Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Planets in Retrograde
Wishful Thinker:
I wasn’t sure what section to put this topic up, but just wanted to let everyone be aware of the multiple planets that are on retrograde. These retrogrades causes confusion, imbalances, miscommunication, etc. I have to admit that I don’t know too much about the planets and how they affect us, but was told this by a psychic. The planets are Mercury retrograde in Leo; Mars retrograde in Aquarius; Saturn retrograde in Capricorn; Neptune retrograde in Pisces; Pluto retrograde in Capricorn; Chiron retrograde in Aries. Not to mention we just went through a lunar eclipse and Blood Moon. This seems to be a challenging time. Peace.
I've been told this by a few psychics. And I am definitely feeling it...lots of confusion, fears being stirred up. This weekend was the worst.
Every time planets are in retrograde, it causes confusion, imbalances, miscommunication. If no one ever mentioned some planet retrograde, wouldn't we just attribute the confusion, imbalances, miscommunication to something else? Does retrograde ever produce any good stuff? Retrograde is more along the lines of twinflames and soulmates. It's ridiculous to believe in a period of say three to six months where things don't align. If confusion, imbalances, miscommunication happen outside of the retrograde period, what is it then: post-retrograde until the next official retro happens?
--- Quote from: HornetKick on August 14, 2018, 04:02:35 PM ---Every time planets are in retrograde, it causes confusion, imbalances, miscommunication. If no one ever mentioned some planet retrograde, wouldn't we just attribute the confusion, imbalances, miscommunication to something else? Does retrograde ever produce any good stuff? Retrograde is more along the lines of twinflames and soulmates. It's ridiculous to believe in a period of say three to six months where things don't align. If confusion, imbalances, miscommunication happen outside of the retrograde period, what is it then: post-retrograde until the next official retro happens?
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I agree..and it's often an excuse psychics use when things don't happen. You can dictate your life by these retrogrades. I don't even pay attention to them anymore.
--- Quote from: sawthelight on August 14, 2018, 04:05:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: HornetKick on August 14, 2018, 04:02:35 PM ---Every time planets are in retrograde, it causes confusion, imbalances, miscommunication. If no one ever mentioned some planet retrograde, wouldn't we just attribute the confusion, imbalances, miscommunication to something else? Does retrograde ever produce any good stuff? Retrograde is more along the lines of twinflames and soulmates. It's ridiculous to believe in a period of say three to six months where things don't align. If confusion, imbalances, miscommunication happen outside of the retrograde period, what is it then: post-retrograde until the next official retro happens?
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I agree..and it's often an excuse psychics use when things don't happen. You can dictate your life by these retrogrades. I don't even pay attention to them anymore.
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Totally agree. I always thought it was another stock line by a reader since many readers have jumped on its bandwagon.
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