Author Topic: Intro and semi-story  (Read 14504 times)

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2011, 03:58:40 AM »
That was me.... and yes I've gotten quite a few predictions of someone "new" in my life.... I know I am not really open to new people so it could be that I am just sending out bad vibes. But you'd think if the Universe truly wants to put someone in my path, it will. After all it put him in my path when I was married and I will honestly say I previously condemned people who had affairs. So if the Universe could tempt me in that way, why not put a new SM in my path that would ease my pain???

I have been told that Brad Pitt could walk into me and I'd never see him. I've been told the men I'm attracting to me at this time are not those I'd spend my life with (well how about a few good nights?! I am only human after all)

So I don't know, if they are just scamming us you'd think they would certainly do that.

PLUS I've started to ask about this guy at work, and more than one psychic has said nope, old guy still. If they are fake why not encourage me to move on to this new guy who seems to be available and hell I'd probably still call them at this point.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2011, 04:11:46 AM »
Omg yes I feel what your saying! When me and my ex broke up I use to pray and beg God to bring my ex back...then I started praying to at LEASTthe have someone else come in the pic to ease the pain if he wasn't gonna bring my ex back THEN I started asking to at least rid me of the pain and depression when I noticed nobody coming into the pic..I went out,tried to meet ppl even did online dating and NOTHING...its been 9 months..this whole situation changed how I felt about my faith ya know....I was never extremely religious but I had faith,went to church,prayed,never asked for much when doing so etc....but not so much these days....just looking for a break ...

Oh yea and I met some guy who seems cool but all the psychics say he's not the one my ex is. Its like damn! Can something work out?!?!?!

Offline vanyct

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2011, 09:22:08 AM »
I'm going to jump into this conversation anf offer my two cents. I use to feel the same way about depression medication. I couldn't undestand why people needed  them, what was so hard that they couldn't just snap out of it. Then it happened to me, the sadness, irritability, no motivation to do anything, and I couldnt snap out of it. I saw that it was not just affecting me but also my child. I started doing some research and if you believe what doctors say, depression is a chemical imbalance of your brain, and to cure it you take medication. If I take antibiotics to cure an infection why wouldn't I take this medication to cure an imbalance? 
This is the first time though that i've also had to turn to not only therapist but also psychics for advice on how to move on. I have been in a lot of bad relationships, and this time, this man was suppose to be different, maybe thats that's why this time it's so hard to move on.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2011, 11:39:42 AM »
Oh ladies, I feel your pain. A few of the readers have told me they dont see him coming back but there will be contact of some sort, it just wont lead to a relationship, but the majority have said I will spend my life with him, that there is no other. These are the high priced psychics with the most testimonials of predictions coming true. Some say there will be someone else coming along that I will have to make a choice between two men when the time comes. Im still waiting for that new one to come along that I care enough about that I would turn my back on the original man if he ever shows up again. Red at CP told me once that it wouldnt do any good for me to meet anyone else cause Im gonna marry this man. Hmmmmm, I sure hope shes right cause I sure havent met anyone else that I can even stand to spend time with more than one evening a week.
I know it sounds like I closed myself off, but I truly havent. I would love to meet someone that I click with, but it just hasnt happened. Maybe Im too picky. Of course, I prefer to feel that I am selective, lol. But dont we all deserve someone that we are truly attracted to? And that has good breath? LOL. Thats a biggie with me. I know Im being a little silly this morning.
But on a more serious note. I do feel at times that most of us get the same story. And I read a post from someone here questioning so many lost loves returning. I agree that most of the time, it just dont happen. I know some people break up for years and find each other again, but honestly, how many times does that truly happen?
Im gonna admit to you guys that I had yet another reading the other night, I was feeling so anxious and needed to talk to someone so bad. I called Abrielle at CP. After I set up the appointment, I had thoughts of cancelling but I didnt. Now this is the part that really gets me.....she will tell you that she picks up on words and phrases and will throw them out there and you are to let her know what hits home with you. Sounds kinda of like shes throwing out guesses, but let me tell you. Almost everything she threw at me hit home. Especially two things she said. She told me he called me by a name, then she said the name. Just a little term of endearment but it was what he always said. And it wasnt sweetheart or honey, nothing so generic as that. She then said that there was something about him using a pillow in a certain way, she was right. He always had to have a pillow between his knees or he couldnt sleep. Bad back you know. I know that a lot of people do this but a lot of them dont. There were other things that she said that hit home too but I wont go into all of them. But she did say things that were true about his personality or things he had done in the past.
Ok, Im rambling now. But I woke up this morning with the thought that this will be the day that I focus on me and try to put all this prediction stuff on a shelf and just live my life. If he comes back great. But Im tired of holding my breath and waiting and watching for stuff to happen. But I sure hope that someday soon I can come here and tell you all that everything turned out like they said it would. Or at least that I met someone that swept me off my feet and Im not sitting alone every night anymore. UGH, so sick of that.
Anyway, you guys have a great day.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2011, 01:20:42 AM »
4ever: Im picky too lol!! I've met 2  guys since me and my ex have broken up and all had no connection what so ever! They were nice but I didn't see anything long term developing...then there was another guy I work with...we talked all the time at work through the instant msger system on Outlook and became really good friends. He had a gf and I don't date ppl I work with (he was an exception though after a while) so I didn't think anything of it...but his gf broke up with him (she always dogs him out but he stays with her. Why,idk!) so then me and him started talking a little outside of work and eventually started hanging out but he made it clear that he didn't know what the future held with him and his ex so he didn't want to string me along. I understood and appreciated it! It helped me not invest my feelings into him. Honestly, he would had been the perfect guy for me.(aside from my ex) He's funny,handsome,smart,a go getter,a gentlemen...everything a girl could want! But can't have him because he's not emotional available ya know? So since Jan, he is the ONLY guy I've met who has made me forget my ex and WANT to move on. Everyone else are duds lol

