Author Topic: What to do?  (Read 21278 times)

Offline LiveLaughLove

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What to do?
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:24:56 PM »
Hi All,

I've been following this discussion board since about April or May and alot of the stories that are told are inspiring..but sometimes disappointing when predictions come to pass for others. No I'm not bitter but I've been contacting psychics from Feb (about) and every one I've spoken too (on Keen mostly) have said I was going to hear from my ex every month...Since Feb, I hear that my ex should had contacted me in April,May,June,July and now Aug.

This week,I contacted 1 psychic on CP, one on Contact Psychics (Raven Star) and both said I will hear from my ex this Fall...Sept/Oct. I'm just so tired of being told this stuff and nothing happens. I know that timelines need to be taken with a grain of salt but it pisses me off that everyone elses predictions come true and mine never do. All that I can think of that explains it is either I have bad luck, Im cursed( my mom hates when I say that but alot of stuff NEVER goes my way now matter how much time and effort I put into it) or he's not coming back and I'm being lied too. I've been told twice that my ex won't be coming back which is depressing but when I compare what others say, me being told he is coming back outweighs the two who said he isn't. Catiana (sp) from Ellen's group predicted in June that in Aug I will hear from my we'll see...a few more wks left. I decided that I am going to call one more; Julia from CP (based on a few recommendations from a thread) and that's it. If by Sept my ex hasn't even CONTACTED me, then I decided Im going to give up and we obviously aren't meant to be together. I believe we all have more than one soul mate and I feel my ex is definitely one of mine..but maybe not the one I'm suppose to be..which is depressing because I want so much for him to be it. I never felt this way about anybody I've dated or been in a relationship with so this whole situation is devastating..makes me not want to fall in love again.

Fortunately (kinda), I'm dating someone now and he seems like he definitely sees something serious coming out of this (last night he invited me to a wedding in Oct in TN..he'd buy my ticket and all that. We live in Cali). The only thing about him is our dating situation has been shaky because there are some things I don't care for in what he does..but he has gotten better so I figured I'd just see where it goes. I would hate to be in a situation with this guy and my ex comes back but at that time I might not want him anymore. Btw, not ONE psychic predicted that I'd meet him...not even the ones who said "no your ex isn't coming back". I asked them "then when is someone going to come in my life even if I just date;not a relationship" and they both say basically next year.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my mini story..and how I'm feeling. I hope things work out for everyone else...and eventually me too...

Offline vanyct

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2011, 01:30:57 AM »
I don't think you have bad luck, it just maybe that your particular situation is more complicated than other peoples. The predictions that the psychics made for me have not come to pass either. I mainly read with PS but I've also read with a few from Keen (none from Keen were very good). From what I read of other people's posts, those that have had predictions come true, the predictions were of small things like getting a text message or a phone call, I don't think I have seen one post saying that the big prediction came true. There is no guarantee that what the psychics have told you is the truth, especially if you've gotten different stories from them. I don't think you should sit atound waiting for ur ex,first because you don't want to give him that much power and second because you don't know for certain whether what they are saying is true. You don't want to thRow away a good possibility, I speak from experience.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2011, 02:09:47 AM »
Mine is pretty complicated too and while I've had contact timelines come to pass, "the big one" has not. He is still attached to me in little ways, won't let me go completely but sure doesn't give me much to hold on to these days. Completely has me freaked out about a comment he made via email an hour ago. Some days I wish someone else would come into my life and get me off this damn roller coaster! Guy at work seems mildly interested but I don't want to initiate anything.

Anyway, you are not the only one. <hugs>

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2011, 08:33:31 PM »
Vancyt:Well I haven't even had small predictions come to pass. All my predictions that have been made is that he will contact me in this specific time and we'd be together later on...still haven't heard from none of my predictions have come to pass.

Maybe mine is more complicated than others which still sucks but oh well I guess.
As far as sitting and waiting for my ex, I'm not as I'm dating someone..I don't feel that it will be long term but at least I'm out there and being kind of distracted from the situation from my ex...Anyway though, I plan on giving up on us after Oct when the last prediction is suppose to happen...I'm just hurting myself right now.

SunandMoon:Thanks :) Hugs back!

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2011, 10:16:54 PM »
At least you are putting yourself out there! I am still petrified to. I don't want to drag someone else into my hurt world at the moment. I'd sure like a good friend though, I really miss that.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 01:49:33 AM »
I know how you feel SunandMoon..I felt like that too...What made me want to date others and this is selfish but I wanted to have a distraction from my ex and looking for someone to replace him..but all I found out is there is nobody that will replace him..except for my coworker who I have a great connection with but that's another story! lol

Offline cosmo11

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2011, 03:54:33 AM »
I know how you guys feel..I mourned the loss of my ex for 6 years. In that 6 years he would contact me every month or so..usually drunk. Even if he wasn't drunk..he was still bitter on the phone towards me. Well, in January I finally decided that I truly had to let him go from my heart. I just accepted that he was never going to come back and even if he did..I didn't want him anyways cause I knew I deserved better. (There's a love out there for you who will never abandon you!!) I completely ignored him for 8 months. Well, anyways, NOW he wants to come back into my life over 6 years later. So it's true that if you let them go they will come back if it's true love. But, like I said I don't want him anymore. There's someone out there for you that will make you so happy and grateful that you DIDN'T end up with your ex. Warm hugs from my heart to all of yours!

