Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development

Dream interpretation


Does anyone know a good psychic or a good resource for dream interpretation? I have very vivid dreams and I feel like I need some guidance in deciphering...

Thank you!!

I've only had Judis Inner Light help me interpret dreams once, and I thought she was good. She told me she took a whole course on Dream Interpretation.

Thanks! I will be reading with her soon...maybe I can ask her. This is great, thanks for this!


--- Quote from: FlutterShy on August 14, 2018, 12:04:25 PM ---I liked tara garden ... also

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Tara Lotus Garden?

I use dreammoods, but I feel some dreams are so specific that I can't find them on there :)


--- Quote from: FlutterShy on August 14, 2018, 12:37:39 PM ---Yes... her.

Sorry I’m feeling sick to type correct word grammar

No wait I was right the first time she goes by Tara garden right now

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Ahh okay...thank you!!


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