Author Topic: It’s somehow getting easier to get myself to stop.  (Read 3071 times)

Offline psychicaddict1

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It’s somehow getting easier to get myself to stop.
« on: October 31, 2018, 03:33:07 AM »
Hi all!

Wow it’s been forever since I last posted. I hope you’re all well and happy.

I wanted to post this thread more like a diary entry but, I know I have all of your support.

The last time I wrote in this thread I wrote about how I was doing so much better without calling psychics with my problems. A good couple months after, I sadly began binging again... but with my go to Psychic, psychic Rika on CA Psychics. I do, truly believe she is the real deal.... but when it comes to money I’ve just been fucking myself over, and calling about the dumbest reasons.

I am still with the same man I’ve been with since I started binge calling. I no longer have the fear of him leaving me, not loving me, or wanting someone else. Sometimes I just get fearful whenever we get into fights, especially because he has a bit of a temper.

In the last 3-4 months, I’ve been spending so much money and time talking to Rika. I would call if we got into a bit of an argument, or if I really needed answers about the dumbest things. In my gut I knew everything would be okay, considering we’ve been together two and a half years.

It’s jusf so sad that this addiction can even happen when I’m in a stable relationship. And I always thought I’d get over it.

However, in the last 2 months, I’ve stopped myself. Anytime we get into a fight, I listen to Rka’s old advice that has always gotten me through it, and it works. I stop myself from calling, and even if they’re online, I tell myself it’ll be okay. I’ve been doing so much better about not calling for stupid stuff.

I’ve decided to give her a call every couple mo the for a catch up reading. But I don’t need them once a week anymore. I just don’t.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: It’s somehow getting easier to get myself to stop.
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 03:52:52 AM »
I support you a thousand percent.

No you don’t need to call weekly.

You will eventually discover that you don’t need to even call every few months.

You’re on your way to being Free. Just keep strong. You are enough without psychics.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: It’s somehow getting easier to get myself to stop.
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2018, 12:27:27 PM »
im finding out psychics can make your situation worse. my poi and i were fine until i called psychics, we started to fight and it pushed him away. looking back, we were better when i didn't talk to psychics to be honest.

This is an interesting point of view. Why do you think talking to psychics made you fight with POI?

Offline sawthelight

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Re: It’s somehow getting easier to get myself to stop.
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 02:14:14 PM »
im finding out psychics can make your situation worse. my poi and i were fine until i called psychics, we started to fight and it pushed him away. looking back, we were better when i didn't talk to psychics to be honest.

I had a similar situation...only because I had all these expectations built up in my head based on the readings, and when I kept seeing nothing was progressing as they "predicted", I would get all emotional with the past POI, and acted accordingly.  For instance, when I would hear "he's going to come out and tell you his feelings and want to take the relationship to the next level", and then he would do the opposite, of course we would argue..