LOA came from Abraham-Hicks...better known among Seth readers as Abrascam, because it is a huge marketing scam and a pathetic ripoff of the Seth material.
Actually the LOA Is much much older, goes to the times of before the bible, It has roots all the way back to Plato and beyond. Plato said "“likes tend towards likes.” Which we know as "like attracts like".
Mark 11:24, Jesus says “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”
In Mathew 7:7-9 he says (7) “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (
For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (9) Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone?…”
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” - Buddha
The New Thought Movement began in the 1800's, That is about when the term "law of attraction" was first used. Books like "A man thinkith" were written in 1902, By James Allen. "Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" was published in 1906 by William Walker Atkinson. There are many others. Neville Goddard wrote books from 1940s on ward and his teaching are popularized now. Also during that time "The Seven Hermetic Principles" were published which also includes LOA and is based on Hermes Trismegistus, which pre dates Jesus.
These aren't new concepts, LOA works. The problem is many people who try to use them think they are doing what they are supposed to but aren't. I use LOA all the time, it has always worked for me. I taught others how to use it, they have transformed their lives, I know people I have met along life's path that have used it and have be also extremely successful. The biggest problem is that people think or want to believe they have raised their vibration and let it go, but haven't.
"Research into quantum mechanics has shown that the act of observing reality creates it. Attempting to observe something causes it to appear out of the nothing. By the same token, if you are not aware of something…it does not exist in your subjective reality. In addition, the so-called placebo effect has indicated that positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results. Furthermore, the work of Dossey and others, have shown that prayer has an effect whether the recipient is aware of it or not.
LOA has also gained support of it's effects in the medical community, "these findings offer promise of positive thinking as an approach for psychological interventions designed to promote life satisfaction" Positive-Thinking and Life Satisfaction amongst Koreans - Ji Young Jung, Yonsei Medical Journal and also published on NCBI. Scientists working at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at the Institute of Neurology in London have discovered that people who visualize a better future are more likely to be able to bring that future into existence. Affirmations are support by the psychology community, then there is the whole topic on Mirror Neurons and how they work, down to genetics, people can be predisposed to negative thinking based on their genetics, but that doesn't mean they can't over come them.
I can write so much more on this topic. but no, this isn't a marketing scam, it boils down to raising your vibration and letting go once you set out what you want, and letting go can be the hardest part. Because many fear if they let go they will lose it. Whether you realize it or not, you use LOA on a daily basis, you create your reality, and things in your life. It took me a while to figure it all out to work the way i wanted it to for me.
You are convoluting a lot of different ideas and philosophies that have nothing to do with each other. Those Bible verses are about having faith in God and trusting that God will provide for your needs. NOT about using your own thoughts or energy to attract what you want, but instead relying on God, and trusting and believing that it will be done so you don't need to "figure it all out to work" the way you want it to work.
"You create your own reality" is from the Seth material and it has nothing to do with law of attraction. Seth spoke against conventional positive thinking and he explained how we can examine our deeper beliefs to understand what we create. This is why law of attraction ends up not working for people, because what we think we believe is often not what we genuinely believe in, deep down, and no amount of high vibration or positive thinking will override that. Unfortunately Seth's concepts were watered down and bastardized by people like Esther Hicks and many others, who profit off of repackaging the material into feel-good soundbytes that skip over a deeper analysis into how you actually create your reality.
I'm sorry but you are incorrect, creating your own reality is LOA and it's concepts are as old as time, they may go by different names, but they are essentially all the same things. The bible actually does have a lot to do with LOA, if you took a moment and listened/read to Neville Goddard you would know he takes the whole bible and breaks it down into energy and vibrations. Most of these "ideas" all have the same base. No different than religion, in the end the concepts are the same, just the vehicle to get there may differ. You create your reality, is What you seek is seeking you - Rumi, It's all the same things in different wrappers. Seth didn't obtain these concepts on his own. Catherine Ponder wrote The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity in 1962 which is all about creating your own reality. "What we think we become" is the exact meaning of creating your own reality. Seth "coined" the phrase, but didn't create the concept. The concept has been around for ages.
You don't have to have "faith" in a particular system of beliefs for LOA to work for you. YOu do have to have faith in yourself. Most people who try practice these concepts get it wrong, thinking they are doing it right. The most important thing here is to have self love first, sure you can manifest the small things without it, but the bigger picture it's harder, because you need faith in yourself., self love. People will say "oh i did all of this and it didn't work " Well, from experience, I will say people think they have let go of situations, and convince themselves that they have, but are in denial. It's obvious to others around them by their actions. Wanting to let go of something, thinking you have and actually doing it are very different but often confused for one of the same. The importance of self love is not placing anything or anyone above you and your needs , it's learning to put yourself first. In a plane you're told to put the oxygen mask on first before you help anyone with theirs. There's a good reason for it, you can't help someone if you can't breath. Same goes with self love, you can't expect others to love you if you don't love yourself, we teach others how to love us, you can't help anyone in your life unless you're at 100% as well.
When you look at many situations about a particular POI, often many times we give up on them and moved on and they return. Because in that moment we had finally and truly let go. 'what you resist persists -Rumi" you were resisting letting go. If you look at quantum energy, whatever relationship you form in your life, you have you, that person and then your combined quantum energy. If you feel fear of losing that person, anger towards them, it feeds it to that relationship, whether friend, family or lover. They on a conscious level may not feel it, but they do on an energetic level. How many times have you thought of a person and then they call you? That's LOA, Quantum energy at work. A lot of psychic ability is tapping into that energy. Energy is influenced by thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes we think LOA isn't working when it is, we may miss signs, dismiss them or not associate with them, People put time on something that doesn't observe time, Or are too focused on the how it's going to happen, instead of letting things happen, people have unrealistic exceptions and think it works like a magic lamp. So if you want say a job in marketing at a specific firm, you still have to put yourself out there, and apply for jobs, but that job at the firm may not come to you in a traditional manner. So say you put out the intention that you want to work at ABC firm. Sure send them a resume, but if they reject you that doesn't mean it didn't work. That means that is not the way you're going to get there. So you put your intention out there and let it go. You take a job somewhere else. It's not as wonderful but it pays the bills. YOu have a great relationship with one of your clients, you discover that they decided to take their business to ABC firm, but they really like you and put in a word with the company and next thing you know you have a job there. Or you meet someone and become friends, and you're at a gathering and hit it off with someone, later to learn they work for ABC company and they liked you and offer you an interview. People hold on to the hows when they should let them go.
To build your confidence in the LOA start with small things that don't matter. Like how many people in yellow tshirts you'll see, or manifest a sale. I have become the Queen of manifesting sales and getting the last one of what ever it is. It's a joke in my family. It's also because i have now began to believe it, so it is so. it is my reality. This is why superstitions happen for many people, because they believe that they will have bad luck for 7 years if they break a mirror, they create that reality for themselves. Then start manifesting other things into your reality, what this does is not only build confidence but builds faith in yourself and the energy you are using.
There is a reason they say never share your desires with people, because their energy can effect you and the situation and/or person you are trying to manifest into your reality. Having numerous psychic readings is counterproductive, because you are sending the energy of doubt and non belief into the universe. Sure, get one reading, from someone you trust on how this person feels and if there is potential. Then stop. Then do your POI manifestation practice. What many don't realize its self sabotaging. And why self love is so important, because you need to reprogram your brain from out dated beliefs and know you are worthy of all of this. There are many things and steps you can take to make your dreams a reality, but it always starts within you. Think of a car, doesn't matter how amazing it looks on the outside, if the engine isn't maintained then it just sits there and looks pretty, but does get you from A to B.