It really doesn't matter if he is here, gone or whatever. Your life needs to be the best possible one for you. You are the only one who is going to be with you and in you from the moment you are born until the moment you die. Everyone and everything else is temporary. You need to get it together for you.
This ex didn't "get her hooks into him". They are together because they want to be. He could pack a bag and take an Uber/plane/train or whatever to your place if that is what he wanted. Stop getting readings on their love life and focus on YOUR life, not theirs.
Get your shit together. Whatever you want in a man, you have to be the kind of woman a man like that would be attracted to. Right now your theme shirt is saying "I want a man who doesn't have me as a priority, who would rather be with someone else, who can come in and out of my life as he pleases and I'll take anything he dishes out because I'm desperate to have a man". Is that really what you are and want? If it is, keep putting it out there.