Hey Guys! Glad to see more activities on this board. I guess most of us are tired of timelines passing and going or just stop reading with any new readers till we see actually progress so we don't post as much anymore. I think it's healthier to stop obsessing with these exs and just go on with our lives as if they are not coming back, regardless of what they say. Sometimes we have to stand back and look at the facts and trust our own intuitions. For me, it's been four months...and we've had friendly contacts but nothing more and nothing less. Last saw him in June and that's about it. My first batch of CPs and Ellen and her crew has came and gone. Now my second batch's timelines and predictions are coming up by the end of this month leading into September. Timelines come and go but their predictions ie. he still cares for you, will tell you he loves you etc. NEVER happened. Dawn from CP saw the break up coming but she also stated that it's only temporary. How temporary though, she cannot answer. London and Abrielle got the timing of me finding a job correct but was 100% wrong in the relationship part.
This month, I have predictions from Uli, Raissa, Eden, Brendalynn, Marceea, Sherrie coming to pass and these have the top accuracy from CPs and also from those who have read with them on this forum. If i don't hear ANY wind of change in my situation, well then....i don't know anymore. lol I have read with Julia back in June and she too gave me an outline till October of how our relationship will unfold again. The only thing she got right so far was that i will 'see' him in a couple days which was true (had my graduation) but then she predicted 'sweet' energy during last week of July and sees me being there at his birthday with his family in first week of August and that NEVER happened. So i don't have much hopes for her other predictions.
This my friends, is my second psychic rampage so i was able to bounce back fairly quickly (although the damage to the wallet is still just as bad). I was with Keen the first round and NOTHING ever came true lol. Turns out that one was cheating on his girlfriend with me while she was away on business. And these Keens people kept feeding me crap. I know it's hard to cut this off and want to know the unknown so i suggest, you read with the top top readers and leave it at that. I mean, if the top reader's predictions DON'T come to pass as well as ALL the ones you trusted didn't come to past, don't waste anymore of your energy, resources and feelings onto this guy. If it's meant to be yours, eventually it will find the way back no matter what. If it's not yours, take it as a lesson, smile at the times you had, and keep on walking friends.