Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development

Planets in Retrograde

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Lol I traveled last retrograde too! Whoops! Luckily, it ended up being just fine  :)

Yona actually told me in my last reading that this retrograde was really going to affect me and it would be kind of a crazy, tumultuous time for me. I don't know if she meant it as bad or more exciting, I guess we will see. Mattie also said this summer would be a super interesting one for me because I would have soooo many exes returning...

Warning: This is the least auspicious time to order readings. every single psychic and tool reader I have consulted in Mercury RX periods was either inaccurate or gave me a confusing reading that was all over the place. I have also noticed that when I tried to read with others, my cards and visions are totally unclear and unhelpful.

However, note some signs are more affected than others. Those who have strong mercury elements in their chart and the water as well as air signs are more affected compared to earth and fire signs. This time, Mercury Rx is in bipolar and sensitive cancer and my impression is that there will be lots of sensitive and harsh talk between family members and lovers escalating into full-blown fights. However, as Mercury RX is not positioned in an air sign, which is its dominant element, the effects will quickly dissipate. I also don't see traveling and media communications being affected so much compared to past Mercury RX periods but some small delays may occur.


--- Quote from: Ninacy on July 08, 2019, 07:42:21 AM ---Warning: This is the least auspicious time to order readings. every single psychic and tool reader I have consulted in Mercury RX periods was either inaccurate or gave me a confusing reading that was all over the place. I have also noticed that when I tried to read with others, my cards and visions are totally unclear and unhelpful.

However, note some signs are more affected than others. Those who have strong mercury elements in their chart and the water as well as air signs are more affected compared to earth and fire signs. This time, Mercury Rx is in bipolar and sensitive cancer and my impression is that there will be lots of sensitive and harsh talk between family members and lovers escalating into full-blown fights. However, as Mercury RX is not positioned in an air sign, which is its dominant element, the effects will quickly dissipate. I also don't see traveling and media communications being affected so much compared to past Mercury RX periods but some small delays may occur.

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Does this mean water and air signs will be emotional/cause problems or that they will be affected by other people’s actions?


--- Quote from: Girly1998 on July 09, 2019, 03:05:31 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ninacy on July 08, 2019, 07:42:21 AM ---Warning: This is the least auspicious time to order readings. every single psychic and tool reader I have consulted in Mercury RX periods was either inaccurate or gave me a confusing reading that was all over the place. I have also noticed that when I tried to read with others, my cards and visions are totally unclear and unhelpful.

However, note some signs are more affected than others. Those who have strong mercury elements in their chart and the water as well as air signs are more affected compared to earth and fire signs. This time, Mercury Rx is in bipolar and sensitive cancer and my impression is that there will be lots of sensitive and harsh talk between family members and lovers escalating into full-blown fights. However, as Mercury RX is not positioned in an air sign, which is its dominant element, the effects will quickly dissipate. I also don't see traveling and media communications being affected so much compared to past Mercury RX periods but some small delays may occur.

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Does this mean water and air signs will be emotional/cause problems or that they will be affected by other people’s actions?

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Mercury retro tends to affect virgos and Geminis most since they’re ruled by mercury. But if you have a lot of planets in cancer it can affect you quite a bit too since it’s hovering close to them throughout the transit. I always feel the shadow periods are worse than the retros but that’s just me. It affects everyone in someway depends on where it falls in your chart and planets it aspects. Astrology is intricate and quite complicated so It’s hard to make generalizations like that.

Exactly I even read not to go on any first dates during this Retrograde! Seriously?!?


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