In general, I always felt like my ex was my SM from our first date and I honestly think he might have felt the same way. After our first date, he was ALREADY making plans for our weekend,before we even walked out of the restaurant lol. Our connection was so strong. Since high school to now (im 24), I have NEVER felt that connection with not ONE of my bf's or even someone I dated. I remember after our first date, I called my mom right when I got in the car and when she picked up the phone I said "Mom! He's perfect"...I just want that feeling back. I mean doesn't it mean something that our connection was so strong!? Well to me it does but guess not him. From last time I saw/heard, he has a gf (some rebound chick..started dating her right after we broke up). He confided in me a month after our break up that even though he was with this girl, he missed me, always thought about me, wasn't over and that I didn't compare to her...he even suggested we get together and talk about things..I of course said yes because I loved him and wanted us to work out our issues (mainly communication and a little of his selfishness but that's another story lol)...but 2 days later when i texted him and asked him when he'd like to get together he told me " I was thinking and Ima try to work things out with this girl". WHAT! I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed! Like how dare you come to ME and say you wanted to talk about wasn't MY idea, it was HIS! and then 2 days later your feelings just change? I for sure told him how wrong he was for that, how this chick is only a rebound because he's scared to be alone (in my opinion) and how he doesn't like her because if he did he wouldn't had been telling me all he did. Also told him how could he say he wanted to get together after he knew how i felt and he knew I wanted us to be back together and then just leave me in the cold!IMO, He could had at least gotten together with me,talked about it then said "hey you know what, it's not gonna work" but to say lets do this then change your mind 2 DAYS later. I was definitely mad and he knew I was....and ever since then, he's ignored my last two texts to him within these 9 months (one to say happy bday and the other to see how he was)

I always feel like I get the short end of the matter how much I try...I'm always on the losing end.

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2011, 04:00:49 PM »
"These are the high priced psychics with the most testimonials of predictions coming true"

Please do not be deceived by the pricing of each psychic.... some of the lower-priced psychics have been more accurate for me.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Intro and semi-story
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2011, 04:02:34 PM »
Like who CSK ?

