back blah blah blah, I said I don't care. I'm over them. I want to know if there is someone new. It was like they wanted to revert me back to the previous POI who clearly didn't want anything to do with me or it wouldn't have dragged out this long.

They proceeded to accurately predict the next POI.

However it left doubt in my mind about that reader. They still contact me saying they sense things aren't right even when I was having a good time in my love life. I call it just shaking the money tree.

It just seems like same thing about not being able to express true feelings, my POI really love me despite them telling me otherwise, they are unhappy with a new person, the new person is evil or manipulative.. etc.

Just... I don't know.

What throws me off is they tend to get little stuff right at times. Not all the time. Like one time I got a read and I knew they were way off about the details, like saying my POI new fling was a criminal which i knew wasn't true this person had a really good career.  But they got the time frame right. It was so weird.

Well that's my story. I feel like I am in AA because this is a quiet addiction I have. No one knows except the last POI and it's only because we had gotten readings (separately) and she said something that one of the readers said so I show them. That reader was way off but again that one detail was on point. But even they don't know about the binges. I'm trying to stop but its like when I see something or something changes I just need to get a read. One time things were well and I just was curious.

Don't get me wrong though. Last year a couple of readers got things right about myself and the POI, time frames and when contact would happen. I've narrowed it down now and I think i got a grip.

Good day all

Not really. I have a few with pending predictions who have been on point in the past but wouldn’t say my go to.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: I am Grateful for this site
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 11:09:39 AM »
Thanks for sharing your story.  My go to was Anna Simon.  Now looking back I think she basically is just a "life coach" and motivator who always made me feel good.  It worked which I guess can be helpful to get you through your day/week, etc. But they are sucking your money at the same time and then when the predictions dont happen, you feel worse?