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2011, 02:18:10 PM »
Mine is not bitter towards me though. In his only drunken state that I saw, he told me he loved me, missed me and wanted to make things better. If he was mean and bitter I'd sure give up on him. But knowing he loves me and is too afraid to do anything about it doesn't make it that much better - end result is the same - we're both alone.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2011, 05:21:51 PM »
Thanks Cosmo :)!!

Offline cosmo11

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2011, 07:48:35 PM »
I just read your story sunandmoon..I can see why it's hard with your love. Not to mention confusing for you. I can't remember what psychic I was talking to(i think dezi), but I was telling her about my ex and how I cut the cord and now he wants to come back. She told me that when you remove your energy it creates some sort of vacuum and your ex can't feel you anymore and it kind of sucks them back in. They panic once they know that you're done with it. Because, for me at least, I know my ex wanted me to be there if he decided he wanted to be with me. Idk, it worked for me..but your situation is different. I hope your love comes around.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2011, 08:21:34 PM »
Cosmo I agree with you because I've been in that situation before. Before I met my ex, I was dealing with this one guy and we fell out because he was being a a-hole so I cut it off.  The day after I cut him off, I met my then boyfriend and we were together ever since. The guy I was dealing with contacted me three months later saying he was sorry and all that...I forgave him but kept on with my relationship. Even after me and my ex broke up, I didn't deal with the other guy and I swear every month like clockwork he contacts me to say Hi and he was thinking about me and wanted to see how I was!! Funny how that goes! He didn't care when I was trying to have patience with him and trying to work things out but now that I give him no time of day, he wants to "check up on me".

But it's hard to just let go sometimes..I know for me it is with my ex....but Im starting to do that right now...hopefully I can keep it up!!

Offline cosmo11

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2011, 01:38:21 AM »
livelaughlove, you totally can do it! I know it's hard to let took me 6 YEARS haha from when I was 17 to 23 I was devastated. I also got scammed and paid for love spells when I was young (i was desperate). My ex and I dated for 4 years..we were inseparable. It's like a death when someone leaves who was super close to you. So I get it! I just really kept telling myself that he wasn't coming back and I finally accepted that. Every time I thought of him would come into my head I would just push it out of my mind. It felt good to feel powerful again..and to know that the ball is in my court now. lol. It'll be interesting to see if your ex comes back after this. I truly believe that the majority of the people on here will have their ex's come back into their lives eventually because we wouldn't be calling psychics if there wasn't a strong soul connection.

sunandmoon, I also agree with you! It sounds like you have surrendered and will let whatever comes come..and I'm sure he will come back at some point. The 'when' is the tricky part

Just either of you have dreams about your ex's?

I'll be keeping both of you in my prayers <3

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2011, 02:02:09 AM »
OMG! Cosmo I feel you!! I purchased love spells myself and was scammed...I even bought some books to do my own spells and nothing ever worked...We weren't together for that long but we had a STRONG connection from day one and I never felt that way towards ANYBODY I dated or been in a relationship with so I knew it was something special you know? Like you said, if it wasn't something special and a soul connection (from my opinion); I wouldn't waste my money on psychics. (I say I'm wasting my money because nothing has come to pass...yet)

I use to have dreams about my ex right after we broke up. It was like a story line. The first dream was me reaching out to him and trying to talk to him and he wasn't having it. He said he'd call me back and I waited by the phone for his call...&he didn't call THEN next dream (maybe a month later) it was him calling me back and his sister in the background who I never met btw, saying Joe, work out things with her. Forget this other chick your with,she's nobody. Next dream I had ( a couple months later) was him telling me how much he missed me and wanting to be with me..and last dream I had (probably in beg of July) I was pregnant and I went into labor when I was out and about shopping so whoever I was with called the ambulance and once I got to the hospital my mom came in my room and I asked her "where's Joe?" because he was the baby's father..which wasn't revealed in the dream until I asked my mom about him. Very weird!! I always felt like my dreams meant something as far as how things were going to come about but maybe,maybe not..Those dream books say dreams about ex's are about other stuff, not what's gonna happen with them..alot having to do with the person in your life at the moment&how your ex effects the relationship but when I was having those dreams, there was nobody so I was confused!

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2011, 02:06:31 AM »
Hi Cosmo, I have surrendered best I can but I know I have not let him go completely. I am still not "me" and maybe I need to let go more to get myself back. I am much better than last year though. This whole episode has knocked me flat on my butt and cost me a small fortune between work, psychics and therapy sessions. And now I am asking others for help around the house which I absolutely hate doing. SM keeps offering but he never comes through, and I don't want to be the yet another person in his life making demands on him so I let it slide. I know if we are back together he'll drive me nuts with all he does - and this time I'll accept it much better.

Dreams? Are you kidding? I used to sleep 5 hrs a night at best and I did it all at once. This of course has killed my sleep so I do stay in bed longer trying to get those 5 now sporadic hours. But I dream. OMG do I dream. They go in spurts now and somethings I "ask" to be shown things. Sometimes I find they kick in again if I sleep in the sunroom. I have had prophetic dreams about him and us and I have had dreams so vivid I swore it was real (and cried when I woke up to discover it wasn't). I can lie down up to 12 hours a day now in the hopes I will dream. I am more addicted to dreams than psychics. But I am rarely tired at work anymore.  :)

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2011, 02:08:13 AM »
Cosmo11, I am a bit confused. Did you say that your ex did come back to you? Was this predicted? And are the two of you together now?