Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Planets in Retrograde
--- Quote from: HornetKick on August 14, 2018, 04:19:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: sawthelight on August 14, 2018, 04:05:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: HornetKick on August 14, 2018, 04:02:35 PM ---Every time planets are in retrograde, it causes confusion, imbalances, miscommunication. If no one ever mentioned some planet retrograde, wouldn't we just attribute the confusion, imbalances, miscommunication to something else? Does retrograde ever produce any good stuff? Retrograde is more along the lines of twinflames and soulmates. It's ridiculous to believe in a period of say three to six months where things don't align. If confusion, imbalances, miscommunication happen outside of the retrograde period, what is it then: post-retrograde until the next official retro happens?
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I agree..and it's often an excuse psychics use when things don't happen. You can dictate your life by these retrogrades. I don't even pay attention to them anymore.
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Totally agree. I always thought it was another stock line by a reader since many readers have jumped on its bandwagon.
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exactly. When I was reading on Keen a lot about past POI, I had one reader CONSTANTLY use this as an excuse as to why things were not moving along, it was so annoying after a while to hear this over and over again. And in the long run, it had nothing to do with retrograde and all to do with him acting like a jerk.
Astrology is real, but not this form of it guys. You cant just make general statements about the whole world based on retrograde planets. They only matter in your chart guys.
This is how astrology gets fluffy and useless..service providers or content channels using this as a talking point when it is loosely based on astrological concepts.
--- Quote from: bstalling on August 14, 2018, 04:25:38 PM ---Astrology is real, but not this form of it guys. You can't just make general statements about the whole world based on retrograde planets. They only matter in your chart guys.
This is how astrology gets fluffy and useless..service providers or content channels using this as a talking point when it is loosely based on astrological concepts.
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Agreed. Not everyone feels it because it might not touch personal planets. When it touches a number of planets or important points, shifts always occur. If you look back on major events in your life, it is guaranteed that the planets were hitting those planets/points nearly exact. Whether one chooses to believe it or not, it's real and the majority of the things we do are dictated by the stars in the sky.
The retrograde is over today, right ? So Personally I’m going to see if it makes a difference in my situation.. I’ve been told by a few readers about this ...
I’m not really holding out much hope lol
--- Quote from: Kristinajt on August 18, 2018, 06:01:51 PM ---The retrograde is over today, right ? So Personally I’m going to see if it makes a difference in my situation.. I’ve been told by a few readers about this ...
I’m not really holding out much hope lol
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theres alot of planet in retro right now. only mercury is coming out of retro today. see if you feel a difference by mid sept. thatd be enough time for some of them to come out and start going forward at normal speed. it also depends which planets rule which houses in your chart and if they are going over important angles/planets.
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